//================= Hercules Script ======================================= //= _ _ _ //= | | | | | | //= | |_| | ___ _ __ ___ _ _| | ___ ___ //= | _ |/ _ \ '__/ __| | | | |/ _ \/ __| //= | | | | __/ | | (__| |_| | | __/\__ \ //= \_| |_/\___|_| \___|\__,_|_|\___||___/ //========================================================================= //= Edda Arunafeltz Side: Half moon in the Daylight //===== By: =============================================================== //= Racaae //===== Current Version: ================================================== //= 0.9 //===== Description: ====================================================== //= Enter Pope's dream. //========================================================================= 1@pop1 mapflag src4instance 1@pop2 mapflag src4instance 1@pop3 mapflag src4instance //== Entrance ============================================== rachel,174,138,6 script High Priestess Niren#HM 4_F_MADAME,{ cutin "ra_gwoman",2; if (BaseLevel < 80) { mes "Sorry, I am busy now."; mes "May Freya be with you."; close2; cutin "ra_gwoman",255; end; } if (questprogress(14585,HUNTING) == 2) { mes "[High Priestess Niren]"; mes "Adventurer, Kirchberg. Do you dream of a Pope like?"; next; mes "[In dream Pope and Loomin, it makes the work in detail.]"; next; mes "[High Priestess Niren]"; mes "Even so the dream itself geotyijiyo of the Pope. Adventurers have learned well the anxiety and thoughts of the Pope's thanks."; next; mes "[High Priestess Niren]"; mes "Adventurer'll find a way to assist the Holy Father's words on the basis of."; next; mes "[High Priestess Niren]"; mes "Adventurers are pleased to say this Dear Sirs, tomorrow Shall I ask you another favor?"; next; mes "[High Priestess Niren]"; mes "Pope letting God find a stable hold on until there are two days to live longer ppaetgin mind to dream."; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Sure. I've also promised that to the Pope."; next; mes "[High Priestess Niren]"; mes "Thank you very much. She is troubled many."; next; mes "[High Priestess Niren]"; mes "Today is twenty to relax comfortably."; erasequest 14585; getexp 980000,0; //job exp? close2; cutin "ra_gwoman",255; end; } if (questprogress(14587,HUNTING) == 2) { mes "[High Priestess Niren]"; mes "Adventurer, Kirchberg. Do you dream of a Pope like?"; next; mes "[In dream Pope and Loomin, it makes the work of Ktullanux story in detail.]"; next; mes "[High Priestess Niren]"; mes "Yeah... that Ktullanux ..."; next; mes "[High Priestess Niren]"; mes "Even so the dream itself geotyijiyo of the Pope. Adventurers have learned well the anxiety and thoughts of the Pope's thanks."; next; mes "[High Priestess Niren]"; mes "Adventurer'll find a way to assist the Holy Father's words on the basis of."; next; mes "[High Priestess Niren]"; mes "And sooner or later secretly packed up the team should visit the getgunyo Ktullanux once."; next; mes "[High Priestess Niren]"; mes "Adventurers are pleased to say this Dear Sirs, tomorrow Shall I ask you another favor?"; next; mes "[High Priestess Niren]"; mes "Pope letting God find a stable hold on until there are two days to live longer ppaetgin mind to dream."; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Sure. I've also promised that to the Pope."; next; mes "[High Priestess Niren]"; mes "Thank you very much. She is troubled many."; next; mes "[High Priestess Niren]"; mes "Today is twenty to relax comfortably."; if (questprogress(14585)) erasequest 14585; erasequest 14587; getexp 980000,0; //job exp? hmoon = 0; close2; cutin "ra_gwoman",255; end; } .@pope_time = questprogress(14586,PLAYTIME); if (!.@pope_time) { mes "[High Priestess Niren]"; mes "Recently, Pope's sleep time is increasingly longer."; mes "Enter in Pope's dream, identify the cause, and please resolve if there is a problem."; next; .@party_id = getcharid(1); .@p_name$ = getpartyname(.@party_id); .@md_name$ = "Half moon in the Daylight"; if (!instance_check_party(.@party_id,1,80)) { mes "[High Priestess Niren]"; mes "You need to create a party to enter."; close2; cutin "ra_gwoman",255; end; } if (getcharid(0) != getpartyleader(.@party_id,2)) { mes "[High Priestess Niren]"; mes "You need to be alone in the party."; close2; cutin "ra_gwoman",255; end; } switch(select("I want to enter the dream.", "Cancel")) { case 1: .@instance = instance_create(.@md_name$,.@party_id); if (.@instance < 0) { cutin "ra_gwoman",255; mes "Party Name: " + .@p_name$; mes "Party Leader: " + strcharinfo(0); mes "^0000ff" + .@md_name$ + " ^000000- Reservation Failed!"; close; } if (instance_attachmap("1@pop1",.@instance) == "" || instance_attachmap("1@pop2",.@instance) == "" || instance_attachmap("1@pop3",.@instance) == "") { cutin "ra_gwoman",255; mes "^0000ff" + .@md_name$ + "^000000 - Reservation Failed!"; instance_destroy(.@instance); close; } instance_set_timeout 3600,300,.@instance; instance_init(.@instance); mes "[High Priestess Niren]"; mes "The portal is ready."; mes "You can enter when you're ready."; if (BaseLevel < 130) { if (!questprogress(14585)) setquest 14585; } else { if (!questprogress(14587)) setquest 14587; } close2; cutin "ra_gwoman",255; end; case 2: mes "[High Priestess Niren]"; mes "May Freya be with you."; close2; cutin "ra_gwoman",255; end; } } else if (.@pope_time == 1) { mes "[High Priestess Niren]"; mes "The Pope did not eat to sleep yet."; mes "Please come back tomorrow."; close2; cutin "ra_gwoman",255; end; } else { mes "[High Priestess Niren]"; mes "Thank you for coming back."; mes "I'm afraid you need to enter the dream again."; erasequest 14586; close2; cutin "ra_gwoman",255; end; } } rachel,176,145,6 script Dream Passage#poent PORTAL,{ mes "[Dream Passage]"; mes "Hello. The passage of the dream. How can I help you?"; if (!questprogress(14585) && !questprogress(14587)) close; next; switch(select("Enter.", "Cancel")) { case 1: .@pope_time = questprogress(14586,PLAYTIME); if (!.@pope_time) { .@party_id = getcharid(1); .@p_name$ = getpartyname(.@party_id); .@md_name$ = "Half moon in the Daylight"; if (!instance_check_party(.@party_id,1)) { mes "[Dream Passage]"; mes "You need a party to enter."; close; } if (getcharid(0) != getpartyleader(.@party_id,2)) { mes "[Dream Passage]"; mes "You need to be alone in the party."; close; } if (has_instance("1@pop1") == "" ) { mes "The memorial dungeon " + .@md_name$ + " does not exist."; mes "The party leader did not generate the dungeon yet."; close; } else { mes "[Dream Passage]"; mes "I will open the dream. I wish you a pleasant dream trip."; close2; mapannounce "rachel",strcharinfo(0)+", member of the party "+.@p_name$+" entered the "+.@md_name$+".",bc_map,"0x00ff99"; setquest 14586; warp "1@pop1",47,133; end; } } else if (.@pope_time == 1) { mes "[High Priestess Niren]"; mes "The Pope did not eat to sleep yet."; mes "Please come back tomorrow."; close; } else { mes "[High Priestess Niren]"; mes "Thank you for coming back."; mes "I'm afraid you need to enter the dream again."; erasequest 14586; close; } case 2: close; } } //== Part 1 =============================================== 1@pop1,50,137,3 script Pope#1hmoon01 4_F_ARUNA_POP,{ cutin "pop_sim",2; mes "[Pope]"; mes "... Niren...?"; showscript ".... Niren...?", getnpcid(0); next; mes "[Pope]"; mes "Niren...?"; next; mes "[Pope]"; mes "I can't see Tilbi."; mes "... It's... too dark here..."; showscript "Pitch black... I do not see anything...", getnpcid(0); next; mes "[Pope]"; mes "Niren...?"; next; mes "[Pope]"; mes "... Where are you...?"; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Pope, I'm here."; next; mes "[Pope]"; mes "..........."; mes "..........."; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Pope, please rest assured Pope. I have been sent by Niren."; next; mes "[Pope]"; mes "... Who...?"; showscript "By Niren...?", getnpcid(0); next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "The adventurer " + strcharinfo(0) + "."; next; mes "[Pope]"; mes strcharinfo(0) + "?"; next; mes "[Pope]"; mes "Niren... sent you?"; next; mes "[Pope]"; mes "Where is Niren?"; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Niren's busy while letting this happen. She sent me instead."; next; mes "[Pope]"; mes "Yes... Now I remember. Adventurer..."; showscript "I remembered...", getnpcid(0); next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Did you doing?"; next; mes "[Pope]"; mes "Tilbi... is gone. I do not see her no matter how much I look."; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Who's Tilbi?"; next; mes "[Pope]"; mes "The doll Niren gave me. I had she recently."; next; mes "[Pope]"; mes "She appears to have been lost here."; showscript "Where did she go?", getnpcid(0); next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "I'll help you find."; next; mes "[Pope]"; mes "It is late."; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "It's fine. I'll be sure to find her."; next; mes "[Pope]"; mes "So... It's a appointment."; mes "There are people to meet."; showscript "Too late.", getnpcid(0); next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Appointment? Here?"; next; mes "[Pope]"; mes "Outside the temple... But Tilbi is not visible."; next; mes "[Pope]"; mes "Too late trying to find Tilbi."; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Tilbi does not seem to be here, but why not try looking in other places?"; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Let's find together."; next; cutin "pop_nor",2; mes "[Pope]"; mes "...Good."; next; mes "[Pope]"; mes "Your name, was?"; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes strcharinfo(0) + "."; next; mes "[Pope]"; mes "Come... Along."; close2; cutin "pop_nor",255; donpcevent instance_npcname("Pope#1hmoon01")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("#1hmoond01")+"::OnEnable"; 'char = getcharid(3); if (BaseLevel > 129) 'hmoon_mode = 1; end; OnDisable: specialeffect EF_BASH; disablenpc instance_npcname("Pope#1hmoon01"); end; } 1@pop1,100,142,3 script Pope#1hmoon03 4_F_ARUNA_POP,5,5,{ end; OnTouch: showscript "Down...", getnpcid(0); donpcevent instance_npcname("Pope#1hmoon03")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("#1hmoond03")+"::OnEnable"; end; OnDisable: specialeffect EF_BASH; disablenpc instance_npcname("Pope#1hmoon03"); end; } 1@pop1,100,98,3 script Pope#1hmoon04 4_F_ARUNA_POP,{ mes "[Priest]"; mes "Pope Ishida."; showscript "Pope Ishida.", getnpcid(0,instance_npcname("Priest#1hmoon01")); next; mes "[Priestess]"; mes "The Pope has come."; showscript "The Pope has come.", getnpcid(0,instance_npcname("Priestess#1hmoon02")); next; mes "[Follower]"; mes "Pope, I was waiting for."; showscript "I was waiting for.", getnpcid(0,instance_npcname("Follower#1hmoon01")); next; mes "[Follower]"; mes "That you do not observe the time it is to look the Freya like to bath. Please act with more perception."; showscript "That you do not observe the time it is to look the Freya like to bath. Please act with more perception.", getnpcid(0,instance_npcname("Follower#1hmoon03")); next; mes "[Follower]"; mes "Pope, you will need to conduct properly."; showscript "Pope, you will need to conduct properly.", getnpcid(0,instance_npcname("Follower#1hmoon02")); next; mes "[Follower]"; mes "Watch your rude words and actions to the Pope! Behold appearance or return!"; showscript "Watch your rude words and actions to the Pope! Behold appearance or return!", getnpcid(0,instance_npcname("Follower#1hmoon04")); next; mes "[Follower]"; mes "The Pope who is the deity! Do not say carelessly!"; showscript "The Pope who is the deity! Do not say carelessly!", getnpcid(0,instance_npcname("Follower#1hmoon05")); next; mes "[Follower]"; mes "Pope is a vessel to contain the players like to come someday. It can either is not it obvious to so as not to block the vessel!"; showscript "Pope is a vessel to contain the players like to come someday. It can either is not it obvious to so as not to block the vessel!", getnpcid(0,instance_npcname("Follower#1hmoon06")); next; mes "[Priest]"; mes "Please stop thoughtless words! Pope, give us joy and hope to us just its existence!"; showscript "Please stop thoughtless words! Pope, give us joy and hope to us just its existence!", getnpcid(0,instance_npcname("Priest#1hmoon01")); next; cutin "pop_sim",2; mes "[Pope]"; mes "..... I, I the.... Pope..."; next; mes "[Pope]"; mes "..... I have to go...."; next; mes "[Pope]"; mes "........ Appointment... I have............"; next; cutin "pop_sim",255;; mes "[Follower]"; mes "Appointment? The Pope must not leave this place."; showscript "Appointment? The Pope must not leave this place.", getnpcid(0,instance_npcname("Follower#1hmoon02")); sc_start SC_BLIND,300000,0,10000; next; mes "[Priest]"; mes "Do not carelessly contact with outsiders."; showscript "Do not carelessly contact with outsiders.", getnpcid(0,instance_npcname("Priest#1hmoon01")); next; mes "[Follower]"; mes "Pope will be able to meet only with the people that are allowed in the temple."; showscript "Pope will be able to meet only with the people that are allowed in the temple.", getnpcid(0,instance_npcname("Follower#1hmoon01")); next; mes "[Follower]"; mes "Pope, just as we ask, will be if you can move at will."; showscript "Pope, just as we ask, will be if you can move at will.", getnpcid(0,instance_npcname("Follower#1hmoon03")); next; mes "[Priestess]"; mes "You do not need to do. How do effortless work?"; showscript "You do not need to do. How do effortless work?", getnpcid(0,instance_npcname("Priestess#1hmoon02")); next; mes "[Follower]"; mes "Even if it should come down to that."; showscript "Even if it should come down to that.", getnpcid(0,instance_npcname("Follower#1hmoon06")); next; mes "[Follower]"; mes "Moist - How to up to such a voice!"; showscript "Moist - How to up to such a voice!", getnpcid(0,instance_npcname("Follower#1hmoon01")); next; mes "[Priestess]"; mes "Then if you really stop dundago Did it brings you! This symbol might not catch the public sentiment, seeing the Pope!"; showscript "Then if you really stop dundago Did it brings you! This symbol might not catch the public sentiment, seeing the Pope!", getnpcid(0,instance_npcname("Priestess#1hmoon02")); next; mes "[Priest]"; mes "However, that the pope is not enough qualities now I think there is a fact."; showscript "However, that the pope is not enough qualities now I think there is a fact.", getnpcid(0,instance_npcname("Priest#1hmoon01")); next; mes "[Follower]"; mes "If the lack of change. Do not we have another one perfect avatar."; showscript "If the lack of change. Do not we have another one perfect avatar.", getnpcid(0,instance_npcname("Follower#1hmoon04")); next; mes "[Follower]"; mes "Avatar was born at the same time ...!"; showscript "Avatar was born at the same time ...!", getnpcid(0,instance_npcname("Follower#1hmoon05")); next; mes "[Follower]"; mes "We might have done the wrong choice."; showscript "We might have done the wrong choice.", getnpcid(0,instance_npcname("Follower#1hmoon06")); next; mes "[Follower]"; mes "Now even if you turn the selection ...!"; showscript "Now even if you turn the selection ...!", getnpcid(0,instance_npcname("Follower#1hmoon02")); next; mes "[Priestess]"; mes "The pope did not completely replace it."; showscript "The pope did not completely replace it.", getnpcid(0,instance_npcname("Priestess#1hmoon02")); next; mes "[Follower]"; mes "We need to hear the Pope say as well."; showscript "We need to hear the Pope say as well.", getnpcid(0,instance_npcname("Follower#1hmoon03")); next; mes "[Priest]"; mes "Now the pope is not required."; showscript "Now the pope is not required.", getnpcid(0,instance_npcname("Priest#1hmoon01")); next; mes "[Follower]"; mes "Also, please do not stand still, the Pope said!"; showscript "Also, please do not stand still, the Pope said!", getnpcid(0,instance_npcname("Follower#1hmoon01")); sc_end SC_BLIND; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Pope, Pope! Please set the spirit!"; unittalk getcharid(3),"Pope, Pope! Please set the spirit!"; next; donpcevent instance_npcname(strnpcinfo(0))+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Pope#1hmoon09")+"::OnEnable"; cutin "pop_sim",2; mes "[Pope]"; mes ".... I... I... I..."; showscript ".... I... I... I...", getnpcid(0,instance_npcname("Pope#1hmoon09")); next; mes "[Pope]"; mes ".......... Do not I need....?"; next; mes "[Pope]"; mes "I am... Some of the people's existence?"; next; mes "[Pope]"; mes "The Divine Goddess soaking up the vessel."; next; mes "[Pope]"; mes "Incomplete existence."; next; mes "[Pope]"; mes "I am half."; next; mes "[Pope]"; mes "I'm the wrong choice."; next; mes "[Pope]"; mes "I was not qualified from the beginning."; next; mes "[Pope]"; mes "This is not the place my place."; showscript "This is not the place my place.", getnpcid(0,instance_npcname("Pope#1hmoon09")); specialeffect EF_MAGICCRASHER,AREA, instance_npcname("Pope#1hmoon09"); next; mes "[Pope]"; mes "However, this is I'm not roller."; showscript "However, this is I'm not roller.", getnpcid(0,instance_npcname("Pope#1hmoon09")); specialeffect EF_MAGICCRASHER,AREA, instance_npcname("Pope#1hmoon09"); next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Pope, please calm down. This is all a dream. Would Pope anxiety appear to be distorted