geass,106,112,3 script Faction Manager 540,{ set .@n$,"[^DC143C Faction Manager ^000000]"; mes .@n$; mes "Hello."; next; goto L_Topmenu; L_Topmenu: mes .@n$; mes "What would you like to do?"; switch(select("» Learn about faction:» Faction Requirements:» Available Factions:» Set my faction:» Exit")) { case 1: next; mes .@n$; mes "When you are in a faction."; mes "You will recieve a bonus power effects."; mes "and There are currently 3 Faction type Registered in the server."; next; mes .@n$; mes "Every faction type has a corresponding bonus power effects."; mes "and As long as you are in the faction you chose the effect will not expire/gone"; mes "not unless you decided to reset your faction type."; next; menu "I'd like to see the benefits.",L_ChooseEffect,"Back to MainMenu",L_Topmenu; next; mes .@n$; mes "Choose one Below"; mes "to see the effect of each faction..."; L_ChooseEffect: switch(select("» Argonian:» Guardian:» Slayer:» Back to MainMenu")){ case 1: next; mes "[^DC143C Argonians ^000000] :"; mes "Strength + 10"; mes "Walking Speed + 30%"; mes "Reduced to Demi-Humans + 5%"; goto L_ChooseEffect; case 2: next; mes "[^DC143C Guardians ^000000] :"; mes "Vitality + 10"; mes "Walking Speed + 20%"; mes "Reduced to Demi-Humans + 5%"; goto L_ChooseEffect; case 3: next; mes "[^DC143C Slayers ^000000] :"; mes "Dexterity + 10"; mes "Walking Speed + 10%"; mes "Reduced to Demi-Humans + 5%"; goto L_ChooseEffect; case 4: next; goto L_Topmenu; } next; case 2: next; mes .@n$; mes "The requirements for registering a faction type is.."; mes " "; mes "(^DC143C 1 ^000000) - [^DC143C Faction Ticket ^000000]"; mes " "; next; goto L_Topmenu; case 3: next; mes "Available factions are : "; mes "[====================]"; mes "» ^FF0000Argonian^000000"; mes "[====================]"; mes "» ^009900Guardian^000000"; mes "[====================]"; mes "» ^0000FFSlayer^000000"; next; goto L_Topmenu; case 4: next; if(#factionhave) { mes .@n$; mes "Seems like you already have a faction"; next; mes .@n$; mes "However you may reset them by visiting our Faction Reset NPC."; next; mes .@n$; mes "But please take note that resetting a faction is not free so expect an unexpected."; close; }else{ if(countitem(25475) > 0){ mes .@n$; mes "Choose your faction"; mes "you want to be in"; menu "» Argonians",L_Argonians,"» Guardians",L_Guardians,"» Slayers",L_Slayers; }else{ mes "You dont have a [^DC143C Faction Ticket ^000000]"; mes "to perform the registration."; close; } } case 5: close; } L_Argonians: next; mes "As you selected the [ ^FF0000Argonian^000000 ] faction."; mes "You will recieve the following effects"; mes " "; mes " - "; mes " - "; menu "Proceed",L_Tuloy,"Cancel",L_Wag; L_Tuloy: progressbar "green",3; next; specialeffect2 380; next; specialeffect2 91; next; specialeffect2 72; setfaction 1; setlook 7,165; delitem 25475,1; getitem 25374,1; equip 25374; specialeffect2 338; set #factionhave,1; mes "Congratulations !"; mes "You are now a [ ^FF0000Argonian^000000 ] Member"; announce "[ "+strcharinfo(0)+" ] Has registered as [ Argonian ] Member.",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end; L_Guardians: next; mes "As you selected the [ ^009900Guardian^000000 ] faction."; mes "You will recieve the following effects"; mes " "; mes " - "; mes " - "; menu "Proceed",L_Tuloy2,"Cancel",L_Wag; L_Tuloy2: progressbar "green",3; next; specialeffect2 380; next; specialeffect2 91; next; specialeffect2 72; setfaction 2; setlook 7,389; delitem 25475,1; getitem 25377,1; equip 25377; specialeffect2 338; set #factionhave,1; mes "Congratulations !"; mes "You are now a [ ^009900Guardian^000000 ] Member"; announce "[ "+strcharinfo(0)+" ] Has registered as [ Guardian ] Member.",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end; L_Slayers: next; mes "As you selected the [ ^0000FFSlayer^000000 ] faction."; mes "You will recieve the following effects"; mes " "; mes " - "; mes " - "; menu "Proceed",L_Tuloy3,"Cancel",L_Wag; L_Tuloy3: progressbar "green",3; next; specialeffect2 380; next; specialeffect2 91; next; specialeffect2 72; setfaction 3; setlook 7,366; delitem 25475,1; getitem 25369,1; equip 25369; set #factionhave,1; mes "Congratulations !"; mes "You are now a [ ^0000FFSlayer^000000 ] Member"; announce "[ "+strcharinfo(0)+" ] Has registered as [ Slayer ] Member.",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end; L_Wag: next; goto L_Topmenu; } // Resetting Faction geass,110,112,3 script Faction Reset Manager 541,{ set .@np$,"[^DC143C Reset Faction ^000000]"; mes .