//===== Reveria Chronicles Script ============================ //= Yuki/Kristin Quest NPC //===== By: ================================================== //= Xath (Reveria ChroniclesRO) //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.2 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= rAthena Project //===== Description: ========================================= //= Quest for Reveria Chronicles RO //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= 1.0 Initial coding,First release //= 1.1 Question Syntax Tweak [Yuchinin] //= 1.2 Change the using of local answer_chk to global //============================================================ brasilis,192,176,4 script Yuki 859,{ .@name$ = "[^0000ff"+strcharinfo(0)+"^000000]"; .@npc$ = "^ff55ff[Yuki]^000000"; if (revecro == 7){ mes .@npc$; mes "So you wish to see me?"; next; mes .@name$; mes "The hero sent me here."; next; mes .@npc$; mes "Oh the Auxilium Guild Master!"; next; mes .@npc$; mes "So you intended to see me for?"; next; menu "About the Forbidden item?",y1,"About Reveria Continent",y2,"The item you've got",y3,"Cancel",drop; y1: mes .@npc$; mes "You really are not listening to the Guild Master","If you really insist I will tell you again about the orbs"; next; mes .@npc$; mes "The ^0000ffCurse Orb^000000, holds most of the power of the Dark and the Undead"; next; mes .@npc$; mes "The ^0000ffZap Orb^000000 which holds most of the power of the ^0000ffWind^000000","The ^0000ffLava Orb^000000 which holds most of the power of the ^0000ffFire^000000"; next; mes .@npc$; mes "The ^0000ffOceanwave Orb^000000 which holds most of the power of the ^0000ffWater^000000","The ^0000ffGrove Orb^000000 which holds of the power of the ^0000ffEarth^000000"; next; mes .@npc$; mes "The ^0000ffBlessed Holy Water^000000 which holds most of the power of the ^0000ffHoly^000000 elements","The ^0000ffChronic Poison Bottle^000000 which holds of the power of the ^0000ffPoison^000000 elements"; next; mes .@npc$; mes "And the ^0000ffNeutral Orb^000000 which holds most of the power of the ^0000ffNeutral^000000 elements","And the ^0000ffPhantom Scroll^000000 which holds most of the power of the ^0000ffGhost^000000 elements"; close; y2: mes .@npc$; mes "The Reveria Continent consist of 5 Realms","Namely Sanctus, Ignia, Terrus, Umbrum and Immorvit"; next; mes .@npc$; mes "Each Realm consists of powerful Elemental Guardians to retrain balance between realms"; next; mes .@npc$; mes "But currently the continent is locked and the Guardians between realms has been corrupted"; next; mes .@npc$; mes "This is mainly because of the War of Conquest"; next; mes .@npc$; mes "But above all... Some lands has been protected by many creatures around the continent"; next; mes .@npc$; mes "And it is rumored that there is a mighty warrior who conquered the corrupted Guardians","He has the power to be their master and responsible to the balance in the continent"; close; y3: mes .@npc$; mes "I'm holding half of the Zap Orb and Half of the Oceanwave Orb"; next; mes .@npc$; mes "No one can handle the whole Orb as the Corrupted Guardian seeks for it"; next; mes .@npc$; mes "That's why we kept the Orbs as broken pieces"; next; mes .@name$; mes "So how can I supposed to get them?"; next; mes .@npc$; mes "You have to convince ^ff0000Kristin^000000 to give her piece back.","I'll give you the other piece and let her put all of the broken pieces back."; next; mes .@name$; mes "Where can I find her?"; next; mes .@npc$; mes "She's hiding thru some shadows around [possible location]"; next; mes .@npc$; mes "If you want to meet her. Be sure it's at night."; close2; set revecro,8; end; drop: } else if (revecro == 8) { mes .@npc$; mes "If you want to meet Kristin. Be sure it's at night."; close; } else if (revecro == 9) { mes .@npc$; mes "So she really did give the other piece to you.","By the way, this wouldn't take too long"; next; mes .@npc$; mes "Now its my turn to ask you some questions.."; next; setarray .