> "Configuration" >> "General Settings" + Select "Standalone" mode as "Portal Mode" + Set "Standalone URL" as the full url of this file. + Edit path to the forum ($forum_dir) in this file. See? It's just magic! */ global $sp_standalone; // Should be the full path! $forum_dir = 'full/path/to/forum'; // Let them know the mode. $sp_standalone = true; // Hmm, wrong forum dir? if (!file_exists($forum_dir . '/index.php')) die('Wrong $forum_dir value. Please make sure that the $forum_value variable points to your forum\'s directory.'); // Get out the forum's SMF version number. $data = substr(file_get_contents($forum_dir . '/index.php'), 0, 4096); if (preg_match('~\*\s*Software\s+Version:\s+(SMF\s+.+?)[\s]{2}~i', $data, $match)) $forum_version = $match[1]; elseif (preg_match('~\*\s@version\s+(.+)[\s]{2}~i', $data, $match)) $forum_version = 'SMF ' . $match[1]; // Call the SSI magic. require_once($forum_dir . '/SSI.php'); // Wireless? We don't support you, yet. if (WIRELESS) redirectexit(); // Get our main file. require_once($sourcedir . '/PortalMain.php'); // Re-initialize SP. sportal_init(true); // Get the page ready. sportal_main(); // Here we go! obExit(true); ?>