int clif_send(const uint8* buf, int len, struct block_list* bl, enum send_target type) { int i; struct map_session_data *sd, *tsd; struct party_data *p = NULL; struct guild *g = NULL; struct battleground_data *bg = NULL; int x0 = 0, x1 = 0, y0 = 0, y1 = 0, fd; struct s_mapiterator* iter; if( type != ALL_CLIENT && type != BG_LISTEN ) nullpo_ret(bl); sd = BL_CAST(BL_PC, bl); switch(type) { case ALL_CLIENT: //All player clients. case BG_LISTEN: iter = mapit_getallusers(); while( (tsd = (TBL_PC*)mapit_next(iter)) != NULL ) { if( type == BG_LISTEN && !(tsd->state.bg_listen || tsd->qd) ) continue; if( packet_db[tsd->packet_ver][RBUFW(buf,0)].len ) { // packet must exist for the client version WFIFOHEAD(tsd->fd, len); memcpy(WFIFOP(tsd->fd,0), buf, len); WFIFOSET(tsd->fd,len); } } mapit_free(iter); break; case ALL_SAMEMAP: //All players on the same map iter = mapit_getallusers(); while( (tsd = (TBL_PC*)mapit_next(iter)) != NULL ) { if( bl->m == tsd->bl.m && packet_db[tsd->packet_ver][RBUFW(buf,0)].len ) { // packet must exist for the client version WFIFOHEAD(tsd->fd, len); memcpy(WFIFOP(tsd->fd,0), buf, len); WFIFOSET(tsd->fd,len); } } mapit_free(iter); break; case AREA: case AREA_WOSC: if (sd && bl->prev == NULL) //Otherwise source misses the packet.[Skotlex] clif_send (buf, len, bl, SELF); case AREA_WOC: case AREA_WOS: map_foreachinarea(clif_send_sub, bl->m, bl->x-AREA_SIZE, bl->y-AREA_SIZE, bl->x+AREA_SIZE, bl->y+AREA_SIZE, BL_PC, buf, len, bl, type); break; case AREA_CHAT_WOC: map_foreachinarea(clif_send_sub, bl->m, bl->x-(AREA_SIZE-5), bl->y-(AREA_SIZE-5), bl->x+(AREA_SIZE-5), bl->y+(AREA_SIZE-5), BL_PC, buf, len, bl, AREA_WOC); break; case CHAT: case CHAT_WOS: { struct chat_data *cd; if (sd) { cd = (struct chat_data*)map_id2bl(sd->chatID); } else if (bl->type == BL_CHAT) { cd = (struct chat_data*)bl; } else break; if (cd == NULL) break; for(i = 0; i < cd->users; i++) { if (type == CHAT_WOS && cd->usersd[i] == sd) continue; if (packet_db[cd->usersd[i]->packet_ver][RBUFW(buf,0)].len) { // packet must exist for the client version if ((fd=cd->usersd[i]->fd) >0 && session[fd]) // Added check to see if session exists [PoW] { WFIFOHEAD(fd,len); memcpy(WFIFOP(fd,0), buf, len); WFIFOSET(fd,len); } } } } break; case CHAT_MAINCHAT: //[LuzZza] iter = mapit_getallusers(); while( (tsd = (TBL_PC*)mapit_next(iter)) != NULL ) { if( tsd->state.mainchat && tsd->chatID == 0 && packet_db[tsd->packet_ver][RBUFW(buf,0)].len ) { // packet must exist for the client version WFIFOHEAD(tsd->fd, len); memcpy(WFIFOP(tsd->fd,0), buf, len); WFIFOSET(tsd->fd,len); } } mapit_free(iter); break; case PARTY_AREA: case PARTY_AREA_WOS: x0 = bl->x - AREA_SIZE; y0 = bl->y - AREA_SIZE; x1 = bl->x + AREA_SIZE; y1 = bl->y + AREA_SIZE; case PARTY: case PARTY_WOS: case PARTY_SAMEMAP: case PARTY_SAMEMAP_WOS: if (sd && sd->status.party_id) p = party_search(sd->status.party_id); if (p) { for(i=0;idata[i].sd) == NULL ) continue; if( !