//===== eAthena Script ======================================= //= War Of Rune //===== By: ================================================== //= WanMan or Katazui or Kaji //===== Server ============================================== //= For lightrogaming-network.tk //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.0 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= eAthena 7.15 + //===== Description: ========================================= //= War of Rune is for Party of 10 //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= Starts Every 2 Hours //= Edit Lines 144 and 34 //============================================================ - script WoR#disable -1,{ OnInit: disablenpc "War of Rune#WoR"; disablenpc "War of Rune#banker"; end; } - script WoRannouncer -1,{ L_play: OnHour2: pvpoff "guild_vs1"; killmonsterall "guild_vs1"; announce "WoR: Hello! It's time again for War of Rune (AKA: WoR)",0; sleep2 10000; announce "WoR: Please Register and talk to me in Prontera!",0; sleep2 10000; announce "WoR: I will not let anyone register after 1 minute. Prize will be .",0; hideonnpc "War of Rune#WoR"; OnMinute1: announce "WoR: Closed. Next Round is in 2 Hours.",0; hideoffnpc "War of Rune#WoR"; donpcevent "War of Rune#banker::L_playwor"; end; } prontera,147,167,6 script War of Rune#WoR 753,{ mes "[War of Rune]"; mes "Hello!"; mes "Would you like to register for ^FF0000 War of Rune ^000000?"; menu "Sure",L_yes,"No Thanks",L_close,"Information",L_info; L_info: next; mes "Script Made by: GM Katazui"; next; mes "[War of Rune]"; mes "Well, you need a Party of 10. And another Party of 10."; mes "All you have to do is Kill the each other."; mes "Last Party standing, Wins."; mes "Would you like to register?"; menu "Sure",L_yes,"No Thanks",L_close; L_yes: next; mes "[War of Rune]"; mes "Okay. You need a Party of 10."; mes "Also, make sure you have another party of 10."; mes "Just make sure you have a party of 10 yourself."; mes "Do you have a party of 10?"; menu "Yup",L_p10,"Umm... I need to re-count",L_close; L_p10: getpartymember getcharid(1); set .@partymembercount, $@partymembercount; if(.@partymembercount == 10) goto L_p11; if(.@partymembercount > 10) goto L_more; next; mes "[War of Rune]"; mes "You are not in a Party of 10..."; next; close; end; L_close: next; mes "[War of Rune]"; mes "Okay, Come back later!"; next; close; end; L_p11: next; mes "[War of Rune]"; mes "Alrightly!"; mes "Please wait till the other people comes to the WoR."; next; warpparty "guild_vs1",50,50,getcharid(1); end; L_more: next; mes "[War of rune]"; mes "What?! You have more than 10! Are you trying to cheat?"; next; close; end; } guild_vs1,50,57 script War of Rune#banker 753,{ mes "[War of Rune]"; mapannounce "guild_vs1","WoR: You won. Tell me you Party Name. 1 Person only or you will error.",0; mes "Input Party Name"; input .@name$; if(.@name$ != strcharinfo(1)) { mes "[War of Rune]"; mes "Are you sure thats your Party's name?"; close; } mes "[War of Rune]"; mes "Congrats. You've won."; next; mes "[War of Rune]"; mes "Congrats"; close2; announce "WoR: "+.@name$+" has won the War of Rune! Congrats!",0; hideoffnpc "War of Rune#banker"; mapannounce "guild_vs1","WoR: To get your prize please kill 1 Poring. If you don't kill it after 1 minute. You will not get your prize.",0; monster guild_vs1,0,0,"Prize",1002,150,"prize::OnMobKilled"; OnMinute1: warpparty "prontera",150,150,getcharid(1); donpcevent "WoRannouncer::L_play"; end; //playTime L_playwor: mapannounce "guild_vs1","WoR: Welcome to WoR!",0; sleep2 10000; mapannounce "guild_vs1","WoR: It's Simple... All you have to do it kick each other asses.",0; sleep2 10000; mapannounce "guild_vs1","WoR: You may use Ygg Berrys, and make sure you buff up...",0; sleep2 10000; mapannounce "guild_vs1","WoR: If one of your Party mates dies, and the rest wins. The one who dies doesn't get the prize.",0; sleep2 10000; mapannounce "guild_vs1","WoR: Please! One Person talk to me or you Will Error! ONLY IF YOR PARTY WINS!",0; sleep2 10000; mapannounce "guild_vs1","WoR: Okay... That's that....",0; sleep2 10000; mapannounce "guild_vs1","WoR: Ready... Set...",0; sleep2 10000; mapannounce "guild_vs1","WoR: FIGHT!!!",0; pvpon "guild_vs1"; goto L_if; L_if: if (getmapusers("guild_vs1") <= 10) goto L_champ; if (getmapusers("guild_vs1") == 0) goto L_no1; sleep2 50000; mapannounce "guild_vs1","WoR: Reminder! One Person talk to me or You will ERROR!",0; goto L_if; end; L_no1: announce "WoR: Aww! No one won! Or No one joined... What a Pity.",0; donpcevent "WoRannouncer::L_play"; end; L_champ: hideonnpc "War of Rune#banker"; mapannounce "guild_vs1","WoR: Come to me and tell me your party. 1 Person talk to me or Error.",0; end; } - script prize -1,{ OnMobKilled: warp prontera,150,150; getitem ,; end; } guild_vs1 mapflag nowarp guild_vs1 mapflag nowarpto guild_vs1 mapflag noteleport guild_vs1 mapflag nosave guild_vs1 mapflag nomemo guild_vs1 mapflag nobranch