//===== Hercules Plugin ====================================== //= @Maintenance mod //===== By: ================================================== //= AnnieRuru //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.0a //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= Hercules 2014-09-11 //===== Description: ========================================= //= Turn the server into maintenance mode. //= -> blocked players from login the game for a set of duration //= a GM will announce the maintenance, and players will be kicked out after a while for maintenance. //= Player below {Group ID can login} will not able to login for the duration //= but GM99 can always login without restriction //===== Topic ================================================ //= http://hercules.ws/board/topic/7127- //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= -- AtCommands -- //= @maintenance //= @maintenanceoff //= //= -- Script Commands -- //= maintenance , , { , }; //= reason field is optional, default to '*Regular server maintenance*' //= maintenanceoff { }; //= reason field is optional, default to '*maintenanceoff*' //= maintenancecheck( ); //= default: //= return 0 if server is normal //= return 1 if server is going to have maintenance //= return 2 if server is having maintenance //= type 1: //= return the Group ID that has been denied to login //= type 2: //= return the time stamp of last/current starting time for the maintenance //= type 3: //= return the time stamp of last/current ending time for the maintenance //= type 4: //= return the ID of last used maintenance_countid ( for debugging only ) //= type 5: //= return the ID of last used maintenance_timerid ( for debugging only ) //============================================================ /* Remember to build a Sql table ! create table maintenance ( id int(11) primary key auto_increment, account_id int(11), name varchar(23), reason varchar(99), minlv2connect tinyint(4), order_time datetime, start_time datetime, end_time datetime ) engine = innodb; */ #include #include #include #include "../map/pc.h" #include "../map/intif.h" #include "../common/timer.h" #include "../common/strlib.h" #include "../common/HPMi.h" #include "../common/malloc.h" #include "../common/HPMDataCheck.h" /* should always be the last file included! (if you don't make it last, it'll intentionally break compile time) */ HPExport struct hplugin_info pinfo = { "maintenance", // Plugin name SERVER_TYPE_MAP,// Which server types this plugin works with? "1.0", // Plugin version HPM_VERSION, // HPM Version (don't change, macro is automatically updated) }; int maintenance_group = 0; int maintenance_starttime = 0; int maintenance_endtime = 0; int maintenance_countid = 0; int maintenance_timerid = 0; char maintenance_timeformat[24]; int maintenance_progress( int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr data ) { char aaa[255]; timer->delete( maintenance_timerid, maintenance_progress ); maintenance_timerid = 0; safesnprintf( aaa, 255, "Maintenance mode has ended. Players are able to login now." ); intif->broadcast( aaa , strlen(aaa)+1, 0xFFFF00 ); maintenance_group = 0; maintenance_starttime = (int)time(NULL); maintenance_endtime = (int)time(NULL); ShowStatus( CL_YELLOW "Maintenance has ended." CL_RESET "\n" ); return false; } int maintenance_countdown( int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr data ) { char aaa[255]; int countdown = maintenance_starttime - (int)time(NULL); if ( countdown > 90 ) { safesnprintf( aaa, 255, "Maintainance will start in %d minutes", countdown /60 ); intif->broadcast( aaa , strlen(aaa)+1, 