function script F_ShuffleNumbers { deletearray getarg(2); .@static = getarg(0); .@range = getarg(1) +1 - .@static; .@count = getarg(3, .@range); if (.@range <= 0 || .@count <= 0) return 0; if (.@count > .@range) .@count = .@range; for (.@i = 0; .@i < .@range; ++.@i) .@temparray[.@i] = .@i; for (.@i = 0; .@i < .@count; ++.@i) { .@rand = rand(.@range); set getelementofarray( getarg(2), .@i ), .@temparray[.@rand] + .@static; .@temparray[.@rand] = .@temparray[--.@range]; } return .@count; } //===== rAthena Script ======================================= //= WoW domination Battleground : Arathi Basin //===== By: ================================================== //= AnnieRuru //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.3c //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= rAthena 2018-04-13 //===== Description: ========================================= //= rAthena version //===== Topic ================================================ //= //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= add showdigit ... with the stupid bug -> confirm now it cannot be remove //============================================================ - script wow_domi#main FAKE_NPC,{ OnInit: .eventlasting = 25*60; // how long will the event last or it auto-reset. 25*60 = 25 mins .minplayer2start = 1; // how many players require to start ? if 3vs3, set to 3 .maxplayer2join = 2; // if .minplayer2start is 3 and .maxplayer2join is 10, 3vs3 enough to start this event, but players can join up to 10vs10 during the match // Prevent team imbalance -> always encourage a balance team ~ // When set to 1, when Alliance=5:Horde=4 battleground members, Alliance cannot accept new members, only Horde can accept new registration. // When set to 3, when Alliance=7:Horde=4 battleground members, Alliance cannot accept new players, only Horde can accept new registration. // DO NOT set this as 0 !! .imbalance_team_prevent = 1; .score2win = 100; // score will start at 0, and end at this value .time2capture = 3; // when capture a flag, how long does it takes to turn to your side .distance = 3; // how far does the player allow to capture a flag ? example, if set to 15, will allow archers to capture the flag using bows .minlevel2join = 70; // the minimum level requirement to join this game setarray .denyjob, // the array of jobs that has to be deny from joining this game. The check is done with Class Job_Novice, Job_Wedding, Job_Summer, Job_Xmas; // please keep these sprite-only-job in-tact, the Job_Novice is equal to 0, and getarraysize can't detect a 0 at the end of the array @_@ .tick[1] = 12000; // when capture 1 flag ... .point[1] = 1; // 12 seconds to gain 1 point .tick[2] = 9000; // when capture 2 flags ... .point[2] = 1; // 9 seconds to gain 1 point .tick[3] = 6000; // when capture 3 flags ... .point[3] = 1; // 6 seconds to gain 1 point .tick[4] = 3000; // when capture 4 flags ... .point[4] = 1; // 3 seconds to gain 1 point .tick[5] = 1000; // when capture ALL flags ... .point[5] = 3; // gain 3 points every second ! .color[0] = 0xFFFFFF; // white color for uncaptured flag .color[1] = 0x0099FF; // blue color for Alliance .color[2] = 0xFF0000; // red color for Horde setarray .rewardwin, 501,10, 502,5, 503,3; // reward to winning team setarray .rewardlose, 501,5, 502,3, 503,1; // reward to losing team .back2map$ = "prontera"; // after event ends, they will warp back to this location .back2x = 150; .back2y = 190; // for those who want to translate this script ... .teamname$[1] = "Alliance"; .teamname$[2] = "Horde"; .teambase$[1] = "Alliance Base"; .teambase$[2] = "Horde Base"; .flagname$[1] = "Alliance Watch Tower"; .flagname$[2] = "Horde Watch Tower"; .flagname$[3] = "Blacksmith"; .flagname$[4] = "Lumber Mill"; .flagname$[5] = "Gold Mine"; .ann$[0] = "[WoW Battleground] Registered : %d/%d"; .ann$[1] = "[WoW Battleground] Battleground has started"; .ann$[2] = "[WoW Battleground] %s has captured %s !"; // Alliance has captured Gold Mine ! .ann$[3] = "[WoW Battleground] All %s members has quit !"; .ann$[4] = "[WoW Battleground] %s has won !"; .ann$[5] = "[WoW Battleground] Time out ! Aborting the match."; .msg$[0] = "Get out"; // not a battleground member .msg$[1] = "Event has ended"; .msg$[2] = "Your team has captured this flag"; .msg$[3] = "You can't capture a flag while hiding"; .msg$[4] = "You have to stand nearer to the flag"; .msg$[5] = "This is %s base"; // ---- END of Config --- .tick = .eventlasting * 1000; .rewardwinsize = getarraysize( .rewardwin ); .rewardlosesize = getarraysize( .rewardlose ); setnpcdisplay "wow_domi_base#1", .teambase$[1]; setnpcdisplay "wow_domi_base#2", .teambase$[2]; // mapwarp "arathi", .back2map$, .back2x, .back2y; for ( .@i = 1; .@i <= 5; ++.@i ) setnpcdisplay "wow_domi_flag#"+ .@i, .flagname$[.@i] +"#"+ .@i; .denyjobsize = getarraysize( .denyjob ); end; OnStart: .start = 1; announce .ann$[1], bc_all, 0x00CED1; .team[1] = .alliance = bg_create( "arathi", 181, 19, strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnAllianceQuit", strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnAllianceDied" ); .team[2] = .horde = bg_create( "arathi", 19, 181, strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnHordeQuit", strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnHordeDied" ); callfunc "F_ShuffleNumbers", 0, .minplayer2start *2 -1, .@r; for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .minplayer2start *2; ++.@i ) { attachrid .aid_[.@r[.@i]]; bg_join ( .@i % 2 )? .alliance : .horde; showdigit 0, 1; } detachrid; donpcevent "wow_domi_score_team#1::OnStart"; donpcevent "wow_domi_score_team#2::OnStart"; bg_warp .alliance, "arathi", 177,22; bg_warp .horde, "arathi", 22,177; donpcevent "wow_domi_viewpoint::OnStart"; .time = gettimetick(2); bg_updatescore "arathi", 0,0; sleep .eventlasting * 1000; .start = 2; awake "wow_domi_score_team#1"; awake "wow_domi_score_team#2"; if ( .winside ) { mapannounce "arathi", sprintf( .ann$[4], .teamname$[ .winside ] ), bc_map, 0x00CED1; callsub L_reward, .team[.winside], .rewardwin, .rewardwinsize; callsub L_reward, ( .winside == 1 )? .team[2][1], .rewardlose, .rewardlosesize; sleep 5000; } else mapannounce "arathi", .ann$[5], bc_map, 0x00CED1; donpcevent "wow_domi_viewpoint::OnEnd"; mapwarp "arathi", .back2map$, .back2x, .back2y; bg_destroy .alliance; bg_destroy .horde; for ( .@i = 1; .@i <= 5; ++.@i ) setnpcdisplay "wow_domi_flag#"+ .@i, GUILD_FLAG; cleararray .flag[1], 0, 5; deletearray .team1capture; deletearray .team2capture; .start = .team[1] = .team[2] = .score[1] = .score[2] = .alliance = .horde = .winside = .team1capturesize = .team2capturesize = 0; end; L_reward: bg_get_data getarg(0), 1; for ( .@i = 0; .@i < $@arenamemberscount; ++.@i ) { attachrid $@arenamembers[.@i]; showdigit gettimetick(2) - .time, 0; for ( .@j = 0; .@j < getarg(2); .@j += 2 ) getitem getelementofarray( getarg(1), .@j ), getelementofarray( getarg(1), .@j +1 ); } detachrid; return; OnAllianceDied: callsub L_died; OnHordeDied: callsub L_died; L_died: sleep2 1250; percentheal 100,100; if ( getcharid(4) ) for ( .