/*========================================================= Lighthalzen Aura Quest by Zephy =========================================================== Edited by: Phyress, Hrist, Feen and Nero =========================================================== Description: =========================================================== Quest NPC for Christmas 2014 =========================================================== Additional Notes: =========================================================== Changelog - Edited line 88. Switched the options. - Added more dialogue. - Changed dialogue a little. - Added per account use restriction =========================================================*/ amatsu,97,121,4 script General Jean Rose 430,{ mes .npc_name$; if(#DoneQuest == 1) { mes "Thank you for your help!"; close; end; } for(set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize(.qitem); set .@i,.@i+1) { // Check if current item fails to meet prerequisite if(countitem(.qitem[.@i]) < .qamt) { mes "Good day traveler, there's a crisis happening to Santa's workshop."; next; mes .npc_name$; mes "Christmas will be cancelled if this continues."; next; if(select("How can I save Christmas? Tell me!:Uh... Not interested. I can live with that.") == 2) { mes .npc_name$; mes "Oh okay? Get the heck out of here then!"; close; } mes .npc_name$; mes "I'm happy that someone still cares! You need to look for the missing antlers and gifts."; next; mes .npc_name$; mes "I'll be needing these materials as well and we can save Christmas!"; // Loop to print out item requirements for(set .@j,0; .@j < getarraysize(.qitem); set .@j,.@j+1) { mes "^FF0000"+ .qamt[.@j] +"x - "+ getitemname(.qitem[.@j]) +"^000000"; } close; } } // If player meets the required amount of items mes "Great! You gathered the necessary materials. Now we can save Christmas!"; next; mes .npc_name$; mes "Shall I have them?"; // change the dialogue next; if(select("No:Yes") == 1) { mes .npc_name$; mes "You selfish brat!"; close; } mes .npc_name$; mes "Hold on a moment, I'll write a letter to Mr and Mrs Claus."; // Loop to delete all quest items for (set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize(.qitem); set .@i,.@i+1) { delitem .qitem[.@i], .qamt[.@i]; } next; mes .npc_name$; mes "......."; next; mes "*Scribble* *Scribble*"; next; mes "......"; next; specialeffect 100; mes .npc_name$; mes "You can get your reward by giving this letter to Mr or Mrs Claus!"; getitem .pitem, .pamt; // Get prize item set #DoneQuest, 1; next; close; OnInit: // Configuration // General set .npc_name$,"[^008800General Jean Rose^000000]"; // NPC's dialogue name // Items set .pitem,7557; // Prize item for completing the quest set .pamt,1; // Prize item amount setarray .qitem[0], 21606,21607,21608,21609,7175,2236,14550,6021,5088,7212,2284,7206,7277,12244,12355; // Quest items (IDs) setarray .qamt[0], 3,3,3,3,150,10,250,300,2,150,9,250,300,150,150; // Quest item amount end; }