//===== eAthena Script ================================================================================================================ //= Super Broadcaster //===== Created By: =================================================================================================================== //= GorthexTiger (www.eathena.ws) or on MSN @ dangerously_chemical@hotmail.com //= If you're going to use my script, you can make modifications //= But credits and the fact that I created it must remain intact. //===== Current Version: ============================================================================================================== //= 2.0 (Development Version) //===== Compatible With: ============================================================================================================== //= TXT & SQL //===== Script Explaination: ========================================================================================================== //= The best damn broadcaster you ever had. //===== Features: ===================================================================================================================== //= Broadcaster That Accepts 3 Different Ways Of Payment: Zeny, Cash Points, And A Set Amount Of A Specified Item By Item ID # //= Broadcasts Can Be Logged (If Enabled Or Activated In Game.) //= Automatically Disables Itself During WoE (For Players) //= Has A 3 Minute Cooldown In Between Broadcasts //= Players Must Meet A Level Requirement To Use Broadcaster (In Configuration Settings Below) //= Collects The Last Name Of The Player Who Used It Last To Allow For Easy Punishment For Misuse Via PM //= (Punishment Is Automatic When Dictated By a GM: Bans for 15 Minutes, With Public Announcement W/ Their Name To Discourage Abuse) //= GM's Can Enable & Disable: Broadcasting & Logs, //===== Always Check For Updates! ===================================================================================================== //= http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?showtopic=231474 //===== Comments: ===================================================================================================================== //= If You Don't Like It, Don't Use It //= I Reserve The Right To Remove, Assign, Modify, Or In Anyway Change Permissions On This Script At Any And All Times //===================================================================================================================================== prontera,141,182,6 script Broadcaster 935,{ if (getgmlevel() >= .gmlevel){ OnWhisperGlobal: if (getgmlevel() < .gmlevel) end; while(1){ mes .npc$; mes "Hello, GM "+strcharinfo(0)+", what can I help you with today?"; switch(select("Enable/Disable Broadcasting:Enable/Disable Logging:Ban Last User:Player Menu")){ case 1: next; mes .npc$; mes "Broadcasting is "+( (!.enable)?"^FF0000Disabled^000000":"^00FF00Enabled^000000"); mes "Turn it "+( (!.enable)?"^00FF00On^000000":"^FF0000Off^000000")+"?"; if (select("Yes:No")==2) { next; continue; } if(!.enable) set .enable,1; else set .enable,0; next; mes .npc$; mes "Broadcasting is "+( (!.enable)?"^FF0000Disabled^000000":"^00FF00Enabled^000000")+"."; next; continue; case 2: next; mes .npc$; mes "Broadcasting logs are "+( (!.log)?"^FF0000Disabled^000000":"^00FF00Enabled^000000"); mes "Turn them "+( (!.log)?"^00FF00On^000000":"^FF0000Off^000000")+"?"; if (select("Yes:No")==2) { next; continue; } if(!.log) set .log,1; else set .log,0; next; mes .npc$; mes "Broadcasting Message logs are now "+( (!.log)?"