@np$; mes "Do you like to reset your faction?"; next; menu "» Yes",L_Yes,"» How to Reset ?",L_ReqItems; L_Yes: next; mes .@np$; mes "Please Choose your current faction"; next; menu "» Argonians",L_ArgoRes,"» Guardians",L_GuardRes,"» Slayers",L_SlayRes; // == Require Items Information Message == L_ReqItems: next; mes .@np$; mes "You need to bring the following items :"; mes " "; mes "(^DC143C 1 ^000000) - ^DC143C"+getitemname(25476)+"^000000"; next; mes .@np$; mes "Lastly before i forgot"; mes "Please wear the Costume Headgear that [^DC143C Faction Manager ^000000] gave to you after the faction registration.."; mes "So we can procceed to the Resetting."; close; // == End Require Items Information Message == L_ArgoRes: mes .@np$; mes "I see, so you are [ ^FF0000Argonians^000000 ]"; next; mes .@np$; mes "Do you really want to reset your faction?"; menu "Reset now.",L_ArgoDel; L_GuardRes: mes .@np$; mes "I see, so you are [ ^009900Guardians^000000 ]"; next; mes .@np$; mes "Do you really want to reset your faction?"; menu "Reset now.",L_GuardDel; L_SlayRes: mes .@np$; mes "I see, so you are [ ^0000FFSlayers^000000 ]"; next; mes .@np$; mes "Do you really want to reset your faction?"; menu "Reset now.",L_SlayDel; // == Argonians Deletion == // ======================== L_ArgoDel: next; mes " "; mes " "; mes "^008800Cheking Headgear^000000...."; next; mes " "; mes " "; if(getequipid(EQI_COSTUME_HEAD_TOP) == 25374) { mes "^0000FF"+getitemname(25374)+"^000000 : ^FF00001/1^000000"; }else{ mes "^0000FF"+getitemname(25374)+"^000000 : ^FF00000/1^000000"; goto L_Pleasewear; } next; mes " "; mes " "; mes "^008800Cheking Requirements^000000...."; next; mes " "; mes " "; if(countitem(25476) > 0 ) { mes "^0000FF"+getitemname(25476)+"^000000 : ^FF0000"+countitem(25476)+"/1^000000"; }else{ mes "^0000FF"+getitemname(501)+"^000000 : ^FF0000"+countitem(501)+"/1^000000"; goto L_NotEnuf; } next; mes "Procceed to reset?"; menu "Yes",L_ArgoFinish,"Cancel",L_Cancel; L_ArgoFinish: progressbar "green",3; setfaction 10; setlook 7,1; set #factionhave,0; delitem 25374,1; delitem 25476,1; announce "[ "+strcharinfo(0)+" ] Resets his Faction Type.",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end; // == Guardians Deletion == // ======================== L_GuardDel: next; mes " "; mes " "; mes "^008800Cheking Headgear^000000...."; next; mes " "; mes " "; if(getequipid(EQI_COSTUME_HEAD_TOP) == 25377) { mes "^0000FF"+getitemname(25377)+"^000000 : ^FF00001/1^000000"; }else{ mes "^0000FF"+getitemname(25377)+"^000000 : ^FF00000/1^000000"; goto L_Pleasewear; } next; mes " "; mes " "; mes "^008800Cheking Requirements^000000...."; next; mes " "; mes " "; if(countitem(25476) > 0 ) { mes "^0000FF"+getitemname(25476)+"^000000 : ^FF0000"+countitem(25476)+"/1^000000"; }else{ mes "^0000FF"+getitemname(25476)+"^000000 : ^FF0000"+countitem(25476)+"/1^000000"; goto L_NotEnuf; } next; mes "Procceed to reset?"; menu "Yes",L_GuardFinish,"Cancel",L_Cancel; L_GuardFinish: progressbar "green",3; setfaction 10; setlook 7,1; set #factionhave,0; delitem 25377,1; delitem 25476,1; announce "[ "+strcharinfo(0)+" ] Resets his Faction Type.",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end; // == Slayers Deletion == // ======================== L_SlayDel: next; mes " "; mes " "; mes "^008800Cheking Headgear^000000...."; next; mes " "; mes " "; if(getequipid(EQI_COSTUME_HEAD_TOP) == 25369) { mes "^0000FF"+getitemname(25369)+"^000000 : ^FF00001/1^000000"; }else{ mes "^0000FF"+getitemname(25369)+"^000000 : ^FF00000/1^000000"; goto L_Pleasewear; } next; mes " "; mes " "; mes "^008800Cheking Requirements^000000...."; next; mes " "; mes " "; if(countitem(25476) > 0 ) { mes "^0000FF"+getitemname(25476)+"^000000 : ^FF0000"+countitem(25476)+"/1^000000"; }else{ mes "^0000FF"+getitemname(25476)+"^000000 : ^FF0000"+countitem(25476)+"/1^000000"; goto L_NotEnuf; } next; mes "Procceed to reset?"; menu "Yes",L_SlayFinish,"Cancel",L_Cancel; L_SlayFinish: progressbar "green",3; setfaction 10; setlook 7,1; set #factionhave,0; delitem 25369,1; delitem 25476,1; announce "[ "+strcharinfo(0)+" ] Resets his Faction Type.",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end; L_NotEnuf: next; mes "[^FF0000 WARNING ^000000] :"; mes " "; mes "You are lack of Items Required for Performing the Reset."; mes "Come back to me, When you completed them.."; close; L_Pleasewear: next; mes "[^FF0000 WARNING ^000000] :"; mes ""; mes "Please wear your"; mes "( Faction Type )Headgear 1st Before we proceed."; close; L_Cancel: mes .@np$; mes "Lol, we're almost there.."; mes "Anyways.. come back when you already decided.."; close; }