// http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?showtopic=205756 // i wish someone can giv a Ip ban npc means i click it then type tha character name // or login id the char and his ip will get ban so u wish someone can giv a Ip ban npc // means i click it then type tha character name or login id the char and his ip will get ban ball2,50,50,0 script BAN you 910,{ if (getgmlevel()<60) end; switch(select("Ban by char name:Ban by login ID")) { case 1: mes "Enter the char's name:"; input .@name$; query_sql "SELECT `char_id`,`account_id`,`name` FROM `char` WHERE `name` = '"+escape_sql(.@name$)+"'", .@char_id,.@account_id,.@name$; if (!.@account_id) { mes "^FF0000 Char name does not exist."; close; } break; case 2: mes "Enter the login ID:"; input .@userid$; query_sql "SELECT `account_id`,`userid` FROM `login` WHERE `userid` = '"+escape_sql(.@userid$)+"'", .@account_id,.@userid$; if (!.@account_id) { mes "^FF0000 Login ID does not exist."; close; } break; } query_sql "SELECT `last_ip` FROM `login` WHERE `account_id`="+.@account_id, .@last_ip$; mes "Enter the reason for ban:"; input .@reason$; next; if (.@char_id) mes "Ban the character ^FF0000" + .@name$ + "^000000 ?"; else mes "Ban the login ID ^FF0000" + .@userid$ + "^000000 ?"; mes "IP =^0000FF " + .@last_ip$ + "^000000"; mes "Reason =^0000FF " + .@reason$ + "^000000"; mes " "; if(select("No:Yes, ban the IP")==1) close; if (.@char_id) atcommand "@block "+.@name$; else query_sql "UPDATE `login` SET `state`=5 WHERE `account_id`="+.@account_id; query_sql "INSERT INTO `ipbanlist`(`list`,`btime`,`rtime`,`reason`) VALUES('"+.@last_ip$+"',NOW(),'2099-12-31 00:00:00','("+.@name$+.@userid$+") "+.@reason$+"')"; mes "Ban entered successfully!"; close; }