^FF0000Disabled^000000":"^00FF00Enabled^000000")+"."; next; continue; case 3: next; mes .npc$; mes "Last Broadcast User: ^FF0000"+.lastname$+"^000000."; next; mes .npc$; mes "Ban This Player?"; if(select("Yes:No")==2) next; continue; atcommand "@ban 15n " + .lastname$; announce .lastname$+" has been banned for 15 minutes for abusing the Broadcasting NPC.",0; next; mes .npc$; mes "Player is banned."; next; continue; case 4: next; break; } //End of Switch break; }//End of While() Loop }//End Of GM Check if (.enable == 0){ mes .npc$; mes "I'm sorry, I am currently disabled by the server's GM team until further notice."; next; mes .npc$; mes "Please direct any inquiries regarding my disabling to the proper persons. Thank-you."; close; } if ((agitcheck() == 1) || (agitcheck2() == 1)){ mes .npc$; mes "I'm sorry, during ^0000FFWar of Emperium^000000, I don't do any broadcasts."; close; } if (.timedelay == 1){ mes .npc$; mes "I'm sorry, I need a few moments to rest before I am able to broadcast to the entire server again."; close; } if (Baselevel < .checklevel){ mes .npc$; mes "I'm sorry, you must be at least Base Level ^0000FF"+.checklevel+"^000000, before you can use the Broadcaster."; close; } mes .npc$; mes "Hello, "+strcharinfo(0)+" ! I can broadcast messages on your behalf accross the entire server."; if (.warning){ mes .npc$; mes "But, before we begin..."; next; mes .npc$; mes "You agree to any Terms of Service, rules, laws, notices or any other type of behaviorial guidelines that are set, and established for this server."; next; mes .npc$; mes "In addition, you agree to not abuse, misuse, over-use, or in any other way, use this Broadcasting NPC for any other purpose besides those mentioned in the options below."; next; if (.log){ mes .npc$; mes "Additionally, your name and message are ^FF0000LOGGED^000000."; next; } mes .npc$; mes "Do you agree to the terms just previously stated?"; if(select("Yes:No")==2) close; } while(1){ next; mes .npc$; mes "Broadcasting isn't free and does have a cost."; mes "How would you like to pay for your broadcast?"; switch(select("With Zeny:With Points:With Items:")){ case 1: next; if(.limitation != 1 && .limitation != 0 ){ mes .npc$; mes "I'm sorry, but this method of payment has been disabled by the GM Administration Team."; continue; } mes .npc$; mes "Ok, to Broadcast with ^0000FFzeny^000000 costs ^0000FF"+.costz+"^000000 zeny."; mes "Proceed?"; if(select("Yes:No")==2) continue; if (zeny < .costz){ next; mes .npc$; mes "It looks like you don't have enough zeny to Broadcast."; mes "Try coming back later."; close; } set zeny, zeny - .costz; break; case 2: next; if(.limitation != 2 && .limitation != 0 ){ mes .npc$; mes "I'm sorry, but this method of payment has been disabled by the GM Administration Team."; continue; } mes .npc$; mes "Ok, to Broadcast with ^0000FFpoints^000000 costs ^0000FF"+.costa+" Event Points."; mes "Proceed?"; if(select("Yes:No")==2) continue; if (#CASHPOINTS < .costa){ next; mes .npc$; mes "It looks like you don't have enough points to Broadcast."; mes "Try coming back later."; close; } set #CASHPOINTS, #CASHPOINTS -.costa; break; case 3: next; if(.limitation != 4 && .limitation != 0 ){ mes .npc$; mes "I'm sorry, but this method of payment has been disabled by the GM Administration Team."; continue; } mes .npc$; mes "Ok, to Broadcast with ^0000FFitems^000000..."; mes "I will need."; mes "^0000FF"+.costiamount+"^000000 ^FF0000"+getitemname(.costi)+"."; next; mes .npc$; mes "Proceed?"; if(select("Yes:No")==2) continue; if (countitem(.costi) < .costiamount){ next; mes .npc$; mes "Hmm, looks like you still need to get a few more "+getitemname(.costi)+"."; mes "Try coming back after you have got more."; close; } delitem .costi,.costiamount; break; } //End of Switch break; }//End of While while(1){ next; mes .npc$; mes "What would you like to do?"; switch(select("Sell:Buy:Trade:Page Another Player:Page a GM:Recruitment:Free Broadcast")){ case 1: callsub L_merch,0; case 2: callsub L_merch,1; case 3: callsub L_merch,2; case 4: while(1){ next; mes .npc$; mes "Ok, who is the person you are trying to get a hold of?"; input .@name$; next; callsub L_color; mes .npc$; mes "Ok, here is how it will look."; next; mes "^"+.colorarray$[@colorindex]+"Broadcaster: "+.@name$+" please contact "+strcharinfo(0)+" if you're online."; next; mes .npc$; mes "Proceed?"; if(select("Yes:Rewrite Message")==2) continue; set .addon$,"0x" + .colorarray$[@colorindex]; announce "Broadcaster: "+.