static const int packet_len_table[0x3d] = { // U - used, F - free 60, 3,-1,27,10,-1, 6,-1, // 2af8-2aff: U->2af8, U->2af9, U->2afa, U->2afb, U->2afc, U->2afd, U->2afe, U->2aff 6,-1,18, 7,-1,39,30, 10, // 2b00-2b07: U->2b00, U->2b01, U->2b02, U->2b03, U->2b04, U->2b05, U->2b06, U->2b07 6,30,10,-1,86, 7,44,34, // 2b08-2b0f: U->2b08, U->2b09, U->2b0a, U->2b0b, U->2b0c, U->2b0d, U->2b0e, U->2b0f 11,10,10, 6,11,-1,14,10, // 2b10-2b17: U->2b10, U->2b11, U->2b12, U->2b13, U->2b14, U->2b15, U->2b16, U->2b17 2,10, 2,-1,-1,-1, 2, 7, // 2b18-2b1f: U->2b18, U->2b19, U->2b1a, U->2b1b, U->2b1c, U->2b1d, U->2b1e, U->2b1f -1,10, 8, 2, 2,14,19,19, // 2b20-2b27: U->2b20, U->2b21, U->2b22, U->2b23, U->2b24, U->2b25, U->2b26, U->2b27 4, 4, 4, 4,-1, 6, 0, 0, // 2b28-2b2f: U->2b28, U->2b29, U->2b2a, U->2b2b, U->2b2c, F->2b2d, F->2b2e, F->2b2f }; //Used Packets: //2af8: Outgoing, chrif_connect -> 'connect to charserver / auth @ charserver' //2af9: Incoming, chrif_connectack -> 'answer of the 2af8 login(ok / fail)' //2afa: Outgoing, chrif_sendmap -> 'sending our maps' //2afb: Incoming, chrif_sendmapack -> 'Maps received successfully / or not ..' //2afc: Outgoing, chrif_scdata_request -> request sc_data for pc_authok'ed char. <- new command reuses previous one. //2afd: Incoming, chrif_authok -> 'client authentication ok' //2afe: Outgoing, send_usercount_tochar -> 'sends player count of this map server to charserver' //2aff: Outgoing, send_users_tochar -> 'sends all actual connected character ids to charserver' //2b00: Incoming, map_setusers -> 'set the actual usercount? PACKET.2B COUNT.L.. ?' (not sure) //2b01: Outgoing, chrif_save -> 'charsave of char XY account XY (complete struct)' //2b02: Outgoing, chrif_charselectreq -> 'player returns from ingame to charserver to select another char.., this packets includes sessid etc' ? (not 100% sure) //2b03: Incoming, clif_charselectok -> '' (i think its the packet after enterworld?) (not sure) //2b04: Incoming, chrif_recvmap -> 'getting maps from charserver of other mapserver's' //2b05: Outgoing, chrif_changemapserver -> 'Tell the charserver the mapchange / quest for ok...' //2b06: Incoming, chrif_changemapserverack -> 'awnser of 2b05, ok/fail, data: dunno^^' //2b07: Outgoing, chrif_removefriend -> 'Tell charserver to remove friend_id from char_id friend list' //2b08: Outgoing, chrif_searchcharid -> '...' //2b09: Incoming, map_addchariddb -> 'Adds a name to the nick db' //2b0a: Outgoing, chrif_skillcooldown_request -> request skill cooldown data //2b0b: Incoming, chrif_skillcooldown_load -> receives skill cooldown data //2b0c: Outgoing, chrif_changeemail -> 'change mail address ...' //2b0d: Incoming, chrif_changedsex -> 'Change sex of acc XY' //2b0e: Outgoing, chrif_char_ask_name -> 'Do some operations (change sex, ban / unban etc)' //2b0f: Incoming, chrif_char_ask_name_answer -> 'answer of the 2b0e' //2b10: Outgoing, chrif_updatefamelist -> 'Update the fame ranking lists and send them' //2b11: Outgoing, chrif_divorce -> 'tell the charserver to do divorce' //2b12: Incoming, chrif_divorceack -> 'divorce chars //2b13: FREE //2b14: Incoming, chrif_accountban -> 'not sure: kick the player with message XY' //2b15: Outgoing, chrif_skillcooldown_save -> Send skill cooldown data for saving //2b16: Outgoing, chrif_ragsrvinfo -> 'sends base / job / drop rates ....' //2b17: Outgoing, chrif_char_offline -> 'tell the charserver that the char is now offline' //2b18: Outgoing, chrif_char_reset_offline -> 'set all players OFF!' //2b19: Outgoing, chrif_char_online -> 'tell the charserver that the char .. is online' //2b1a: Outgoing, chrif_buildfamelist -> 'Build the fame ranking lists and send them' //2b1b: Incoming, chrif_recvfamelist -> 'Receive fame ranking lists' //2b1c: Outgoing, chrif_save_scdata -> 'Send sc_data of player for saving.' //2b1d: Incoming, chrif_load_scdata -> 'received sc_data of player for loading.' //2b1e: Incoming, chrif_update_ip -> 'Reqest forwarded from char-server for interserver IP sync.' [Lance] //2b1f: Incoming, chrif_disconnectplayer -> 'disconnects a player (aid X) with the message XY ... 0x81 ..' [Sirius] //2b20: Incoming, chrif_removemap -> 'remove maps of a server (sample: its going offline)' [Sirius] //2b21: Incoming, chrif_save_ack. Returned after a character has been "final saved" on the char-server. [Skotlex] //2b22: Incoming, chrif_updatefamelist_ack. Updated one position in the fame list. //2b23: Outgoing, chrif_keepalive. charserver ping. //2b24: Incoming, chrif_keepalive_ack. charserver ping reply. //2b25: Incoming, chrif_deadopt -> 'Removes baby from Father ID and Mother ID' //2b26: Outgoing, chrif_authreq -> 'client authentication request' //2b27: Incoming, chrif_authfail -> 'client authentication failed' //2b28: Outgoing, chrif_ranking_reset -> '...' //2b29: Incoming, chrif_ranking_reset_ack -> '...' //2b2a: Outgoing, chrif_item_remove4all -> '...' //2b2b: Incoming, chrif_item_remove4all_ack -> '...' //2b2d: Outgoing, chrif_char2dumpfile -> '...'