ra_temsky,42,136,6 script Legendary Void#npc 412,{ if($Celebitime > gettimetick(2)) { mes "Next Legendary Pokemon Sighting:"; mes "" + callfunc("Time2Str" ,$Celebitime); close; } completequest 1043; mes "Legendary Void Information."; cutin "void",4; next; cutin "",255; mes "In order to enter, I require 1 Poke Dollar."; menu "Yes",L_yes3,"No",L_no3; L_yes3: if($Celebitime > gettimetick(2)) { next; mes "Next Legendary Pokemon Sighting:"; mes "" + callfunc("Time2Str" ,$Celebitime); close; } if (countitem(30003) < 1) { next; mes "You do not have any Poke Dollars!"; close; } next; delitem 30003,1; set @randtime,rand(2000,5000); sleep2 @randtime; progressbar "0xRRGGBB",@randtime/1000; dispbottom "Warp Initiated..."; if ( getmapusers("safari9") == 0 ) { killmonsterall "safari9"; warp "safari9",176,119; sleep2 5000; .@r = rand( .size_mob ); set $@legendary$,getmonsterinfo(.mob_ID[.@r],0); $legendary$ = $@legendary$; set $@luckyegg$,.mob_ID[.@r]; announce ""+getmonsterinfo(.mob_ID[.@r],0)+" has been spotted in the Legendary Void!",bc_all; monster "safari9",0,0,""+getmonsterinfo(.mob_ID[.@r],0)+"",""+.mob_ID[.@r]+"",1,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnMvPDead"; //monster "safari9",0,0,""+getmonsterinfo(.MvP[.@randM],0)+"",""+.MvP[.@randM]+"",1,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnMvPDead"; //monster "safari10", 0, 0, "articuno", 2523, 1, strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnKilled2"; end; } warp "safari9",176,119; end; L_no3: next; mes "You quickly run away!"; close; OnInit: //setarray .MvP[0],2766,2700; setarray .iteam_A[0],21234,7227,7227,7227; //33% Spirit Voucher, Meg Belts, Hollow Coins setarray .iteam_B[0],21234,21234,21234,21234,21234,2410,2630;//33% Spirit Voucher, Meg Belts, Hollow Coins setarray .iteam_C[0],12623,13600,32058; //33% Spirit Voucher, Meg Belts, Hollow Coins setarray .mob_ID, 2708,2714,2720,2721,2722,2727,2730,2732,2733,2734,2735,2737,2738,2740,2741,2746,2757,2783,2784,2785,2794,2795,2807,2918,2934,2937,2952,2953,2955,2956,2960; // add more mob id .size_mob = getarraysize( .mob_ID ); .@mapname$ = "safari9"; waitingroom "Legendary Void",0; end; OnMvPDead: announce "Wow! "+$@legendary$+" has been defeated!",bc_all; set $Celebitime,gettimetick(2)+30*30*24; .@party_id = getcharid(1); addrid(2,0,.@party_id); if(strcharinfo(3) == "safari9") { getitem 30003, 2; if (rand(100) < 60) { getitem 6291, 2; } if (rand(100) < 60) { getitem 30132, 1; } if (rand(100) < 60) { getitem 12414, 1; } if (rand(100) < 60) { getitem 6292, 2; } if (rand(100) < 50) { getitem 12412, 1; } if (rand(100) < 50) { getitem 616, 1; } if (rand(100) < 30) { getitem 12103, 1; } if (rand(100) < 40) { getitem 30002, 1; } if (rand(100) < 20) { getitem 22130, 1; } if (rand(100) < 15) { getitem 30000, 1; } if (rand(100) < 8) { getitem 47162, 1; } if (rand(100) < 8) { getitem 47161, 1; } if (rand(100) < 8) { getitem 47160, 1; } if (rand(100) < 5) { getitem $legendary$,1; } sleep2 5000; mapwarp "safari9","pkmn_town",157,124; close; } } safari9 mapflag nowarpto safari9 mapflag nowarp safari9 mapflag nosave SavePoint safari9 mapflag nomemo safari9 mapflag noteleport