/*========================================================= @party by Glitch [Via] =========================================================== Description: Allows party creation by atcommand (@). Requies source mods for script commands 'makeparty' and 'leaveparty'. Can be used as a charcommand (#) as well. Special thanks to Haruna for providing the necessary source modifications to make this functional. =========================================================*/ - script modparty -1,{ OnMakeParty: // Intialize party name .@partyname$ = .@atcmd_parameters$[0]; // Determine if party name has a space if (getarraysize(.@atcmd_parameters$) > 1) { // Build the party name with additional strings until complete for (.@i = 1; .@i < getarraysize(.@atcmd_parameters$); .@i++) .@partyname$ += " "+ .@atcmd_parameters$[.@i]; } // Check if player is already in a party if (getcharid(1)) { message strcharinfo(0), "You are already in a party!"; message strcharinfo(0), "@party failed."; } // Check if no party name was input else if (.@partyname$ == "") { message strcharinfo(0), "Please input a party name (usage: @party )."; message strcharinfo(0), "@party failed."; } else { // Create the party makeparty .@partyname$; // Check if party creation was unsuccessful if (!getcharid(1)) { message strcharinfo(0), "@party failed."; end; } // Inform player of successful party creation message strcharinfo(0), "Party '"+ .@partyname$ +"' was successfully created."; } end; OnLeaveParty: // Check if player is not in a party if (!getcharid(1)) { message strcharinfo(0), "You are not in a party!"; message strcharinfo(0), "@leaveparty failed."; } else { // Leave the party leaveparty; // Inform player of successful party leave message strcharinfo(0), "You have left the party."; } end; OnWhisperGlobal: // Whisper anything to initialize settings message strcharinfo(0), strnpcinfo(1) +" : 'OnInit' label has been intialized."; OnInit: // Create commands @party and @leaveparty bindatcmd "party", strnpcinfo(3) +"::OnMakeParty", 0, 80; bindatcmd "leaveparty", strnpcinfo(3) +"::OnLeaveParty", 0, 80; end; }