//https://rathena.org/board/topic/110562-woe-countdown-timer/ //Skormie's WOE Waitingroom Timer v1.02 //Should natively work with Euphy's WOE Controller. prontera,150,150,5 script Woe Time 100,{ end; OnInit: function s; function woe_update; .@Euphy_Len = getarraysize( $WOE_CONTROL ); if( .@Euphy_Len ) { for( .@i = 0; .@i < .@Euphy_Len; .@i += 4 ) { .woe_day[ getarraysize( .woe_day ) ] = $WOE_CONTROL[.@i]; .woe_hour[ getarraysize( .woe_hour ) ] = $WOE_CONTROL[.@i+1]; } } else { setarray .woe_day, 5, 4; //Day of the week WOE Starts on. (0 for Sunday, 6 is Saturday) setarray .woe_hour, 16, 20; //rAthena works on a 24 hour clock. } woe_update(); while ( 1 ) { .@woe_tick = .woe_time[.current] - gettimetick(2); .@day = .@woe_tick / 86400; .@hour = .@woe_tick % 86400 / 3600; .@min = .@woe_tick % 3600 / 60; .@sec = .@woe_tick % 60; .@mes$ = ( .@day ? .@day +" day"+ s( .@day ) : "" ) + ( .@hour ? .@hour +" hour"+ s( .@hour ) : "" ) + ( .@min ? .@min +" minute"+ s( .@min ) : "" ) + ( .@sec ? .@sec +" second"+ s( .@sec, 1 ) : "" ); delwaitingroom strnpcinfo(0); waitingroom agitcheck() ? "WOE is Active!" : .@mes$, 0; sleep 1000; } end; OnAgitEnd: woe_update(); end; function s { return ( getarg(0) > 1 ? "s" : "" ) + ( getarg(1,0) ? "" : " " ); } function woe_update { .@woe_len = getarraysize( .woe_day ); for( .@a = 0; .@a < .@woe_len; .@a++ ) { .@woe_day[.@a] = ( .woe_day[.@a] - gettime(4) + 7 ) % 7 * 86400; .@woe_hour[.@a] = ( .woe_hour[.@a] * 3600 ) - gettimetick(1); .woe_time[.@a] = gettimetick(2) + .@woe_day[.@a] + .@woe_hour[.@a]; if(gettimetick(2) > .woe_time[.@a]) .woe_time[.@a] = .woe_time[.@a] + 7 * 86400; if( .woe_time[.@a] <= .woe_time[.current] ) .current = .@a; } } }