//================= Hercules Plugin ================= //= @bcstaff //==== Autor: ======================================= //= GallaZ //==== Version: ===================================== //= 1.0 //=================================================== #include #include #include "../common/HPMi.h" #include "../map/script.h" #include "../map/pc.h" #include "../common/HPMDataCheck.h" // should always be the last file included! (if you don't make it last, it'll intentionally break compile time) HPExport struct hplugin_info pinfo = { "bcstaff", // Plugin name SERVER_TYPE_MAP,// Which server types this plugin works with? "1.0", // Plugin version HPM_VERSION, // HPM Version (don't change, macro is automatically updated) }; // @bcstaff <0-global 1-local> ACMD(bcstaff){ int type = 0; char atcmd_output[256]; char smsg[256]; memset(atcmd_output, '\0', sizeof(atcmd_output)); memset(smsg, '\0', sizeof(smsg)); if(!message || !*message || (sscanf(message, "%u %199[^\n]",&type, atcmd_output) < 2) || type > 1 || type < 0) { clif->message(fd, "@bcstaff <0-global 1-local> "); return false; } switch(type) { case 0: sprintf(smsg, "[Staff]: %s", atcmd_output); clif->broadcast2(&sd->bl, smsg, strlen(smsg) + 1, 0xCCFF00, 0x190, 12, 0, 0, (send_target)type); break; case 1: sprintf(smsg, "[Staff]: %s", atcmd_output); clif->broadcast2(&sd->bl, smsg, strlen(smsg) + 1, 0x00CCFF, 0x190, 12, 0, 0, (send_target)type); break;; default: break; } return true; } HPExport void plugin_init (void) { clif = GET_SYMBOL("clif"); addAtcommand("bcstaff",bcstaff); }