@echo off rem Writen by Akkarin color 02 Title Graffiti Diagnostics Tool echo +----------------------------------------------------------------+ echo : Welcome to the Graffiti Diagnostics Tool : echo : This tool has been lovingly developed by Akkarin : echo +----------------------------------------------------------------+ echo. echo +----------------------------------------------------------------+ echo : This will determine if there is a problem with the server : echo +----------------------------------------------------------------+ :menu echo. echo. echo. echo. echo +----------------------------------------------------------------+ echo : Menu : echo +----------------------------------------------------------------+ echo : 1.) Perform PING and TRACERT : echo : 2.) Open Diagnostics report : echo : 3.) Detect faulty GraffitiRO directory : echo : 4.) Exit Diagnostic Tool : echo +----------------------------------------------------------------+ set menuop = set /p menuop=- Please enter an option: if '%menuop%'=='1' goto ping if '%menuop%'=='2' goto opendiag if '%menuop%'=='3' goto detect if '%menuop%'=='4' exit echo. echo. echo +----------------------------------------------------------------+ echo : ERROR : echo +----------------------------------------------------------------+ echo : '%menuop%' Is not a vaild option! : echo +----------------------------------------------------------------+ goto menu :gbtm echo. echo. echo +----------------------------------------------------------------+ Echo : Go back to menu? : echo +----------------------------------------------------------------+ set goback= set /p goback=- Y/N: if '%goback%'=='Y' goto gotomenu if '%goback%'=='y' goto gotomenu if '%goback%'=='N' exit if '%goback%'=='n' exit echo. echo. echo +----------------------------------------------------------------+ echo : ERROR : echo +----------------------------------------------------------------+ echo : '%goback%' is invaild! Only type Y or N !! : echo +----------------------------------------------------------------+ cls goto gbtm :gotomenu cls goto menu :ping echo. echo +----------------------------------------------------------------+ echo : Running PING and TRACERT diagnostic, please wait : echo +----------------------------------------------------------------+ ping -n 10 > Diagnostics.txt tracert >> Diagnostics.txt echo. echo. echo +----------------------------------------------------------------+ echo : PING diagnostic complete. See Diagnostic.txt for results. : echo +----------------------------------------------------------------+ Diagnostics.txt echo. goto gbtm :opendiag echo. echo. echo +----------------------------------------------------------------+ echo : Would you like to open the Diagnostics report file? : echo +----------------------------------------------------------------+ set opendiag= set /p opendiag=- Y/N: if '%opendiag%'=='Y' goto opendiag1 if '%opendiag%'=='y' goto opendiag1 if '%opendiag%'=='N' goto gbtm if '%opendiag%'=='n' goto gbtm echo. echo. echo +----------------------------------------------------------------+ echo : ERROR : echo +----------------------------------------------------------------+ echo : '%opendiag%' is invaild! Only type Y or N !! : echo +----------------------------------------------------------------+ goto gbtm :opendiag1 Diagnostics.txt goto gbtm :detect echo. echo. set rodir = set /p rodir=- Please Enter Your Graffiti (e.g. C:\Program Files\Gravity\RO\): if not exist "%rodir%\grafmain.grf" goto notinstalled if not exist "%rodir%\grafpatch.grf" goto notinstalled if not exist "%rodir%\GraffitiRO Patcher.exe" goto notpinstalled if not exist "%rodir%\GraffitiRO.exe" goto notpinstalled if not exist "%rodir%\rdata.grf" goto romissing if not exist "%rodir%\data.grf" goto romissing goto installed :notinstalled echo. echo. echo +----------------------------------------------------------------+ echo : Graffiti is not installed to that directory or there are : echo : files missing from your installation. : echo +----------------------------------------------------------------+ goto gbtm :notinstalled echo. echo. echo +----------------------------------------------------------------+ echo : The Graffiti Patcher is not installed to that directory or : echo : there are files missing from your installation. : echo +----------------------------------------------------------------+ goto gbtm :romissing echo. echo. echo +----------------------------------------------------------------+ echo : Some of the main files needed to play RO are not installed to : echo : that directory. Please re-install Graffiti from graffitiro.com : echo +----------------------------------------------------------------+ goto gbtm :missing echo. echo. echo +----------------------------------------------------------------+ echo : One or more Graffiti files are missing, please re-install the : echo : lite version from http://graffitiro.com/ : echo +----------------------------------------------------------------+ pause exit :installed echo. echo. echo +----------------------------------------------------------------+ echo : GraffitiRO is installed properly on your computer. : echo +----------------------------------------------------------------+ goto gbtm :delete echo. echo. echo +----------------------------------------------------------------+ echo : This will allow you to delete your data folder. : echo : For this option to work properly, you must enter the full path : echo : to the data folder in your RO directory. E.g.: : echo : C:\Program Files\Gravity\RO\data : echo +----------------------------------------------------------------+ set /p delfolder=- Enter path here: echo. dir "%delfolder%" if errorlevel = 1 goto error rmdir /s "%delfolder%" if errorlevel = 1 goto error echo +----------------------------------------------------------------+ echo : Data folder deleted. : echo +----------------------------------------------------------------+ goto gbtm :error echo +----------------------------------------------------------------+ echo : An error has occured. : echo : Please make sure you typed the path the data folder correctly : echo +----------------------------------------------------------------+ echo. goto gbtm