/* CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `rebirth_system` ( `char_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `name` varchar(24) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'NULL', `num_rebirth` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (`char_id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM; */ aretnorp,257,260,5 script Rebirth 651,{ function checkItem; // check if player have all item required function colorItemrequired; // color the text. Red : not enough item, green otherwise function deleteItem; // delete all items required function displayItemneed; // display all items need at start function getItemReward; // give the items reward function weightreq; // check if your current weight is highter than weight high novice mes "^11E6D0[Rebirth System]^000000"; mes strcharinfo(0)+", How may I help you?"; switch( select( "^777777~ Ranking", "~ Rebirth", "~ Information", "~ Cancel^000000" ) ) { case 1: query_sql "SELECT `name`,`num_rebirth` FROM `rebirth_system` ORDER BY `num_rebirth` DESC LIMIT "+.list,@name$,@num_rebirth; if(getarraysize(@name$)==0){mes "^F20808 No Records Found ^000000"; close;} mes "Format:"; mes "^0814F2[Character Name]^000000 - ^B308F2[Rebirths]^000000"; for (.@i=0; .@i < getarraysize(@name$); .@i++){ mes (.@i+1) +".) ^0814F2["+ @name$[.@i] +"]^000000 - ^B308F2["+ @num_rebirth[.@i] +"]^000000"; } deletearray @name$[0],.list; deletearray @num_rebirth[0],.list; close; case 2: .@eac = eaclass(); if( NextJobExp || NextBaseExp || !( .@eac&(.job_rebirth) ) || !Upper ) { mes "You must be a Max Level 3rd Job Class to be able to Rebirth."; close; } mes "Items need :"; displayItemneed(); next; mes "^11E6D0[Rebirth System]^000000"; weightreq(); checkItem(); deleteItem(); break; case 3: switch(.reset_opt){ case 1: mes "Your BaseLevel,JobLevel,Skills,StatPoints,Stats will be Reset."; break; case 2: mes "Your BaseLevel,JobLevel And SkillPoints will be Reset."; break; case 3: mes "You will be Changed to BaseLevel 1 with JobLevel and Skills/Stats Unaffected, For Rebirth, you will need some items."; break; case 4: mes "You will be Changed to JobLevel 1 with BaseLevel and Skills/Stats Unaffected"; break; } mes "For Rebirth, you may need some items."; close; case 4: mes "Bye."; close; } num_rebirth += 1; resetlvl(.reset_opt); getItemReward(); query_sql "INSERT INTO `rebirth_system` (`char_id`,`name`,`num_rebirth`) VALUES ("+getcharid(0)+",'"+strcharinfo(0)+"',"+num_rebirth+") ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `num_rebirth`="+num_rebirth+""; mes "You have taken Rebirth."; StatusPoint = 100; SkillPoint = 151; set BaseLevel 11; set JobLevel 10; announce "[ Rebirth system ] : "+ strcharinfo(0) +" rebirth for the "+ num_rebirth +" time !", 0; close; function checkItem { for (.@i=0 ; .@i < .size_item; .@i += 2 ) if ( countitem( .item_req[.@i] ) < .item_req[ .@i+1 ] ) { mes "You don't have enough ^E6DB11"+ getitemname( .item_req[.@i] ) +"^000000. ^ff0000["+ countitem( .item_req[.@i] ) +"/"+ ( .item_req[ .@i+1 ] ) +"]^000000"; close; } return; } function colorItemrequired { if ( countitem( .item_req[ getarg(0) ] ) < .item_req[ getarg(0)+1 ] ) return "^ff0000"; return "^00ff00"; } function deleteItem { for (.@i=0 ; .@i < .size_item; .@i += 2 ){ delitem .item_req[.@i], ( .item_req[ .@i+1 ] ); } return; } function displayItemneed { for (.@i=0 ; .@i < .size_item; .@i += 2 ){ mes colorItemrequired( .@i ) +" - x"+ ( .item_req[ .@i+1 ] ) +" "+ getitemname( .item_req[.@i] ); } return; } function getItemReward { for (.@i=0 ; .@i < .size_reward; .@i += 3 ){ .@rand = rand(1,10000); if (.@rand <= .reward[.@i+2]){ getitem .reward[.@i], .reward[ .@i+1 ]; } } return; } function weightreq { if ( Weight > 20000 ) { mes "You have too much items on you. Your weight will be too high after rebirth."; close; } return; } OnInit: // item required , setarray .item_req, 7905, 10, 7227, 50, 20359, 1; .size_item = getarraysize( .item_req ); // rewards , , setarray .reward, 7227, 50, 5000, 4608, 1, 50, 4609, 1, 50, 2541, 1, 10, 2763, 1, 50, 2137, 1, 50, 20038, 1, 50, 20036, 1, 50, 20034, 1, 50, 20032, 1, 50, 20031, 1, 50, 20030, 1, 50, 20029, 1, 50, 20028, 1, 50, 20027, 1, 50, 20026, 1, 50, 20025, 1, 50, 20024, 1, 50, 20023, 1, 50, 20022, 1, 50, 20021, 1, 50, 20020, 1, 50, 2741, 1, 50, 2927, 1, 50, 2924, 1, 50, 2928, 1, 50, 2997, 1, 50, 2923, 1, 50, 2926, 1, 50, 2925, 1, 50, 2737, 1, 30, 20362, 1, 20, 20363, 1, 20, 20364, 1, 20, 20365, 1, 20, 20366, 1, 20, 20367, 1, 20, 20368, 1, 20, 20369, 1, 20, 20370, 1, 20, 20371, 1, 20, 20372, 1, 20, 20373, 1, 20, 20374, 1, 20, 20375, 1, 20, 20376, 1, 20, 20377, 1, 20, 20378, 1, 20, 20379, 1, 20, 20380, 1, 20, 20381, 1, 20, 20382, 1, 20, 20383, 1, 20, 20384, 1, 20, 20385, 1, 20, 20386, 1, 20, 20387, 1, 20, 20388, 1, 20, 20389, 1, 20, 20390, 1, 20, 20391, 1, 20, 20392, 1, 20, 20393, 1, 20, 20394, 1, 20, 20395, 1, 20, 20396, 1, 20, 20397, 1, 20, 20398, 1, 20, 20399, 1, 20; .size_reward = getarraysize( .reward ); .list = 10; //Show Top x in Ranking .job_rebirth = EAJL_THIRD; //EAJL_THIRD = Third Job, EAJL_2 = Second Job, (EAJL_2&EAJL_THIRD) = Second and Third job can rebirth. //More Options [EAJL_2_1,EAJL_2_2,EAJL_UPPER,EAJL_BABY] .reset_opt = 1; //(1=Reset Base and JobLevel to 1(0 skill points and all stats to 1),2=Reset Base and JobLevel to 1(SkillPoint=0, While Skills and stats are not affected),3=Reset BaseLevel to 1, 4=Reset Job Level to 1) query_sql "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `rebirth_system` ( `char_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `name` varchar(24) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'NULL', `num_rebirth` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (`char_id`)) ENGINE=MyISAM"; end; }