prontera,102,102,5 script Dead Branch Room 100,{ setarray $@maps$[1], "06guild_01", "06guild_02", "06guild_03", "06guild_04", "06guild_05", "06guild_06", "06guild_07", "06guild_08"; setarray .@price[1], 0, 1000000, 1000000, 1000000, 1000000, 1000000, 1000000, 1000000; for(set .@b,1; .@b < getarraysize($@maps$); set .@b,.@b + 1) { if(.@b==1){ set .@menu$, .@menu$ + "Public Room "+((getmapusers($@maps$[.@b])>=30)?"^CD0000Closed^000000("+getmapusers($@maps$[.@b])+")":"^007700Open^000000("+getmapusers($@maps$[.@b])+") [z"+.@price[.@b]+"]")+":"; } else { set .@menu$, .@menu$ + "Private["+(.@b-1)+"]- "+((getmapusers(""+$@maps$[.@b]+"")>=5)?"^CD0000Closed^000000("+getmapusers($@maps$[.@b])+")":"^007700Open^000000("+getmapusers($@maps$[.@b])+") [z"+.@price[.@b]+"]")+":"; } } if(select(.@menu$)) { if(Zeny<.@price[@menu]){mes "I'm sorry but you don't have enough Zeny, please come back later."; close;} if(getmapusers($@maps$[@menu])<=30&&@menu==1){ set Zeny,Zeny-.@price[@menu]; set $@maps$,$@maps$[@menu]; setnpctimer 0; attachnpctimer(strcharinfo(0)); startnpctimer; warp $@maps$[@menu],0,0; end; } if(!getmapusers($@maps$[@menu])){ mes "Input a new password."; input($password$[@menu]); set Zeny,Zeny-.@price[@menu]; set $@maps$,$@maps$[@menu]; next; setnpctimer 0; attachnpctimer(strcharinfo(0)); startnpctimer; warp $@maps$[@menu],0,0; end; } if(getmapusers($@maps$[@menu])<=5&&@menu!=1) { mes "This room is password protected please input the password now."; input(@name$); if(@name$==$password$[@menu]){ set Zeny,Zeny-.@price[@menu]; set $@maps$,$@maps$[@menu]; mes "correct!"; next; setnpctimer 0; attachnpctimer(strcharinfo(0)); startnpctimer; warp $@maps$[@menu],0,0; end; } else { mes "Incorrect!"; close; } } else { mes "I'm sorry this room is full."; close; } } OnTimer3600000: if(strcharinfo(3)==$@maps$){ warp "prontera",0,0; end; } } 06guild_01,49,49,5 script Heal#h1-1::Heal 110,{ if((@h_last) && (getnpctimer(1))) goto L_doubleclick; set @h_last,1; percentheal 100,100; specialeffect 312; skilleffect 28,32767; sc_end SC_STONE; sc_end SC_FREEZE; sc_end SC_STUN; sc_end SC_SLEEP; sc_end SC_POISON; sc_end SC_CURSE; sc_end SC_SILENCE; sc_end SC_CONFUSION; sc_end SC_BLIND; sc_end SC_BLEEDING; sc_end SC_DPOISON; dispbottom "HP/SP fully restored."; if(!getnpctimer(1)){setnpctimer 0; attachnpctimer(strcharinfo(0)); startnpctimer;} end; L_doubleclick: killmonsterall strcharinfo(3); npctalk "I've killed all monsters."; end; OnTimer1000: set @h_last,0; stopnpctimer; end; OnInit: while(1){ sleep 1000 * 60 * 5; if(!getusers(8) && mobcount strnpcinfo(5),all){ killmonsterall strnpcinfo(5);} } } // --------- NPC Clones --------- 06guild_01,49,49,5 duplicate(Heal) Heal#h1-2 742 06guild_02,49,49,5 duplicate(Heal) Heal#h1-3 742 06guild_03,49,49,5 duplicate(Heal) Heal#h1-4 742 06guild_04,49,49,5 duplicate(Heal) Heal#h1-5 742 06guild_05,49,49,5 duplicate(Heal) Heal#h1-6 742 06guild_06,49,49,5 duplicate(Heal) Heal#h1-7 742 06guild_07,49,49,5 duplicate(Heal) Heal#h1-8 742 06guild_08,49,49,5 duplicate(Heal) Heal#h1-9 742