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old Room Advance Script - Mining Gold for wealth - Please Leave Credit \\ //============================================================================= //POWERED by: rudolp //[The Quality Maker] //Time Finished :6:28 PM 6/7/2009 //Please Report any bug and suggestions. //===== Compatible With: ================================================================= //= Any eAthena Version //=============Gold Room Settings=================== //This should always be enable for a better Gold Room System. //================================================== ordeal_1-2.gat mapflag noskill ordeal_1-2.gat mapflag nomemo ordeal_1-2.gat mapflag nobranch ordeal_1-2.gat mapflag noloot ordeal_1-2.gat mapflag noexp ordeal_1-2.gat mapflag nodrop ordeal_1-2.gat mapflag novending ordeal_1-2.gat mapflag nowarp ordeal_1-2.gat mapflag nowarpto ordeal_1-2.gat mapflag noreturn //================================================= /* > mob_db2.txt: //Gold Room Guardians //Normal Guardian 2001,TAGA_BANTAY,Taga Bantay,Taga Bantay,98,15000000,0,0,0,3,14000,15000,90,90,555,555,555,555,555,0,20,22,1,2,43,2445,100,960,500,432,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0, //Extreme Guardian 2002,TAGA_BANTAY,Taga Bantay,Taga Bantay,98,15000000,0,0,0,3,19000,20000,90,90,955,955,955,955,955,0,20,22,1,2,43,2445,100,960,500,432,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0, > mob_skill_db2.txt: //Gold Room Guardians //Normal Guardian 2001,Taga Bantay@NPC_HALLUCINATION,chase,207,1,999,0,0,no,target,closedattacked,,,,,,, 2001,Taga Bantay@RG_CLOSECONFINE,chase,1005,1,700,0,0,no,target,closedattacked,,,,,,, 2001,Taga Bantay@NPC_POWERUP,attack,349,1,999,0,0,no,target,skillused,1005,,,,,, 2001,Taga Bantay@BS_MAXIMIZE,angry,114,5,999,0,0,no,target,myhpltmaxrate,99,,,,,, //Extreme Guardian 2002,Taga Bantay@NPC_HALLUCINATION,chase,207,1,999,0,0,no,target,closedattacked,,,,,,, 2002,Taga Bantay@RG_CLOSECONFINE,attack,1005,1,700,0,0,no,target,closedattacked,,,,,,, 2002,Taga Bantay@NPC_EARTHQUAKE,angry,653,1,999,0,0,no,target,skillused,1005,,,,,, 2002,Taga Bantay@NPC_EARTHQUAKE,attack,653,1,999,0,0,no,target,myhpltmaxrate,99,,,,,, */ ordeal_1-2,0,0,0 script Gold Room -1,{ OnInit: //No. of Mine Guardian. //For golden peko it is default to 100 and 4 seconds~2 seconds spawn rate. set .guardian,50; //Type of guardian. 0 = normal 1 = extreme set .@guardiantype,0; if(.@guardiantype == 0){ monster "ordeal_1-2",0,0,"Taga Bantay",2001,.guardian,""; }else{ monster "ordeal_1-2",0,0,"Taga Bantay",2002,.guardian,""; } end; OnNPCKillEvent: //===== Configurations: ======================================================================== //Max gold can a player get after killing 1 golden peko (default 5 note:this will increase if luk bonus is enable). set .@maxgaingold,5; //Apply gold penalty. 0 = no 1 = yes set .@penalty1,1; //The Maximum no. of gold Penalty. set .@maxpenalty1,3; //Apply speed & HP penalty. 0 = no 1 = yes set .@penalty2,1; //Gold limitation penalty must be enable set .@maxgold,200; //The maximum no. of hp penalty by %. set .@maxpenalty2,10; //Enable luk bonus. 0=no 1=yes set .@lukbonus,0; //If luk Bonus is enable,luk divider default 49 w/ 99 max parameter. Note: the quotient of your max parameter and .@lukdiv must not grater than 5 to avoid over mining. set .@lukdiv,49; //Show Server Name. 0=no 1=yes set .@showservername,1; //Name of your Server set .@servername$,"[The Quality Maker]"; //========================================================================================= if (getmapxy(@mapname$,@mapx,@mapy,0) == -1) goto L_Finish; if (@mapname$ == "ordeal_1-2"){ set @bonus,0; set @deduction,0; set @gain,rand (.@maxgaingold); //Luk bonus if (.@lukbonus != 0){ set @bonus,readparam(bLuk)/.@lukdiv; } //Gold Penalty if (.@penalty1 != 0){ set @deduction,rand(.@maxpenalty1); if(@deduction == 0) set @deduction,1; } set @gain, @gain + @bonus - @deduction; set gold, gold + @gain ; //Displaying Gained Gold if(.@showservername != 0){ if(gold%5 == 0){ //Show Server Name every 10 gold gain. dispbottom "===============Brought to you by==============="; dispbottom "==============" + .@servername$ +"=============="; } } if(@gain){ dispbottom "-|You got: " +@gain+ " gold| - |Total: " +gold+ " gold|- "; }else{ dispbottom "-|You got: NOTHING! |- "; } if (.@penalty2 != 0){ if (gold >= .@maxgold/2 && gold <=.@maxgold/2+20){ sc_start SC_DECREASEAGI,240000,10; }else if(gold >.@maxgold){ sc_start SC_CURSE,240000,10; percentheal (.@maxpenalty2*-1),(.