0xFFFF00 ); timer->delete( maintenance_countid, maintenance_countdown ); if ( ( countdown % 60 ) > 0 ) // fine tune the timer maintenance_countid = timer->add( timer->gettick() + ( ( countdown % 60 ) * 1000 ), maintenance_countdown, 0, 0 ); else maintenance_countid = timer->add( timer->gettick() + 60000, maintenance_countdown, 0, 0 ); } else if ( countdown > 14 ) { safesnprintf( aaa, 255, "Maintainance will start in %d seconds", countdown ); intif->broadcast( aaa , strlen(aaa)+1, 0xFFFF00 ); timer->delete( maintenance_countid, maintenance_countdown ); if ( ( countdown % 5 ) > 0 ) // fine tune the timer maintenance_countid = timer->add( timer->gettick() + ( ( countdown % 5 ) * 1000 ), maintenance_countdown, 0, 0 ); else maintenance_countid = timer->add( timer->gettick() + 5000, maintenance_countdown, 0, 0 ); } else if ( countdown > 0 ) { safesnprintf( aaa, 255, "Maintainance will start in %d seconds", countdown ); intif->broadcast( aaa , strlen(aaa)+1, 0xFFFF00 ); timer->delete( maintenance_countid, maintenance_countdown ); maintenance_countid = timer->add( timer->gettick() + 1000, maintenance_countdown, 0, 0 ); } else { struct s_mapiterator* iter = mapit->alloc( MAPIT_NORMAL, BL_PC ); TBL_PC *sd; safesnprintf( aaa, 255, "Maintainance starts now. Every player will be kick out." ); intif->broadcast( aaa , strlen(aaa)+1, 0xFFFF00 ); for ( sd = (TBL_PC*)mapit->first(iter); mapit->exists(iter); sd = (TBL_PC*)mapit->next(iter) ) if ( sd->group_id < maintenance_group ) clif->authfail_fd( sd->fd, 1 ); mapit->free(iter); timer->delete( maintenance_countid, maintenance_countdown ); maintenance_countid = 0; maintenance_timerid = timer->add( timer->gettick() + ( ( maintenance_endtime - maintenance_starttime )*1000 ), maintenance_progress, 0, 0 ); ShowStatus( CL_YELLOW "Maintenance has started." CL_RESET "\n" ); } return false; } HPExport void server_online (void) { if ( SQL->Query( map->mysql_handle, "select minlv2connect, unix_timestamp( start_time ), unix_timestamp( end_time ), weekday( end_time ), hour( end_time ), minute( end_time ) from maintenance where id = ( select max(id) from maintenance )" ) == SQL_ERROR ) Sql_ShowDebug( map->mysql_handle ); else if ( SQL->NextRow( map->mysql_handle ) == SQL_SUCCESS ) { char *data; short weekday, hour, minute; char* weekdayname[7] = { "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday" }; char am_pm[3], min_display[3]; size_t len; if ( SQL->GetData( map->mysql_handle, 0, &data, NULL ) == SQL_SUCCESS ) maintenance_group = atoi(data); if ( SQL->GetData( map->mysql_handle, 1, &data, &len ) == SQL_SUCCESS ) maintenance_starttime = atoi(data); if ( SQL->GetData( map->mysql_handle, 2, &data, NULL ) == SQL_SUCCESS ) maintenance_endtime = atoi(data); if ( SQL->GetData( map->mysql_handle, 3, &data, NULL ) == SQL_SUCCESS ) weekday = atoi(data); if ( SQL->GetData( map->mysql_handle, 4, &data, NULL ) == SQL_SUCCESS ) hour = atoi(data); if ( SQL->GetData( map->mysql_handle, 5, &data, NULL ) == SQL_SUCCESS ) minute = atoi(data); if ( hour == 0 ) { hour = 12; safesnprintf( am_pm, 3, "AM" ); } else if ( hour < 12 ) safesnprintf( am_pm, 3, "AM" ); else { hour = hour - 12; safesnprintf( am_pm, 3, "PM" ); } if ( minute < 10 ) safesnprintf( min_display, 3, "0%d", minute ); else safesnprintf( min_display, 3, "%d", minute ); safesnprintf( maintenance_timeformat, 24, "%s, %d:%s %s", weekdayname[ weekday ], hour, min_display, am_pm ); } if ( maintenance_starttime > time(NULL) ) { int countdown = maintenance_starttime - (int)time(NULL); if ( countdown > 60 ) maintenance_countid = timer->add( timer->gettick() + ( ( countdown % 