##################################################################### # TODO install: conf/%.conf conf/%.txt $(shell read -p "WARNING: This target does not work properly yet. Press Ctrl+C to cancel or Enter to continue.") $(shell mkdir -p /opt/eathena/bin/) $(shell mkdir -p /opt/eathena/etc/eathena/) $(shell mkdir -p /opt/eathena/var/log/eathena/) $(shell mv save /opt/eathena/etc/eathena/save) $(shell mv db /opt/eathena/etc/eathena/db) $(shell mv conf /opt/eathena/etc/eathena/conf) $(shell mv npc /opt/eathena/etc/eathena/npc) $(shell mv log/* /opt/eathena/var/log/eathena/) $(shell cp *-server* /opt/eathena/bin/) $(shell ln -s /opt/eathena/etc/eathena/save/ /opt/eathena/bin/) $(shell ln -s /opt/eathena/etc/eathena/db/ /opt/eathena/bin/) $(shell ln -s /opt/eathena/etc/eathena/conf/ /opt/eathena/bin/) $(shell ln -s /opt/eathena/etc/eathena/npc/ /opt/eathena/bin/) $(shell ln -s /opt/eathena/var/log/eathena/ /opt/eathena/bin/log) bin-clean: $(shell rm /opt/eathena/bin/login-server*) $(shell rm /opt/eathena/bin/char-server*) $(shell rm /opt/eathena/bin/map-server*) uninstall: $(shell read -p "WARNING: This target does not work properly yet. Press Ctrl+C to cancel or Enter to continue.") bin-clean $(shell rm /opt/eathena/bin/save) $(shell rm /opt/eathena/bin/db) $(shell rm /opt/eathena/bin/conf) $(shell rm /opt/eathena/bin/npc) $(shell rm /opt/eathena/bin/log) $(shell rm -rf /opt/eathena/etc/eathena) $(shell rm -rf /opt/eathena/var/log/eathena)