//Headgear 4582 Bungisngis Card //Every 2 refine level on the compounded headgear increase Max HP by 1%. //bonus bMaxHPrate,(getrefine()/2); 4122 Deviruchi Card //Gain immunity to the Blind status. //bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Blind,10000; 4556 Fenrir Card //MATK +50 //Every refine on the compounded equipment increases MATK by 5. //Reduce fixed cast time by 70%. //bonus bMatk,50+getrefine()*5; bonus bFixedCastrate,-70; 27030 Fulbuk Card //Adds a high chance of inflicting Burning status on target when dealing physical or magical attacks. //bonus3 bAddEff,Eff_Burning,700,ATF_WEAPON|ATF_MAGIC; 4365 High Wizard Card //Ignores MDEF of normal monsters. //Increases variable cast time by 100% and reduces SP Recovery by 100%. //Drains 2,000 SP when the compounded headgear is unequipped. //bonus2 bIgnoreMdefClassRate,Class_Normal,100; bonus bVariableCastrate,100; bonus bSPrecovRate,-100; 4366 Kathryne Keyron Card //Reduces variable cast time by 1% per refine level of the equipment this card is compunded on. //If the compounded item is refined to +9 or higher, MATK +2% //.@r = getrefine(); bonus bVariableCastrate,.@r*-1; if(.@r>=9) { bonus bMatkRate,2; } 4403 Kiel-D-01 Card //Reduces after cast delay of all skills by 30% //bonus bDelayRate,-30; 4112 Marduk Card //Gain immunity to the Silence status. //bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Silence,10000; 4198 Maya Purple Card //Enable its user to detect hidden enemies. //bonus bIntravision,1; 4132 Mistress Card //Nullify the Gemstone requirement of certain spells at the cost of increasing SP Consumption by 25% when using skills. //bonus bNoGemStone,1; bonus bUseSPrate,25; 4127 Nightmare Card //Gain immunity to the Sleep status. //bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Sleep,10000; 4143 Orc Hero Card //Gain immunity to the Stun status. //bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Stun,10000; 4512 Parus Card //Heal effectiveness +3%. //[Acolyte and Acolyte Upper Classes] //Every 2 refine on the compounded item adds 1% heal effectiveness. //bonus bHealPower,3; if(BaseClass==Job_Acolyte){ bonus bHealPower,getrefine()/2; } 4148 Pharaoh Card //Reduce SP Consumption of skills by 30%. //bonus bUseSPrate,-30; 27015 Repair Robot Turbo Card //Increases HP and SP regeneration by 25%. //Gains HP by 30 and SP by 3 each time a monster is killed. //When compounded headgear is refined to +7: Increases restoration gained of HP by 10 and SP by 1. //bonus bHPrecovRate,25; bonus bSPrecovRate,25; .@r = getrefine(); bonus bHPGainValue,30+((.@r>=7)*10); bonus bSPGainValue,3+((.@r>=7)*3);