//===== Hercules Plugin ====================================== //= @market clone //===== By: ================================================== //= AnnieRuru //= Credit - Dastgir -> http://hercules.ws/board/topic/7188-market/ //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.5 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= Hercules 2016-1-1 //===== Description: ========================================= //= Create a market clone, to leave a message for other players //= while the player can go hunting/questing/events //===== Topic ================================================ //= http://hercules.ws/board/topic/7242-market-clone/ //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= -- AtCommands -- //= @market "" "<Message>" <Color> //= create a market clone with a chat room titled -> "<Title>" //= when players tries to join the chat room, it refuse the joining, but instead leave a message -> "<Message>" <- with their own desired <Color> //= @marketkill //= kill the market clone without logging off //= //= a GM doing a @killmonster @killmonster2, or *killmonster *kilmonsterall script command will not remove the clone //= but @reloadscript, however, will remove it //============================================================ // how many seconds delay from creating another market clone ? // Note: if you set it too low like 1 second, player might spawn the clone all over the town, unit->free doesn't act fast enough to remove them, 10 seconds is ideal int market_clone_delay = 10; // 10 seconds // the zeny cost for creating a market clone int market_clone_zenycost = 0; // if the player has cart/riding/ward/falcon, will these objects cloned as well ? int market_clone_companion = 0; // set to 1 to enable //============================================================ #include "common/hercules.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "map/pc.h" #include "map/mob.h" #include "map/npc.h" #include "map/chat.h" #include "map/clif.h" #include "map/guild.h" #include "common/memmgr.h" #include "common/strlib.h" #include "common/socket.h" #include "common/HPMDataCheck.h" HPExport struct hplugin_info pinfo = { "marketclone", SERVER_TYPE_MAP, "1.5", HPM_VERSION, }; struct player_data { int market_clone_id; int market_clone_delay; }; struct monster_data { int uid; int market_pushcart; int market_chat_id; int market_msg_color; char market_message[CHAT_SIZE_MAX]; }; void color_list( int fd ) { clif->messagecolor_self( fd, 0x00FFFF, "0 - Aqua (default)" ); clif->messagecolor_self( fd, 0x000001, "1 - Black" ); clif->messagecolor_self( fd, 0x0000FF, "2 - Blue" ); clif->messagecolor_self( fd, 0x808080, "3 - Grey" ); clif->messagecolor_self( fd, 0x008000, "4 - Green" ); clif->messagecolor_self( fd, 0x00FF00, "5 - Lime" ); clif->messagecolor_self( fd, 0x800000, "6 - Maroon" ); clif->messagecolor_self( fd, 0x000080, "7 - Navy" ); clif->messagecolor_self( fd, 0x808000, "8 - Olive" ); clif->messagecolor_self( fd, 0xFFA500, "9 - Orange" ); clif->messagecolor_self( fd, 0x800080, "10 - Purple" ); clif->messagecolor_self( fd, 0xFF0000, "11 - Red" ); clif->messagecolor_self( fd, 0xC0C0C0, "12 - Silver" ); clif->messagecolor_self( fd, 0x008080, "13 - Teal" ); clif->messagecolor_self( fd, 0xFFFFFF, "14 - White" ); clif->messagecolor_self( fd, 0xFFC0CB, "15 - Pink" ); clif->messagecolor_self( fd, 0xD2691E, "16 - Chocolate" ); clif->messagecolor_self( fd, 