60 )*1000 ), maintenance_countdown, 0, 0 ); else maintenance_countid = timer->add( timer->gettick() + 1000, maintenance_countdown, 0, 0 ); ShowStatus( CL_YELLOW "Maintenance will start in %d min %d sec." CL_RESET "\n", countdown /60, countdown %60 ); } else if ( maintenance_endtime > time(NULL) ) { int countdown = maintenance_endtime - (int)time(NULL); maintenance_timerid = timer->add( timer->gettick() + ( countdown *1000 ), maintenance_progress, 0, 0 ); ShowStatus( CL_YELLOW "Maintenance will end in %d min %d sec." CL_RESET "\n", countdown/60, countdown %60 ); } } bool pc_authok_pre( struct map_session_data *sd, int *login_id2, time_t *expiration_time, int *group_id, struct mmo_charstatus *st, bool *changing_mapservers ) { if ( time(NULL) > maintenance_starttime && maintenance_endtime > time(NULL) && *group_id < maintenance_group ) { clif->authfail_fd( sd->fd, 1 ); hookStop(); return false; } return true; } void clif_parse_LoadEndAck_pre( int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd ) { if ( sd->state.connect_new ) { if ( maintenance_starttime > time(NULL) ) { char aaa[255]; safesnprintf( aaa, 255, "Maintenance starts in %d min %d sec, last %d minutes. Server up by %s", ( maintenance_starttime - (int)time(NULL) ) /60, ( maintenance_starttime - (int)time(NULL) ) %60, ( maintenance_endtime - maintenance_starttime ) /60, maintenance_timeformat ); clif->message( sd->fd, aaa ); } else if ( maintenance_endtime > time(NULL) ) { char aaa[255]; safesnprintf( aaa, 255, "Server is currently in maintenance mode, will end in %d min %d sec on %s", ( maintenance_endtime - (int)time(NULL) ) /60, ( maintenance_endtime - (int)time(NULL) ) %60, maintenance_timeformat ); clif->message( sd->fd, aaa ); } } return; } ACMD(maintenance) { int group_id, kick_duration, maintenance_duration; char reason[99], esc_reason[198], esc_name[46], min_display[3]; short weekday, hour, minute; if ( maintenance_starttime > time(NULL) ) { char aaa[255]; int countdown = maintenance_starttime - (int)time(NULL); clif->message( sd->fd, "Type '@maintenanceoff' to turn off maintenance mode." ); safesnprintf( aaa, 255, "Maintenance mode will start in %d min %d sec.", countdown /60, countdown %60 ); clif->message( sd->fd, aaa ); return true; } if ( maintenance_endtime > time(NULL) ) { char aaa[255]; int countdown = maintenance_endtime - (int)time(NULL); clif->message( sd->fd, "Type '@maintenanceoff' to turn off maintenance mode." ); safesnprintf( aaa, 255, "Server is currently in maintenance mode, will end in %d min %d sec on %s", countdown /60, countdown %60, maintenance_timeformat ); clif->message( sd->fd, aaa ); return true; } if ( !message || !*message ) { clif->message( sd->fd, "@maintenance Syntax :" ); clif->message( sd->fd, "@maintenance " ); return false; } // WTF ! sscanf can't be used ?? // if ( sscanf( message, "%d %d %d %99[^\n]", &group_id, &kick_duration, &maintenance_duration, &reason ) < 4 ) { // clif->message( sd->fd, "@maintenance Syntax :" ); // clif->message( sd->fd, "@maintenance " ); // return false; // } // now has to do the stupid string calculation <_< { int i = 0, j = 0, k = 0, l = strlen( message ); char *temp = (char*)aMalloc( strlen( message ) +1 ); while ( i <= l && k < 3 ) { if ( message[i] != ' ' && message[i] != '\0' ) { temp[j++] = message[i]; } else if ( message[i-1] != ' ' ) { temp[j] = '\0'; if ( k == 0 ) group_id = atoi( temp ); else if ( k == 1 ) kick_duration = atoi( temp ); else if ( k == 2 ) maintenance_duration = atoi( temp ); k++; j = 0; } i++; } safestrncpy( reason, &message[i], 99 ); aFree( temp ); } if ( !group_id ) { clif->message( sd->fd, "The