{ Id: 8101 AegisName: "Rough_Dreamstone" Name: "Rough Dreamstone" Buy: 0 Weight: 200 }, { Id: 8102 AegisName: "Dreamstone" Name: "Dreamstone" Buy: 0 Weight: 200 }, { Id: 8103 AegisName: "Enriched_Dreamstone" Name: "Enriched Dreamstone" Buy: 0 Weight: 200 }, { Id: 8104 AegisName: "Sleeping_Filir" Name: "Sleeping Filir" Buy: 0 Weight: 200 Trade: { nodrop: true notrade: true noselltonpc: true nostorage: true nogstorage: true nomail: true noauction: true } }, { Id: 8105 AegisName: "Sleeping_Filir_Chick" Name: "Sleeping Filir Chick" Buy: 0 Weight: 200 Trade: { nodrop: true notrade: true noselltonpc: true nostorage: true nogstorage: true nomail: true noauction: true } }, { Id: 8106 AegisName: "Silver_Filir_Bait" Name: "Silver Filir Bait" Type: 2 Buy: 0 Weight: 10 Trade: { nodrop: true notrade: true noselltonpc: true nostorage: true nogstorage: true nomail: true noauction: true } Script: <" pet 3925; "> }, { Id: 8107 AegisName: "Silver_Filir_Chick_Bait" Name: "Silver Filir Chick Bait" Buy: 0 Weight: 10 Trade: { nodrop: true notrade: true noselltonpc: true nostorage: true nogstorage: true nomail: true noauction: true } Script: <" pet 3926; "> }, { Id: 8108 AegisName: "Pingvi_Doll" Name: "Pingvi Doll" Buy: 20 Weight: 10 }, { Id: 8111 AegisName: "The_Chronicle_of_Heroes_Volume_1" Name: "The Chronicle of Heroes Volume 1" Buy: 10 Weight: 30 }, { Id: 8112 AegisName: "The_Siege_of_Eraldhur" Name: "The Siege of Eraldhur" Buy: 10 Weight: 30 }, { Id: 8113 AegisName: "Legends_of_The_Ice_Queen" Name: "Legends of The Ice Queen" Buy: 10 Weight: 30 }, { Id: 8114 AegisName: "The_Missing_Chapter" Name: "The Missing Chapter" Buy: 10 Weight: 30 }, { Id: 8115 AegisName: "The_Darkness_Beneath" Name: "The Darkness Beneath" Buy: 10 Weight: 30 }, { Id: 8801 AegisName: "Snow_Lude_Card" Name: "Snow Lude Card" Type: 6 Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Loc: 4 Script: <" bonus bMatk,15; bonus3 bAutoSpell,"MG_COLDBOLT",5,20; "> }, { Id: 8802 AegisName: "Winter_Gibbet_Card" Name: "Winter Gibbet Card" Type: 6 Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Loc: 16 Script: <" bonus bFlee,5; bonus bBaseAtk,15; "> }, { Id: 8803 AegisName: "Haunted_Teddy_Bear_Card" Name: "Haunted Teddy Bear Card" Type: 6 Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Loc: 64 Script: <" bonus bMaxSPrate,10; bonus bFlee,5; "> }, { Id: 8804 AegisName: "Haunted_Myst_Case_Card" Name: "Haunted Myst Case Card" Type: 6 Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Loc: 2 Script: <" bonus bCastrate,-3; "> }, { Id: 8805 AegisName: "Haunted_Cookie_Card" Name: "Haunted Cookie Card" Type: 6 Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Loc: 64 Script: <" bonus bMaxHPrate,5; bonus bMaxSPrate,5; bonus bAtk,getrefine(); "> }, { Id: 8806 AegisName: "Lutian_Marionette_Card" Name: "Lutian Marionette Card" Type: 6 Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Loc: 4 Script: <" bonus bAtk,5; bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Fire,10; bonus2 bCriticalAddRace,RC_Formless,15; "> }, { Id: 8807 AegisName: "Christmas_Hylozoist_Card" Name: "Christmas Hylozoist Card" Type: 6 Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Loc: 769 Script: <" bonus bDef,1; bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Curse,2000; "> }, { Id: 8808 AegisName: "Celine_Kimi_Card" Name: "Celine Kimi Card" Type: 6 Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Loc: 4 Script: <" bonus bFlee,30; "> },