prontera,155,181,5 script Sample 718,{ setarray .Map$[0],"prtg_cas03","prtg_cas02"; if( ( strcharinfo(0) != getguildmaster( getcastledata( .Map$[0],1 ) ) || strcharinfo(0) != getguildmaster( getcastledata( .Map$[1],1 ) ) ) && getgmlevel() < 50 ){ mes "Only Owned both Castle for "+.Map$[0]+" and "+.Map$[1]+" can use this services."; }else{ mes "Turn ON/OFF the PVP ?"; mes "Made Announcement ?"; switch( select("Announce:Turn ON PVP:Turn OFF PVP") ){ Case 1: mes "Type your message."; input @Input$; mes "Your Message :"; mes "^0000FF"+@Input$+"^000000"; if( select("Announce:Cancel") == 2 ) break; mes "Okay.."; close2; announce @Input$,0; end; Case 2: pvpon "prontera"; mapannounce "prontera","PVP in Turned ON",0; break; Case 3: pvpoff "prontera"; mapannounce "prontera","PVP in Turned OFF",0; break; } } close; }