Group ID field cannot be 0, otherwise normal player able to login." ); return false; } if ( group_id < 1 || group_id > 99 ) { char aaa[255]; safesnprintf( aaa, 255, "Invalid Group ID %d. Range must between 1~99.", group_id ); clif->message( sd->fd, aaa ); return false; } if ( kick_duration <= 0 ) { clif->message( sd->fd, "Kick duration cannot be 0 or negative numbers." ); return false; } if ( kick_duration > 1440 ) { clif->message( sd->fd, "Kick duration cannot be more than 1 day." ); return false; } if ( maintenance_duration <= 0 ) { clif->message( sd->fd, "Maintenance duration cannot be 0 or negative numbers." ); return false; } if ( maintenance_duration > 10080 ) { clif->message( sd->fd, "Maintenance duration cannot be more than 1 week." ); return false; } if ( safestrnlen( reason, 99 ) < 4 ) { clif->message( sd->fd, "You must input a valid reason for doing this." ); return false; } SQL->EscapeString( map->mysql_handle, esc_name, sd->status.name ); SQL->EscapeString( map->mysql_handle, esc_reason, reason ); if ( SQL->Query( map->mysql_handle, "insert into maintenance values ( null, %d, '%s', '%s', %d, now(), timestampadd( minute, %d, now() ), timestampadd( minute, %d, now() ) )", sd->status.account_id, esc_name, esc_reason, group_id, kick_duration, kick_duration + maintenance_duration ) == SQL_ERROR ) { Sql_ShowDebug( map->mysql_handle ); return false; } if ( SQL->Query( map->mysql_handle, "select unix_timestamp( start_time ), unix_timestamp( end_time ), weekday( end_time ), hour( end_time ), minute( end_time ) from maintenance where id = ( select max(id) from maintenance )" ) == SQL_ERROR ) { Sql_ShowDebug( map->mysql_handle ); return false; } else if ( SQL->NextRow( map->mysql_handle ) == SQL_SUCCESS ) { char *data; maintenance_group = group_id; if ( SQL->GetData( map->mysql_handle, 0, &data, NULL ) == SQL_SUCCESS ) maintenance_starttime = atoi(data); if ( SQL->GetData( map->mysql_handle, 1, &data, NULL ) == SQL_SUCCESS ) maintenance_endtime = atoi(data); if ( SQL->GetData( map->mysql_handle, 2, &data, NULL ) == SQL_SUCCESS ) weekday = atoi(data); if ( SQL->GetData( map->mysql_handle, 3, &data, NULL ) == SQL_SUCCESS ) hour = atoi(data); if ( SQL->GetData( map->mysql_handle, 4, &data, NULL ) == SQL_SUCCESS ) minute = atoi(data); SQL->FreeResult( map->mysql_handle ); } else { SQL->FreeResult( map->mysql_handle ); return false; } { // stupid date_format doesn't work char* weekdayname[7] = { "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday" }; char am_pm[3], aaa[255]; if ( hour == 0 ) { hour = 12; safesnprintf( am_pm, 3, "AM" ); } else if ( hour < 12 ) safesnprintf( am_pm, 3, "AM" ); else { hour = hour - 12; safesnprintf( am_pm, 3, "PM" ); } if ( minute < 10 ) safesnprintf( min_display, 3, "0%d", minute ); else safesnprintf( min_display, 3, "%d", minute ); safesnprintf( maintenance_timeformat, 24, "%s, %d:%s %s", weekdayname[ weekday ], hour, min_display, am_pm ); safesnprintf( aaa, 255, "Maintenance mode will be commence in %d minutes. Players are adviced to log out right now. Maintenance last %d minutes. Server will come back up on %s", kick_duration, maintenance_duration, maintenance_timeformat ); intif->broadcast( aaa , strlen(aaa)+1, 0xFFFF00 ); } maintenance_countid = timer->add( timer->gettick() +( ( kick_duration == 1 )? 1000 : 60000 ), maintenance_countdown, 0, 0 ); ShowStatus( CL_YELLOW "Maintenance will start in %d min by " CL_GREEN "%s" CL_RESET ".