@i = 1; .@i <= 5; ++.@i ) viewpoint 1, .flagx[.@i], .flagy[.@i], .@i, .color[ .flag[.@i] ]; end; OnAllianceQuit: callsub L_quit, .alliance, 1, 2; OnHordeQuit: callsub L_quit, .horde, 2, 1; L_quit: showdigit 0, 3; // <--- I've already put showdigit here to remove the countdown on logout, but it doesn't work bug_showdigit = true; // OK let's do some hacking then ..... if ( bg_get_data( getarg(0), 0 ) ) end; announce sprintf( .ann$[3], .teamname$[ getarg(1) ] ), bc_map, 0xFF0000; .winside = getarg(2); awake strnpcinfo(0); end; OnPCLoginEvent: // yeah ... stupid bug ... this wasn't needed ... going to file a bug report for this .... if ( bug_showdigit == false ) end; showdigit 0, 3; bug_showdigit = false; end; //OnDebug: announce "Alliance", bc_all; for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .team1capturesize; ++.@i ) announce ( .@i +1 )+". "+ .flagname$[ .team1capture[.@i] ], bc_all; announce "Horde", bc_all; for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .team2capturesize; ++.@i ) announce ( .@i +1 )+". "+ .flagname$[ .team2capture[.@i] ], bc_all; end; } - script wow_domi_viewpoint FAKE_NPC,{ OnStart: sleep 7000; // long enough I guess ? OnCapture: callsub L_display, 1; end; OnEnd: callsub L_display, 2; end; L_display: .@main$ = "wow_domi#main"; for ( .@k = 1; .@k <= 2; ++.@k ) { bg_get_data getvariableofnpc( .team[.@k], .@main$ ), 1; for ( .@i = 0; .@i < $@arenamemberscount; ++.@i ) { attachrid $@arenamembers[.@i]; for ( .@j = 1; .@j <= 5; ++.@j ) { viewpoint getarg(0), getvariableofnpc( .flagx[.@j], .@main$ ), getvariableofnpc( .flagy[.@j], .@main$ ), .@j, getvariableofnpc( getelementofarray( .color, getvariableofnpc( .flag[.@j], .@main$ ) ), .@main$ ); } } } end; } - script wow_domi_score_team FAKE_NPC,{ OnStart: .@team = atoi( strnpcinfo(2) ); .@main$ = "wow_domi#main"; while ( getvariableofnpc( .start, .@main$ ) == 1 ) { .@catched = getvariableofnpc( getd( ".team"+ .@team +"capturesize" ), .@main$ ); .@tick = getvariableofnpc( .tick[ .@catched ], .@main$ ); set getvariableofnpc( .score[.@team], .@main$ ), getvariableofnpc( .score[.@team], .@main$ ) + getvariableofnpc( .point[ .@catched ], .@main$ ); if ( getvariableofnpc( .score[.@team], .@main$ ) >= getvariableofnpc( .score2win, .@main$ ) ) { set getvariableofnpc( .winside, .@main$ ), .@team; awake .@main$; if ( .@team == 1 ) bg_updatescore "arathi", 100, getvariableofnpc( .score[2], .@main$ ); else bg_updatescore "arathi", getvariableofnpc( .score[1], .@main$ ), 100; break; } bg_updatescore "arathi", getvariableofnpc( .score[1], .@main$ ), getvariableofnpc( .score[2], .@main$ ); sleep .@tick; } end; } - duplicate(wow_domi_score_team) wow_domi_score_team#1 FAKE_NPC - duplicate(wow_domi_score_team) wow_domi_score_team#2 FAKE_NPC - script wow_domi_flag -1,{ .@id = atoi( strnpcinfo(2) ); .@main$ = "wow_domi#main"; .@alliance = getvariableofnpc( .alliance, .@main$ ); .@horde = getvariableofnpc( .horde, .@main$ ); .@flag = getvariableofnpc( .flag[.@id], .@main$ ); if ( !getcharid(4) || ( getcharid(4) != .@alliance && getcharid(4) != .@horde ) ) { message strcharinfo(0), getvariableofnpc( .msg$[0], .@main$ ); end; } if ( getvariableofnpc( .start, .@main$ ) != 1 ) { message strcharinfo(0), getvariableofnpc( .msg$[1], .@main$ ); end; } if ( getcharid(4) == .@alliance && .@flag == 1 || getcharid(4) == .@horde && .@flag == 2 ) { message strcharinfo(0), getvariableofnpc( .msg$[2], .