//===== Cronus Script ======================================== //= Quest Habilidade de Aprendiz //===== Por: ================================================= //= Plinio Marcos //===== Versão Atual: ======================================== //= 1.0 //===== Descrição: =========================================== //= Quest das habilidades de Aprendiz //= Retirado do Amazon //===== Changelog: =========================================== //= 1.0 Traduzido [Tassadar] //============================================================ // Nurse Aid: First Aid NPC prt_in.gat,235,133,4 script Enfermeira 90,{ show "[Enfermeira]"; if(FIRSTAID == 1) goto L_GetAid; if(getskilllv(142)>0) goto L_GotAid; show "Olá, aventureiro! Você parece mal. Os monstros estão dando trabalho?"; next; menu "Ha! Sou forte como um touro!!",M_Nope, "Mais ou Menos",M_Yep; M_Nope: show "[Enfermeira]"; show "Estou vendo. Você deve ser um forte aventureiro. Venha aqui quando você tiver problemas."; close; M_Yep: show "[Enfermeira]"; show "Eu imagino como é dificil no inicio enfrentar esses monstros."; next; show "[Enfermeira]"; show "Eu sei por que eu já tratei vários aprendizes feridos por causa de suas aventuras."; show "Alguns, estão sendo tratados até hoje."; next; show "[Enfermeira]"; show "~Silêncio~"; next; show "[Enfermeira]"; show "Por isso decidi ensinar a todos os aprendizes um curso básico de primeiros socorros. Você gostaria que eu ensinasse a você?"; emotion 5; next; menu "Você gostaria??",sM_Yes, "(...Mulher maluca!...Correr!!!)",sM_No; sM_Yes: show "[Enfermeira]"; show "Para aprender essa habilidade você precisa estar no mínimo no a^0000ff nivel de classe 3^000000."; show "Você ainda ainda tem que me dar:^ff0000 5 Ervas Vermelhas^000000,^00bb00 5 Trevos^000000, e ^aaaa00 1 Bandagem Estragada^000000."; next; show "[Enfermeira]"; show "Você pode conseguir a Bandagem Estragada com o^0000ff 'Novo Assistente'^000000 localizado no nível 2 do castelo."; next; show "[Enfermeira]"; show "Quando estiver no nivel correto e os itens, volte aqui."; set FIRSTAID,1; close; sM_No: show "[Enfermeira]"; show "Hei!...Você também vai correr??..."; emotion 4; close; L_GetAid: if((JobLevel < 3) || (CountItem(507) < 5 ) || (CountItem(705) < 5) || (CountItem(930) < 1)) goto sM_Yes; show "Muito bom. Você tem todos os requisitos. Vamos começar..."; next; show "....... 1 hora Depois......."; next; delitem 507,5; delitem 705,5; delitem 930,1; skill 142,1,0; set FIRSTAID,0; show "[Enfermeira]"; show "Muito bem, você conseguiu. Agora você pode se recuperar de seus ferimentos. Cuide-se."; emotion 21; close; L_GotAid: show "Olá novamente. Eu espero que está habilidade o ajude. Continue sua jornada, e lembre-se de se cuidar.!"; close; } // Bulma: Play Dead prt_in.gat,73,87,2 script Bulma 98,{ show "[Bulma]"; if(BaseJob == Job_Novice) goto L_Novice; L_Other: show "Yeah... I look great.... Afterall, I'm a Knight of the Prontera Chivalry. Kuhahahaha!"; emotion 18; next; show "[Bulma]"; show "It hasn't been that long since I became a Knight, but I still look good as one right? What do you think???"; emotion 20; close; L_Novice: if(JobLevel >= 7) goto L_Start; show "Hello my young friend. You remind me of myself when I was young....."; show "Heh heh, I sure miss those days..... Wow... It's funny to think about those years now......"; next; show "[Bulma]"; show "They were difficult.... thankfully you can use the ^5555FFPlay Dead^000000 skill when you reach a ^5555FFjob level of 7^000000."; show "If you're interested in it come back and talk to me when you've leveled up a bit more."; close; L_Start: if(PLAYDEAD == 1) goto L_GetSkill; if(getskilllv(143)>0) goto L_GotSkill; show "Hello my young friend. You remind me of myself when I was young..... Heh heh, I sure miss those days....."; show "Look at me acting all sentimental like some old man........"; next; show "[Bulma]"; show "Sorry about that. Anyhow, I just want you to know that if you work hard and are patient, you too will recieve the job you desire."; show "It may take some time but stay focused and never loose your determination."; next; show "[Bulma]"; show "Hmm..... actually I might be able to help you out........"; emotion 20; next; show "[Bulma]"; show "What's this? Ha ha, don't look so surprised. What I have to offer will be very useful to you."; next; show "[Bulma]"; show "You see I can teach you the skill ^5555FF'Play Dead'^000000."; show "This skill allows you to act like you