\n", kick_duration, sd->status.name ); return true; } ACMD(maintenanceoff) { char esc_name[46]; if ( maintenance_endtime <= time(NULL) ) { clif->message( sd->fd, "The server is currently in not in maintenance mode." ); return true; } SQL->EscapeString( map->mysql_handle, esc_name, sd->status.name ); if ( SQL->Query( map->mysql_handle, "insert into maintenance values ( null, %d, '%s', ' @maintenanceoff', 0, null, now(), now() )", sd->status.account_id, esc_name ) == SQL_ERROR ) { Sql_ShowDebug( map->mysql_handle ); return false; } maintenance_group = 0; maintenance_starttime = (int)time(NULL); maintenance_endtime = (int)time(NULL); if ( maintenance_countid > 0 ) { timer->delete( maintenance_countid, maintenance_countdown ); maintenance_countid = 0; } if ( maintenance_timerid > 0 ) { timer->delete( maintenance_timerid, maintenance_progress ); maintenance_timerid = 0; } { char aaa[255]; safesnprintf( aaa, 255, "%s ended the Maintenance mode. Players are able to login now.", sd->status.name ); intif->broadcast( aaa , strlen(aaa)+1, 0xFFFF00 ); } ShowStatus( CL_YELLOW "Maintenance has ended by " CL_GREEN "%s" CL_RESET ".\n", sd->status.name ); return true; } // maintenance , , { , }; BUILDIN(maintenance) { int group_id, kick_duration, maintenance_duration; char reason[99], esc_reason[198], min_display[3]; short weekday, hour, minute; if ( maintenance_endtime > time(NULL) ) { ShowError( "buildin_maintenance: Maintenance is currently ON.\n" ); return false; } group_id = script_getnum(st,2); kick_duration = script_getnum(st,3); maintenance_duration = script_getnum(st,4); if ( !group_id ) { ShowError( "buildin_maintenance: Group ID field cannot be 0.\n" ); return false; } if ( group_id < 1 || group_id > 99 ) { ShowError( "buildin_maintenance: Invalid Group ID %d. Range must between 1~99.\n", group_id ); return false; } if ( kick_duration <= 0 ) { ShowError( "buildin_maintenance: Kick duration cannot be 0 or negative numbers.\n" ); return false; } if ( kick_duration > 1440 ) { ShowError( "buildin_maintenance: Kick duration cannot be more than 1 day.\n" ); return false; } if ( maintenance_duration <= 0 ) { ShowError( "buildin_maintenance: Maintenance duration cannot be 0 or negative numbers.\n" ); return false; } if ( maintenance_duration > 10080 ) { ShowError( "buildin_maintenance: Maintenance duration cannot be more than 1 week.\n" ); return false; } safesnprintf( reason, 99, script_hasdata(st,5)? script_getstr(st,5) : " *Regular server maintenance*" ); SQL->EscapeString( map->mysql_handle, esc_reason, reason ); if ( SQL->Query( map->mysql_handle, "insert into maintenance values ( null, 0, 'NPC', '%s', %d, now(), timestampadd( minute, %d, now() ), timestampadd( minute, %d, now() ) )", esc_reason, group_id, kick_duration, kick_duration + maintenance_duration ) == SQL_ERROR ) { Sql_ShowDebug( map->mysql_handle ); return false; } if ( SQL->Query( map->mysql_handle, "select unix_timestamp( start_time ), unix_timestamp( end_time ), weekday( end_time ), hour( end_time ), minute( end_time ) from maintenance where id = ( select max(id) from maintenance )" ) == SQL_ERROR ) { Sql_ShowDebug( map->mysql_handle ); return false; } else if ( SQL->NextRow( map->mysql_handle ) == SQL_SUCCESS ) { char *data; maintenance_group = group_id; if ( SQL->GetData( map->mysql_handle, 0, &data, NULL ) == SQL_SUCCESS ) maintenance_starttime = atoi(data); if ( SQL->GetData( map->mysql_handle, 1, &data, NULL ) == SQL_SUCCESS ) maintenance_endtime = atoi(data); if ( SQL->GetData( map->mysql_handle, 2, &data, NULL ) == SQL_SUCCESS ) weekday = atoi(data); if ( SQL->GetData( map->mysql_handle, 3, &data, NULL ) == SQL_SUCCESS ) hour = atoi(data); if ( SQL->GetData( map->mysql_handle, 4, &data, NULL ) == SQL_SUCCESS ) minute = atoi(data); SQL->FreeResult( map->mysql_handle ); } else { SQL->FreeResult( map->mysql_handle ); return false; } { // stupid date_format doesn't work char* weekdayname[7] = { "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday" }; char am_pm[3], aaa[255]; if ( hour == 0 ) { hour = 12; safesnprintf( am_pm, 3, "AM" ); } else if ( hour < 12 ) safesnprintf( am_pm, 3, "AM" ); else { hour = hour - 12; safesnprintf( am_pm, 3, "PM" ); } if ( minute < 10 ) safesnprintf( min_display, 3, "0%d", minute ); else safesnprintf( min_display, 3, "%d", minute ); safesnprintf( maintenance_timeformat, 24, "%s, %d:%s %s", weekdayname[ weekday ], hour, min_display, am_pm ); safesnprintf( aaa, 255, "Maintenance mode will be commence in %d minutes. Players are adviced to log out right now. Maintenance last %d minutes. Server will come back up on %s", kick_duration, maintenance_duration, maintenance_timeformat ); intif->broadcast( aaa , strlen(aaa)+1, 0xFFFF00 ); } maintenance_countid = timer->add( timer->gettick() +( ( kick_duration == 1 )? 1000 : 60000 ), maintenance_countdown, 0, 0 ); ShowStatus( CL_YELLOW "Maintenance will start in %d min" CL_RESET ".\n", kick_duration ); return true; } BUILDIN(maintenanceoff) { char reason[99], esc_reason[198]; if ( maintenance_endtime <= time(NULL) ) { ShowError( "buildin_maintenanceoff: Maintenance is currently OFF.\n" ); return false; } safesnprintf( reason, 99, script_hasdata(st,2)? script_getstr(st,2) : " *maintenance off*" ); SQL->EscapeString( map->mysql_handle, esc_reason, reason ); if ( SQL->Query( map->mysql_handle, "insert into maintenance values ( null, 0, 'NPC', '%s', 0, null, now(), now() )", esc_reason ) == SQL_ERROR ) { Sql_ShowDebug( map->mysql_handle ); return false; } maintenance_group = 0; maintenance_starttime = (int)time(NULL); maintenance_endtime = (int)time(NULL); if ( maintenance_countid > 0 ) { timer->delete( maintenance_countid, maintenance_countdown ); maintenance_countid = 0; } if ( maintenance_timerid > 0 ) { timer->delete( maintenance_timerid, maintenance_progress ); maintenance_timerid = 0; } intif->broadcast( "Maintenance mode has ended. Players are able to login now." , 255, 0xFFFF00 ); ShowStatus( CL_YELLOW "Maintenance has ended" CL_RESET ".\n" ); return true; } BUILDIN(maintenancecheck) { int type = script_hasdata(st,2)? script_getnum(st,2) : 0; switch( type ) { default: if ( maintenance_starttime > time(NULL) ) script_pushint(st, 1); else if ( maintenance_endtime > time(NULL) ) script_pushint(st, 2); else script_pushint(st, 0); return true; case 1: script_pushint(st, maintenance_group); return true; case 2: script_pushint(st, maintenance_starttime); return true; case 3: script_pushint(st, maintenance_endtime); return true; case 4: script_pushint(st, maintenance_countid); return true; case 5: script_pushint(st, maintenance_timerid); return true; // case 6: // for some reason this cause memory leak // script_pushstr(st, maintenance_timeformat ); // return true; } } HPExport void plugin_init (void) { clif = GET_SYMBOL("clif"); timer = GET_SYMBOL("timer"); intif = GET_SYMBOL("intif"); strlib = GET_SYMBOL("strlib"); SQL = GET_SYMBOL("SQL"); mapit = GET_SYMBOL("mapit"); map = GET_SYMBOL("map"); script = GET_SYMBOL("script"); iMalloc = GET_SYMBOL("iMalloc"); addHookPre( "pc->authok", pc_authok_pre ); addHookPre( "clif->pLoadEndAck", clif_parse_LoadEndAck_pre ); addAtcommand( "maintenance", maintenance ); addAtcommand( "maintenanceoff", maintenanceoff ); addScriptCommand( "maintenance", "iii?", maintenance ); addScriptCommand( "maintenanceoff", "?", maintenanceoff ); addScriptCommand( "maintenancecheck", "?", maintenancecheck ); }