0xFFD700, "17 - Gold" ); clif->messagecolor_self( fd, 0xEE82EE, "18 - Violet" ); return; } // I was thinking of using array before ... but I guess, this kind of implementation is easier for you guys to add custom color // if want to remove a color, just comment/delete that line. If want to add, well, you can guess the format XD void color_message( int fd, int msg_color, char market_msg[] ) { switch ( msg_color ) { default: clif->messagecolor_self( fd, 0x00FFFF, market_msg ); break; case 1: clif->messagecolor_self( fd, 0x000001, market_msg ); break; case 2: clif->messagecolor_self( fd, 0x0000FF, market_msg ); break; case 3: clif->messagecolor_self( fd, 0x808080, market_msg ); break; case 4: clif->messagecolor_self( fd, 0x008000, market_msg ); break; case 5: clif->messagecolor_self( fd, 0x00FF00, market_msg ); break; case 6: clif->messagecolor_self( fd, 0x800000, market_msg ); break; case 7: clif->messagecolor_self( fd, 0x000080, market_msg ); break; case 8: clif->messagecolor_self( fd, 0x808000, market_msg ); break; case 9: clif->messagecolor_self( fd, 0xFFA500, market_msg ); break; case 10: clif->messagecolor_self( fd, 0x800080, market_msg ); break; case 11: clif->messagecolor_self( fd, 0xFF0000, market_msg ); break; case 12: clif->messagecolor_self( fd, 0xC0C0C0, market_msg ); break; case 13: clif->messagecolor_self( fd, 0x008080, market_msg ); break; case 14: clif->messagecolor_self( fd, 0xFFFFFF, market_msg ); break; case 15: clif->messagecolor_self( fd, 0xFFC0CB, market_msg ); break; case 16: clif->messagecolor_self( fd, 0xD2691E, market_msg ); break; case 17: clif->messagecolor_self( fd, 0xFFD700, market_msg ); break; case 18: clif->messagecolor_self( fd, 0xEE82EE, market_msg ); break; } return; } int mob_clone_spawn_market( struct map_session_data *sd, int16 m, int16 x, int16 y, char market_title[], char market_msg[], int msg_color ) { //Copy of mob_clone_spawn with some modification. int class_; struct mob_data *md; struct monster_data *mmd; struct mob_db* db; struct status_data *mstatus; struct chat_data* cd; ARR_FIND( MOB_CLONE_START, MOB_CLONE_END, class_, mob->db_data[class_] == NULL ); if ( class_ >= MOB_CLONE_END ) return 0; db = mob->db_data[class_] = (struct mob_db*)aCalloc( 1, sizeof(struct mob_db) ); mstatus = &db->status; safestrncpy( db->sprite, sd->status.name, NAME_LENGTH ); safestrncpy( db->name, sd->status.name, NAME_LENGTH ); safestrncpy( db->jname, sd->status.name, NAME_LENGTH ); db->lv = status->get_lv(&sd->bl); memcpy( mstatus, &sd->base_status, sizeof( struct status_data ) ); mstatus->rhw.atk = mstatus->rhw.atk2 = mstatus->lhw.atk = mstatus->lhw.atk2 = mstatus->hp = mstatus->max_hp = mstatus->sp = mstatus->max_sp = 1; mstatus->mode = 0; memcpy( &db->vd, &sd->vd, sizeof( struct view_data ) ); db->base_exp = db->job_exp = db->range2 = db->range3 = 1; db->option = 0; md = mob->once_spawn_sub( &sd->bl, m, x, y, sd->status.name, class_, "", SZ_SMALL, AI_NONE ); if ( !md ) return 0; md->special_state.clone = 1; mob->spawn(md); unit->setdir( &md->bl, unit->getdir(&sd->bl) ); cd = chat->create( &md->bl, market_title, "", 1, false, 0, "", 0, 1, MAX_LEVEL ); if ( !cd ) return 0; mmd = getFromMOBDATA(md,0); CREATE( mmd, struct monster_data, 1 ); mmd->market_chat_id = cd->bl.id; safestrncpy( mmd->market_message, market_msg, CHAT_SIZE_MAX ); mmd->uid = md->bl.id; addToMOBDATA( md, mmd, 0, true ); clif->dispchat( cd, 0 ); if ( sd->vd.dead_sit == 2 ) clif->sitting( &md->bl ); if ( market_clone_companion ) { if ( sd->sc.data[SC_PUSH_CART] ) { mmd->market_pushcart = sd->sc.data[SC_PUSH_CART]->val1; clif->sc_load( &md->bl, mmd->uid, AREA, SI_ON_PUSH_CART, mmd->market_pushcart, 0, 0 ); } if ( pc_hasmount(sd) || pc_isfalcon(sd) ) { int option = sd->sc.option & (OPTION_RIDING|OPTION_DRAGON|OPTION_WUGRIDER|OPTION_FALCON|OPTION_MADOGEAR); md->sc.option |= option; clif->changeoption( &md->bl ); } } mmd->market_msg_color = msg_color; return md->bl.id; } ACMD(market){ struct player_data *ssd = getFromMSD(sd,0); char title[CHAT_SIZE_MAX], msg[CHAT_SIZE_MAX], atcmd_output[CHAT_SIZE_MAX]; int color = 0; if ( !ssd ) { CREATE( ssd, struct player_data, 1 ); ssd->market_clone_id = 0; ssd->market_clone_delay = 0; addToMSD( sd, ssd, 0, true ); } if ( ssd->market_clone_id ) { clif->message( fd, "You already have a Market clone summoned. Type '@marketkill' to remove that clone."); return false; } if ( ssd->market_clone_delay + market_clone_delay > (int)time(NULL) ) { safesnprintf( atcmd_output, CHAT_SIZE_MAX, "You must wait %d seconds before using this command again.", ssd->market_clone_delay + market_clone_delay - (int)time(NULL) ); clif->message( fd, atcmd_output ); return false; } if ( !map->list[sd->bl.m].flag.town ) { clif->message( fd, "You can only use @market in a town."); return false; } if ( map->getcell( sd->bl.m, &sd->bl, sd->bl.x, sd->bl.y, CELL_CHKNOCHAT ) ) { clif->message( fd, "You cannot use @market in this area."); return false; } if ( sd->status.zeny < market_clone_zenycost ) { safesnprintf( atcmd_output, CHAT_SIZE_MAX, "You must have at least %d zeny to have a Market clone.", market_clone_zenycost ); clif->message( fd, atcmd_output ); return false; } if ( pc_isdead(sd) ) { clif->message( fd, "You can't create a Market clone while you are dead." ); return false; } if ( sd->chatID ) { clif->message( fd, "You can't create a Market clone while you already open a chatroom." ); return false; } if ( sd->state.vending ) { clif->message( fd, "You can't create a Market clone while you are vending." ); return false; } if ( sd->sc.option & OPTION_INVISIBLE ) { clif->message( fd, "You can't create a Market clone while you are using @hide." ); return false; } if ( npc->isnear( &sd->bl ) ) { clif->message( fd, "You can't create a Market clone too near to an npc." ); return false; } if ( !message || !*message ) { clif->message( fd, "Syntax: @market \"<Title>\" \"<Message>\" <Color>"); clif->message( fd, "The <Color> field is optional. Examples:-"); color_list(fd); return false; } // if ( sscanf( message, "\"%[^\"]\" \"%[^\"]\"", title, msg ) < 2 ) { // clif->message( fd, "Remember the Quotation Mark -> \""); // clif->message( fd, "Syntax: @market \"<Title>\" \"<Message>\""); // return false; // } no more f*cking sscanf { // say hello to the dirties string calculation ~ Hooray ~ !! int i = 0, j = 0, l = strlen( message ) +1; char *temp = (char*)aMalloc( strlen( message ) +1 ); if ( message[0] != '\"' ) { clif->message( fd, "Remember the <Title> should start with a Quotation Mark -> \""); clif->message( fd, "Syntax: @market \"<Title>\" \"<Message>\" <Color>"); aFree(temp); return false; } i = 1; while ( i <= l ) { if ( message[i] == '\"' || message[i] == '\0' ) break; else temp[j++] = message[i]; ++i; } if ( message[i] != '\"' ) { clif->message( fd, "Remember