@main$ ); end; } if ( checkoption(0x4046) ) { message strcharinfo(0), getvariableofnpc( .msg$[3], .@main$ ); end; } getmapxy .@map$, .@x, .@y, UNITTYPE_PC; getmapxy .@map$, .@x1, .@y1, UNITTYPE_NPC; if ( distance( .@x, .@y, .@x1, .@y1 ) > getvariableofnpc( .distance, .@main$ ) ) { message strcharinfo(0), getvariableofnpc( .msg$[4], .@main$ ); end; } progressbar "", getvariableofnpc( .time2capture, .@main$ ); if ( getvariableofnpc( .start, .@main$ ) != 1 ) { message strcharinfo(0), getvariableofnpc( .msg$[1], .@main$ ); end; } .@flag = getvariableofnpc( .flag[.@id], .@main$ ); if ( getcharid(4) == .@alliance && .@flag == 1 || getcharid(4) == .@horde && .@flag == 2 ) { message strcharinfo(0), getvariableofnpc( .msg$[2], .@main$ ); end; } .@team = ( getcharid(4) == .@alliance )? 1 : 2; set getvariableofnpc( .flag[.@id], .@main$ ), .@team; setnpcdisplay "wow_domi_flag#"+ .@id, ( .@team == 1 )? 1_FLAG_LION : 1_FLAG_EAGLE; announce sprintf( getvariableofnpc( .ann$[2], .@main$ ), getvariableofnpc( .teamname$[.@team], .@main$ ), getvariableofnpc( .flagname$[.@id], .@main$ ) ), bc_map, 0x00CED1; bg_team_setxy getcharid(4), getvariableofnpc( .flagx[.@id], .@main$ ), getvariableofnpc( .flagy[.@id], .@main$ ); set getvariableofnpc( getd( ".team"+ .@team +"capture["+ getvariableofnpc( getd( ".team"+ .@team +"capturesize" ), .@main$ ) +"]" ), .@main$ ), .@id; set getvariableofnpc( getd( ".team"+ .@team +"capturesize" ), .@main$ ), getvariableofnpc( getd( ".team"+ .@team +"capturesize" ), .@main$ ) +1; awake "wow_domi_score_team#"+ .@team; .@team = ( .@team == 1 )? 2 : 1; while ( getvariableofnpc( getd( ".team"+ .@team +"capture["+ .@i +"]" ), .@main$ ) != .@id && .@i < getvariableofnpc( getd( ".team"+ .@team +"capturesize" ), .@main$ ) ) ++.@i; if ( .@i < getvariableofnpc( getd( ".team"+ .@team +"capturesize" ), .@main$ ) ) { copyarray getelementofarray( getvariableofnpc( getd( ".team"+ .@team +"capture" ), .@main$ ), .@i ), getelementofarray( getvariableofnpc( getd( ".team"+ .@team +"capture" ), .@main$ ), .@i +1 ), getvariableofnpc( getd( ".team"+ .@team +"capturesize" ), .@main$ ); set getvariableofnpc( getd( ".team"+ .@team +"capturesize" ), .@main$ ), getvariableofnpc( getd( ".team"+ .@team +"capturesize" ), .@main$ ) -1; .@teamid = ( getcharid(4) == .@alliance )? .@horde : .@alliance; if ( getvariableofnpc( getd( ".team"+ .@team +"capturesize" ), .@main$ ) ) { .@id = getelementofarray( getvariableofnpc( getd( ".team"+ .@team +"capture" ), .@main$ ), getvariableofnpc( getd( ".team"+ .@team +"capturesize" ), .@main$ ) -1 ); // announce ".@id = "+ .@id +" means "+ getvariableofnpc( .teamname$[ .@team ], .@main$ ) +" last id is "+ getelementofarray( getvariableofnpc( .flagname$, .@main$ ), .@id ) , 0; bg_team_setxy .@teamid, getvariableofnpc( .flagx[.@id], .@main$ ), getvariableofnpc( .flagy[.@id], .@main$ ); } else if ( .@teamid == .@alliance ) bg_team_setxy .@teamid, 181, 19; else bg_team_setxy .@teamid, 19, 181; } donpcevent "wow_domi_viewpoint::OnCapture"; // donpcevent .@main$ +"::OnDebug"; end; OnInit: sleep 1; .@id = atoi( strnpcinfo(2) ); .@main$ = "wow_domi#main"; getmapxy .@map$, getvariableofnpc( .flagx[.@id], .@main$ ), getvariableofnpc( .flagy[.@id], .@main$ ), UNITTYPE_NPC; set getvariableofnpc( .flagx[.@id], .@main$ ), getvariableofnpc( .flagx[.@id], .