prontera,150,152,4 script Deck NPC 90,{ mes .@name$ = "[Deck NPC]"; mes "Hello there "+strcharinfo(0)+". "; mes "I'm thinking of a card, actually I am looking at it right now. If you guess what the card is, I'll reward you."; mes "Wanna give it a whirl?"; next; switch(select("Sure why not.","No thanks, I'm good.")) { case 1: .@deck = rand(1,10); mes "Alright, I picked my number... Now you pick yours."; input .@CardChoice; if (.@CardChoice == .@deck) { mes "Wow! You picked "+.@deck+", which was the same number I chose! Here's your reward."; getitem 512, 1; close; } else if (.@CardChoice != .@deck) { mes "Wrong number buddy, you chose "+.@CardChoice+" while I chose "+.@deck+"."; mes "Better luck next time, bitch."; close; } case 2: mes .@name$; mes "Oh okay, come again!"; close; } }