/** * mouse (, { , }) -> Blocks any skill, item and walking requests. [Masao] * : 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled. * : Duration in milliseconds. * : Characters Account ID. **/ BUILDIN_FUNC(mouse) { int type, id; unsigned int duration; TBL_PC *sd = NULL; if( script_hasdata(st,2) ) type = 1; else type = 0; if( script_hasdata(st,3) ) duration = 1000*duration; else duration = 0; if( script_hasdata(st,4) ) sd=map_id2sd(script_getnum(st,4)); // else sd=script_rid2sd(st); // Attached player if( sd == NULL ) return 0; switch(type){ case 1: ; // Block usage of skills, items and walking. default: ; // Enables usage of skills, items and walking. } return 0; }