in a dream. Outside the dream everyone is waiting for Pope!"; next; mes "[Pope]"; mes "Dream?"; next; mes "[Pope]"; mes "But... I... I had a appointment."; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "This is a dream!"; next; donpcevent instance_npcname("Pope#1hmoon09")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Pope#1hmoon10")+"::OnEnable"; mes "[Pope]"; mes "I have an appointment. We meet. Come to get out of here."; showscript "I have an appointment. We meet. Come to get out of here.", getnpcid(0,instance_npcname("Pope#1hmoon10")); cutin "pop_sim",255;; specialeffect EF_MAGICCRASHER,AREA, instance_npcname("Pope#1hmoon10"); specialeffect EF_MAGICCRASHER,AREA, instance_npcname("Pope#1hmoon10"); specialeffect EF_MAGICCRASHER,AREA, instance_npcname("Pope#1hmoon10"); specialeffect EF_4WAYBODY,AREA, instance_npcname("Pope#1hmoon10"); specialeffect EF_ELECTRIC,AREA, instance_npcname("Pope#1hmoon10"); donpcevent instance_npcname("Pope#1hmoon02")+"::OnEnable"; specialeffect 1065,AREA, instance_npcname("Pope#1hmoon02"); next; mes "[Follower]"; mes "Pope! Where are you going!"; showscript "Pope! Where are you going!", getnpcid(0,instance_npcname("Follower#1hmoon01")); next; donpcevent instance_npcname("Follower#1hmoon01")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Follower#1hmoon02")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Follower#1hmoon03")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Follower#1hmoon04")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Follower#1hmoon05")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Follower#1hmoon06")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Follower#1hmoon11")+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Follower#1hmoon12")+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Follower#1hmoon13")+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Follower#1hmoon14")+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Follower#1hmoon15")+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Follower#1hmoon16")+"::OnEnable"; mes "[Follower]"; mes "Pope, keep a seat!"; showscript "Pope, keep a seat!", getnpcid(0,instance_npcname("Follower#1hmoon16")); next; mes "[Follower]"; mes "Here is where the Pope should be!"; showscript "Here is where the Pope should be!", getnpcid(0,instance_npcname("Follower#1hmoon12")); next; cutin "pop_sim",2; mes "[Pope]"; mes "Everyone does not need me!"; next; mes "[Pope]"; mes "Nobody see me properly!"; next; donpcevent instance_npcname("Pope#1hmoon10")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Pope#1hmoon11")+"::OnEnable"; mes "[Pope]"; mes "My place is not here!"; showscript "My place is not here!", getnpcid(0,instance_npcname("Pope#1hmoon11")); cutin "pop_sim",255;; specialeffect EF_MAGICCRASHER,AREA, instance_npcname("Pope#1hmoon02"); emotion e_dots, 0, instance_npcname("Pope#1hmoon02"); donpcevent instance_npcname("Pope#1hmoon02")+"::OnDisable"; next; mes "[Follower]"; mes "Pope! Keep your seat!"; showscript "Pope, keep your seat!", getnpcid(0,instance_npcname("Follower#1hmoon14")); next; donpcevent instance_npcname("Priest#1hmoon01")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Priestess#1hmoon02")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Follower#1hmoon11")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Follower#1hmoon12")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Follower#1hmoon13")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Follower#1hmoon14")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Follower#1hmoon15")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Follower#1hmoon16")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Priest#1hmoon21")+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Priestess#1hmoon22")+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Follower#1hmoon23")+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Follower#1hmoon24")+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Follower#1hmoon25")+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Follower#1hmoon26")+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Follower#1hmoon27")+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Follower#1hmoon28")+"::OnEnable"; cutin "pop_sim",2; mes "[Pope]"; mes "I'm going. Have to go."; next; mes "[Follower]"; mes "All prevent the Pope!"; next; mes "[Pope]"; mes "Adventurer, help me."; next; cutin "pop_sim",255;; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Certainly Pope, stay by my side."; close2; if (!'hmoon_mode) mercenary_create 3527,1800000; else mercenary_create 3569,1800000; donpcevent instance_npcname("Pope#1hmoon11")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#1hmoon21")+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#1hmoon22")+"::OnEnable"; showscript "To gather in large power!", getnpcid(0,instance_npcname("Guard#1hmoon21")); donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#1hmoon01")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#1hmoon02")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#1hmoon03")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#1hmoon04")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#1hmoon05")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#1hmoon06")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Priest#1hmoon21")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Priestess#1hmoon22")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Follower#1hmoon23")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Follower#1hmoon24")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Follower#1hmoon25")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Follower#1hmoon26")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Follower#1hmoon27")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Follower#1hmoon28")+"::OnDisable"; sleep2 1500; showscript "Gather in large power carried!", getnpcid(0,instance_npcname("Guard#1hmoon22")); donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#1hmoon07")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#1hmoon08")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#1hmoon09")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#1hmoon10")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#1hmoon24")+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#1hmoon25")+"::OnEnable"; showscript "Set!!", getnpcid(0,instance_npcname("Guard#1hmoon24")); showscript "Set!!", getnpcid(0,instance_npcname("Guard#1hmoon25")); donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#1hmoon23")+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#1hmoon26")+"::OnEnable"; showscript "Set!!", getnpcid(0,instance_npcname("Guard#1hmoon23")); showscript "Set!!", getnpcid(0,instance_npcname("Guard#1hmoon26")); donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#1hmoon27")+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#1hmoon30")+"::OnEnable"; showscript "Set!!", getnpcid(0,instance_npcname("Guard#1hmoon27")); showscript "Set!!", getnpcid(0,instance_npcname("Guard#1hmoon30")); donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#1hmoon28")+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#1hmoon29")+"::OnEnable"; showscript "Set!!", getnpcid(0,instance_npcname("Guard#1hmoon28")); showscript "Set!!", getnpcid(0,instance_npcname("Guard#1hmoon30")); donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#1hmoon11")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#1hmoon12")+"::OnDisable"; showscript "You can't leave the temple!", getnpcid(0,instance_npcname("Guard#1hmoon21")); sleep2 1500; showscript "Stand back in the count of three. Otherwise, we will exercise force.", getnpcid(0,instance_npcname("Guard#1hmoon21")); sleep2 1500; showscript "3!!", getnpcid(0,instance_npcname("Guard#1hmoon21")); sleep2 1000; showscript "2!!", getnpcid(0,instance_npcname("Guard#1hmoon21")); sleep2 1000; showscript "1!!!", getnpcid(0,instance_npcname("Guard#1hmoon21")); sleep2 1000; instance_announce -1, "Captain: Adventurer is now considered our enemy!",bc_map,"0xFFFF00"; showscript "Adventurer is now considered our enemy!", getnpcid(0,instance_npcname("Guard#1hmoon21")); donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#1hmoon13")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#1hmoon14")+"::OnDisable"; sleep2 2000; instance_announce -1, "Captain: Protect the Pope and get rid of the adventurer!",bc_map,"0xFFFF00"; showscript "Protect the Pope and get rid of the adventurer!", getnpcid(0,instance_npcname("Guard#1hmoon21")); sleep2 1500; showscript "Protect the Pope and get rid of the adventurer! Carried!", getnpcid(0,instance_npcname("Guard#1hmoon22")); sleep2 1000; showscript "Net!!", getnpcid(0,instance_npcname("Guard#1hmoon23")); showscript "Net!!", getnpcid(0,instance_npcname("Guard#1hmoon24")); showscript "Net!!", getnpcid(0,instance_npcname("Guard#1hmoon25")); showscript "Net!!", getnpcid(0,instance_npcname("Guard#1hmoon26")); showscript "Net!!", getnpcid(0,instance_npcname("Guard#1hmoon27")); showscript "Net!!", getnpcid(0,instance_npcname("Guard#1hmoon28")); showscript "Net!!", getnpcid(0,instance_npcname("Guard#1hmoon29")); showscript "Net!!", getnpcid(0,instance_npcname("Guard#1hmoon30")); sleep2 500; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#1hmoon21")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#1hmoon22")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#1hmoon23")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#1hmoon24")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#1hmoon25")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#1hmoon26")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#1hmoon27")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#1hmoon28")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#1hmoon29")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#1hmoon30")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("#mob1hmoon")+"::OnEnable"; end; OnDisable: specialeffect EF_BASH; hideonnpc instance_npcname("Pope#1hmoon04"); end; OnEnable: hideoffnpc instance_npcname("Pope#1hmoon04"); end; } 1@pop1,101,91,3 script Pope#1hmoon05 4_F_ARUNA_POP,{ if (.Talk) end; .Talk++; //unittalk getcharid(3),""; //missing text sleep2 1000; showscript "It's late.", getnpcid(0); sleep2 1500; showscript "Come on, you need to get out of here.", getnpcid(0); sleep2 1000; donpcevent instance_npcname("Pope#1hmoon05")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("#1hmoond05")+"::OnEnable"; //unittalk getcharid(3),""; //missing text .Talk--; end; OnInstanceInit: OnDisable: specialeffect EF_BASH; disablenpc instance_npcname("Pope#1hmoon05"); end; OnEnable: enablenpc instance_npcname("Pope#1hmoon05"); end; } 1@pop1,100,16,3 script Pope#1hmoon06 4_F_ARUNA_POP,{ cutin "loo_nor",0; mes "[???]"; mes "Oh, you finally came."; showscript "I've been waiting.", getnpcid(0,instance_npcname("Loomin#1hmoon01")); next; mes "[A boy with white hair and the same face as the Pope, thin boy with odd eyes.]"; next; cutin "pop_nor",2; mes "[Pope]"; mes "Brother."; next; mes "[This boy seems to be the Loomin that Hight Priestess Niren said.]"; next; cutin "loo_nor",0; mes "[Loomin]"; mes "Because I come crying, and came up here. Become a worry."; next; cutin "pop_nor",2; mes "[Pope]"; mes "It was not possible to get out quietly."; next; cutin "loo_nor",0; mes "[Loomin]"; mes "You're okay? What happened?"; next; cutin "pop_nor",2; mes "[Pope]"; mes "Yup. Now it is okay. Adventurer like help me."; next; cutin "loo_nor",0; mes "[Loomin]"; mes "Thank you for helping my sister. I'll take from here."; showscript "It does not matter to go in this.", getnpcid(0,instance_npcname("Loomin#1hmoon01")); next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "I'm in charge of Pope safety until she come back safely. I will accompany."; next; cutin "loo_nor",0; mes "[Loomin]"; mes "......"; next; cutin "pop_nor",2; mes "[Pope]"; mes "Let's go."; showscript "Brother.", getnpcid(0,instance_npcname("Pope#1hmoon06")); next; cutin "loo_nor",0; mes "[Loomin]"; mes "Those clothes are not very good for the eyes. I hope this change of clothes come for."; next; cutin "pop_nor",2; mes "[Pope]"; mes "Clothes, to change...?"; next; cutin "loo_nor",0; mes "[Loomin]"; mes "It's plain clothes as the other children's."; next; cutin "pop_nor",2; mes "[Pope]"; mes "Plain clothes?"; next; mes "[Pope]"; mes "Okay."; next; cutin "pop_nor",255; donpcevent instance_npcname("Pope#1hmoon06")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Pope#1hmoon07")+"::OnEnable"; cutin "pops_bug",2; mes "[Pope]"; mes "Unfamiliar..."; next; mes "[Pope]"; mes "Weird?"; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "No. It fits well."; next; cutin "loo_smi",0; mes "[Loomin]"; mes "Really beautiful."; next; cutin "pops_lau",2; mes "[Pope]"; mes "Thank God."; next; cutin "loo_smi",0; mes "[Loomin]"; mes "Come on. Mom and Dad are going to wait."; next; cutin "pops_lau",2; mes "[Pope]"; mes "Yes."; close2; cutin "pops_lau",255; donpcevent instance_npcname("Pope#1hmoon07")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Loomin#1hmoon01")+"::OnDisable"; sleep2 1000; donpcevent instance_npcname("Pope#1hmoon08")+"::OnEnable"; emotion e_dots, 0, instance_npcname("Pope#1hmoon08"); sleep2 300; unittalk getcharid(3),"Pope?"; //missing text sleep2 2000; emotion e_dots, 0, instance_npcname("Pope#1hmoon08"); sleep2 600; specialeffect EF_HITBODY,AREA, instance_npcname("Pope#1hmoon08"); sleep2 200; donpcevent instance_npcname("Pope#1hmoon08")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("#1hmoond07")+"::OnEnable"; //unittalk getcharid(3),""; //missing text end; OnDisable: specialeffect EF_BASH; disablenpc instance_npcname("Pope#1hmoon06"); end; } 1@pop1,95,99,6 script Priest#1hmoon01 4_M_TRAINEE,{ end; OnDisable: specialeffect EF_BASH; disablenpc instance_npcname(strnpcinfo(0)); end; } 1@pop1,104,99,4 duplicate(Priest#1hmoon01) Priestess#1hmoon02 4_F_TRAINEE 1@pop1,93,97,6 duplicate(Priest#1hmoon01) Follower#1hmoon01 4_M_MASK 1@pop1,106,97,4 duplicate(Priest#1hmoon01) Follower#1hmoon02 4_F_MASK 1@pop1,91,95,6 duplicate(Priest#1hmoon01) Follower#1hmoon03 4_M_MASK1 1@pop1,108,95,4 duplicate(Priest#1hmoon01) Follower#1hmoon04 4_F_MASK1 1@pop1,91,92,6 duplicate(Priest#1hmoon01) Follower#1hmoon05 4_M_MASK1 1@pop1,108,92,4 duplicate(Priest#1hmoon01) Follower#1hmoon06 4_F_MASK1 1@pop1,89,103,5 duplicate(Priest#1hmoon01) Guard#1hmoon01 4_M_RASWORD 1@pop1,110,103,3 duplicate(Priest#1hmoon01) Guard#1hmoon02 4_M_RASWORD 1@pop1,96,83,5 duplicate(Priest#1hmoon01) Guard#1hmoon03 4_M_RASWORD 1@pop1,103,83,3 duplicate(Priest#1hmoon01) Guard#1hmoon04 4_M_RASWORD 1@pop1,96,80,5 duplicate(Priest#1hmoon01) Guard#1hmoon05 4_M_RASWORD 1@pop1,103,80,3 duplicate(Priest#1hmoon01) Guard#1hmoon06 4_M_RASWORD 1@pop1,96,77,5 duplicate(Priest#1hmoon01) Guard#1hmoon07 4_M_RASWORD 1@pop1,103,77,3 duplicate(Priest#1hmoon01) Guard#1hmoon08 4_M_RASWORD 1@pop1,96,74,5 duplicate(Priest#1hmoon01) Guard#1hmoon09 4_M_RASWORD 1@pop1,103,74,3 duplicate(Priest#1hmoon01) Guard#1hmoon10 4_M_RASWORD 1@pop1,96,71,5 duplicate(Priest#1hmoon01) Guard#1hmoon11 4_M_RASWORD 1@pop1,103,71,3 duplicate(Priest#1hmoon01) Guard#1hmoon12 4_M_RASWORD 1@pop1,96,68,5 duplicate(Priest#1hmoon01) Guard#1hmoon13 4_M_RASWORD 1@pop1,103,68,3 duplicate(Priest#1hmoon01) Guard#1hmoon14 4_M_RASWORD 1@pop1,98,17,6 duplicate(Priest#1hmoon01) Loomin#1hmoon01 4_M_CHILD 1@pop1,97,97,6 script Follower#1hmoon11 4_M_MASK,{ end; OnInstanceInit: OnDisable: specialeffect EF_BASH; hideonnpc instance_npcname(strnpcinfo(0)); end; OnEnable: hideoffnpc instance_npcname(strnpcinfo(0)); end; } 1@pop1,102,97,4 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Follower#1hmoon12 4_F_MASK 1@pop1,97,95,6 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Follower#1hmoon13 4_M_MASK1 1@pop1,102,95,4 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Follower#1hmoon14 4_F_MASK1 1@pop1,97,92,6 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Follower#1hmoon15 4_M_MASK1 1@pop1,102,92,4 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Follower#1hmoon16 4_F_MASK1 1@pop1,101,94,3 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Priest#1hmoon21 4_M_TRAINEE 1@pop1,98,94,5 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Priestess#1hmoon22 4_F_TRAINEE 1@pop1,96,92,6 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Follower#1hmoon23 4_M_MASK 1@pop1,103,92,4 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Follower#1hmoon24 4_F_MASK 1@pop1,96,90,7 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Follower#1hmoon25 4_M_MASK1 1@pop1,103,90,1 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Follower#1hmoon26 4_F_MASK1 1@pop1,101,89,1 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Follower#1hmoon27 4_M_MASK1 1@pop1,98,89,7 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Follower#1hmoon28 4_F_MASK1 1@pop1,99,89,7 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Guard#1hmoon21 4_M_RASWORD 1@pop1,100,82,1 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Guard#1hmoon22 4_M_RASWORD 1@pop1,96,87,7 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Guard#1hmoon23 4_M_RASWORD 1@pop1,98,87,7 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Guard#1hmoon24 4_M_RASWORD 1@pop1,101,87,1 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Guard#1hmoon25 4_M_RASWORD 1@pop1,103,87,1 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Guard#1hmoon26 4_M_RASWORD 1@pop1,96,84,7 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Guard#1hmoon27 4_M_RASWORD 1@pop1,98,84,7 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Guard#1hmoon28 4_M_RASWORD 1@pop1,101,84,1 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Guard#1hmoon29 4_M_RASWORD 1@pop1,103,84,1 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Guard#1hmoon30 4_M_RASWORD 1@pop1,100,98,3 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Pope#1hmoon02 4_F_ARUNA_POP 1@pop1,100,16,3 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Pope#1hmoon07 4_F_ARUNA_POP2 1@pop1,101,16,3 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Pope#1hmoon08 4_F_ARUNA_POP 1@pop1,100,96,3 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Pope#1hmoon09 4_F_ARUNA_POP 1@pop1,99,94,3 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Pope#1hmoon10 4_F_ARUNA_POP 1@pop1,100,92,3 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Pope#1hmoon11 4_F_ARUNA_POP 1@pop1,0,0,0 script #mob1hmoon HIDDEN_WARP_NPC,{ OnEnable: OnMyMobDead: .