caspen,0,0,0 script PvP Arena Warper 920,{ set .@n$,"[PvP Arena Warper]"; mes .@n$; mes "Hello "+strcharinfo(0)+","; mes "i can warp you to the different ^008000GinRO PvP Arenas^000000."; mes "Free For All Arena ^FF0000"+getmapusers("guild_vs3")+" ^000000 User"; mes "Advanced Arena ^FF0000"+getmapusers("guild_vs1")+" ^000000 User"; mes "No 3rd Skills Arena ^FF0000"+getmapusers("guild_vs2")+" ^000000 User"; mes "No Potiona Arena ^FF0000"+getmapusers("pvp_y_8-1")+" ^000000 User."; mes "GvG Arena ^FF0000"+getmapusers("guild_vs4")+" ^000000 User."; mes "Nightmare Mode Arena ^FF0000"+getmapusers("pvp_y_8-2")+" ^000000 User."; next; switch(select("Free For All Arena:Advanced Arena:No 3rd Skills Arena:No Potion Arena:GvG Arena:Nightmare Mode Arena:Cancel")){ case 1: percentheal 100,100; sc_end SC_ALL; dispbottom "=========== IMPORTANT!!!! ==========="; dispbottom "We have rules in here!!!!"; dispbottom "No Insults, No Permkill and No Teaming ...."; dispbottom "Please read the PvP and Server rules carefully on our Homepage."; dispbottom "THANKS =D"; dispbottom "P.S.: Please try to behave civilized and not like wild monkeys!"; dispbottom "===================================="; close2; warp "guild_vs3",0,0; end; case 2: percentheal 100,100; sc_end SC_ALL; dispbottom "=========== IMPORTANT!!!! ==========="; dispbottom "We have rules in here!!!!"; dispbottom "No Insults, No Permkill and No Teaming ...."; dispbottom "Please read the PvP and Server rules carefully on our Homepage."; dispbottom "THANKS =D"; dispbottom "P.S.: Please try to behave civilized and not like wild monkeys!"; dispbottom "===================================="; close2; warp "guild_vs1",0,0; end; case 3: percentheal 100,100; sc_end SC_ALL; dispbottom "=========== IMPORTANT!!!! ==========="; dispbottom "We have rules in here!!!!"; dispbottom "No Insults, No Permkill and No Teaming ...."; dispbottom "Please read the PvP and Server rules carefully on our Homepage."; dispbottom "THANKS =D"; dispbottom "P.S.: Please try to behave civilized and not like wild monkeys!"; dispbottom "===================================="; close2; warp "guild_vs2",0,0; end; case 4: percentheal 100,100; sc_end SC_ALL; dispbottom "=========== IMPORTANT!!!! ==========="; dispbottom "We have rules in here!!!!"; dispbottom "No Insults, No Permkill and No Teaming ...."; dispbottom "Please read the PvP and Server rules carefully on our Homepage."; dispbottom "THANKS =D"; dispbottom "P.S.: Please try to behave civilized and not like wild monkeys!"; dispbottom "===================================="; close2; warp "pvp_y_8-1",0,0; end; case 5: percentheal 100,100; sc_end SC_ALL; dispbottom "=========== IMPORTANT!!!! ==========="; dispbottom "We have rules in here!!!!"; dispbottom "No Insults, No Permkill and No Teaming ...."; dispbottom "Please read the PvP and Server rules carefully on our Homepage."; dispbottom "THANKS =D"; dispbottom "P.S.: Please try to behave civilized and not like wild monkeys!"; dispbottom "===================================="; close2; warp "guild_vs4",0,0; end; case 6: percentheal 100,100; sc_end SC_ALL; dispbottom "=========== IMPORTANT!!!! ==========="; dispbottom "We have rules in here!!!!"; dispbottom "No Insults, No Permkill and No Teaming ...."; dispbottom "Please read the PvP and Server rules carefully on our Homepage."; dispbottom "THANKS =D"; dispbottom "P.S.: Please try to behave civilized and not like wild monkeys!"; dispbottom "===================================="; close2; warp "pvp_y_8-2",0,0; end; case 7: mes .