@main$ )+1; end; } arathi,154,59,4 duplicate(wow_domi_flag) wow_domi_flag#1 GUILD_FLAG arathi,58,140,4 duplicate(wow_domi_flag) wow_domi_flag#2 GUILD_FLAG arathi,115,90,4 duplicate(wow_domi_flag) wow_domi_flag#3 GUILD_FLAG arathi,72,50,4 duplicate(wow_domi_flag) wow_domi_flag#4 GUILD_FLAG arathi,110,154,4 duplicate(wow_domi_flag) wow_domi_flag#5 GUILD_FLAG - script wow_domi_base -1,{ end; } arathi,178,21,4 duplicate(wow_domi_base) wow_domi_base#1 1_FLAG_LION arathi,22,178,4 duplicate(wow_domi_base) wow_domi_base#2 1_FLAG_EAGLE prontera,150,190,4 script wow_domi_register 8W_SOLDIER,{ .@main$ = "wow_domi#main"; .@start = getvariableofnpc( .start, .@main$ ); .@minplayer2start = getvariableofnpc( .minplayer2start, .@main$ ); .@maxplayer2join = getvariableofnpc( .maxplayer2join, .@main$ ); .@imbalance_team_prevent = getvariableofnpc( .imbalance_team_prevent, .@main$ ); if ( .@start == 2 ) { mes "["+ strnpcinfo(1) +"]"; mes "Currently busy, please wait a few more seconds."; close; } if ( .@start == 1 ) { copyarray .@team[1], getvariableofnpc( .team[1], .@main$ ), 2; callfunc "F_ShuffleNumbers", 1, 2, .@r; for ( .@i = 0; .@i < 2; ++.@i ) if ( bg_get_data( .@team[.@r[.@i]], 0 ) < .@maxplayer2join && bg_get_data( .@team[.@r[.@i]], 0 ) - bg_get_data( .@team[.@r[ (.@i)? 0:1 ]], 0 ) < .@imbalance_team_prevent ) callsub L_rejoin, .@team[.@r[.@i]]; mes "["+ strnpcinfo(1) +"]"; mes "Battleground currently in progress.\rNo extra slot available at the moment."; close; } mes "["+ strnpcinfo(1) +"]"; .@i = 0; while ( Class != getvariableofnpc( .denyjob[.@i], .@main$ ) && .@i <= getvariableofnpc( .denyjobsize, .@main$ ) ) ++.@i; if ( .@i < getvariableofnpc( .denyjobsize, .@main$ ) ) { mes "You are forbidden from joining this game.\rYou can't join this game as a "+ jobname( Class ) +"."; close; } .@minlevel2join = getvariableofnpc( .minlevel2join, .@main$ ); if ( BaseLevel < .@minlevel2join ) { mes "You are forbidden from joining this game.\rYou have to be at least level "+ .@minlevel2join +" to join."; close; } mes "Do you want to sign up for \rWoW battleground : Arathi Basin ?"; next; if ( select ( "Yes:No" ) == 2 ) close; mes "["+ strnpcinfo(1) +"]"; .@i = 0; while ( .aid[.@i] != getcharid(3) && .@i < .size ) ++.@i; if ( .@i < .size ) { mes "You already join the queue."; close; } .aid[ .size ] = getcharid(3); .size++; mes "Reminder: Once you sign up, you have to stay on this map, otherwise you'll forfeit the registration."; close2; for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .size; ++.@i ) { if ( !isloggedin( .aid[.@i] ) ) { deletearray .aid[.@i], 1; --.@i; --.size; } else { attachrid .aid[.@i]; if ( strcharinfo(3) != strnpcinfo(4) ) { deletearray .aid[.@i], 1; --.@i; --.size; } } } detachrid; if ( .size == .@minplayer2start *2 ) { copyarray getvariableofnpc( .aid_, .@main$ ), .aid, .size; donpcevent "wow_domi#main::OnStart"; deletearray .aid; .size = 0; } else announce sprintf( getvariableofnpc( .ann$[0], .@main$ ), .size, .@minplayer2start *2 ), bc_all, 0x00CED1; end; L_rejoin: .@main$ = "wow_domi#main"; bg_join getarg(0); if ( getarg(0) == getvariableofnpc( .alliance, .@main$ ) ) warp "arathi", 177, 22; else warp "arathi", 22, 177; showdigit gettimetick(2) - getvariableofnpc( .time, .@main$ ), 1; sleep2 7000; for ( .@i = 1; .@i <= 5; ++.@i ) viewpoint 1, getvariableofnpc( .flagx[.@i], .@main$ ), getvariableofnpc( .flagy[.@i], .@main$ ), .@i, getvariableofnpc( getelementofarray( .color, getvariableofnpc( .flag[.@i], .@main$ ) ), .@main$ ); end; } arathi mapflag battleground 2 arathi mapflag nosave SavePoint arathi mapflag nowarp arathi mapflag nowarpto arathi mapflag noteleport arathi mapflag nomemo arathi mapflag nopenalty arathi mapflag nobranch arathi mapflag noicewall