// Euphy's Premium Account modified by shadowseph. Thanks to them! :)) prontera,149,284,5 script Premium Setter 899,{ function getPremiumTime; mes "Want to buy ^0055FFPremium Time^000000 ?"; if( select( "Purchase ^0055FFPremium Time^000000:Cancel" ) == 1 ){ if( #Premium*1000 != 0 ){ next; mes "Sorry but your ^0055FFPremium Time^000000 is currently activated which will end after "+getPremiumTime( #Premium ); next; mes "You must wait for it to expire before purchasing ^0055FFPremium Time^000000 again"; next; mes "Come back again next time! Thanks!"; close; } next; mes "1 Day = "+.DayCost+" Cash Points"; mes "How many Day(s) you want to buy ?"; input .@Day; if( .@Day || #CASHPOINTS < ( .@Day * .DayCost ) ){ if( #CASHPOINTS < ( .@Day * .DayCost ) ){ next; mes "You need more "+( ( .@Day * .DayCost ) - #CASHPOINTS )+" Cash Points."; }else{ next; mes "You plan to purchase "+.@Day+" Day(s) which total cost is "+( .@Day * .DayCost )+" Cash Points."; if( select("Confirm:Cancel") == 1 ){ set #CASHPOINTS,#CASHPOINTS - ( .@Day * .DayCost ); set #Premium,#Premium + ( .@Day * 24 * 3600 ); next; mes "You have purchased "+.@Day+" day(s) of Premium Time."; sc_start SC_PREM_EXP,(#Premium * 1000),100; sc_start SC_PREM_DROP,(#Premium * 1000),200; } } } } close; function getPremiumTime( #Premium * 1000 ) { set .@Time,getarg(0); set .@SecondLeft,( .@Time % 60 ); set .@MinuteLeft,( .@Time / 60 % 60 ); set .@HourLeft,( .@Time / ( 60 * 60 ) % 24 ); set .@DayLeft,( .@Time / ( 24 * 60 * 60 ) ); set .@TimeLeft$,(( .@DayLeft )?.@DayLeft+" Day(s) ":"" ) + (( .@HourLeft )?.@HourLeft+" Hr(s) ":"" ) + (( .@MinuteLeft )?.@MinuteLeft+" Min ":"" ) + (( .@SecondLeft )?.@SecondLeft+" Sec":"" ); return ""+.@TimeLeft$+""; } OnPCLoginEvent: if( #Premium*1000 != 0 ){ announce "Your Premium Time Left : "+getPremiumTime( #Premium * 1000 )+"",bc_self,0xFFFFFF; } end; OnInit: setarray .DayCost,500; end; }