(fd=sd->fd) ) continue; if( sd-> == bl->id && (type == PARTY_WOS || type == PARTY_SAMEMAP_WOS || type == PARTY_AREA_WOS) ) continue; if( type != PARTY && type != PARTY_WOS && bl->m != sd->bl.m ) continue; if( (type == PARTY_AREA || type == PARTY_AREA_WOS) && (sd->bl.x < x0 || sd->bl.y < y0 || sd->bl.x > x1 || sd->bl.y > y1) ) continue; if( packet_db[sd->packet_ver][RBUFW(buf,0)].len ) { // packet must exist for the client version WFIFOHEAD(fd,len); memcpy(WFIFOP(fd,0), buf, len); WFIFOSET(fd,len); } } if (!enable_spy) //Skip unnecessary parsing. [Skotlex] break; iter = mapit_getallusers(); while( (tsd = (TBL_PC*)mapit_next(iter)) != NULL ) { if( tsd->partyspy == p->party.party_id && packet_db[tsd->packet_ver][RBUFW(buf,0)].len ) { // packet must exist for the client version WFIFOHEAD(tsd->fd, len); memcpy(WFIFOP(tsd->fd,0), buf, len); WFIFOSET(tsd->fd,len); } } mapit_free(iter); } break; case DUEL: case DUEL_WOS: if (!sd || !sd->duel_group) break; //Invalid usage. iter = mapit_getallusers(); while( (tsd = (TBL_PC*)mapit_next(iter)) != NULL ) { if( type == DUEL_WOS && bl->id == tsd-> ) continue; if( sd->duel_group == tsd->duel_group && packet_db[tsd->packet_ver][RBUFW(buf,0)].len ) { // packet must exist for the client version WFIFOHEAD(tsd->fd, len); memcpy(WFIFOP(tsd->fd,0), buf, len); WFIFOSET(tsd->fd,len); } } mapit_free(iter); break; case SELF: if (sd && (fd=sd->fd) && packet_db[sd->packet_ver][RBUFW(buf,0)].len) { // packet must exist for the client version WFIFOHEAD(fd,len); memcpy(WFIFOP(fd,0), buf, len); WFIFOSET(fd,len); } break; // New definitions for guilds [Valaris] - Cleaned up and reorganized by [Skotlex] case GUILD_AREA: case GUILD_AREA_WOS: x0 = bl->x - AREA_SIZE; y0 = bl->y - AREA_SIZE; x1 = bl->x + AREA_SIZE; y1 = bl->y + AREA_SIZE; case GUILD_SAMEMAP: case GUILD_SAMEMAP_WOS: case GUILD: case GUILD_WOS: case GUILD_NOBG: if (sd && sd->status.guild_id) g = guild_search(sd->status.guild_id); if (g) { for(i = 0; i < g->max_member; i++) { if( (sd = g->member[i].sd) != NULL ) { if( !(fd=sd->fd) ) continue; if( type == GUILD_NOBG && sd->bg_id ) continue; if( sd-> == bl->id && (type == GUILD_WOS || type == GUILD_SAMEMAP_WOS || type == GUILD_AREA_WOS) ) continue; if( type != GUILD && type != GUILD_NOBG && type != GUILD_WOS && sd->bl.m != bl->m ) continue; if( (type == GUILD_AREA || type == GUILD_AREA_WOS) && (sd->bl.x < x0 || sd->bl.y < y0 || sd->bl.x > x1 || sd->bl.y > y1) ) continue; if( packet_db[sd->packet_ver][RBUFW(buf,0)].len ) { // packet must exist for the client version WFIFOHEAD(fd,len); memcpy(WFIFOP(fd,0), buf, len); WFIFOSET(fd,len); } } } if (!enable_spy) //Skip unnecessary parsing. [Skotlex] break; iter = mapit_getallusers(); while( (tsd = (TBL_PC*)mapit_next(iter)) != NULL ) { if( tsd->guildspy == g->guild_id && packet_db[tsd->packet_ver][RBUFW(buf,0)].len ) { // packet must exist for the client version WFIFOHEAD(tsd->fd, len); memcpy(WFIFOP(tsd->fd,0), buf, len); WFIFOSET(tsd->fd,len); } } mapit_free(iter); } break; case BG_AREA: case BG_AREA_WOS: x0 = bl->x - AREA_SIZE; y0 = bl->y - AREA_SIZE; x1 = bl->x + AREA_SIZE; y1 = bl->y + AREA_SIZE; case BG_SAMEMAP: case BG_SAMEMAP_WOS: case BG: case BG_WOS: if( sd && sd->bg_id && (bg = bg_team_search(sd->bg_id)) != NULL ) { for( i = 0; i < MAX_BG_MEMBERS; i++ ) { if( (sd = bg->members[i].sd) == NULL || !(fd = sd->fd) ) continue; if( sd-> == bl->id && (type == BG_WOS || type == BG_SAMEMAP_WOS || type == BG_AREA_WOS) ) continue; if( type != BG && type != BG_WOS && sd->bl.m != bl->m ) continue; if( (type == BG_AREA || type == BG_AREA_WOS) && (sd->bl.x < x0 || sd->bl.y < y0 || sd->bl.x > x1 || sd->bl.y > y1) ) continue; if( packet_db[sd->packet_ver][RBUFW(buf,0)].len ) { // packet must exist for the client version WFIFOHEAD(fd,len); memcpy(WFIFOP(fd,0), buf, len); WFIFOSET(fd,len); } } } break; default: ShowError("clif_send: Unrecognized type %d\n",type); return -1; } return 0; }