the <Title> should end with a Quotation Mark -> \""); clif->message( fd, "Syntax: @market \"<Title>\" \"<Message>\" <Color>"); aFree(temp); return false; } temp[j] = '\0'; safestrncpy( title, temp, CHAT_SIZE_MAX ); ++i; if ( message[i] != ' ' ) { clif->message( fd, "Remember the [Space] between the <Title> and <Message>."); clif->message( fd, "Syntax: @market \"<Title>\" \"<Message>\" <Color>"); aFree(temp); return false; } ++i; if ( message[i] != '\"' ) { clif->message( fd, "Remember the <Message> should start with a Quotation Mark -> \""); clif->message( fd, "Syntax: @market \"<Title>\" \"<Message>\" <Color>"); aFree(temp); return false; } ++i; j = 0; while ( i <= l ) { if ( message[i] == '\"' || message[i] == '\0' ) break; else temp[j++] = message[i]; ++i; } if ( message[i] != '\"' ) { clif->message( fd, "Remember the <Message> should end with a Quotation Mark -> \""); clif->message( fd, "Syntax: @market \"<Title>\" \"<Message>\" <Color>"); aFree(temp); return false; } temp[j] = '\0'; safestrncpy( msg, temp, CHAT_SIZE_MAX ); ++i; if ( message[i] == ' ' ) { j = 0; ++i; while ( i <= l ) { if ( message[i] == '\0' ) break; else temp[j++] = message[i]; ++i; } temp[j] = '\0'; if ( strlen( temp ) > 2 ) { clif->message( fd, "Please input a valid number from the list."); color_list(fd); aFree(temp); return false; } color = atoi(temp); } aFree(temp); } if ( strlen( title ) < 4 ) { clif->message( fd, "The Title must more than 4 characters." ); return false; } if ( strlen( title ) >= CHATROOM_TITLE_SIZE ) { safesnprintf( atcmd_output, CHAT_SIZE_MAX, "The Title must not more than %d characters.", CHATROOM_TITLE_SIZE ); clif->message( fd, atcmd_output ); return false; } if ( strlen( msg ) < 4 ) { clif->message( fd, "The Message must more than 4 characters." ); return false; } ssd->market_clone_id = mob_clone_spawn_market( sd, sd->bl.m, sd->bl.x, sd->bl.y, title, msg, color ); if ( !ssd->market_clone_id ) { clif->message( fd, "Market clone Cannot be Created." ); return false; } if ( market_clone_zenycost ) pc->payzeny( sd, market_clone_zenycost, LOG_TYPE_COMMAND, NULL ); clif->message( fd, "Market clone Created." ); return true; } ACMD(marketkill){ struct player_data *ssd = getFromMSD(sd,0); if ( !ssd ) { CREATE( ssd, struct player_data, 1 ); ssd->market_clone_id = 0; ssd->market_clone_delay = 0; addToMSD( sd, ssd, 0, true ); } if ( !ssd->market_clone_id ) { clif->message( fd, "You don't have a market clone yet. Type '@market \"<title>\" \"<message>\"' to create one."); return false; } status_kill( map->id2bl( ssd->market_clone_id ) ); clif->message( fd, "Your market clone has removed." ); ssd->market_clone_id = 0; ssd->market_clone_delay = (int)time(NULL); return true; } int npc_reload_pre(void) { TBL_PC *sd; struct player_data *ssd; struct s_mapiterator *iter; iter = mapit->alloc( MAPIT_NORMAL, BL_PC ); for ( sd = (TBL_PC*)mapit->first(iter); mapit->exists(iter); sd = (TBL_PC*)mapit->next(iter) ) { if (( ssd = getFromMSD(sd,0) )) { if ( ssd->market_clone_id ) { status_kill( map->id2bl( ssd->market_clone_id ) ); ssd->market_clone_id = 0; ssd->market_clone_delay = (int)time(NULL); } } } mapit->free(iter); return 0; } int battle_check_target_post( int retVal, struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target, int *flag ) { if ( retVal == 1 && target->type == BL_MOB ) { struct monster_data *mmd = getFromMOBDATA( (TBL_MOB*)target, 