@name$+" please contact "+strcharinfo(0)+" if you're online.",bc_all,.addon$; set .timedelay, 1; if (.log) logmes gettimestr("%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S",21)+": "+strcharinfo(0)+": "+.@name$+" please contact me if you're online."; next; set .lastname$,strcharinfo(0); mes .npc$; mes "Ok, your broadcast has been completed."; close2; initnpctimer; npctalk "Service will be available in 3 minutes."; end; } case 5: while(1){ next; callsub L_color; mes .npc$; mes "This is how the announcement will be look."; next; mes "^"+.colorarray$[@colorindex]+"Broadcaster: If any GMs are online, please contact "+strcharinfo(0)+"."; next; mes .npc$; mes "Proceed?"; if(select("Yes:Nevermind")==2) continue; set .addon$,"0x" + .colorarray$[@colorindex]; announce "Broadcaster: "+strcharinfo(0)+": If there are any GM's online, please contact me.",bc_all,.addon$; set .timedelay, 1; if (.log) logmes gettimestr("%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S",21)+": "+strcharinfo(0)+": If there are any GM's online, please contact me."; next; set .lastname$,strcharinfo(0); mes .npc$; mes "Ok, your broadcast has been completed."; close2; initnpctimer; npctalk "Service will be available in 3 minutes."; end; } case 6: while(1){ next; mes .npc$; mes "Ok, what are you recruiting for?"; setarray .@partyselection$[0],"A Guild","Guild Members","A MVP Party","A Leveling Party","A Quest Party","A PVP Party"; set .@selection,select("Guild:Guild Members:MVP Party:Leveling Party:Quest Party:PVP Party")-1; next; mes .npc$; mes "Ok, so you're looking for "+.@partyselection$[.@selection]+". Got it."; next; callsub L_color; if(.@selection == 1){ mes .npc$; mes "This is how your broadcast will appear."; next; if(getcharid(2) == 0 ){ mes .npc$; mes "You're not even a part of a guild! Go find a guild before you try to advertise one."; emotion 4; continue; } mes "^"+.colorarray$[@colorindex]+"Broadcaster: "+strcharinfo(0)+" is looking for "+.@partyselection$[.@selection]+" for "+(getguildname(getcharid(2,strcharinfo(0))))+"! Please PM them for more details!"; next; mes .npc$; mes "Proceed?"; if(select("Yes:Nevermind")==2) continue; set .addon$,"0x" + .colorarray$[@colorindex]; announce "Broadcaster: "+strcharinfo(0)+" is looking for "+.@partyselection$[.@selection]+" for "+(getguildname(getcharid(2,strcharinfo(0))))+"! Please PM them for more details!",bc_all,.addon$; set .timedelay, 1; if (.log) logmes gettimestr("%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S",21)+": "+strcharinfo(0)+" is looking for "+.@partyselection$[.@selection]+" for "+(getguildname(getcharid(2,strcharinfo(0))))+"! Please PM them for more details!"; next; set .lastname$,strcharinfo(0); mes .npc$; mes "Ok, your broadcast has been completed."; close2; initnpctimer; npctalk "Service will be available in 3 minutes."; end; } mes .npc$; mes "This is how your broadcast will appear."; next; mes "^"+.colorarray$[@colorindex]+"Broadcaster: "+strcharinfo(0)+" is looking for "+.@partyselection$[.@selection]+"! Please PM them for more details!"; next; mes .npc$; mes "Proceed?"; if(select("Yes:Reselect Choice")==2) continue; set .addon$,"0x" + .colorarray$[@colorindex]; announce strcharinfo(0)+" is looking for "+.@partyselection$[.@selection]+"! Please PM them for more details!",bc_all,.addon$; set .timedelay, 1; if (.log) logmes gettimestr("%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S",21)+": "+strcharinfo(0)+" is looking for a "+.@partyselection$[.@selection]+"! Please PM them for more details!"; next; set .lastname$,strcharinfo(0); mes .npc$; mes "Ok, your broadcast has been completed."; close2; initnpctimer; npctalk "Service will be available in 3 minutes."; end; } case 7: while(1){ next; mes .npc$; mes "Ok, what is your message?"; input .@freestyle$; next; callsub L_color; mes .npc$; mes "Ok, here is how it will look."; next; mes "^"+.colorarray$[@colorindex]+""+strcharinfo(0)+": "+.