// -------- BitMasks -------- // 1 - Normal jobs, // 2 - Adv jobs. // 4 - Baby jobs, // 8 - Normal 3rd jobs. // 16 - Adv. 3rd jobs. // 32 - Baby 3rd jobs. // 64 - Certain Jobs ( Specific ) // ----- Mode Example : ( Blocked Class ) ------ // 63 - All Class that has been defined // 64 - Only the Specific Job you defined // 7 - Normal + Advanced + Baby Jobs // 56 - Normal 3rd + Advanced 3rd + Baby 3rd Jobs // Just add in the Value for the Bitmask. // Aware of the Usage of Certain Jobs. // --- If you using Bitmask Above , aware of the Limit Reach. ( ~128 Total Class ) // --- If your Bitmask = ( 63 + 64 ) , Your "Certain Jobs" have only about 20 Slots. // --- Anyway, i dont think you will do so since Bitmask 63 will block most of the Class already. // * Common Sense : Make sure the Array ".@Restrict" didnt exceed limit of 128 element. - script ClassRestriction -1,{ function RestrictJob; OnPCLoadMapEvent: if( getgmlevel() < .LowGMLvl ) for( set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize( .Map$ ); set .@i,.@i + 2 ) if( strcharinfo(3) == .Map$[.@i] ) RestrictJob( atoi( .Map$[.@i+1] ) ); end; function RestrictJob { // Normal Jobs if( getarg(0) & 1 ) setarray .@Restrict[getarraysize(.@Restrict)],0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,23,24,25,4046,4047,4049; // Adv Jobs if( getarg(0) & 2 ) setarray .@Restrict[getarraysize(.@Restrict)],4001,4002,4003,4004,4005,4006,4007,4008,4009,4010,4011,4012,4013,4015,4016,4017,4018,4019,4020,4021; // Baby Jobs if( getarg(0) & 4 ) setarray .@Restrict[getarraysize(.@Restrict)],4023,4024,4025,4026,4027,4028,4029,4030,4031,4032,4033,4034,4035,4037,4038,4039,4040,4041,4042,4043,4045; // Normal 3rd Jobs if( getarg(0) & 8 ) setarray .@Restrict[getarraysize(.@Restrict)],4054,5055,4056,4057,4058,4059,4066,4067,4068,4069,4070,4071,4072; // Adv 3rd Jobs if( getarg(0) & 16 ) setarray .@Restrict[getarraysize(.@Restrict)],4060,4061,4062,4063,4064,4065,4073,4074,4075,4076,4077,4078,4079; // Baby 3rd Jobs if( getarg(0) & 32 ) setarray .@Restrict[getarraysize(.@Restrict)],4096,4097,4098,4099,4100,4101,4102,4103,4104,4105,4106,4107,4108; // Certain Jobs ( Specific Your Own Class Restriction ) if( getarg(0) & 64 ) setarray .@Restrict[getarraysize(.@Restrict)],4046,4002,4004,4013,4011; for( set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize(.@Restrict); set .@i,.@i + 1 ) if( Class == .@Restrict[.@i] ){ mes "[ ^FF0000Job Restriction System^000000 ]"; mes "^0000FFMap^000000 : ^FF0000"+strcharinfo(3)+"^000000"; mes "^FFFFFF________________________________^000000"; if( getarg(0) & 1 ) mes " -- ^0000FFNormal Jobs^000000"; if( getarg(0) & 2 ) mes " -- ^0000FFAdvanced Jobs^000000"; if( getarg(0) & 4 ) mes " -- ^0000FFNormal Baby Jobs^000000"; if( getarg(0) & 8 ) mes " -- ^0000FFNormal Third Jobs^000000"; if( getarg(0) & 16 ) mes " -- ^0000FFAdvanced Third Jobs^000000"; if( getarg(0) & 32 ) mes " -- ^0000FFBaby Third Jobs^000000"; if( getarg(0) & 64 ) for( set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize(.@Restrict); set .@i,.@i + 1 ) mes " -- ^0000FF"+jobname( .@Restrict[.@i] )+"^000000"; mes "^FFFFFF________________________________^000000"; mes "You will be warped out within "+.Sec+" Seconds."; sleep2 ( .Sec * 1000 ); warp "prontera",155,181; } return; } OnInit: // Wait X Seconds before warped out. set .Sec,5; // Lowest GM Level to Bypass set .LowGMLvl,80; setarray .Map$, // ,.... ( Mode = Bitwise Value ) Max of ~64 Map Settings. "prtg_cas01","63", "prtg_cas02","64", "prtg_cas03","7", "prtg_cas04","56", "prtg_cas05","1"; // Assign a LoadEvent Mapflag to each map you listed. for( set .map,0; .map < getarraysize( .Map$ ); set .map,.map + 2 ) setmapflag .Map$[.map],mf_loadevent; end; }