//Zeny to Cash Exchanger NPC by teamcars of teamcars1broglobal@blogspot.com prontera,147,159,5 script Zeny To Cash 894,{ mes "[Zeny to Cash Exchanger]"; mes "Exchange Rate:"; mes "^0000FF1000^000000 Zeny = ^FF00001^000000 cash point"; mes "Exchange^0000FF10^000000 cash points get free ^FF00001^000000 Kafra point"; mes "Please select the service you want:"; next; menu "^FF0000Exchange",Le0,"^0000FFCheck Cash Point",Edis2,"^00FF00Quit",LeEnd; Le0: set $@bEavail,(Zeny/1000); mes "[Zeny to Cash Exchanger]"; mes "^0000FF" + strcharinfo(0) + "^000000"; mes "Available Cash Points to Exchange: ^0000FF" + $@bEavail + "^000000"; mes "How Many Cash Points you want to Exchange?"; input $@ExchangeEC; set $@ttalEC,($@ExchangeEC*1000); if (Zeny < $@ttalEC) goto ENeedZenys; mes "That will be ^0000FF" + $@ttalEC + "^000000z!"; next; mes "Do you still wanna Exchange Cash Points?"; menu "^FF3355Exchange",LEyes,"Ive change my mind^000000",LEno; LEyes: set #CASHPOINTS,#CASHPOINTS+$@ExchangeEC; set #KAFRAPOINTS,#KAFRAPOINTS+($@ExchangeEC/10); set Zeny,Zeny-$@ttalEC; set $@CEx,#CASHPOINTS; set $@KEx,#KAFRAPOINTS; set $@totalExchange,$@totalExchange+$@ExchangeEC; goto Edis2; close; LEno: mes "Thanks you ^0000FF" + strcharinfo(0) + "^000000!"; mes "Come Again!"; close; Edis2: mes "Your Available Cash Point ^0000FF" + $@CEx + "^000000! "; mes "Your Available Kafra Point ^0000FF" + $@KEx + "^000000! "; close; ENeedZenys: mes "Sorry, you don't have enough Zeny."; close; LeEnd: close; OnInit: waitingroom "Zeny To Cash point Exchange",0; end; }