@maxpenalty2*-1); heal -50,0; //For him to die } } if(paid == 0){ mapannounce "ordeal_1-2"," x( "+strcharinfo(0)+" is a cheater!",bc_map; dispbottom "Go out you bastard!"; set gold,0; warp "prontera", 173, 160; } end; } OnPCDieEvent: if (getmapxy(@mapname$,@mapx,@mapy,0) == -1) goto L_Finish; if (@mapname$ == "ordeal_1-2"){ dispbottom "Holy Shit you died!"; dispbottom "All of your gold will gone!"; set alive, 0; set paid, 0; end; } L_Finish: close; } //=============================================== //warper //=============================================== ordeal_1-2,154,156,5 script Gold Miner 813,{ mes "[Gold Miner]"; if(gold >=50){ goto wa; } mes "Want to go now?"; mes "Your gold is just "+gold+" you can still get more."; close; wa: mes "Want to go now?"; if(select("Yes", "No") == 1) { set alive,1; warp "prontera", 173, 160; } close; } prontera,165,158,5 script Gold Room Warperer#pront 813,{ set @name$,"prontera"; callfunc "goldmain"; end; } aldebaran,133,116,4 script Gold Room Warperer#alde 813,{ set @name$,"aldebaran"; callfunc "goldmain"; end; } alberta,23,247,4 script Gold Room Warperer#alb 813,{ set @name$,"alberta"; callfunc "goldmain"; end; } payon,151,182,4 script Gold Room Warperer#pay 813,{ set @name$,"payon"; callfunc "goldmain"; end; } geffen,115,74,4 script Gold Room Warperer#gef 813,{ set @name$,"geffen"; callfunc "goldmain"; end; } function script goldmain { if (getgmlevel() >= 90){ mes "[Gold Room Warperer]"; if(sex != 0){ mes "Hello Sir what can I do for you?"; }else{ mes "Hello Maam what can I do for you?"; } next; menu "Enter Mining Site",start,"Please close the mine Site. Now!",-,"Please Open the mine Site. Now!",G_open,"Nothing",C_s; next; mes "[Gold Room Warperer]"; mapannounce "ordeal_1-2","Excuse me Miners.",bc_map; mes "Ok."; next; mapannounce "ordeal_1-2",strcharinfo(0) +" wants to close the Gold Room for a while",bc_map; mes "Just a second I will just ask them to"; mes "go out in the mining site"; next; mapannounce "ordeal_1-2","Please settle your things and move quitely",bc_map; mes "[Gold Room Warperer]"; mes "............."; mes "........"; next; mes "[Gold Room Warperer]"; mes "Ok your done"; set .opengoldroom,1; areawarp "ordeal_1-2",21,286,286,22,"prontera", 173, 160; close; } if(.opengoldroom == 0){ goto start; }else{ mes "[Gold Room Warperer]"; mes "Sorry!"; mes "The Mining Site is closed."; close; } G_open: mes "[Gold Room Warperer]"; mes "Ok."; mes "Mining Site is Already Available."; announce " Gold Room is open for public!",bc_map; set .opengoldroom,0; close; start: if ( alive == 0){ set gold,0; } mes "[Gold Room Warperer]"; mes "What do you want?"; next; menu "To the Gold Room",-,"Exchange Gold",exchange,"Nothing",C_s; mes "[Gold Room Warperer]"; mes "Hmm.."; mes "It cost 100,000z"; mes "Would you like to go now to the gold room?"; if(select("Yes", "No") == 1) { if(@name$ == "prontera") savepoint "prontera", 173, 160; if(@name$ == "aldebaran") savepoint "aldebaran",166, 163; if(@name$ == "alberta") savepoint "alberta",16, 246; if(@name$ == "payon") savepoint "payon",160, 179; if(@name$ == "geffen") savepoint "geffen",124, 85; if (Zeny < 100000) goto nomoney; set Zeny, Zeny - 100000; set alive, 1; set paid, 1; warp "ordeal_1-2", 156, 155; } close; nomoney: mes "[Gold Room Warperer]"; mes "Sorry insufficient balance"; close; exchange: mes "[Gold Room Warperer]"; mes "Hmm...let me see"; mes "You have " +gold+ "."; if (gold == 0) goto nogold; mes "Ok get this."; next; if (checkweight(969,gold) == 0) goto L_OverWeight; getitem 969, gold; set gold, 0; emotion e_gg; close; L_OverWeight: mes "[Gold Room Warperer]"; mes "Sorry your overweight"; close; nogold: close; C_s: close; } //============================================================ //=========================================================== //======================================== //warps you may edit this one for your convenience //======================================== ordeal_1-2,73,265,0 warp ord500 1,1,prontera,173,160 ordeal_1-2,129,194,0 warp ord501 1,1,prontera,173,160 ordeal_1-2,130,194,0 warp ord502 1,1,prontera,173,160 ordeal_1-2,178,193,0 warp ord503 1,1,prontera,173,160 ordeal_1-2,290,130,0 warp ord504 1,1,prontera,173,160 ordeal_1-2,241,281,0 warp ord505 1,1,prontera,173,160 ordeal_1-2,66,25,0 warp ord506 1,1,prontera,173,160 ordeal_1-2,202,129,0 warp ord509 1,1,prontera,173,160 ordeal_1-2,105,154,0 warp ord510 1,1,prontera,173,160 //============Spawns================= ordeal_1-2,0,0,0,0 monster Golden Pecopeco 1369,100,40000,20000,0