@freestyle$+"."; next; mes .npc$; mes "Proceed?"; if(select("Yes:Rewrite Message")==2) continue; set .addon$,"0x" + .colorarray$[@colorindex]; announce "Broadcaster: "+.@freestyle$+".",bc_all,.addon$; set .timedelay, 1; if (.log) logmes gettimestr("%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S",21)+": "+strcharinfo(0)+": "+.@freestyle$+"."; next; set .lastname$,strcharinfo(0); mes .npc$; mes "Ok, your broadcast has been completed."; close2; initnpctimer; npctalk "Service will be available in 3 minutes."; end; }//End of While() }// End of Switch() }// End of Switch() While OnTimer60000: npctalk "Service will be available in 2 minutes."; end; OnTimer120000: npctalk "Service will be available in 1 minute."; end; OnTimer180000: npctalk "Broadcasting Service Is Now Available."; set .timedelay,0; stopnpctimer; end; L_color: mes .npc$; mes "Please select a color that your broadcast will use."; set @colorindex, select(.color$)-1; next; return; L_merch: while(1){ next; mes .npc$; mes "Ok, what item are you trying to "+.typearray$[getarg(0)]+"?"; input .@item1$; next; mes .npc$; mes "Ok, what are you "+.typearray$[getarg(0)+3]+" it for?"; input .@item2$; next; callsub L_color; mes .npc$; mes "This is how your broadcast will appear."; next; mes "^"+.colorarray$[@colorindex]+"Broadcaster: "+strcharinfo(0)+" is "+.typearray$[getarg(0)+3]+" "+.@item1$+" for "+.@item2$+" ! Please PM them for more info."; next; mes .npc$; mes "Broadcast?"; if(select("Yes:Rewrite Message")==2) continue; set .addon$,"0x" + .colorarray$[@colorindex]; announce "Broadcaster: "+strcharinfo(0)+" is "+.typearray$[getarg(0)+3]+" "+.@item1$+" FOR "+.@item2$+" ! Please PM them for more info.",bc_all,.addon$; set .timedelay, 1; if (.log) logmes gettimestr("%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S",21)+": "+strcharinfo(0)+":"+.typearray$[getarg(0)+3]+" "+.@item1$+" for "+.@item2$+"."; next; set .lastname$,strcharinfo(0); mes .npc$; mes "Ok, your broadcast has been completed."; close2; initnpctimer; npctalk "Service will be available in 3 minutes."; break; } end; OnInit: //===== Configuration Settings ======================================================================================================== // set .npc$, "[Broadcaster]"; // Sets Name Of The NPC: Change The Name In Brackets For A Custom Name set .checklevel,99; // Players Must Be This Level or Higher In Order To Broadcast set .costz,300000; // Set's Cost To Use Broadcaster (In Zeny) set .costa, 0; // Set's Cost To Use Broadcaster (In Cash Points) set .costi, 0; // Set's The Item To Be Used In Payment For Broadcaster (Item ID # Here) set .costiamount,0; // Amount of Items Specified By .costi In Order To Use The Broadcaster set .gmlevel,40; // Minimum GM Level To Reach GM Menu & Use OnWhisperGlobal: Label set .timedelay,0; // Creates The 3 Minute Delay Between Broadcasts. When set to '0', players are able to broadcast // If set to '1', the broadcaster thinks it has a delay to go through set .enable,1; // Check To See If Broadcasting is Enabled. 1 == Enabled || 0 == Disabled (Enabled By Default) set .log, 0; // Enables Logs of Broadcasts, 0 == Disabled, 1 == Enabled (Off By Default) set .limitation,1; // Limitation Setting for limiting how many payment options are available: // 0 = all payment options available, 1 = only zeny, 2 = only cash points, 4 = only items set .warning,0; // if set to '1', displays a General Abuse Message before broasting (Disabled by Default) set .color$,""; // Clears the color menu (DO NOT MESS WITH THIS) setarray .typearray$[0],"Sell","Buy","Trade","Selling","Buying","Trading"; setarray .colorarray$[0], // Array That Store's Colors That Can Be Used For Broadcasts "FF3333", //Red "37FDFC", //Sky Blue "4DBD33", //Green "BAB9B9", //Grey "FFFF00", //Yellow "FF7F50"; //Orange for(set .i,0; .i < getarraysize(.colorarray$); set .i, .i + 1){ set .color$, .color$ + "^" + ""+.colorarray$[.i]+"" + "This Color" + "^000000:"; } }