@n$; mes "Bye."; close; } } - script PvP Back Warper::pvpbw -1,{ mes "PvP Back Warper"; mes "Would you like to return to Caspen?"; next; if(select("No:Yes") == 2){ progressbar "32cd32",5; warp "caspen",0,0; end; } mes "PvP Back Warper"; close; } guild_vs3,0,0 duplicate(pvpbw) PvP Back Warper#1 920 guild_vs1,0,0 duplicate(pvpbw) PvP Back Warper#2 920 guild_vs2,0,0 duplicate(pvpbw) PvP Back Warper#3 920 pvp_y_8-1,0,0 duplicate(pvpbw) PvP Back Warper#4 920 guild_vs4,0,0 duplicate(pvpbw) PvP Back Warper#5 920 pvp_y_8-2,0,0 duplicate(pvpbw) PvP Back Warper#6 920 - script pvp_rules -1,{ OnClock0101: OnClock0301: OnClock0501: OnClock0701: OnClock0901: OnClock1101: OnClock1301: OnClock1501: OnClock1701: OnClock1901: OnClock2101: OnClock2301: mapannounce "guild_vs3","Please read the PvP and Server rules carefully on our Homepage.",8,0xFF0000; mapannounce "guild_vs1","Please read the PvP and Server rules carefully on our Homepage.",8,0xFF0000; mapannounce "guild_vs2","Please read the PvP and Server rules carefully on our Homepage.",8,0xFF0000; mapannounce "pvp_y_8-1","Please read the PvP and Server rules carefully on our Homepage.",8,0xFF0000; mapannounce "guild_vs4","Please read the PvP and Server rules carefully on our Homepage.",8,0xFF0000; mapannounce "pvp_y_8-2","Please read the PvP and Server rules carefully on our Homepage.",8,0xFF0000; end; } pvp_y_8-1 mapflag nomemo pvp_y_8-1 mapflag noteleport pvp_y_8-1 mapflag nosave SavePoint pvp_y_8-1 mapflag nobranch pvp_y_8-1 mapflag noloot pvp_y_8-1 mapflag novending pvp_y_8-1 mapflag nogo pvp_y_8-1 mapflag nodrop pvp_y_8-1 mapflag restricted 64 pvp_y_8-2 mapflag nomemo pvp_y_8-2 mapflag noteleport pvp_y_8-2 mapflag nosave SavePoint pvp_y_8-2 mapflag nobranch pvp_y_8-2 mapflag noloot pvp_y_8-2 mapflag novending pvp_y_8-2 mapflag nogo pvp_y_8-2 mapflag pvp_nightmaredrop random,equip,300 guild_vs1 mapflag nomemo guild_vs1 mapflag noteleport guild_vs1 mapflag nosave SavePoint guild_vs1 mapflag nobranch guild_vs1 mapflag noloot guild_vs1 mapflag novending guild_vs1 mapflag nogo guild_vs1 mapflag nodrop guild_vs1 mapflag restricted 128 guild_vs2 mapflag nomemo guild_vs2 mapflag noteleport guild_vs2 mapflag nosave SavePoint guild_vs2 mapflag nobranch guild_vs2 mapflag noloot guild_vs2 mapflag nochat guild_vs2 mapflag novending guild_vs2 mapflag nodrop guild_vs2 mapflag no3rdjobskills guild_vs3 mapflag nomemo guild_vs3 mapflag noteleport guild_vs3 mapflag nosave SavePoint guild_vs3 mapflag nobranch guild_vs3 mapflag noloot guild_vs3 mapflag novending guild_vs3 mapflag nogo guild_vs3 mapflag nodrop guild_vs4 mapflag nomemo guild_vs4 mapflag noteleport guild_vs4 mapflag nosave SavePoint guild_vs4 mapflag nobranch guild_vs4 mapflag noloot guild_vs4 mapflag novending guild_vs4 mapflag nogo guild_vs4 mapflag nodrop guild_vs4 mapflag gvg