0 ); if ( mmd ) return -1; } return retVal; } bool chat_joinchat_pre( struct map_session_data *sd, int *chatid, const char *pass ) { struct chat_data* cd = (struct chat_data*)map->id2bl( *chatid ); if( cd == NULL || cd->bl.type != BL_CHAT || cd->bl.m != sd->bl.m || sd->state.vending || sd->state.buyingstore || sd->chatID || ((cd->owner->type == BL_NPC) ? cd->users+1 : cd->users) >= cd->limit ) { clif->joinchatfail(sd,0); // room full hookStop(); return false; } if ( cd->owner->type == BL_MOB ) { struct mob_data *md = (TBL_MOB*)cd->owner; struct monster_data *mmd = getFromMOBDATA(md,0); if ( mmd ) { char output[CHAT_SIZE_MAX]; safesnprintf( output, CHAT_SIZE_MAX, "%s : %s", md->name, mmd->market_message ); color_message( sd->fd, mmd->market_msg_color, output ); hookStop(); return true; } } return true; } void clif_getareachar_unit_post( struct map_session_data *sd, struct block_list *bl ) { if ( bl->type == BL_MOB ) { struct monster_data *mmd = getFromMOBDATA( (TBL_MOB*)bl, 0); if ( mmd ) { clif->dispchat( (struct chat_data*)map->id2bl( mmd->market_chat_id ), sd->fd ); if ( market_clone_companion && mmd->market_pushcart ) clif->sc_load( &sd->bl, mmd->uid, SELF, SI_ON_PUSH_CART, mmd->market_pushcart, 0, 0 ); } } return; } void clif_charnameack_pre( int *fd, struct block_list *bl ) { if ( bl->type == BL_MOB ) { TBL_MOB *md = (TBL_MOB*)bl; if ( md->guardian_data && md->guardian_data->g ) return; else if ( battle->bc->show_mob_info ) { struct monster_data *mmd = getFromMOBDATA(md,0); if ( !mmd ) return; else { char buf[103]; WBUFW(buf, 0) = 0x95; WBUFL(buf,2) = md->bl.id; memcpy(WBUFP(buf,6), md->name, NAME_LENGTH); if ( *fd == 0 ) clif->send( buf, 30, bl, AREA ); else { WFIFOHEAD( *fd, 30 ); memcpy( WFIFOP(*fd, 0), buf, 30 ); WFIFOSET( *fd, 30 ); } hookStop(); return; } } } } int map_quit_pre( struct map_session_data *sd ) { struct player_data *ssd = getFromMSD(sd,0); if ( ssd && ssd->market_clone_id ) status_kill( map->id2bl( ssd->market_clone_id ) ); return 0; } int killmonster_sub_pre( struct block_list *bl, va_list *ap ) { struct mob_data *md = (TBL_MOB*)bl; struct monster_data *mmd = getFromMOBDATA( md, 0 ); if ( mmd ) hookStop(); return 0; } int skillnotok_pre( uint16 *skill_id, struct map_session_data *sd ) { struct player_data *ssd = getFromMSD(sd,0); if ( ssd && ssd->market_clone_id && ( *skill_id == MC_VENDING || *skill_id == ALL_BUYING_STORE ) ) { clif->messagecolor_self( sd->fd, COLOR_RED, "You can't use vending while you already have a market clone." ); hookStop(); return 1; } return 0; } HPExport void plugin_init (void) { addAtcommand( "market", market ); addAtcommand( "marketkill", marketkill ); addHookPre( "npc->reload", npc_reload_pre ); addHookPost( "battle->check_target", battle_check_target_post ); addHookPre( "chat->join", chat_joinchat_pre ); addHookPost( "clif->getareachar_unit", clif_getareachar_unit_post ); addHookPre( "clif->charnameack", clif_charnameack_pre ); addHookPre( "map->quit", map_quit_pre ); addHookPre( "atcommand->atkillmonster_sub", killmonster_sub_pre ); addHookPre( "script->buildin_killmonster_sub_strip", killmonster_sub_pre ); addHookPre( "script->buildin_killmonster_sub", killmonster_sub_pre ); addHookPre( "script->buildin_killmonsterall_sub_strip", killmonster_sub_pre ); addHookPre( "script->buildin_killmonsterall_sub", killmonster_sub_pre ); addHookPre( "skill->not_ok", skillnotok_pre ); }