@map$ = instance_mapname("1@pop1"); if (mobcount(.@map$,instance_npcname("#mob1hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead")) end; if (!'hmoon_mode) { .@guard = 3510; //Easy .@fbel = 3511; .@mbel = 3512; .@priest = 3514; } else { .@guard = 3518; //Hard .@fbel = 3519; .@mbel = 3520; .@priest = 3522; } switch('1hmoon) { case 0: monster .@map$,99,89,"Temple Guard",.@guard,1,instance_npcname("#mob1hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,100,81,"Temple Guard",.@guard,1,instance_npcname("#mob1hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,96,87,"Temple Guard",.@guard,1,instance_npcname("#mob1hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,98,87,"Temple Guard",.@guard,1,instance_npcname("#mob1hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,101,87,"Temple Guard",.@guard,1,instance_npcname("#mob1hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,103,87,"Temple Guard",.@guard,1,instance_npcname("#mob1hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,96,84,"Temple Guard",.@guard,1,instance_npcname("#mob1hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,98,84,"Temple Guard",.@guard,1,instance_npcname("#mob1hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,101,84,"Temple Guard",.@guard,1,instance_npcname("#mob1hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,103,84,"Temple Guard",.@guard,1,instance_npcname("#mob1hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,101,81,"Temple Guard",.@guard,1,instance_npcname("#mob1hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; '1hmoon++; end; case 1: instance_announce -1, "Always prevent the Pope!!",bc_map,"0xFFFF00"; sleep2 2000; instance_announce -1, "Pope, where visible intends either. Here is where the Pope is!",bc_map,"0xFFFF00"; //custom areamonster .@map$,60,90,90,100,"Enraged Follower",.@fbel,8,instance_npcname("#mob1hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; areamonster .@map$,139,90,104,90,"Angry Follower",.@mbel,7,instance_npcname("#mob1hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; '1hmoon++; end; case 2: instance_announce -1, "I feel a little more powerful aura...",bc_map,"0xFFFF00"; sleep 2000; .@mobGID = monster(.@map$,99,96,"Furious High Priest",.@priest,1,instance_npcname("#mob1hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"); '1hmoon++; //unittalk .@mobGID, ""; //missing text //sleep2 1500; //unittalk .@mobGID, ""; //missing text end; case 3: //mercenary_destroy; if (!countitem(25087) && rand(2) == 0) { instance_announce -1, "The sound of something falling when High Priest appeared was heard.",bc_map,"0xFFFF00"; donpcevent instance_npcname("#dollbox01")+"::OnEnable"; sleep 1000; } instance_announce -1, "People who threaten disappeared. Now we need avoid the place.",bc_map,"0xFFFF00"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Pope#1hmoon05")+"::OnEnable"; end; } } //== Part 2 =============================================== 1@pop2,117,221,3 script Pope#2hmoon01 4_F_ARUNA_POP2,{ if (.Talk) end; .Talk++; showscript "Where is this? And even without any length of always out to?", getnpcid(0,instance_npcname("Loomin#2hmoon01")); sleep2 2000; //unittalk getcharid(3),""; //missing text sleep2 2000; showscript "High Priest Zhed? Then, it is safe here.", getnpcid(0,instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon01")); sleep2 2000; showscript "It's late. Now hurry.", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Loomin#2hmoon01")); sleep2 500; donpcevent instance_npcname("Loomin#2hmoon01")+"::OnDisable"; sleep2 1000; showscript "Brother, the like.", getnpcid(0,instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon01")); sleep2 500; donpcevent instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon01")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon02")+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Loomin#2hmoon02")+"::OnEnable"; .Talk--; end; OnDisable: specialeffect EF_BASH; disablenpc instance_npcname(strnpcinfo(0)); end; } 1@pop2,63,237,3 script Pope#2hmoon02 4_F_ARUNA_POP2,{ cutin "loo_nor",0; mes "[Loomin]"; mes "Here is the residence of the High Priest?"; next; cutin "loo_nor",255; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "I like going to secure the safety of the High Priest-like house."; next; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon01")+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon02")+"::OnEnable"; mes "[Guard]"; mes "Who! This is where you can not mess out of this stranger!"; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "We are not suspicious people."; next; mes "[Guard]"; mes "No suspicious person would say is a suspicious person out of his mouth!"; showscript "Here and where is it!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon02")); next; mes "[Guard]"; mes "Now that all have him intrusion suspicious people go out into the garden!"; next; donpcevent instance_npcname("High Priest Zhed#2hmoon")+"::OnEnable"; cutin "ra_gman2",0; mes "[High Priest Zhed]"; mes "Did'm so noisy, so what's happening?"; next; cutin "ra_gman2",255; mes "[Guard]"; mes "High Priest, it is dangerous. Please enter in!"; next; mes "[Guard]"; mes "Suspicious people broke into the mansion!"; next; mes "[Guard]"; mes "We will handle it."; next; cutin "ra_gman2",0; mes "[High Priest Zhed]"; mes "Po... Pope? Is not the Pope?"; showscript "Po... Pope? Is not the Pope?", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("High Priest Zhed#2hmoon")); next; cutin "pops_sim",2; mes "[Pope]"; mes "Ah..."; showscript "Ah...", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon02")); next; cutin "ra_gman2",0; mes "[High Priest Zhed]"; mes "Did you come out of the temple in any thing? Since the Pope was enshrined who are doing!"; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "It's a moment that the Pope is insidious. High Priestess Niren got ahead and she approved."; next; mes "[High Priest Zhed]"; mes "You are... an adventurer?"; next; mes "[High Priest Zhed]"; mes "I see. However, the Pope should not come out of the temple."; next; mes "[High Priest Zhed]"; mes "In some cases, there is a disturbing force, you can receive a threat from radical followers. Now If you must come back to the temple."; next; mes "[High Priest Zhed]"; mes "It is more than that was Niren's approval like you would not know it."; next; mes "[High Priest Zhed]"; mes "Like any chance something happened to the Pope, it is not Pope individual problem, it may become a problem of the whole Arunafeltz."; next; cutin "pops_sim",2; mes "[Pope]"; mes "Am I called the Goddess vessel?"; next; mes "[Pope]"; mes "You only looking into me-this vessel?"; next; cutin "ra_gman2",0; mes "[High Priest Zhed]"; mes "Arunafeltz habitants who live expected to look at the all the Pope. And Will are getting each of joy and comfort through the Pope."; next; mes "[High Priest Zhed]"; mes "And is the duty of our priests be responsible for the safety of such Pope."; next; cutin "pops_sim",2; mes "[Pope]"; mes "But Zhed... for a while, even for a while."; next; mes "[Pope]"; mes "Help me. Give me understand."; showscript "Please...", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon02")); next; cutin "ra_gman2",0; mes "[High Priest Zhed]"; mes "Not even for a moment the Pope to be at risk. I will welcome you directly to the temple."; next; cutin "loo_ang",0; mes "[Loomin]"; mes "There is no danger here. The danger is, there you just to grow in preference to confine the children!"; next; cutin "ra_gman2",0; mes "[High Priest Zhed]"; mes "This face and eyes... Perhaps? Loomin?"; next; mes "[High Priest Zhed]"; mes "How, how did you get out?"; showscript "How did you get out?", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("High Priest Zhed#2hmoon")); next; cutin "loo_sim",0; mes "[Loomin]"; mes "Damn..."; next; cutin "ra_gman2",0; mes "[High Priest Zhed]"; mes "Guards, hold that boy!"; next; cutin "loo_sim",0; mes "[Loomin]"; mes "We would be better to lose scattered here. Let's take a look at the village shut out expenses."; sleep2 500; cutin "loo_sim",255;; donpcevent instance_npcname("Loomin#2hmoon02")+"::OnDisable"; next; cutin "pops_sim",2; mes "[Pope]"; mes "Together...!"; showscript "It is like...", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon02")); next; cutin "ra_gman2",0; mes "[High Priest Zhed]"; mes "Pope, just who was...?"; next; cutin "pops_sim",2; mes "[Pope]"; mes "That person,"; next; cutin "pops_sim",255;; instance_announce -1, "The pope is here!",bc_map,"0xFFFF00"; sleep2 2000; instance_announce -1, "Over here! Here!!!",bc_map,"0xFFFF00"; sleep2 1000; cutin "ra_gman2",0; mes "[High Priest Zhed]"; mes "Pope? Did Niren approved your slipping out of the temple?"; next; cutin "pops_sim",2; mes "[Pope]"; mes "Zhed, it is not abandoning the obligations. But only a little, just a little..."; next; cutin "ra_gman2",0; mes "[High Priest Zhed]"; mes "Do not. Time delay can not be more than outside the temple. I'll take you directly."; next; cutin "pops_sim",2; mes "[Pope]"; mes "No."; next; cutin "ra_gman2",0; mes "[High Priest Zhed]"; mes "Pope, you need to go."; next; cutin "pops_sim",2; mes "[Pope]"; mes "No! I will not go!!!"; showscript "No!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon02")); next; cutin "pops_sim",255;; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon03")+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon04")+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon05")+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon06")+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon07")+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon08")+"::OnEnable"; mes "[Guard]"; mes "The pope is here!"; showscript "The pope is here!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon03")); next; mes "[Guard]"; mes "Pope, we're here to pick you up!"; next; cutin "pops_sim",2; mes "[Pope]"; mes "For now, I will not go!"; next; cutin "pops_sim",255;; mes "[Guard]"; mes "Pope! As you need to go!"; showscript "Pope! As you need to go!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon03")); next; cutin "pops_sim",2; mes "[Pope]"; mes "I hate, hate!!"; showscript "I hate, hate!!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon02")); specialeffect EF_MAGICCRASHER,AREA, instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon02"); next; cutin "pops_sim",255;; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Let the Pope go. Otherwise, I will exert force."; next; mes "[Guard]"; mes "Please do not leave a mere adventurer of subject!"; showscript "Where submissions!!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon07")); next; mes "[Guard]"; mes "Outsiders are out!!!"; showscript "You do not care!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon05")); sleep2 1000; showscript "All quiet!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon04")); next; mes "[Guard]"; mes "Adventurer from this time onward, regarded as our enemy! The Moshora the Pope to put away the adventurers!"; next; mes "[Guard]"; mes "The Pope should not ever hurt any of coating! Ramie so politely!"; next; mes "[Guard]"; mes "All battle!!!"; next; mes "[Guard]"; mes "Hot!!"; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Pope, stay by my side."; showscript "Hot!!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon01")); showscript "Hot!!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon02")); showscript "Hot!!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon03")); showscript "Hot!!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon04")); showscript "Hot!!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon05")); showscript "Hot!!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon06")); showscript "Hot!!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon07")); showscript "Hot!!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon08")); close2; donpcevent instance_npcname("High Priest Zhed#2hmoon")+"::OnDisable"; sleep2 500; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon01")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon02")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon03")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon04")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon05")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon06")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon07")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon08")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon02")+"::OnDisable"; if (!'hmoon_mode) mercenary_create 3528,1800000; //POPE_MD_MERC_CASUAL else mercenary_create 3570,1800000; //POPE_MD_H_MERC_CASUAL sleep2 500; instance_announce -1, "Pope, you must come with us!",bc_map,"0xFFFF00"; donpcevent instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnEnable"; end; OnInstanceInit: OnDisable: specialeffect EF_BASH; hideonnpc instance_npcname(strnpcinfo(0)); end; OnEnable: hideoffnpc instance_npcname(strnpcinfo(0)); end; } 1@pop2,69,158,3 script Pope#2hmoon03 4_F_ARUNA_POP2,{ if (.Talk) end; .Talk++; showscript "Thank you so much.", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon03")); sleep2 1000; //unittalk getcharid(3),""; //missing text sleep2 2000; showscript "Huh. I'll be waiting.", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon03")); sleep2 1000; //unittalk getcharid(3),""; //missing text sleep2 1000; showscript "Yeah.", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon03")); sleep2 1000; donpcevent instance_npcname("#2hmoond01")+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon03")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon04")+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Loomin#2hmoon03")+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Puppy#2hmoon01")+"::OnEnable"; .Talk--; end; OnInstanceInit: OnDisable: specialeffect EF_BASH; disablenpc instance_npcname(strnpcinfo(0)); end; OnEnable: enablenpc instance_npcname(strnpcinfo(0)); end; } 1@pop2,66,206,0 script #2hmoon05 HIDDEN_WARP_NPC,5,5,{ donpcevent instance_npcname(strnpcinfo(0))+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnEnable"; end; OnInstanceInit: OnDisable: disablenpc instance_npcname(strnpcinfo(0)); end; OnEnable: enablenpc instance_npcname(strnpcinfo(0)); end; } 1@pop2,66,156,0 duplicate(#2hmoon05) #2hmoon06 HIDDEN_WARP_NPC,5,5 1@pop2,119,123,0 duplicate(#2hmoon05) #2hmoon07 HIDDEN_WARP_NPC,5,5 1@pop2,48,126,0 duplicate(#2hmoon07) #2hmoon08 HIDDEN_WARP_NPC,5,5 1@pop2,57,83,0 duplicate(#2hmoon07) #2hmoon09 HIDDEN_WARP_NPC,5,5 1@pop2,129,38,0 duplicate(#2hmoon07) #2hmoon10 HIDDEN_WARP_NPC,5,5 1@pop2,116,219,1 duplicate(Priest#1hmoon01) Loomin#2hmoon01 4_M_CHILD 1@pop2,42,87,0 duplicate(Priest#1hmoon01) #2mum01 HIDDEN_NPC 1@pop2,94,47,0 duplicate(Priest#1hmoon01) #2mum02 HIDDEN_NPC 1@pop2,66,236,3 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Loomin#2hmoon02 4_M_CHILD 1@pop2,55,114,6 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Loomin#2hmoon03 4_M_CHILD 1@pop2,60,237,5 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Guard#2hmoon01 4_M_RASWORD 1@pop2,62,234,7 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Guard#2hmoon02 4_M_RASWORD 1@pop2,65,232,7 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Guard#2hmoon03 4_M_RASWORD 1@pop2,62,240,5 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Guard#2hmoon04 4_M_RASWORD 1@pop2,66,240,3 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Guard#2hmoon05 4_M_RASWORD 1@pop2,68,239,3 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Guard#2hmoon06 4_M_RASWORD 1@pop2,68,234,1 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Guard#2hmoon07 4_M_RASWORD 1@pop2,70,236,1 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Guard#2hmoon08 4_M_RASWORD 1@pop2,66,206,7 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Guard#2hmoon10 4_M_RASWORD 1@pop2,60,204,7 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Guard#2hmoon11 4_M_RASWORD 1@pop2,62,202,7 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Guard#2hmoon12 4_M_RASWORD 1@pop2,64,200,7 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Guard#2hmoon13 