- script InviTest -1,{ OnPCDieEvent: if (!.@n) { dispbottom "You killed by "+rid2name(killerrid); end; } } new_1-1,56,103,0 script #DefPattern 100,{ end; iRight: announce "Hello World!",0; end; OnInit: set .@word$, "word"; defpattern 1,".*" + .@word,"iRight"; activatepset 1; end; } prontera,155,163,3 script Test 100,{ setnpcdisplay("Test",101); end; Correct: npctalk "OMG"; end; OnInit: deletepset 1; defpattern 1,".*lol","Correct"; activatepset 1; end; } //===== rAthena Script ======================================= //= The Billion Banker //===== By: ================================================== //= Joseph //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.0 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= rAthena, 3ceam, eAthena //===== Description: ========================================= //= Withdraw and deposit large amount of Zeny //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= 1.0 - Released! //============================================================ prontera,139,182,5 script Banker 833,{ function FailMessage; function Transaction; // == Configurations ========================================= set .@mz, 1000000000; // Server Max Zeny (Default: 1000000000) set .@n$, "[Banker]"; // NPC Name // =========================================================== mes .@n$; mes "Greetings!"; mes "How can I help you?"; mes " "; mes "Balance: " + #savings; set .@menu$, "Withdraw:Deposit"; set .@j, select ( .@menu$ ) - 1; setarray .@menu$, "Withdraw", "Deposit"; next; mes .@n$; mes "How much would you like to " + .@menu$[.@j] + "?"; input .@amt,0,.@mz; if ( .@amt == 0 ) { next; mes .@n$; mes "^FF0000Invalid input...^000000"; close; } next; mes .@n$; mes .@menu$[.@j] + ": " + .@amt; mes " "; mes (.@j!=2)?"Would you like to proceed?":"Thank you!"; if ( select ( "Yes:No" ) == 2 ) close; next; mes .@n$; if ( FailMessage(.@j,.@amt,.@mz) != "" ) { mes "^FF0000" +@msg$+ "^000000"; set @msg$, ""; close; } Transaction(.@j,.@amt); mes .@menu$[.@j] + " successful!"; close; function FailMessage { switch (getarg(0)) { Case 0: // Withdraw if ( getarg(2) < (Zeny + getarg(1)) ) set @msg$, "You can't hold that much Zeny."; if ( #savings < getarg(1) ) set @msg$, "You have insufficient amount of Zeny in your bank account."; break; Case 1: // Deposit if ( Zeny < getarg(1) ) set @msg$, "You have insufficient amount of Zeny on hand."; break; } return @msg$; } function Transaction { switch (getarg(0)) { Case 0: // Withdraw set Zeny, Zeny + getarg(1); set #savings, #savings - getarg(1); break; Case 1: // Deposit set Zeny, Zeny - getarg(1); set #savings, #savings + getarg(1); break; } return; } }