just died making any monster that is currently attacking you leave you alone."; next; show "[Bulma]"; show "I myself have used it as a novice and found it to be very usefull."; show "It may sound easy enough, but it takes a lot of hard work and practice to make your performance look believable."; next; show "[Bulma]"; show "You MUST look perfectly DEAD in order for this skill to work. Even the slightest movement will give you away."; next; show "[Bulma]"; show "I think I've done enough explaining..... The look in your eyes tells me that you are ready to learn this skill."; next; show "[Bulma]"; show "First take this pill...."; next; show "(you take the pill) ~gulp~"; next; show "[Bulma]"; show "Good. Now go to the 2nd floor on the East side of the Prontera Castle."; show "Speak with the ^5555FFNewbie Assistant^000000 and he will give you a ^5555FFNewbie Tag^000000."; next; show "[Bulma]"; show "Once you have the tag come back here. You MUST make it back here WITHIN ^FF555510 minutes^000000!"; show "If you don't, then the pill you just swallowed will start making it hard for you to breath!....."; next; show "[Bulma]"; show "Kekekeke..... Just kidding! The pill actually helps you stay calm, nothing more."; emotion 18; next; show "[Bulma]"; show "Well get going... GO! GO! GO! RUN!!!"; emotion 27; set PLAYDEAD, 1; close; L_GetSkill: if(countitem(7039)<1) goto sL_NotRdy; show "Good to see you again. Alright, lets start your training...."; next; show "[Bulma]"; show "Let me first introduce to you the concept of 'Method Acting'. Method Acting stresses the need to undrestand every aspect of the role you are playing."; next; show "[Bulma]"; show "You must learn to think, feel, and even live like your character so that you can understand his/her motivation in any given momement."; next; show "[Bulma]"; show "Now let us use this technique to develop your ability to Play Dead!"; show "I want you to think like a dead person, feel like a dead person, eat, breath, sleep, kiss, etc. like a person who is dead!!!"; next; show "[Bulma]"; show "Don't just stand there! Lay down on the ground and live life through the eyes of a dead person.... errr or don't live.... anyways just do it!!"; next; show "~ several hours later ~"; next; show "[Bulma]"; show "Ok, lights, camera, ACTION! Yes... yes... YES!! That's it!! As I watch you laying there I TRULLY believe that you are dead."; show "What a wonderful performance! BRAVO! BRAVO!"; emotion 0; next; show "[Bulma]"; show "With the right motivation and focus you will be able to play dead anywhere at any given moment. Congratulations on mastering this skill."; emotion 21; skill 143,1,0; delitem 7039, 1; set PLAYDEAD, 0; set got_novnametag,0; close; sL_NotRdy: show "HEY! What are you doing here? It's irresponsible of you to still be here while your time is running out........."; emotion 0; next; show "[Bulma]"; show "Now GO! Run! Run! RUN!!"; emotion 27; close; L_GotSkill: show "Yeah.... I remember back then..... especially those embarrasing novice years... heh. Luckily there was Play Dead."; show "That saved me many tishow in the past. I'm sure it has been saving you too."; next; show "[Bulma]"; show "Hopefully it is something you have been using well. If you have any friends who are novices, tell them about me. I will help them out as best I can."; close; } // Newbie Assistant prt_castle.gat,174,147,2 script Assistente Novato 84,{ show "[Assistente Novato]"; if(Class == Job_Novice) goto L_Start; L_NonNov: show "Eu estou aqui para ajudar os novos aventureiros. Você se lembra quando você era novato... confuso.... perdido.... heh heh."; emotion 1; close; L_Start: if(FIRSTAID==1 && countitem(930)==0) goto L_Aid; if(PLAYDEAD==1 && countitem(7039)==0) goto L_Play; show "Oi. Eu estou aqui para ajudar novatos como você. Se você precisa de algo em particular fale comigo, ok."; close; L_Aid: show "Foi a enfermeira que mandou você aqui. Ela é uma boa enfermeira, tome isto."; next; additem 930,1; show "[Assistente Novato]"; show "Você irá precisar disso para aprender a habilidade Primeiros Socorros."; next; show "[Assistente Novato]"; show "Por causa dela decidi me tornar um assistente....."; next; show "[Assistente Novato]"; show "Ela é tão linda............. um.... bem...err... diga a ela que eu mandei um oi."; emotion 3; close; L_Play: show "Então Bulme lhe trouxe até mim.... okay aqui está."; additem 7039,1; next; show "Boa sorte em sua aventura."; close; }