//===== eAthena Script ======================================= //= Dewata Quests Script //===== By: ================================================== //= Chilly //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.0 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= Any Athena Version //===== Description: ========================================= //= Official quests for Dewata //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= 1.0 First Release //============================================================ dew_in01,15,49,5 script Chief of Dewata 540,{ if (checkweight(1101,2) == 0) { mes "^3355FFWait a second!"; mes "Right now, you're carrying"; mes "too many things with you."; mes "Please come back after"; mes "using the Kafra Service"; mes "to store some of your items.^000000"; close; } if (dewdungeon < 1) { mes "[Chief of Dewata]"; mes "Hello stranger, have you come to see the volcanic island of Krakatoa?"; next; switch(select("Yes.:Nope.")) { case 1: mes "[Chief of Dewata]"; mes "First you must do something for me."; next; set dewdungeon,1; mes "[Chief of Dewata]"; mes "Bring me ^0000FF15 Cendrawasih Feathers^000000, we need them to make hats for our tribe."; close; case 2: mes "[Chief of Dewata]"; mes "Then you must leave, foreigners bring trouble."; close; } } else if ((dewdungeon == 1) && (countitem(6405) >= 15)) { mes "[Chief of Dewata]"; mes "You make the chief proud, you may now travel to the volcanic island of Krakatoa."; next; mes "[Chief of Dewata]"; mes "Please keep this ^0000FFShining Cendrawasih Feather^000000 with you as proof that you are part of our tribe."; next; delitem 6405,15; getitem 6406,1; // Shining Cendrawasih Feather getitem 18520,1; // Jati Crown set dewdungeon,2; mes "[Chief of Dewata]"; mes "You may also take one of these hats with you for your fight against the plant monsters outside our village."; close; } else if ((dewdungeon == 1) && (countitem(6405) < 15)) { mes "[Chief of Dewata]"; mes "Where are the ^0000FF15 Cendrawasih Feathers^000000 i asked for?"; close; } else if (dewdungeon >= 2) { mes "[Chief of Dewata]"; mes "You may now travel to the volcanic island of Krakatoa."; next; mes "[Chief of Dewata]"; mes "Talk to the blacksmith on the field, he may have a weapon for you too."; close; } } dew_fild01,127,240,4 script Blacksmith#dew01 813,{ if (checkweight(13067,1) == 0) { mes "^3355FFWait a second!"; mes "Right now, you're carrying"; mes "too many things with you."; mes "Please come back after"; mes "using the Kafra Service"; mes "to store some of your items.^000000"; close; } if (dewdungeon < 2) { mes "[Blacksmith]"; mes "Nice weather we are having today."; next; mes "[Blacksmith]"; mes "Don't worry about me, these monsters are no match as long as I have this dagger!"; close; } else if (dewdungeon == 2) { mes "[Blacksmith]"; mes "Oh, you want this dagger too?"; next; mes "[Blacksmith]"; mes "It's annoying for me to make, but i'll do it."; next; set dewdungeon,3; mes "[Blacksmith]"; mes "Go to the volcanic island and get ^0000FF100 Comodo Leathers^000000 for me, I need to make the Hilt before anything else."; close; } else if ((dewdungeon == 3) && (countitem(6403) >= 100)) { mes "[Blacksmith]"; mes "Wow, you got 100 already. Let me forge this together for you."; next; delitem 6403,100; getitem 6404,1; // Kris_Hilt set dewdungeon,4; mes "[Blacksmith]"; mes "All done! Now to make the rest of the dagger i'll need ^0000FF100 more Comodo Leathers^000000. Don't keep me waiting!"; close; } else if ((dewdungeon == 3 || dewdungeon == 4) && (countitem(6403) < 100)) { mes "[Blacksmith]"; mes "Where are the ^0000FF100 Comodo Leathers^000000 i asked for?"; close; } else if ((dewdungeon == 4) && (countitem(6403) >= 100)) { mes "[Blacksmith]"; mes "Alright, another 100! I'll have the dagger ready for you in a second."; next; delitem 6403,100; delitem 6404,1; getitem 13067,1; // Kris set dewdungeon,5; mes "[Blacksmith]"; mes "There you go! This dagger will heal some of your health when you attack, put it to good use my friend!"; close; } else if (dewdungeon >= 5) { mes "[Blacksmith]"; mes "Having fun with my dagger?"; close; } } dewata,234,64,4 script Sailor#dew01 540,{ if (dewdungeon < 2) { mes "[Sailor]"; mes "You no can go to island, need chief permission."; close; } else if (dewdungeon >= 2) { mes "[Sailor]"; mes "Chief say you can go to island, you come?"; next; switch(select("Yes.:Nope.")) { case 1: mes "[Sailor]"; mes "Ok, you come."; close2; warp "dew_dun01",291,160; end; case 2: mes "[Sailor]"; mes "Ok, you swim to island."; close; } } } dew_dun01,291,164,4 script Sailor#dew02 540,{ mes "[Sailor]"; mes "You go back?"; next; switch(select("Yes.:Nope.")) { case 1: mes "[Sailor]"; mes "Ok, you go back."; close2; warp "dewata",234,60; end; case 2: mes "[Sailor]"; mes "Ok, you swim to town."; close; } }