4_M_RASWORD 1@pop2,66,198,1 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Guard#2hmoon14 4_M_RASWORD 1@pop2,68,200,1 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Guard#2hmoon15 4_M_RASWORD 1@pop2,70,202,1 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Guard#2hmoon16 4_M_RASWORD 1@pop2,72,204,1 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Guard#2hmoon17 4_M_RASWORD 1@pop2,124,84,7 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Guard#2hmoon21 4_M_RASWORD 1@pop2,127,83,7 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Guard#2hmoon22 4_M_RASWORD 1@pop2,128,81,5 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Guard#2hmoon23 4_M_RASWORD 1@pop2,128,77,5 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Guard#2hmoon24 4_M_RASWORD 1@pop2,127,73,5 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Guard#2hmoon25 4_M_RASWORD 1@pop2,124,71,5 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Guard#2hmoon26 4_M_RASWORD 1@pop2,121,72,3 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Guard#2hmoon27 4_M_RASWORD 1@pop2,119,74,3 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Guard#2hmoon28 4_M_RASWORD 1@pop2,66,156,7 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Guard#2hmoon30 4_M_RASWORD 1@pop2,60,154,7 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Guard#2hmoon31 4_M_RASWORD 1@pop2,62,152,7 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Guard#2hmoon32 4_M_RASWORD 1@pop2,64,150,7 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Guard#2hmoon33 4_M_RASWORD 1@pop2,66,148,1 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Guard#2hmoon34 4_M_RASWORD 1@pop2,68,150,1 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Guard#2hmoon35 4_M_RASWORD 1@pop2,70,152,1 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Guard#2hmoon36 4_M_RASWORD 1@pop2,72,154,1 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Guard#2hmoon37 4_M_RASWORD 1@pop2,128,81,7 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Guard#2hmoon41 4_M_RASWORD 1@pop2,130,81,1 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Guard#2hmoon42 4_M_RASWORD 1@pop2,128,79,7 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Guard#2hmoon43 4_M_RASWORD 1@pop2,130,79,1 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Guard#2hmoon44 4_M_RASWORD 1@pop2,128,77,7 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Guard#2hmoon45 4_M_RASWORD 1@pop2,130,77,1 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Guard#2hmoon46 4_M_RASWORD 1@pop2,128,75,7 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Guard#2hmoon47 4_M_RASWORD 1@pop2,130,75,1 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Guard#2hmoon48 4_M_RASWORD 1@pop2,129,73,1 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Guard#2hmoon49 4_M_RASWORD 1@pop2,59,235,7 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) High Priest Zhed#2hmoon 4_M_RACHOLD1 1@pop2,49,84,1 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Loomin#2hmoon04 4_M_CHILD 1@pop2,123,78,7 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Loomin#2hmoon05 4_M_CHILD 1@pop2,62,76,5 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Loomin#2hmoon06 4_M_CHILD 1@pop2,88,43,7 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Loomin#2hmoon07 4_M_CHILD 1@pop2,135,46,5 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Loomin#2hmoon08 4_M_CHILD 1@pop2,58,114,4 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Puppy#2hmoon01 4_DOG01 1@pop2,50,85,1 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Puppy#2hmoon02 4_DOG01 1@pop2,124,79,1 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Puppy#2hmoon03 4_DOG01 1@pop2,90,42,1 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Puppy#2hmoon04 4_DOG01 1@pop2,135,49,5 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Puppy#2hmoon05 4_DOG01 1@pop2,59,118,3 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Friend#2hmoon01 4_F_CHILD 1@pop2,60,117,3 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Friend#2hmoon02 4_M_MIKID 1@pop2,60,115,1 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Friend#2hmoon03 4_F_KID2 1@pop2,46,88,7 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Friend#2hmoon04 4_F_CHILD 1@pop2,46,85,6 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Friend#2hmoon05 4_M_MIKID 1@pop2,49,88,3 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Friend#2hmoon06 4_F_KID2 1@pop2,91,43,1 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Friend#2hmoon07 4_F_CHILD 1@pop2,92,44,3 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Friend#2hmoon08 4_M_MIKID 1@pop2,136,45,7 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Friend#2hmoon09 4_F_CHILD 1@pop2,121,80,5 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Mom#2hmoon01 4_F_GODEMOM 1@pop2,121,78,7 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Dad#2hmoon01 4_M_RACHMAN1 1@pop2,125,78,1 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) High Priestess#2hmoon01 4_F_MADAME 1@pop2,123,76,7 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) High Priest#2hmoon02 4_M_RACHOLD1 1@pop2,126,80,3 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Follower#2hmoon01 4_F_MASK 1@pop2,122,81,5 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Follower#2hmoon02 4_M_MASK 1@pop2,129,83,3 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Follower#2hmoon03 4_M_MASK 1@pop2,130,80,1 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Neighborhood#2hmoon01 4_F_CAVE1 1@pop2,132,76,3 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Neighborhood#2hmoon02 4_F_EINOLD 1@pop2,129,74,1 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Neighborhood#2hmoon03 4_M_MIDDLE1 1@pop2,130,85,3 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Neighborhood#2hmoon04 4_M_MIDDLE 1@pop2,127,89,3 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Neighborhood#2hmoon11 1_F_01 1@pop2,131,87,3 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Neighborhood#2hmoon12 1_M_SIGNMONK2 1@pop2,130,84,3 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Neighborhood#2hmoon13 1_M_04 1@pop2,133,81,3 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Neighborhood#2hmoon14 1_M_SIGNMONK 1@pop2,136,83,3 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Neighborhood#2hmoon15 1_M_JOBTESTER 1@pop2,135,76,1 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Neighborhood#2hmoon16 4_M_MASKMAN 1@pop2,132,72,1 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Neighborhood#2hmoon17 4_F_04 1@pop2,129,68,1 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Neighborhood#2hmoon18 4_KID01 1@pop2,131,68,1 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Neighborhood#2hmoon21 1_F_01 1@pop2,125,67,1 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Neighborhood#2hmoon22 4_F_RACHOLD 1@pop2,119,69,7 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Neighborhood#2hmoon23 4_M_04 1@pop2,123,84,7 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Neighborhood#2hmoon24 4_M_DESERT 1@pop2,116,73,7 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Neighborhood#2hmoon25 4_M_CAVE1 1@pop2,117,75,7 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Neighborhood#2hmoon26 4_F_SHABBY 1@pop2,114,78,7 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Neighborhood#2hmoon27 4W_F_01 1@pop2,119,123,5 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Pope#2hmoon10 4_F_ARUNA_POP 1@pop2,48,126,5 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Pope#2hmoon11 4_F_ARUNA_POP 1@pop2,57,83,7 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Pope#2hmoon12 4_F_ARUNA_POP 1@pop2,129,38,1 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Pope#2hmoon13 4_F_ARUNA_POP 1@pop2,56,116,5 script Pope#2hmoon04 4_F_ARUNA_POP2,{ cutin "loo_smi",0; mes "[Loomin]"; mes "Why are you so late?"; showscript "Woof!!!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Puppy#2hmoon01")); next; cutin "pops_smi",2; mes "[Pope]"; mes "Puppy?"; next; cutin "loo_nor",0; mes "[Loomin]"; mes "Yeah. The owner was no where to continue hovering."; next; cutin "pops_lau",2; mes "[Pope]"; mes "Cute!"; next; cutin "loo_smi",0; mes "[Loomin]"; mes "I thought you would like. Do you want to have a dog?"; next; cutin "pops_lau",2; mes "[Pope]"; mes "Yes! Are we going to raise him?"; next; cutin "loo_nor",0; mes "[Loomin]"; mes "Let's ask mom and dad that we grow."; next; cutin "pops_lau",2; mes "[Pope]"; mes "Yes!"; showscript "The name is not what?", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon04")); next; cutin "pops_lau",255; donpcevent instance_npcname("Friend#2hmoon01")+"::OnEnable"; mes "[Friend]"; mes "Did you come now?"; showscript "Did you come now?", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Friend#2hmoon01")); next; donpcevent instance_npcname("Friend#2hmoon02")+"::OnEnable"; sleep2 500; donpcevent instance_npcname("Friend#2hmoon03")+"::OnEnable"; mes "[Friend]"; mes "I thought you not come today."; showscript "I thought you not come today.", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Friend#2hmoon02")); next; cutin "loo_sim",0; mes "[Loomin]"; mes "We were in the middle of some work."; next; cutin "loo_sim",255;; mes "[Friend]"; mes "Since coming to the hard, playing us each other and go to the other house."; next; mes "[Friend]"; mes "Now it's time to go home."; showscript "Now it's time to go home.", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Friend#2hmoon03")); next; mes "[Friend]"; mes "Come home."; next; cutin "pops_lau",2; mes "[Pope]"; mes "Yes!!!"; next; cutin "loo_sim",0; mes "[Loomin]"; mes "We have to hurry. Mom and Dad will wait."; close2; cutin "loo_sim",255;; donpcevent instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon04")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Loomin#2hmoon03")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Friend#2hmoon01")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Friend#2hmoon02")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Friend#2hmoon03")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Puppy#2hmoon01")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon05")+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Loomin#2hmoon04")+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Friend#2hmoon04")+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Friend#2hmoon05")+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Friend#2hmoon06")+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Puppy#2hmoon02")+"::OnEnable"; //unittalk getcharid(3),""; //missing text //navigation 48,86; end; OnInstanceInit: OnDisable: specialeffect EF_BASH; disablenpc instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon04"); end; OnEnable: enablenpc instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon04"); end; } 1@pop2,48,86,7 script Pope#2hmoon05 4_F_ARUNA_POP2,{ if (.Talk) end; .Talk++; showscript "This time you're a new father who made weapons?", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon05")); sleep2 2000; showscript "Yup. Do you want to enter a time? Gotta look for.", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Friend#2hmoon06")); sleep2 2000; showscript "Kids... Scary.", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon05")); sleep2 2000; showscript "Scary. When you care to create while, it's not going to hurt.", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Loomin#2hmoon04")); sleep2 2000; showscript "I try to listen!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Friend#2hmoon05")); sleep2 2000; showscript "You can't.", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Friend#2hmoon06")); sleep2 2000; showscript "Why? Why am I not? You wanna example!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Friend#2hmoon05")); sleep2 2000; showscript "I really do not know to ask?", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Friend#2hmoon04")); sleep2 2000; showscript "Key to look at ask some growth again.", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Friend#2hmoon06")); sleep2 2000; showscript "It was bad!!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Friend#2hmoon05")); sleep2 2000; showscript "It builds really sparkling.", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon05")); sleep2 2000; showscript "Hehe. I've helped.", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Friend#2hmoon06")); sleep2 2000; showscript "Really? Already cool attend to help with the housework.", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon05")); sleep2 2000; showscript "What are you doing outside to enter If you come?", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("#2mum01")); sleep2 2000; showscript "And going into soon!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Friend#2hmoon06")); sleep2 2000; showscript "I do not try to go in this.", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Friend#2hmoon06")); sleep2 2000; showscript "Yes. So we'll see you tomorrow.", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon05")); sleep2 2000; showscript "Yup! Tomorrow let's play just like!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Friend#2hmoon06")); sleep2 2000; showscript "Yes!!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon05")); sleep2 2000; showscript "Bye!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Friend#2hmoon04")); sleep2 2000; showscript "Bye!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Friend#2hmoon05")); sleep2 2000; showscript "Bye~", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon05")); sleep2 2000; showscript "Bye~", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Friend#2hmoon06")); donpcevent instance_npcname("Friend#2hmoon06")+"::OnDisable"; sleep2 2000; showscript "We go immigrants?", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Loomin#2hmoon04")); sleep2 2000; showscript "Yes!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon05")); sleep2 500; donpcevent instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon05")+"::OnDisable"; sleep2 500; donpcevent instance_npcname("Loomin#2hmoon04")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Friend#2hmoon04")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Friend#2hmoon05")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Puppy#2hmoon02")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon08")+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Loomin#2hmoon07")+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Friend#2hmoon07")+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Friend#2hmoon08")+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Puppy#2hmoon04")+"::OnEnable"; //unittalk getcharid(3),""; //missing text //navigation 89,44; .Talk--; end; OnInstanceInit: OnDisable: specialeffect EF_BASH; disablenpc instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon05"); end; OnEnable: enablenpc instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon05"); end; } 1@pop2,64,75,3 script Pope#2hmoon07 4_F_ARUNA_POP2,{ if (.Talk) end; .Talk++; donpcevent instance_npcname("Loomin#2hmoon06")+"::OnEnable"; showscript "I came pick up so come do not wait. Let's come before you come more followed. Soon as possible!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Loomin#2hmoon06")); sleep2 2000; donpcevent instance_npcname("Loomin#2hmoon06")+"::OnDisable"; showscript "Adventurer, is like.", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon07")); sleep2 2000; donpcevent instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon07")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("#2hmoon10")+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon13")+"::OnEnable"; //unittalk getcharid(3),""; //missing text //navigation 129,38; .Talk--; end; OnInstanceInit: OnDisable: specialeffect EF_BASH; disablenpc instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon07"); end; OnEnable: enablenpc instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon07"); end; } 1@pop2,89,44,7 script Pope#2hmoon08 4_F_ARUNA_POP2,{ if (.Talk) end; .Talk++; showscript "Sparkling clean.", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon08")); sleep2 2000; showscript "Pretty?", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Friend#2hmoon08")); sleep2 2000; showscript "Yes. The shiny stuff is pretty good.", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon08")); sleep2 2000; showscript "Mom, dad to tell him we let one.", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Loomin#2hmoon07")); sleep2 2000; showscript "Good!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon08")); sleep2 2000; showscript "Tomorrow we play are you doing?", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Friend#2hmoon08")); sleep2 2000; showscript "Or hide-and-seek?", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Friend#2hmoon07")); sleep2 2000; showscript "I have good Pope play!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Friend#2hmoon08")); sleep2 2000; showscript "That's more fun than hide-and-seek.", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Friend#2hmoon07")); sleep2 2000; showscript "Pope play!!!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Friend#2hmoon08")); sleep2 2000; showscript "You cant I can be the Pope.", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Friend#2hmoon07")); sleep2 2000; showscript "So even if he wants to play!