prontera,158,176,3 script MVP Ladder 1_F_MARIA,{ mes "[MVP Ladder]"; mes "Hello!"; mes "What are you doing here?"; next; switch( select("Check rankings.:My stats.:Previous Week ranking"+( ( getgmlevel() >= 99 )? ":^ff0000Admin^000000 - Remove a player from ladder (BUG?)": "" ) ) ) { case 1: mes "[MVP Ladder]"; mes "Rankings :->"; .@size = getarraysize( $mvp_ladder_points ); if ( .@size ) { for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .@size; .@i++ ) mes ( .@i +1 )+". "+ $mvp_ladder_name$[.@i] +" -> "+ $mvp_ladder_points[.@i] +" points."; } else mes "no entry"; close; case 2: mes "[MVP Ladder]"; if ( mvp_ladder_last_given$ != $mvp_ladder_last_given$ ) { mvp_ladder_points = 0; mvp_ladder_last_given$ = $mvp_ladder_last_given$; } mes "You have killed "+ mvp_ladder_points +" MVPs"; close; case 3: mes "[MVP Ladder]"; mes "Previous week ranking :->"; .@size = getarraysize( $last_mvp_ladder_points ); if ( .@size ) { for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .@size; .@i++ ) mes ( .@i +1 )+". "+ $last_mvp_ladder_name$[.@i] +" -> "+ $last_mvp_ladder_points[.@i] +" points."; } else mes "no entry"; close; case 4: .@size = getarraysize( $mvp_ladder_points ); if ( .@size ) { for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .@size; .@i++ ) mes ( .@i +1 )+". "+ $mvp_ladder_name$[.@i] +" -> "+ $mvp_ladder_points[.@i] +" points."; } else { mes "ladder is still empty"; close; } mes " "; mes "input the position number to remove it"; next; if ( input( .@pos, 1, .ladderlength ) ) { mes "invalid input"; close; } mes "^FF0000Admin option^000000"; mes " "; .@pos--; // according to array index mes "confirm remove :-"; mes ( .@pos +1 )+". "+ $mvp_ladder_name$[.@pos] +" -> "+ $mvp_ladder_points[.@pos]; next; if ( select( "No:Yes" ) == 1 ) close; mes "^FF0000Admin option^000000"; mes " "; mes "Remove successfully"; deletearray $mvp_ladder_cid[.@pos], 1; deletearray $mvp_ladder_name$[.@pos], 1; deletearray $mvp_ladder_points[.@pos], 1; } close; OnInit: .ladderlength = 5; // how many entry shown on the ranking board ? if ( $mvp_ladder_last_given$ == ( gettime(7) + gettimestr("%U",3) ) ) end; goto L_give; OnClock0000: if ( gettime(4) ) end; L_give: setarray .@reward, 501, 501, 501, 501, 501; // <1st place>, <2nd place>, <3rd place> ... setarray .@amount, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1; .@size = getarraysize( $mvp_ladder_cid ); for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .@size; .@i++ ) query_sql "insert into mail ( send_name, dest_id, title, message, nameid, amount, identify, zeny, time ) values ( '"+ escape_sql( $mvp_ladder_name$[.@i] ) +"', "+ $mvp_ladder_cid[.@i] +", '[MVP RANK]', 'Congratulations for earning No. "+( .@i +1 )+" position in killing Custom MVPs. Here is your reward.', "+ .@reward[.@i] +", "+ .@amount[.@i] +", 1, 0, unix_timestamp( now() ) )"; $mvp_ladder_last_given$ = gettime(7) + gettimestr("%U",3); deletearray $last_mvp_ladder_cid; deletearray $last_mvp_ladder_name$; deletearray $last_mvp_ladder_points; copyarray $last_mvp_ladder_cid, $mvp_ladder_cid, .@size; copyarray $last_mvp_ladder_name$, $mvp_ladder_name$, .@size; copyarray $last_mvp_ladder_points, $mvp_ladder_points, .@size; deletearray $mvp_ladder_cid; deletearray $mvp_ladder_name$; deletearray $mvp_ladder_points; end; OnNPCKillEvent: if ( killedrid != PORING ) end; // PORING ~ change this to your mvp if ( mvp_ladder_last_given$ != $mvp_ladder_last_given$ ) { mvp_ladder_points = 0; mvp_ladder_last_given$ = $mvp_ladder_last_given$; } mvp_ladder_points++; while ( .@i < .ladderlength ) { if ( mvp_ladder_points > $mvp_ladder_points[.@i] ) { // if found if ( $mvp_ladder_cid[.@i] == getcharid(0) ) { // update your own points $mvp_ladder_points[.@i] = mvp_ladder_points; break; } if ( .@i == .ladderlength -1 ) { // last position of the ladder, just overwrite the value $mvp_ladder_points[.@i] = mvp_ladder_points; $mvp_ladder_name$[.@i] = strcharinfo(0); $mvp_ladder_cid[.@i] = getcharid(0); break; } // if more points, but somehow its not your own name .@j = .@i +1 ; // save the index while ( .@j < .ladderlength ) { if ( $mvp_ladder_name$[.@j] == strcharinfo(0) ) { // found your name .@moveamount = .@j - .@i; // save amount to move break; } .@j++; } if ( !.@moveamount ) // if not found ... .@moveamount = .ladderlength - 1 - .@i; // means move the whole ladder from the last index copyarray $mvp_ladder_points[.@i +1], $mvp_ladder_points[.@i], .@moveamount; copyarray $mvp_ladder_name$[.@i +1], $mvp_ladder_name$[.@i], .@moveamount; copyarray $mvp_ladder_cid[.@i +1], $mvp_ladder_cid[.@i], .@moveamount; $mvp_ladder_points[.@i] = mvp_ladder_points; $mvp_ladder_name$[.@i] = strcharinfo(0); $mvp_ladder_cid[.@i] = getcharid(0); break; } .@i++; } end; }