@question$,"Which orb holds the power of the Dark and the Undead?", "Which orb holds the power of the Wind?", "Which orb holds the power of Fire?", "Which orb holds the power of Water?", "And lastly which orb holds the power of Earth?"; setarray .@answer$,"cursed orb", "zap orb", "lava orb", "oceanwave orb", "grove orb"; @x = 0; do{ mes .@npc$,.@question$[@x]; next; if(!answer_chk(.@answer$[@x])){ goto peyl; } mes .@npc$,"Correct"; next; @x++; }while(@x < getarraysize(.@question$)); mes .@npc$; mes "Now here's the Grove Orb.","Now go back to the Hero.","He waits for you about this."; getitem 35116,1; set revecro,10; } else if (revecro == 10){ mes .@npc$; mes "I'm strong, good, intelligent and beautiful","But I'm not the Hero...."; } else { mes .@npc$; mes "Sure this thing isn't common.."; } end; peyl: mes .@npc$; mes "Psshhh... Your mind isn't set..."; close; } brasilis,192,172,4 script Kristin 465,{ .@name$ = "[^0000ff"+strcharinfo(0)+"^000000]"; .@npc$ = "^ff55ff[Kristin]^000000"; if (revecro == 8){ mes .@npc$; mes " "; mes "Hi ^0000ff"+strcharinfo(0)+"^000000"; next; mes .@npc$; mes "I believe you want to take something from me","But in return.. I would ask you something first"; next; mes .@npc$; mes "Have you been at Yuki's?"; next; switch(Select("Yes:Who is she?")){ case 1: mes .@npc$; mes "Since you've been to Yuki.. I believe you need to take a piece of her orb from me.","And for sure you want to go to Reveria Continent."; next; mes .@npc$; mes "It's not necessary... but now we are in need of young warriors to take back it's balance"; next; mes .@npc$; mes "Are you really interested in it?"; next; switch(select("No:Yes I really am!")) { case 1: mes .@npc$; mes "And I really think that coward warriors can't handle a good sword."; break; case 2: mes .@npc$; mes "In part of being a good warrior, we recommend that each and everyone is knowledgeable about the Reveria Continent!"; next; mes .@npc$; mes "So I'm going to ask you some questions.."; next; switch(select("I'm knowledgeable about Reveria:Let me take some reviews")) { case 1: setarray .@question$,"Name all the realms that the Reveria Continent have", "How many items exist to control the balance of the elements?", "How many realms does the Reveria Continent have?", "Which item holds the power of Holy elements", "Which item holds the power of Poison elements", "And lastly, which item holds the power of Ghost elements"; setarray .@answer$,"sanctus|ignia|terrus|umbrum|immorvit", "10:ten", "5:five", "blessed holy water", "chronic poison bottle", "phantom scroll"; @x = 0; do{ mes .@npc$,.@question$[@x]; next; if(!answer_chk(.@answer$[@x])){ goto fail; } next; mes .@npc$,"Correct"; next; @x++; }while(@x < getarraysize(.@question$)); mes .@ncp$; mes "In your participation to our requirements, I'll give you my piece and take this back to Yuki!"; next; mes .@npc$; mes "But since I can only build one orb, take the other half to Yuki","But beware! Because as we gather informations about the orbs, the Guardians spawns on unknown time"; next; mes .@npc$; mes "And they could take the orb away from you."; next; mes .@npc$; mes "Here's the Oceanwave Orb","I'm hoping that you would get a good journey!"; getitem 35115,1; set revecro,9; break; case 2: mes .@npc$; mes "Better be.. A great warrior can be misguided with lack of wisdom!"; break; } } break; case 2: mes .@npc$; mes "Then go back to her.. Maybe you forget her that fast!"; break; } } else if (revecro == 9) { mes .@npc$; mes "What are you waiting for? Go! Before a Guardian messed up everything here."; close; } else { mes .@npc$; mes "It is a beautiful moon over the horizon"; close; } end; fail: mes .@npc$; mes "Those questions has been repeated to you, over and over again!"; close; /* // disabled for easier testing, it will be re-enabled later OnTimer60000: OnInit: if (isday()) { disablenpc "Kristin"; } else { enablenpc "Kristin"; } initnpctimer; end; */ }