# Locale settings. Supported at the moment: en (english), hu (hungarian) Locale: en # Update Check when starting the server CheckUpdate: true # %currency value (e.g. Dollar, Forint, Euro or symbol) Currency: "$" # Set True, if you want give money if the player kill mobs in the MobArena - RESTART REQUIRED EarnMoneyInMobArena: false # Multiworld support, you can disable this plugin on some worlds. ( e.g.: world_the_end ) DisableOnTheseWorlds: - world_the_end # This option disable that the player earn money, if the mob spawned from spawner or spawner egg. AllowSpawnerFarming: false # You can enable or disable that, the players get message if he/she earn money. SendMessageWhenEarnMoney: true # The money multiplier. You can change it on double coins weekend. Money * Multiplier. GlobalMultiplier: 1 # 1st line: The mob's name, do not change it! # 2nd line (Enabled): If you want give money for this mob kill # 3rd line (Negative): If you want negative cash (withdraw) then set true # 4th line (MinMoney): The minimum money for kill # 5th line (MaxMoney): The maximum money for kill # 6th line (Chance): Chance for earn money - Min 1, max 100 (in percent) # String List: # %currency = Currency value # %money = Earned money # %playername = Killer player's name # %victim = Killed player's name # If you would like give fix money, then must MinMoney equal with MaxMoney! PIG: Enabled: true Negative: false MinMoney: 0.25 MaxMoney: 0.25 Chance: 100 SHEEP: Enabled: true Negative: false MinMoney: 0.25 MaxMoney: 0.25 Chance: 100 CHICKEN: Enabled: true Negative: false MinMoney: 0.25 MaxMoney: 0.25 Chance: 100 COW: Enabled: true Negative: false MinMoney: 0.25 MaxMoney: 0.25 Chance: 100 HORSE: Enabled: true Negative: false MinMoney: 0.25 MaxMoney: 0.25 Chance: 100 RABBIT: Enabled: true Negative: false MinMoney: 0.25 MaxMoney: 0.25 Chance: 100 WOLF: Enabled: true Negative: false MinMoney: 0.25 MaxMoney: 0.25 Chance: 100 OCELOT: Enabled: true Negative: false MinMoney: 0.25 MaxMoney: 0.25 Chance: 100 BAT: Enabled: true Negative: false MinMoney: 0.25 MaxMoney: 0.25 Chance: 100 BLAZE: Enabled: true Negative: false MinMoney: 3 MaxMoney: 3 Chance: 100 CAVE_SPIDER: Enabled: true Negative: false MinMoney: 3 MaxMoney: 3 Chance: 100 CREEPER: Enabled: true Negative: false MinMoney: 3 MaxMoney: 3 Chance: 100 ENDER_DRAGON: Enabled: true Negative: false MinMoney: 500 MaxMoney: 500 Chance: 100 ENDERMAN: Enabled: true Negative: false MinMoney: 10 MaxMoney: 10 Chance: 100 ENDERMITE: Enabled: true Negative: false MinMoney: 0.25 MaxMoney: 0.25 Chance: 100 GHAST: Enabled: true Negative: false MinMoney: 10 MaxMoney: 10 Chance: 100 GIANT: Enabled: true Negative: false MinMoney: 35 MaxMoney: 35 Chance: 100 GUARDIAN: Enabled: true Negative: false MinMoney: 10 MaxMoney: 10 Chance: 100 IRON_GOLEM: Enabled: true Negative: true MinMoney: 100 MaxMoney: 100 Chance: 100 MAGMA_CUBE: Enabled: true Negative: false MinMoney: 3 MaxMoney: 3 Chance: 100 MUSHROOM_COW: Enabled: true Negative: false MinMoney: 5 MaxMoney: 5 Chance: 100 PIG_ZOMBIE: Enabled: true Negative: false MinMoney: 3 MaxMoney: 3 Chance: 100 PLAYER: Enabled: false Negative: false MinMoney: 0 MaxMoney: 0 CashTransferPercent: 10 CashTransferLimit: 0 Chance: 100 SILVERFISH: Enabled: true Negative: false MinMoney: 5 MaxMoney: 5 Chance: 100 SKELETON: Enabled: true Negative: false MinMoney: 2 MaxMoney: 2 Chance: 100 SLIME: Enabled: true Negative: false MinMoney: 0.25 MaxMoney: 0.25 Chance: 100 SNOWMAN: Enabled: true Negative: true MinMoney: 10 MaxMoney: 10 Chance: 100 SPIDER: Enabled: true Negative: false MinMoney: 3 MaxMoney: 3 Chance: 100 SQUID: Enabled: true Negative: false MinMoney: 0.25 MaxMoney: 0.25 Chance: 100 VILLAGER: Enabled: true Negative: true MinMoney: 1000 MaxMoney: 1000 Chance: 100 WITCH: Enabled: true Negative: false MinMoney: 10 MaxMoney: 10 Chance: 100 WITHER: Enabled: true Negative: false MinMoney: 350 MaxMoney: 350 Chance: 100 ZOMBIE: Enabled: true Negative: false MinMoney: 3 MaxMoney: 3 Chance: 100