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Friend#2hmoon08")); sleep2 2000; showscript "No. Already had to the hide-and-seek. Right?", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Friend#2hmoon07")); sleep2 2000; showscript "Both and it is not.", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon08")); sleep2 2000; showscript "Enter and come eat rice!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("#2mum02")); sleep2 2000; showscript "Yeah~", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Friend#2hmoon08")); sleep2 2000; showscript "Come and hear try.", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon08")); sleep2 2000; showscript "Tomorrow Let's play always together. I want to play the Pope!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Friend#2hmoon08")); sleep2 2000; showscript "Yes! I want to play the Pope!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon08")); sleep2 2000; showscript "Bye~", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Friend#2hmoon08")); sleep2 2000; showscript "Bye~", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Friend#2hmoon07")); sleep2 2000; showscript "See you tomorrow~", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon08")); sleep2 1000; donpcevent instance_npcname("Friend#2hmoon08")+"::OnDisable"; sleep2 500; showscript "We quickly go and eat rice!!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Loomin#2hmoon07")); sleep2 500; donpcevent instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon08")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Loomin#2hmoon07")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Friend#2hmoon07")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Puppy#2hmoon04")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon09")+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Loomin#2hmoon08")+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Friend#2hmoon09")+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Puppy#2hmoon05")+"::OnEnable"; //unittalk getcharid(3),""; //missing text //navigation 89,44; .Talk--; end; OnInstanceInit: OnDisable: specialeffect EF_BASH; disablenpc instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon08"); end; OnEnable: enablenpc instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon08"); end; } 1@pop2,136,47,5 script Pope#2hmoon09 4_F_ARUNA_POP2,{ if (.Talk) end; .Talk++; showscript "Brother! Look at that! Looks delicious.", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon09")); sleep2 2000; showscript "Want some?", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Friend#2hmoon09")); sleep2 2000; showscript "No. I'm okay.", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon09")); sleep2 2000; showscript "Anyway now and also not many tourists but the evening.", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Friend#2hmoon09")); sleep2 2000; showscript "Well... Anyway...", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon09")); sleep2 2000; showscript "Thanks. To eat well.", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Loomin#2hmoon08")); sleep2 2000; showscript "Brother?", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon09")); sleep2 2000; showscript "Oh~ Hungry~", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Loomin#2hmoon08")); sleep2 2000; showscript "Yes. Come on, go eat dinner.", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Friend#2hmoon09")); sleep2 2000; showscript "Yes. So we'll see you tomorrow.", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon09")); sleep2 2000; showscript "Yeah. - let's again tomorrow! Do not forget to play hide and seek!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Friend#2hmoon09")); sleep2 2000; showscript "Yes! And play hide-and-seek!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon09")); sleep2 2000; showscript "Bye~", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Friend#2hmoon09")); sleep2 1000; showscript "Goodbye!!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon09")); sleep2 1000; donpcevent instance_npcname("Friend#2hmoon09")+"::OnDisable"; sleep2 1000; showscript "What is this evening!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon09")); sleep2 2000; showscript "We also go by all means.", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Loomin#2hmoon08")); sleep2 500; donpcevent instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon09")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Loomin#2hmoon08")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Puppy#2hmoon05")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon06")+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Loomin#2hmoon05")+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Puppy#2hmoon03")+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Mom#2hmoon01")+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Dad#2hmoon01")+"::OnEnable"; //unittalk getcharid(3),""; //missing text //navigation 124,81; .Talk--; end; OnInstanceInit: OnDisable: specialeffect EF_BASH; disablenpc instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon09"); end; OnEnable: enablenpc instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon09"); end; } 1@pop2,124,81,3 script Pope#2hmoon06 4_F_ARUNA_POP2,{ cutin "pops_smi",2; mes "[Pope]"; mes "Mom!"; showscript "Mom!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon06")); next; cutin "pops_smi",255; mes "[Mom]"; mes "The Insurgents. Before mealtimes told to come back."; next; cutin "loo_sim",0; mes "[Loomin]"; mes "I'm sorry. I will come early next."; next; cutin "pops_smi",2; mes "[Pope]"; mes "Mom, the dog came along with us."; next; cutin "pops_smi",255; mes "[Mom]"; mes "It's a cute puppy. Follow your people well."; next; cutin "pops_smi",2; mes "[Pope]"; mes "May I raise?"; next; cutin "pops_smi",255; mes "[Dad]"; mes "Instead of rice it should give you a snatching."; next; cutin "loo_smi",0; mes "[Loomin]"; mes "Yeah."; showscript "Yeah.", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Loomin#2hmoon05")); next; cutin "loo_smi",255; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "You've said the Pope went to the temple as soon as the birth is clear, then it is the hope of the Pope."; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Is it was dreamed of such a normal life. Such a dream if you do not it does not matter to cut a little more off. Another problem appears to be no."; next; mes "[???]"; mes "She is here."; showscript "She is here.", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("High Priestess#2hmoon01")); next; mes "[??]"; mes "Definitely."; showscript "Definitely.", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("High Priest#2hmoon02")); next; mes "[Mom]"; mes "In this way noisy outside why."; next; donpcevent instance_npcname("High Priestess#2hmoon01")+"::OnEnable"; cutin "ra_gwoman",0; mes "[High Priestess]"; mes "The find came to meet appearance."; showscript "The find came to meet appearance.", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("High Priestess#2hmoon01")); next; donpcevent instance_npcname("High Priest#2hmoon02")+"::OnEnable"; cutin "ra_gman2",2; mes "[High Priest]"; mes "It is the home of the new Pope."; showscript "It is the home of the new Pope.", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("High Priest#2hmoon02")); next; cutin "ra_gman2",255; donpcevent instance_npcname("Follower#2hmoon01")+"::OnEnable"; mes "[Follower]"; mes "Pope's birth Shah!"; next; donpcevent instance_npcname("Follower#2hmoon03")+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon41")+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon42")+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon43")+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon44")+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon45")+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon46")+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon47")+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon48")+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon49")+"::OnEnable"; showscript "You must prevent outsiders from approaching here!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Follower#2hmoon03")); sleep2 500; showscript "Net!!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon41")); showscript "Net!!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon42")); showscript "Net!!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon43")); showscript "Net!!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon44")); showscript "Net!!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon45")); showscript "Net!!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon46")); showscript "Net!!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon47")); showscript "Net!!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon48")); showscript "Net!!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon49")); mes "[Villager]"; mes "Did you hear that?"; //showscript "Did you hear that?", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("")); //unknown NPC next; mes "[Villager]"; mes "The children of this house Pope Eshire."; //showscript "The children of this house Pope Eshire.", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("")); //unknown NPC next; donpcevent instance_npcname("Follower#2hmoon03")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon41")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon42")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon43")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon44")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon45")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon46")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon47")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon48")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon49")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Follower#2hmoon02")+"::OnEnable"; showscript "The Pope, The Glory!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Follower#2hmoon02")); donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon21")+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon22")+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon23")+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon24")+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon25")+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon26")+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon27")+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon28")+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon01")+"::OnEnable"; mes "[Villager]"; mes "What? Pope?"; showscript "What? Pope?", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon01")); next; donpcevent instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon02")+"::OnEnable"; mes "[Villager]"; mes "The Pope've been born in our neighborhood!"; showscript "The Pope've been born in our neighborhood!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon02")); next; donpcevent instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon03")+"::OnEnable"; mes "[Villager]"; mes "In our village Pope To think no!"; showscript "In our village Pope To think no!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon03")); next; donpcevent instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon04")+"::OnEnable"; mes "[Villager]"; mes "It is a child that their children are living right next to us. It is the most intimate. I knew such a thing! Ahem!"; showscript "It is a child that their children are living right next to us. It is the most intimate. I knew such a thing! Ahem!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon04")); next; donpcevent instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon17")+"::OnEnable"; showscript "Pope? Am I right now I have it right?", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon17")); donpcevent instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon12")+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon23")+"::OnEnable"; showscript "House kids Pope?", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon23")); mes "[Mom]"; mes "Was please to find any thing."; next; showscript "Pope, and came to the place of such tattered?", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon12")); donpcevent instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon14")+"::OnEnable"; showscript "Pope!!!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon14")); cutin "ra_gwoman",0; mes "[High Priestess]"; mes "The child that came up meets the criteria of the new Pope."; next; donpcevent instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon27")+"::OnEnable"; showscript "As annoying it is. What is going on?", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon27")); cutin "ra_gman2",2; mes "[High Priest]"; mes "White skin, white hair, the girl with eyes of different colors. There is no doubt."; next; donpcevent instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon16")+"::OnEnable"; showscript "Being able to do with this moment!!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon16")); cutin "ra_gwoman",0; mes "[High Priestess]"; mes "She is Pope no doubt."; showscript "She is Pope no doubt.", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("High Priestess#2hmoon01")); next; donpcevent instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon25")+"::OnEnable"; showscript "I, look a little out of the way before! You do not look well!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon25")); donpcevent instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon18")+"::OnEnable"; showscript "The bright light somehow stop talking out on a dream last night, I tried it today!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon18")); mes "[Dad]"; mes "Even Pope. Our children are just our children."; next; cutin "ra_gwoman",0; mes "[High Priestess]"; mes "Whether the avatar is to carry the Goddess will be determined in the temple."; next; donpcevent instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon21")+"::OnEnable"; showscript "Or, that the children learn! You know!!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon21")); donpcevent instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon11")+"::OnEnable"; showscript "Try a little bit quietly article! You do not hear your words!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon11")); cutin "ra_gman2",2; mes "[High Priest]"; mes "Once a child is determined to be not to take this after confirmation we will send you back."; next; donpcevent instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon15")+"::OnEnable"; showscript "There are security guards, can not I get out of the way side?", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon15")); donpcevent instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon24")+"::OnEnable"; showscript "Pope birth What Resunga? Large resin! Large labor without !!!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon24")); donpcevent instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon13")+"::OnEnable"; showscript "Transportation is gonna tweet Beginning today! I love the Pope!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon13")); cutin "ra_gman2",255; mes "[Mom]"; mes "There is no why. These children is a normal child. There is no Riga the Pope."; next; donpcevent instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon26")+"::OnEnable"; showscript "So that the Pope would, I'm seeing?", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon26")); cutin "ra_gman2",2; mes "[High Priest]"; mes "Children...? Come to think of it, the two children with the same condition?"; showscript "Children...? Come to think of it, the two children with the same condition?", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("High Priest#2hmoon02")); next; cutin "ra_gwoman",0; mes "[High Priestess]"; mes "And though such that there was no precedent."; next; cutin "pops_sim",2; mes "[Pope]"; mes "Niren, Niren? Do not take me away from my mom and dad."; next; cutin "ra_gwoman",0; mes "[High Priestess]"; mes "How can my name...? This Freyja's will?"; next; mes "[High Priestess]"; mes "I see. This person will hail true Pope."; showscript "This person will hail true Pope.", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("High Priestess#2hmoon01")); next; mes "[High Priestess]"; mes "It is Freyja's will. Goddess of luck the world will appear to the human body."; showscript "It is Freyja's will.", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("High Priestess#2hmoon01")); next; cutin "ra_gwoman",255; mes "[Follower]"; mes "Oh, praise the birth of a new Pope!"; showscript "Oh, praise the birth of a new Pope!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Follower#2hmoon01")); next; showscript "Praise!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon01")); showscript "Praise!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon02")); showscript "Praise!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon03")); showscript "Praise!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon04")); showscript "Praise!