prontera,150,150,0 script Sample 100,{ .@point = getd( .point_name$ ); if ( .@point >= 0 ) end; mes "I can remove your negative points by exchanging "+getitemname( .item_id )+" ("+.amount+") per negative points"; mes "Currently you have " +.@point+ " negative points"; next; if( select( "Yes, i want to remove the negative points", "No, thanks!" ) == 1 ){ .@amount = ( .amount * ( 0 - .point_name ) ); if( countitem( .item_id ) < .@amount ){ mes "You don't have enough "+getitemname( .item_id ); mes "You need : "+.@amount+"x "+getitemname( .item_id ); }else{ delitem .item_id, .@amount; setd( .point_name$ ) = 0; mes "Done!"; } } close; OnInit: .item_id = 7227; .amount = 10; .point_name$ = "#POGIPOINTS"; end; }