#===== Rpg Makver VX ACE Script ============================= #= Simple Hud #===== By: ================================================== #= lilcooldude69 #===== Current Version: ===================================== #= 1.0 #===== Compatible With: ===================================== #= Rpg Maker VX ACE #===== Description: ========================================= #= Sells items useful for 2-2 Classes #===== Additional Comments: ================================= #= #============================================================ module Hud_config #Configuration SWITCH = 1 #the number of the switched used to make it visible Example: if this is 1 then Switch 001 will turn on the hud. EXPTERM = "Exp" #Term used for The Exp Bar GOLD = "G" #Term used for the Gold, You may have to make adjustments below if > 1 character OPACITY = 70 #used for the opacity of the window, Mess with this to your liking :P #end config end #=====DO NOT EDIT PAST HERE UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOUR DOING======# #=================EXCLUDING WHAT WAS SAID ABOVE==================# include Hud_config class Window_Hud < Window_Base #---------------------------------------------------- # * Object Initialization #---------------------------------------------------- def initialize super(0,0, 125,125) create_contents self.visible = $game_switches[SWITCH] @actor = $game_party.members[0] refresh end def exp_gauge_color1; text_color(31); end; def exp_gauge_color2; text_color(27); end; #---------------------------------------------------- # * Refresh #---------------------------------------------------- def refresh self.contents.clear contents.clear draw_window_content end #---------------------------------------------------- # * Draw Window Contents * Drawing of all the contents gold, hp bar, etc #---------------------------------------------------- def draw_window_content @gold = $game_party.gold @level = @actor.level @hp = @actor.hp @mp = @actor.mp @tp = @actor.tp @exp = @actor.exp draw_face(@actor.face_name, @actor.face_index, 0, 0, enable = false) contents.font.size = 20 draw_actor_name(@actor, 0, 0) draw_actor_level(@actor, 45, 0) draw_actor_hp(@actor, 0, 17, 48) draw_exp(@actor, 0, 60, 102) draw_actor_mp(@actor, 55, 17, 48) draw_actor_tp(@actor, 0, 37, 102) #==========Make the Adjustment here if you edited the GOLD variable to be longer than 1 Character=============== contents.font.size = Font.default_size draw_currency_value(@gold, GOLD, 0, 82, 102) #draw_currency_value(Gold Variable, Term Variable, X-pos, Y-Pos, Width) change the width if you make the term longer than 1 char #example, draw_currency_value(@gold, GOLD, 0, 155, 110) #==========Make the Adjustment here if you edited the GOLD variable to be longer than 1 Character=============== end #----------------------------------------------------- # * Update * used to keep things up to date #----------------------------------------------------- def update super self.visible = $game_switches[SWITCH] return if !self.visible if @level != @actor.level or @hp != @actor.hp or @mp != @actor.mp or @tp != @actor.tp or @exp != @actor.exp or @gold != $game_party.gold refresh end end #----------------------------------------------------- # * Custom Definition for the experience bar free to use if you like #----------------------------------------------------- def draw_exp(actor, x, y, width = 124) s1 = @actor.max_level? ? "---------" : @actor.exp s2 = @actor.max_level? ? "---------" : @actor.next_level_exp - @actor.exp if @actor.max_level? ? draw_gauge(x, y, width, 1, exp_gauge_color1, exp_gauge_color2) : draw_gauge(x, y, width,(((actor.exp.to_f/100) / (actor.next_level_exp.to_f/100)) * 100), exp_gauge_color1, exp_gauge_color2) end change_color(system_color) draw_text(x, y, 30, line_height, EXPTERM) change_color(text_color(27)) if @actor.max_level? ? draw_text(x + width - 72, y, 72, line_height, "------------", 2) : draw_text(x + width - 72, y, 72, line_height, actor.next_level_exp.to_i - actor.exp.to_i, 2) end end end #------------------------------------------------------ # * Scene_Map Class, For keeping it on the map #------------------------------------------------------ class Scene_Map < Scene_Base alias start_window start alias term_window terminate alias update_window update def start start_window @winhud = Window_Hud.new update end def terminate @winhud.dispose term_window end def update update_window @winhud.update end end