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon11")); showscript "Praise!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon12")); showscript "Praise!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon13")); showscript "Praise!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon14")); showscript "Praise!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon15")); showscript "Praise!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon16")); showscript "Praise!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon17")); showscript "Praise!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon18")); showscript "Praise!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon21")); showscript "Praise!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon23")); showscript "Praise!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon24")); showscript "Praise!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon25")); showscript "Praise!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon26")); showscript "Praise!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon27")); mes "[Follower]"; mes "Glory its name, more high-three!"; showscript "Glory its name, more high-three!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Follower#2hmoon02")); next; showscript "Glory the Goddess!!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon01")); showscript "Glory the Goddess!!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon02")); showscript "Glory the Goddess!!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon03")); showscript "Glory the Goddess!!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon04")); showscript "Glory the Goddess!!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon11")); showscript "Glory the Goddess!!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon12")); showscript "Glory the Goddess!!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon13")); showscript "Glory the Goddess!!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon14")); showscript "Glory the Goddess!!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon15")); showscript "Glory the Goddess!!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon16")); showscript "Glory the Goddess!!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon17")); showscript "Glory the Goddess!!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon18")); showscript "Glory the Goddess!!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon21")); showscript "Glory the Goddess!!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon23")); showscript "Glory the Goddess!!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon24")); showscript "Glory the Goddess!!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon25")); showscript "Glory the Goddess!!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon26")); showscript "Glory the Goddess!!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon27")); mes "[Mom]"; mes "Is there any doubt that our kids really... really is the Pope?"; next; cutin "ra_gwoman",0; mes "[High Priestess]"; mes "No doubt. I will take you half."; next; cutin "ra_gman2",2; mes "[High Priest]"; mes "Life in combat is safe and comfortable."; next; cutin "ra_gman2",255; mes "[Dad]"; mes "This child cost? What about our son?"; next; cutin "ra_gwoman",0; mes "[High Priestess]"; mes "Boy of the same conditions, do not know the place and of what now means nothing."; next; cutin "ra_gman2",2; mes "[High Priest]"; mes "Pope was the only one minute in one generation from generation to generation. In addition, not even boy."; next; cutin "ra_gwoman",0; mes "[High Priestess]"; mes "What does this mean? Or Freya's would want to do what words through the boy?"; next; cutin "ra_gman2",2; mes "[High Priest]"; mes "We will look to take one to two minutes is all. This is an issue that should interpret that theologians and priests."; next; cutin "ra_gwoman",0; mes "[High Priestess]"; mes "Committing is not too late to then decide."; next; cutin "pops_sim",2; mes "[Pope]"; mes "I do not like it. I do not want to go! Mom? Dad? Adventurer? Help me! I do not want to go!"; next; cutin "loo_sim",0; mes "[Loomin]"; mes "Sh-sh - for me really well. We do not support absolute hair."; next; cutin "pops_sim",2; mes "[Pope]"; mes "Yeah! Yeah!"; next; cutin "loo_sim",0; mes "[Loomin]"; mes "We do not always remember the place we dream was just the two of you talking about?"; next; cutin "pops_sim",2; mes "[Pope]"; mes "Yes! Secret garden. Remember!"; next; cutin "loo_sim",0; mes "[Loomin]"; mes "You can go there when you exit to the south gate. We'll meet you back there. Nobody prevents not take'll protect you."; next; cutin "pops_sim",2; mes "[Pope]"; mes "Are you going to leave me now?"; showscript "Are you going to leave me now?", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon06")); next; cutin "loo_sim",0; mes "[Loomin]"; mes "Now it is more advantageous to disperse the eye. I'll meet you at the south gate."; cutin "loo_sim",255;; donpcevent instance_npcname("Loomin#2hmoon05")+"::OnDisable"; next; specialeffect EF_MAGICCRASHER,AREA, instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon06"); cutin "pops_sim",2; mes "[Pope]"; mes "Don't go! Do not leave me!"; showscript "Don't go! Do not leave me!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon06")); next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Pope, Pope! calm down! This is a dream! Ppunyini time just a dream, just to wake up!"; next; mes "[Pope]"; mes "Do not call me that the Pope!"; showscript "Mom! Dad!!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon06")); cutin "pops_sim",255;; next; mes "[Dad]"; mes "Good're my children too."; showscript "Good're my children too.", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Dad#2hmoon01")); next; mes "[Mom]"; mes "Pope disgrace our child, so nowhere to seureoul glory!"; showscript "In this way is a place associated with the glory!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Mom#2hmoon01")); next; cutin "pops_sim",2; mes "[Pope]"; mes "Mom...? Dad...? You're gonna send me?"; next; cutin "pops_sim",255;; mes "[Dad]"; mes "Pope, that those who come go along."; next; cutin "pops_sim",2; mes "[Pope]"; mes "I do not want to go! I hate break up!"; next; cutin "pops_sim",255;; mes "[Mom]"; mes "But it is nice child."; next; cutin "ra_gwoman",0; mes "[High Priestess]"; mes "We will serve our Pope is safe."; next; cutin "pops_sim",2; mes "[Pope]"; mes "No!!"; showscript "No!!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon06")); next; cutin "ra_gman2",2; mes "[High Priest]"; mes "Yireosimyeon no choice but to keep enshrining any force."; next; cutin "pops_sim",2; mes "[Pope]"; mes "Hate! I'm not going to go!"; next; cutin "ra_gman2",2; mes "[High Priest]"; mes "You can not do it. It is enshrined.."; next; cutin "ra_gman2",255; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Do not order two. Pope, come into this!!"; next; mes "[Follower]"; mes "How dare horizontal bar the way to the Pope!"; next; mes "[Follower]"; mes "The will of the Goddess who can not forgive defy!"; showscript "The will of the Goddess who can not forgive defy!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Follower#2hmoon01")); close2; donpcevent instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon06")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Puppy#2hmoon03")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Mom#2hmoon01")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Dad#2hmoon01")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("High Priestess#2hmoon01")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("High Priest#2hmoon02")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Follower#2hmoon01")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Follower#2hmoon02")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon01")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon02")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon03")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon04")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon21")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon22")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon23")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon24")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon25")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon26")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon27")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon28")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon11")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon12")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon13")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon14")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon15")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon16")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon17")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon18")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon21")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon23")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon24")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon25")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon26")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Neighborhood#2hmoon27")+"::OnDisable"; if (!'hmoon_mode) mercenary_create 3527,1800000; else mercenary_create 3569,1800000; sleep2 500; instance_announce -1, "Pope, we will serve in the temple.",bc_map,"0xFFFF00"; donpcevent instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnEnable"; end; OnInstanceInit: OnDisable: specialeffect EF_BASH; disablenpc instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon06"); end; OnEnable: enablenpc instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon06"); end; } 1@pop2,0,0,0 script #mob2hmoon HIDDEN_WARP_NPC,{ OnEnable: OnMyMobDead: .@map$ = instance_mapname("1@pop2"); if (mobcount(.@map$,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead")) end; if (!'hmoon_mode) { .@guard = 3510; //Easy .@fbel = 3511; .@mbel = 3512; .@dog = 3513; .@priest = 3514; } else { .@guard = 3518; //Hard .@fbel = 3519; .@mbel = 3520; .@dog = 3521; .@priest = 3522; } switch('2hmoon) { case 0: monster .@map$,59,235,"Guard",.@guard,1,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,60,237,"Guard",.@guard,1,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,62,234,"Guard",.@guard,1,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,65,232,"Guard",.@guard,1,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,62,240,"Guard",.@guard,1,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,66,240,"Guard",.@guard,1,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,68,239,"Guard",.@guard,1,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,68,234,"Guard",.@guard,1,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,70,236,"Guard",.@guard,1,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; '2hmoon++; end; case 1: instance_announce -1, "Going down! Prevent!!!!",bc_map,"0xFFFF00"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon10")+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon11")+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon12")+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon13")+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon14")+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon15")+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon16")+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon17")+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("#2hmoon05")+"::OnEnable"; '2hmoon++; end; case 2: showscript "We will serve our Pope has safely.", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon10")); sleep2 1500; showscript "If denial we are welcomed, even using armed force.", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon10")); sleep2 1500; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon10")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon11")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon12")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon13")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon14")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon15")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon16")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon17")+"::OnDisable"; monster .@map$,66,206,"Guard",.@guard,1,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,60,204,"Guard",.@guard,1,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,62,202,"Guard",.@guard,1,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,64,200,"Guard",.@guard,1,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,66,198,"Guard",.@guard,1,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,68,200,"Guard",.@guard,1,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,70,202,"Guard",.@guard,1,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,72,204,"Guard",.@guard,1,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,63,195,"Guard",.@guard,1,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,65,195,"Guard",.@guard,1,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,69,195,"Guard",.@guard,1,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,71,195,"Guard",.@guard,1,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; '2hmoon++; end; case 3: //specialeffect EF_CHAINCOMBO,AREA, ?; instance_announce -1, "Go down! Both moved south!!!!",bc_map,"0xFFFF00"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon30")+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon31")+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon32")+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon33")+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon34")+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon35")+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon36")+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon37")+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("#2hmoon06")+"::OnEnable"; '2hmoon++; end; case 4: showscript "Pope, when to do so rejected, also woven injury Pope.", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon30")); sleep2 1500; showscript "We will serve safely.", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon30")); sleep2 1500; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon30")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon31")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon32")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon33")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon34")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon35")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon36")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Guard#2hmoon37")+"::OnDisable"; monster .@map$,66,156,"Guard",.@guard,1,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,60,154,"Guard",.@guard,1,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,62,152,"Guard",.@guard,1,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,64,150,"Guard",.@guard,1,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,66,148,"Guard",.@guard,1,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,68,150,"Guard",.@guard,1,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,70,152,"Guard",.@guard,1,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,72,154,"Guard",.@guard,1,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,61,145,"Guard",.@guard,1,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,63,145,"Guard",.@guard,1,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,65,145,"Guard",.@guard,1,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,67,145,"Guard",.@guard,1,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,69,145,"Guard",.@guard,1,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,71,145,"Guard",.@guard,1,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,73,145,"Guard",.@guard,1,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; '2hmoon++; end; case 5: //mercenary_destroy; instance_announce -1, "The guards are gone. Come to get out of here.",bc_map,"0xFFFF00"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon03")+"::OnEnable"; '2hmoon++; end; case 6: monster .@map$,124,84,"Guard",.@guard,1,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,127,83,"Guard",.@guard,1,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,128,81,"Guard",.@guard,1,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,128,77,"Guard",.@guard,1,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,127,73,"Guard",.@guard,1,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,124,71,"Guard",.@guard,1,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,121,72,"Guard",.@guard,1,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,119,74,"Guard",.@guard,1,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,118,77,"Guard",.@guard,1,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; '2hmoon++; end; case 7: instance_announce -1, "!! The enemy is too strong! It takes the support? To! here we go!",bc_map,"0xFFFF00"; sleep2 2000; instance_announce -1, "Do not miss the Pope! Be sure to prevent even wrote what!",bc_map,"0xFFFF00"; monster .@map$,126,80,"Guard",.