prontera,150,150,4 script Soldier of Midgard 105,{ if ((countitem(7291) > 0) && (countitem(7292) > 0) && (countitem(7295) > 0) && (countitem(989) > 0)) { mes "[Soldier of Midgard]"; mes "Oh..."; mes "Those Items in your hand are..."; next; switch(select("Show Items:Present Items:Cancel")) { case 1: mes "[Soldier of Midgard]"; mes "Ah..."; mes "Those are definitely the 4 items I was looking for! Would you give them to me?"; next; mes "[Soldier of Midgard]"; mes "If you would..."; mes "I'll give you my precious item."; close; case 2: if ((countitem(7291) > 0) && (countitem(7292) > 0) && (countitem(7295) > 0) && (countitem(989) > 0)) { delitem 7291,60; //Agate delitem 7292,60; //Muscovite delitem 7295,60; //Citrin delitem 989,60; //Emperium Anvil getitem 1228,1; //Combat Knife set #ckquest,1; mes "[Soldier of Midgard]"; mes "I really really appreciate you what you've done for me. I'm truly grateful. I will give my precious item to you as promised."; next; mes "[Soldier of Midgard]"; mes "This is the Knife I've used on my Training here on Midgard. It reminds me of my training days. Please take this..."; close; } else { mes "[Soldier of Midgard]"; mes "... Oh, I'm Sorry."; mes "But that's not what I'm looking for. Maybe you need to review the items a little bit?"; close; } } } else { mes "[Soldier of Midgard]"; mes "Don't you think..."; mes "Knifes are useful?"; next; switch(select("Talk:Quit")) { case 1: mes "[Soldier of Midgard]"; mes "When I was young,"; mes "I've had friends and"; mes "practiice all the time."; next; mes "[Soldier of Midgard]"; mes "Sometimes I regret what I did when I was younger, but it's not a big deal now. Through hard training, I finished the training camp earlier than all the other soldiers."; next; mes "[Soldier of Midgard]"; mes "However..."; mes "I was sad and sometimes lonely. Whenever the training got too hard, I needed someone who would listen to me. Finally, one day, I met my best friend."; next; mes "[Soldier of Midgard]"; mes "To accomplish my work..."; mes "I need bunches of items. But for someone who rarely goes outside, it is really hard to find all the items I need."; next; mes "[Soldier of Midgard]"; mes "I need 60 ^3355FFCitrin^000000 ,60 ^3355FFAgate^000000,60 ^3355FFMuscovitie^000000 and 1 ^3355FFEmperium Anvil^000000. If you can bring them to me, I'd give you my treasure..."; close; case 2: mes "[Soldier of Midgard]"; mes "One of these days I will protect this world from evil."; close; } } }