// BOT POLICE 2.1 // By: Lucas M. // 1. Edit names and location as needed. // 2. Edit second marks as needed. // 3. Edit @adjgmlvl command as needed(for servers with GM LvL 1 players). // 4. @jailfor works differently for different servers. Adjust appropriately. // 5. When testing on your lvl 99 GM, note that @adjgmlvl has been set to 0. Relog to refresh your commands. prontera,124,210,6 script Police 884,{ if (getgmlevel() >= 60) goto L_AdminPolice; mes "[Police]"; mes "Good day."; close; L_AdminPolice: mes "[Police]"; mes "Please input the name of a"; mes "player you would like to"; mes "superimpose a check on."; next; input @NAME$; if(isloggedin(getcharid(3,@NAME$))==0) goto L_Notlogged; mes "[Police]"; mes "The player is online. An"; mes "interrogation is underway."; close2; attachrid(getcharid(3,@NAME$)); // Targetted Player Pop-Up Message attachnpctimer strcharinfo(0); initnpctimer; atcommand "@adjgmlvl -1 "+strcharinfo(0)+""; // Leave this alone. mes "[Staff]"; mes "Manditory bot check in progress."; set @botcode,rand (1111,9999); mes "You have ^B4040460 seconds^000000 seconds to"; mes "input the following code:"; mes "[ ^5FB404"+@botcode+"^000000 ]"; input @exitnum; if (@exitnum == @botcode) goto L_Correct; if (@exitnum != @botcode) goto L_Wrong; close; OnTimer10000: //10 second mark. dispbottom "50 seconds to comply or risk being jailed."; end; OnTimer20000: //20 second mark. dispbottom "40 seconds to comply or risk being jailed."; end; OnTimer30000: //30 second mark. dispbottom "30 seconds to comply or risk being jailed."; end; OnTimer40000: //40 second mark. dispbottom "20 seconds to comply or risk being jailed."; end; OnTimer50000: //50 second mark. dispbottom "10 seconds to comply or risk being jailed."; end; OnTimer55000: //55 second mark. dispbottom "5 seconds to comply."; end; OnTimer56000: //56 second mark. dispbottom "4 seconds to comply."; end; OnTimer57000: //57 second mark. dispbottom "3 seconds to comply."; end; OnTimer58000: //58 second mark. dispbottom "2 seconds to comply."; end; OnTimer59000: //59 second mark. dispbottom "1 second to comply."; end; OnTimer60000: //60 second mark. stopnpctimer; atcommand "@adjgmlvl 0 "+strcharinfo(0)+""; // Sets to GM LvL 0. //-------------------------------------------------------------------// // 3 hours jail time for not responding in 60 seconds. // (mh = month, dy = day, hr = hour, mn = minute) atcommand "@jailfor 0mh0dy3hr0mn "+strcharinfo(0)+""; end; //-------------------------------------------------------------------// L_Notlogged: mes "[Police]"; mes "That person is not logged in."; close; L_Wrong: next; mes "[Staff]"; mes "This is your second attempt."; set @botcode,rand (1111,9999); mes "You have ^B40404less than a minute^000000"; mes "to input the following code:"; mes "[ ^DF7401"+@botcode+"^000000 ]"; input @exitnum; if (@exitnum == @botcode) goto L_Correct; if (@exitnum != @botcode) goto L_WrongLastTry; close; L_WrongLastTry: next; mes "[Staff]"; mes "This is your last chance."; set @botcode,rand (1111,9999); mes "You have ^B40404less than a minute^000000"; mes "to input the following code:"; mes "[ ^DF0101"+@botcode+"^000000 ]"; input @exitnum; if (@exitnum == @botcode) goto L_Correct; close2; mes "[Staff]"; mes "You have failed the test."; stopnpctimer; sleep2 1000; atcommand "@adjgmlvl 0 "+strcharinfo(0)+""; // Sets to GM LvL 0. sleep2 1000; //-------------------------------------------------------------------// // 3 hours jail time for inputting the incorrect code three times. // (mh = month, dy = day, hr = hour, mn = minute) atcommand "@jailfor 0mh0dy3hr0mn "+strcharinfo(0)+""; end; //-------------------------------------------------------------------// L_Correct: next; stopnpctimer; atcommand "@adjgmlvl 0 "+strcharinfo(0)+""; // Sets to GM LvL 0. percentheal 100,100; sc_start SC_BLESSING,300000,10; sc_start SC_INCREASEAGI,300000,10; specialeffect2 EF_BLESSING; specialeffect2 EF_INCAGILITY; mes "[Police]"; mes "You passed. Thank you for your time."; close; } // Jail Cell 1. sec_pri,57,83,4 script Jail Time#1::Jail Time 738,{ mes "[Jail Time]"; mes "You have been caught botting."; mes "Please wait for your sentence"; mes "to play out or contact a GM."; atcommand "@jailtime "+strcharinfo(0)+""; close; } //Jail Cell 2. sec_pri,32,83,4 duplicate(Jail Time) Jail Time#2 738