@guard,1,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,129,80,"Guard",.@guard,1,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,132,80,"Guard",.@guard,1,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,126,83,"Guard",.@guard,1,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,129,83,"Guard",.@guard,1,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,132,83,"Guard",.@guard,1,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,126,82,"Suddenly Changed Dog",.@dog,1,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,135,83,"Suddenly Changed Dog",.@dog,1,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,130,84,"Suddenly Changed Dog",.@dog,1,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,134,85,"Suddenly Changed Dog",.@dog,1,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; '2hmoon++; end; case 8: instance_announce -1, "I went up to the top! Do not miss out!",bc_map,"0xFFFF00"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon10")+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("#2hmoon07")+"::OnEnable"; //navigation 119,123; '2hmoon++; end; case 9: attachrid 'char; showscript "Return. Flee do not solve everything.", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon10")); sleep2 2000; showscript "When going to the buril mothering?", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon10")); sleep2 2000; unittalk getcharid(3),"Pope...?"; sleep2 1500; showscript "......", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon10")); sleep2 1500; specialeffect EF_MAGICCRASHER,AREA, instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon10"); donpcevent instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon10")+"::OnDisable"; sleep2 1000; instance_announce -1, "The birth of the Pope is the will of the Goddess. Follow its meaning.",bc_map,"0xFFFF00"; monster .@map$,116,126,"Guard",.@guard,1,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,119,126,"Guard",.@guard,1,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,122,126,"Guard",.@guard,1,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,116,123,"Guard",.@guard,1,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,119,123,"Guard",.@guard,1,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,122,123,"Guard",.@guard,1,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,116,120,"Guard",.@guard,1,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,119,120,"Guard",.@guard,1,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,122,120,"Guard",.@guard,1,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,112,114,"Enraged Follower",.@fbel,1,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,113,115,"Enraged Follower",.@fbel,1,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,121,111,"Enraged Follower",.@fbel,1,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,114,115,"Enraged Follower",.@fbel,1,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,120,117,"Angry Follower",.@mbel,1,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,114,120,"Angry Follower",.@mbel,1,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,120,112,"Angry Follower",.@mbel,1,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,112,117,"Angry Follower",.@mbel,1,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; '2hmoon++; end; case 10: instance_announce -1, "Fleeing toward the preface! Do not miss!",bc_map,"0xFFFF00"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon11")+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("#2hmoon08")+"::OnEnable"; //navigation 48,126; '2hmoon++; end; case 11: showscript "Family miss? Mom? Dad? Brother? Store and me?", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon11")); sleep2 2000; showscript "Did the flying machine or up to this moment today?", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon11")); sleep2 2000; showscript "I just you just want to escape from reality.", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon11")); sleep2 2000; showscript "Come back.", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon11")); sleep2 2000; specialeffect EF_MAGICCRASHER,AREA, instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon11"); donpcevent instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon11")+"::OnDisable"; sleep2 1000; instance_announce -1, "Pope, we will welcome you.",bc_map,"0xFFFF00"; monster .@map$,46,122,"Enraged Follower",.@fbel,1,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,35,127,"Enraged Follower",.@fbel,1,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,51,124,"Enraged Follower",.@fbel,1,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,46,127,"Enraged Follower",.@fbel,1,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,49,122,"Enraged Follower",.@fbel,1,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,52,126,"Enraged Follower",.@fbel,1,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,46,125,"Enraged Follower",.@fbel,1,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,42,122,"Enraged Follower",.@fbel,1,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,54,113,"Angry Follower",.@mbel,1,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,52,116,"Angry Follower",.@mbel,1,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,56,116,"Angry Follower",.@mbel,1,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,58,119,"Angry Follower",.@mbel,1,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,51,112,"Angry Follower",.@mbel,1,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; '2hmoon++; end; case 12: //specialeffect EF_CHAINCOMBO,AREA, ?; instance_announce -1, "Flees down! The south gate, heading to the south gate!!!",bc_map,"0xFFFF00"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon12")+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("#2hmoon09")+"::OnEnable"; //navigation 57,83; '2hmoon++; end; case 13: showscript "Do not turn your head from yourself.", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon12")); sleep2 1500; showscript "Do not ignore me.", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon12")); sleep2 1500; showscript "The return to a place that you should be.", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon12")); sleep2 2000; specialeffect EF_MAGICCRASHER,AREA, instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon12"); donpcevent instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon12")+"::OnDisable"; sleep2 1500; .@mobGID = monster(.@map$,57,80,"Furious High Priest",.@priest,1,instance_npcname("#mob2hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"); '2hmoon++; //unittalk .@mobGID, ""; //missing text //sleep2 1500; //unittalk .@mobGID, ""; //missing text end; case 14: //mercenary_destroy; if (!countitem(25087) && rand(2) == 0) { instance_announce -1, "The sound of something falling when High Priest appeared was heard.",bc_map,"0xFFFF00"; donpcevent instance_npcname("#dollbox02")+"::OnEnable"; sleep 1000; } instance_announce -1, "All gone. Come on, I gotta get out of here.",bc_map,"0xFFFF00"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon07")+"::OnEnable"; '2hmoon++; end; case 15: attachrid 'char; showscript "... Adventurer...", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon13")); sleep2 1500; //unittalk getcharid(3),""; //missing text sleep2 1500; //unittalk getcharid(3),""; //missing text sleep2 1500; showscript "I ... I ... I, I...", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon13")); sleep2 1500; //unittalk getcharid(3),""; //missing text sleep2 1500; showscript "Adventurer, catch me...", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon13")); donpcevent instance_npcname("Pope#2hmoon13")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("#2hmoond03")+"::OnEnable"; end; } } //== Part 3 =============================================== 1@pop3,45,66,3 script Pope#3hmoon01 4_F_ARUNA_POP2,{ mes "[Pope]"; mes "Here...?"; next; cutin "loo_nor",0; mes "[Loomin]"; mes "Ok now. It is safe."; next; cutin "pops_nor",2; mes "[Pope]"; mes "Always a place of dreams we were talking to each other? How?"; next; cutin "loo_nor",0; mes "[Loomin]"; mes "And praying, also it was building. I asked to make a dream into reality."; next; cutin "pops_nor",2; mes "[Pope]"; mes "I knew thought to be a place that exists only in this dream."; next; mes "[Pope]"; mes "I knew thought to be a place that exists even in this dream...."; next; cutin "loo_sim",0; mes "[Loomin]"; mes "If you're hiding in here, no one does not find us."; next; cutin "pops_nor",2; mes "[Pope]"; mes "No one can not find us?"; showscript "No one?", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#3hmoon01")); next; cutin "loo_sim",0; mes "[Loomin]"; mes "Yeah. So now send that person back."; showscript "Now send him back.", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Loomin#3hmoon01")); next; mes "[Loomin]"; mes "It's no longer needed because here is safe."; next; cutin "pops_sim",2; mes "[Pope]"; mes "The adventurer? But..."; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "I will protect you with the Pope to the last."; unittalk getcharid(3),"I will protect you with the Pope to the last."; next; cutin "loo_ang",0; mes "[Loomin]"; mes "Keep the beggar from what? We're safe and peaceful until you've appeared before!"; next; mes "[Loomin]"; mes "However, you are beginning to priests appears deulyimyeo guards, mom, dad until we've had to hurt!"; next; mes "[Loomin]"; mes "Dangerous thing that is right for you!"; showscript "Dangerous thing that is right for you!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Loomin#3hmoon01")); next; cutin "pops_sim",2; mes "[Pope]"; mes "My brother, don't. Adventurer's not a dangerous person."; next; cutin "loo_ang",0; mes "[Loomin]"; mes "Really? really? If you've betrayed all the people on the outside of us?"; next; cutin "pops_smi",2; mes "[Pope]"; mes "Yes. I believe the adventurer."; next; cutin "loo_sim",0; mes "[Loomin]"; mes "But here's two of us in the secret place. Do you and the other person or not."; next; cutin "loo_ang",0; mes "[Loomin]"; mes "You give that guy could protect you better than me?"; next; cutin "pops_sim",2; mes "[Pope]"; mes "But..."; showscript "But...", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#3hmoon01")); next; cutin "loo_sim",0; mes "[Loomin]"; mes "Here no matter hidden forever. Priests and mom dad also would not find us."; next; cutin "pops_sim",2; mes "[Pope]"; mes "... Nobody ever find..."; showscript "... Nobody ever find...", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#3hmoon01")); next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Pope! You can not stay here forever, when waking up from a dream."; next; cutin "pops_nor",2; mes "[Pope]"; mes "Dream...?"; showscript "Dream...", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#3hmoon01")); next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "In reality, many people await the Pope. It is real people who are hurt the Pope. Both dreams and is the opposite process."; next; cutin "loo_ang",0; mes "[Loomin]"; mes "Do not listen to him! It's all a lie!"; showscript "Do not listen to him! It's all a lie!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Loomin#3hmoon01")); next; cutin "pops_sim",2; mes "[Pope]"; mes "This is a dream...?"; showscript "This is a dream...?", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#3hmoon01")); next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Yes, that's right. This is just a dream, showing all of the Pope's anxiety and Loomin. Not everyone is a reality."; next; cutin "loo_ang",0; mes "[Loomin]"; mes "Lie! It is a lie!!!"; next; cutin "pops_sim",2; mes "[Pope]"; mes "In the darkness I lost Tilbi. Priests and also High Priest ... and... I did not need."; next; cutin "pops_sim",255; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Anxiety is all you have seen the Pope has been distorted through dreams."; next; cutin "loo_ang",0; mes "[Loomin]"; mes "Do not listen! Do not think!"; next; cutin "pops_sim",2; mes "[Pope]"; mes "Mom, dad ditched me too... everyone."; next; cutin "pops_sim",255; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "He and that people are not real parents of the Pope."; next; cutin "pops_sim",2; mes "[Pope]"; mes "I... is where I need to..."; next; cutin "loo_sim",0; mes "[Loomin]"; mes "You going back there? If you can be here forever without interference from others. You told it's cramped living there."; next; cutin "pops_smi",2; mes "[Pope]"; mes "Brother is like. If you can withstand two."; showscript "Brother is like.", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#3hmoon01")); next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Do not do that. Loomin has frozen to not move."; next; cutin "pops_sim",2; mes "[Pope]"; mes "He freeze?"; showscript "He freeze?", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#3hmoon01")); next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Before coming here, I was told by Niren to a person."; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Pope's Twin brother sealed in the ice cave, Loomin."; next; cutin "loo_ang",0; mes "[Loomin]"; mes "What do you know! The people's evil! Never anything that we can choose from! They ditched If you just need to endlessly push and push it!"; next; mes "[Loomin]"; mes "We were born into this appearance just been taken to the temple as soon as the reasons born, I ditched trapped in solid ice for being a twin garage!"; next; mes "[Loomin]"; mes "No one did haejuji even explained to us properly!"; next; mes "[Loomin]"; mes "We why to if to undergo such a thing? I just I was born?"; next; cutin "pops_sim",2; mes "[Pope]"; mes "Sealed... Brother... Sealed?"; next; cutin "loo_sim",0; mes "[Loomin]"; mes "But now such a thing does not matter. I used to, we're always together. I'm just going back that day."; showscript "We're always together.", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Loomin#3hmoon01")); next; cutin "pops_sim",2; mes "[Pope]"; mes "That said, long before the days..."; showscript "That said, long before the days...", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#3hmoon01")); next; mes "[Pope]"; mes "My brother is suddenly gone."; showscript "My brother is suddenly gone.", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#3hmoon01")); next; mes "[Pope]"; mes "Sealed... Ice Cave... Now here it is also cold."; showscript "Now here it is also cold.", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#3hmoon01")); next; mes "[Pope]"; mes "What do you dream of my brother now?"; showscript "What do you dream of my brother now?", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#3hmoon01")); next; mes "[Pope]"; mes "The ending of the dream is going to do that?"; showscript "The ending of the dream is going to do that?", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#3hmoon01")); next; mes "[Pope]"; mes "My brother wants some dream?"; showscript "My brother wants some dream?", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#3hmoon01")); next; cutin "loo_sim",0; mes "[Loomin]"; mes "To be together as before."; showscript "To be together as before.", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Loomin#3hmoon01")); next; mes "[Loomin]"; mes "Here."; showscript "Here.", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Loomin#3hmoon01")); next; mes "[Loomin]"; mes "Forever."; showscript "Forever.", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Loomin#3hmoon01")); next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "It should not."; next; cutin "loo_ang",0; mes "[Loomin]"; mes "Do not worry!"; specialeffect2 EF_FROSTDIVER2; next; mes "[Loomin]"; mes "Interferer is now gone!!!!"; showscript "Interferer is now gone!!!!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Loomin#3hmoon01")); cutin "loo_ang",255; specialeffect2 EF_ICEWALL; //unittalk getcharid(3),""; //missing text cutin "loo_ang",0; next; mes "[Loomin]"; mes "What it means disappear!"; next; cutin "loo_ang",255; mes "[Pope]"; mes "Brother...?"; showscript "Brother...", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#3hmoon01")); next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Pope, risk! Come over here...!!!"; close2; donpcevent instance_npcname("Loomin#3hmoon01")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Pope#3hmoon01")+"::OnDisable"; if (!'hmoon_mode) mercenary_create 3528,1800000; //POPE_MD_MERC_CASUAL else mercenary_create 3570,1800000; //POPE_MD_H_MERC_CASUAL instance_announce -1, "This energy feels cold...",bc_map,"0xFFFF00"; donpcevent instance_npcname("#mob3hmoon")+"::OnEnable"; end; OnDisable: specialeffect EF_BASH; disablenpc instance_npcname("Pope#3hmoon01"); end; OnEnable: enablenpc instance_npcname("Pope#3hmoon01"); end; } 1@pop3,42,64,7 duplicate(Priest#1hmoon01) Loomin#3hmoon01 4_M_CHILD 1@pop3,51,65,7 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Pope#3hmoon03 4_F_ARUNA_POP 1@pop3,51,65,7 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Pope#3hmoon04 4_F_ARUNA_POP2 1@pop3,57,68,3 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Pope#3hmoon05 4_F_ARUNA_POP2 1@pop3,57,68,3 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Pope#3hmoon06 4_F_ARUNA_POP 1@pop3,54,69,6 duplicate(Follower#1hmoon11) Loomin#3hmoon02 4_M_FROZEN 1@pop3,54,69,6 script Ktullanux#3hmoon01 KTULLANUX,5,5,{ mes "[?????]"; mes "It's a recipe to trivial human subject."; next; cutin "pops_sim",2; mes "[Pope]"; mes "Who are you?"; next; cutin "pops_sim",255; mes "[Ktullanux]"; mes "This body Ktullanux. The owner of the ice cave."; showscript "You than do not know this body.", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Ktullanux#3hmoon01")); next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "The owner of the ice cave, why here? Was not this the dream of the Pope and Loomin?"; next; mes "[Ktullanux]"; mes "The thing that can not be shared to dream even much say twins. To connect the dream requires force."; showscript "Attend believed that just because twins can share a dream. To nourish innocent mate.", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Ktullanux#3hmoon01")); next; mes "[Ktullanux]"; mes "A mere child only and the sealed Loomin one who thought it gave him strength?"; next; cutin "pops_sim",2; mes "[Pope]"; mes "Why?"; showscript "Why my brother...", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#3hmoon04")); next; cutin "pops_sim",255; mes "[Ktullanux]"; mes "This is because bought from Karei. Loomin is. And I."; next; mes "[Ktullanux]"; mes "Loomin than his younger brother is pushed to the frozen deep cave."; showscript "......", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#3hmoon04")); next; mes "[Ktullanux]"; mes "Succumbing to threats to humans carrying the fire of Odin though the owner of the ice cave to suffer the shame that I only keep me a child!"; next; mes "[Ktullanux]"; mes "I hate that, while considered me a little compassion. Such as the plight of the humans!"; next; mes "[Ktullanux]"; mes "I looked into the consciousness of Loomin into the mirror I can see keeping."; next; mes "[Ktullanux]"; mes "Remember that it is possible to remember the children in Honmon, it was our best in order not to lose their own."; next; mes "[Ktullanux]"; mes "Remember that was primarily associated with twin brother."; next; mes "[Ktullanux]"; mes "Remember your brother used to play together, share had conversations with brother, sister and cried with laughing remember, to defend his brother aesseudeon remember, even at that moment the body was only on his way to freeze all your worries."; showscript "Remember that all of it was your brother.", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Ktullanux#3hmoon01")); next; cutin "pops_sim",2; mes "[Pope]"; mes "Brother is..."; next; cutin "pops_sim",255; mes "[Ktullanux]"; mes "I decided to help the Loomin. Helping Loomin was the right way to help me. This poor me!"; next; mes "[Ktullanux]"; mes "We all looked for a way to be free. And it was not difficult."; next; mes "[Ktullanux]"; mes "Given the power to Loomin had to share a dream with a twin brother."; next; mes "[Ktullanux]"; mes "Brother sitting on the papal seat to make himself forever trapped in a dream."; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "How did it help you?"; next; mes "[Ktullanux]"; mes "The men threatened the pope had me stuck in an eternal sleep than or equal to Stay? Will be released in a sealed dead as there is no difference Loomin unseat the pope instead of the pope's place."; next; mes "[Ktullanux]"; mes "If so,"; next; cutin "pops_sim",2; mes "[Pope]"; mes "So that even if my brother, you are liberated."; next; cutin "pops_sim",255; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "This self again one more dream it is."; showscript "Rudeness!", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Ktullanux#3hmoon01")); next; mes "[Ktullanux]"; mes "Your guy did not only disturb!!!"; next; mes "[Ktullanux]"; mes "In this case, Loomin in both crushed gone and I both possible wax!"; next; mes "[Ktullanux]"; mes "Pope, welcome here!"; close2; donpcevent instance_npcname("Ktullanux#3hmoon01")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Pope#3hmoon04")+"::OnDisable"; if (!'hmoon_mode) mercenary_create 3528,1800000; //POPE_MD_MERC_CASUAL else mercenary_create 3570,1800000; //POPE_MD_H_MERC_CASUAL instance_announce -1, "If release a behave I'll send a painless life.",bc_map,"0xFFFF00"; donpcevent instance_npcname("#mob3hmoon")+"::OnEnable"; end; OnInstanceInit: OnDisable: specialeffect EF_BASH; disablenpc instance_npcname("Ktullanux#3hmoon01"); end; OnEnable: enablenpc instance_npcname("Ktullanux#3hmoon01"); end; } 1@pop3,57,68,1 script Pope#3hmoon02 4_F_ARUNA_POP2,{ mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Pope, are you all right?"; next; cutin "pops_sim",2; mes "[Pope]"; mes "Brother... was frozen."; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Loomin's consciousness is the quick and shape back."; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "This is Loomin's world is a world of dreams and the dreams of the Pope. The fate of twins born geotyijiyo made so as to extend the dream."; next; mes "[Pope]"; mes "I want to save my brother, I want to be with my brother."; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "If the Pope does not return, many people will be sad."; next; mes "[Pope]"; mes "I do not want to go back. It is not where I belong."; next; donpcevent instance_npcname("Pope#3hmoon03")+"::OnEnable"; cutin "pop_nor",0; mes "[Pope]"; mes "Back. In your place."; showscript "Back. In your place.", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#3hmoon03")); next; mes "[Pope]"; mes "Everytime when I can not walk the daydream is. I must dream in a dark night."; next; mes "[Pope]"; mes "I mean also breathe out during the day, I can not hide."; next; donpcevent instance_npcname("Pope#3hmoon02")+"::OnDisable"; sleep2 300; donpcevent instance_npcname("Pope#3hmoon05")+"::OnEnable"; cutin "pops_sim",2; mes "[Pope]"; mes "You, who are you?"; showscript "You, who are you?", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#3hmoon05")); next; cutin "pop_nor",0; mes "[Pope]"; mes "You, I can not answer that question? You, who?"; showscript "You, who?", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#3hmoon03")); next; cutin "pops_sim",2; mes "[Pope]"; mes "I... I..."; next; cutin "pop_nor",0; mes "[Pope]"; mes "You already know the answer."; next; cutin "pops_sim",2; mes "[Pope]"; mes "Do not know that kind of answer... I'll be with my brother. Here."; showscript "... I'll be with my brother. Here.", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#3hmoon05")); next; cutin "pop_nor",0; mes "[Pope]"; mes "I not always wanted to be with my brother."; showscript "I not always wanted to be with my brother.", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#3hmoon03")); next; cutin "pops_sim",2; mes "[Pope]"; mes "Mom, Dad would not want to send us. Lee tossed us do."; showscript "Mom, Dad would not want to send us. Lee tossed us do.", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#3hmoon05")); next; cutin "pop_nor",0; mes "[Pope]"; mes "Our mom, our dad were honored."; showscript "Our mom, our dad were honored.", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#3hmoon03")); next; cutin "pops_sim",2; mes "[Pope]"; mes "Nobody do not want me."; showscript "Nobody do not want me.", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#3hmoon05")); next; cutin "pop_nor",0; mes "[Pope]"; mes "Wait for everyone."; showscript "Wait for everyone.", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#3hmoon03")); next; cutin "pops_sim",2; mes "[Pope]"; mes "I am not a choice, I do not ever won anything like this."; showscript "I am not a choice, I do not ever won anything like this.", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#3hmoon05")); next; cutin "pop_nor",0; mes "[Pope]"; mes "Life is a blessing that you can not choose what you want."; showscript "Life is a blessing that you can not choose what you want.", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#3hmoon03")); next; cutin "pops_sim",2; mes "[Pope]"; mes "For me a chance I could."; showscript "For me a chance I could.", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#3hmoon05")); next; cutin "pop_nor",0; mes "[Pope]"; mes "You are the one who can give you a blessing that you can give people a chance. Exist, such as the Dark Moon."; showscript "You are the one who can give you a blessing that you can give people a chance. Exist, such as the Dark Moon.", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#3hmoon03")); next; cutin "pops_sim",2; mes "[Pope]"; mes "I, I..."; next; cutin "pop_nor",0; mes "[Pope]"; mes "You, who?"; next; cutin "pops_smi",2; mes "[Pope]"; mes "I am the Pope of Arunafeltz."; showscript "I am the Pope of Arunafeltz.", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#3hmoon03")); showscript "I am the Pope of Arunafeltz.", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#3hmoon05")); next; cutin "pops_smi",2; mes "[Pope]"; mes "Thou me."; showscript "Thou me.", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#3hmoon05")); next; cutin "pop_nor",0; mes "[Pope]"; mes "I you."; showscript "I you.", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#3hmoon03")); next; cutin "pops_smi",2; mes "[Pope]"; mes "I am the Pope of Arunafeltz."; showscript "I am the Pope of Arunafeltz.", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#3hmoon05")); next; cutin "pop_nor",0; mes "[Pope]"; mes "I am the Pope of Arunafeltz."; showscript "I am the Pope of Arunafeltz.", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#3hmoon03")); cutin "pop_nor",255; specialeffect EF_CONCENTRATION2,AREA, instance_npcname("Pope#3hmoon03"); sleep2 300; specialeffect EF_CONCENTRATION2,AREA, instance_npcname("Pope#3hmoon03"); sleep2 300; specialeffect EF_BASH3D6,AREA, instance_npcname("Pope#3hmoon05"); specialeffect EF_ITEM315,AREA, instance_npcname("Pope#3hmoon05"); specialeffect EF_BASH3D6,AREA, instance_npcname("Pope#3hmoon03"); specialeffect EF_ITEM315,AREA, instance_npcname("Pope#3hmoon03"); specialeffect 1044,AREA, instance_npcname("Pope#3hmoon03"); specialeffect 1044,AREA, instance_npcname("Pope#3hmoon03"); sleep2 500; donpcevent instance_npcname("Pope#3hmoon03")+"::OnDisable"; sleep2 500; specialeffect EF_PRIMECHARGE4,AREA, instance_npcname("Pope#3hmoon05"); sleep2 300; donpcevent instance_npcname("Pope#3hmoon05")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Pope#3hmoon06")+"::OnEnable"; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Are you all right?"; next; cutin "pop_nor",2; mes "[Pope]"; mes "If you deny me, I myself will fall. Though unfounded, as the moon."; next; mes "[Pope]"; mes "People love me to be the best in the world is just me."; next; mes "[Pope]"; mes "Now's time to break in a dream."; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "How did you dream?"; next; mes "[Pope]"; mes "Fun moment, the moment did not want to forget even wakes up everyone's dream to forget. So happy dream without more, it can also withstand grueling nightmare."; next; cutin "pop_nor",2; mes "[Pope]"; mes "... But even so I liked to be able to meet my brother."; next; mes "[Pope]"; mes "We are a long time I was away."; next; mes "[Pope]"; mes "If you can do this any time I want to meet day to day dreaming dreams. Someday, I want to save my brother."; showscript "If you can save...", getnpcid(0, instance_npcname("Pope#3hmoon06")); next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "But,"; next; mes "[Pope]"; mes "Do not worry. Now, I'm not even forced to listen to sleep."; next; mes "[Pope]"; mes "But ... maybe I'd packed every day like a dream."; next; cutin "pop_nor",2; mes "[Pope]"; mes "While the dream of obtaining a brother with brother."; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "I'll forward together."; next; cutin "pop_nor",2; mes "[Pope]"; mes "Thanks."; next; cutin "pop_nor",2; mes "[Pope]"; mes "Half moon in the daylight is to wait."; next; mes "[Pope]"; mes "Until night, till two months full."; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "True, Oda found this doll."; next; mes "[Pope]"; mes "Tilbi!"; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "It also welcomed the Pope lost doll."; next; mes "[Pope]"; mes "After brother disappears going sad Niren gave me that sad."; next; mes "[Pope]"; mes "Now I'm around next to my brother because you do not need. Not alone."; next; mes "[Pope]"; mes "I want to go back to where you should be."; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Well, tomorrow we'll see you again."; next; mes "[Pope]"; mes "Thanks for your help."; if(countitem(25087)) delitem 25087,1; getexp 350000,0; //job exp? getitem 25088,2; donpcevent instance_npcname("Pope#3hmoon06")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("#3hmoond01")+"::OnEnable"; cutin "pop_nor",255; //navigation 79,67; close; OnInstanceInit: OnDisable: specialeffect EF_BASH; hideonnpc instance_npcname("Pope#3hmoon02"); end; OnEnable: hideoffnpc instance_npcname("Pope#3hmoon02"); end; } 1@pop3,0,0,0 script #mob3hmoon HIDDEN_WARP_NPC,{ OnEnable: OnMyMobDead: .@map$ = instance_mapname("1@pop3"); if (mobcount(.@map$,instance_npcname("#mob3hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead")) end; killmonsterall .@map$; if (!'hmoon_mode) { .@ice = 3515; //Easy .@loo = 3516; } else { .@ice = 3523; //Hard .@loo = 3524; } switch('3hmoon) { case 0: monster .@map$,55,61,"Enraged Loomin",.@loo,1,instance_npcname("#mob3hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,52,57,"Frozen Heart",.@ice,1; monster .@map$,56,51,"Frozen Heart",.@ice,1; monster .@map$,58,53,"Frozen Heart",.@ice,1; monster .@map$,58,51,"Frozen Heart",.@ice,1; monster .@map$,46,59,"Frozen Heart",.@ice,1; '3hmoon++; end; case 1: //mercenary_destroy; if (!countitem(25087)) { //CUSTOM instance_announce -1, "The sound of something falling when Loomin appeared was heard.",bc_map,"0xFFFF00"; donpcevent instance_npcname("#dollbox03")+"::OnEnable"; sleep2 1000; } instance_announce -1, "... Lonely... Alone... I hate cold...",bc_map,"0xFFFF00"; if (!'hmoon_mode) { donpcevent instance_npcname("Pope#3hmoon02")+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Loomin#3hmoon02")+"::OnEnable"; end; } sleep2 2000; instance_announce -1, "Useless human person. Although not much is also expected, really Changun. Only embark me.",bc_map,"0xFFFF00"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Ktullanux#3hmoon01")+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Pope#3hmoon04")+"::OnEnable"; '3hmoon++; end; case 2: monster .@map$,54,69,"Ktullanux",3526,1,instance_npcname("#mob3hmoon")+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,62,57,"Frozen Heart",.@ice,1; monster .@map$,49,62,"Frozen Heart",.@ice,1; monster .@map$,63,54,"Frozen Heart",.@ice,1; monster .@map$,59,51,"Frozen Heart",.@ice,1; monster .@map$,59,55,"Frozen Heart",.@ice,1; monster .@map$,53,61,"Frozen Heart",.@ice,1; monster .@map$,53,58,"Frozen Heart",.@ice,1; monster .@map$,48,61,"Frozen Heart",.@ice,1; monster .@map$,54,53,"Frozen Heart",.@ice,1; monster .@map$,44,68,"Frozen Heart",.@ice,1; monster .@map$,51,54,"Frozen Heart",.@ice,1; '3hmoon++; end; case 3: //mercenary_destroy; instance_announce -1, "Keuheup... This body to think hits the mere human...! This is a disgrace...!!!",bc_map,"0xFFFF00"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Pope#3hmoon02")+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Loomin#3hmoon02")+"::OnEnable"; end; } } 1@pop1,95,99,4 script #dollbox01 4_ENERGY_WHITE,5,5,{ end; OnTouch: getitem 25087,1; donpcevent instance_npcname(strnpcinfo(0))+"::OnDisable"; end; OnInstanceInit: OnDisable: specialeffect EF_BASH; disablenpc instance_npcname(strnpcinfo(0)); end; OnEnable: enablenpc instance_npcname(strnpcinfo(0)); end; } 1@pop2,43,81,4 duplicate(#dollbox01) #dollbox02 4_ENERGY_WHITE,5,5 1@pop3,55,61,4 duplicate(#dollbox01) #dollbox03 4_ENERGY_WHITE,5,5 // Warps 1@pop1,63,139,0 script #1hmoond01 WARPNPC,2,2,{ end; OnTouch: switch(atoi(replacestr(strnpcinfo(2),"1hmoond0",""))) { case 1: warp instance_mapname("1@pop1"),92,143; break; case 3: warp instance_mapname("1@pop1"),99,111; break; case 5: warp instance_mapname("1@pop1"),99,54; break; case 7: warp instance_mapname("1@pop2"),124,218; break; } end; OnInstanceInit: disablenpc instance_npcname(strnpcinfo(0)); end; OnEnable: enablenpc instance_npcname(strnpcinfo(0)); end; } 1@pop1,100,134,0 duplicate(#1hmoond01) #1hmoond03 WARPNPC,2,2 1@pop1,99,68,0 duplicate(#1hmoond01) #1hmoond05 WARPNPC,2,2 1@pop1,100,8,0 duplicate(#1hmoond01) #1hmoond07 WARPNPC,2,2 1@pop2,66,134,0 script #2hmoond01 WARPNPC,2,2,{ end; OnTouch: switch(atoi(replacestr(strnpcinfo(2),"2hmoond0",""))) { case 1: warp instance_mapname("1@pop2"),66,125; break; case 3: warp instance_mapname("1@pop3"),46,62; break; } end; OnInstanceInit: disablenpc instance_npcname(strnpcinfo(0)); end; OnEnable: enablenpc instance_npcname(strnpcinfo(0)); end; } 1@pop2,130,22,0 duplicate(#2hmoond01) #2hmoond03 WARPNPC,2,2 1@pop3,79,67,0 script #3hmoond01 WARPNPC,2,2,{ end; OnTouch: warp "rachel",177,134; end; OnInstanceInit: disablenpc instance_npcname("#3hmoond01"); end; OnEnable: enablenpc instance_npcname("#3hmoond01"); end; } //== Enchant =============================================== rachel,177,139,3 script Temple Articles Manager 4_F_TRAINEE,{ mes "[Article Manager]"; mes "May Freya bless you."; close; }