/** * This file is part of Hercules. * http://herc.ws - http://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules * * Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Hercules Dev Team * Copyright (C) Athena Dev Teams * * Hercules is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #define HERCULES_CORE #include "ipban.h" #include "login/login.h" #include "login/loginlog.h" #include "common/cbasetypes.h" #include "common/nullpo.h" #include "common/sql.h" #include "common/strlib.h" #include "common/timer.h" #include "common/socket.h" void gepard_update_last_unique_id(int account_id, uint32 unique_id) { if (SQL_SUCCESS != SQL->Query(sql_handle, "UPDATE `login` SET `last_unique_id`= '%u' WHERE `account_id` = '%d'", unique_id, account_id)) { Sql_ShowDebug(sql_handle); } else if (SQL_SUCCESS == SQL->NextRow(sql_handle)) { Sql_ShowDebug(sql_handle); } SQL->FreeResult(sql_handle); } bool gepard_check_unique_id(int fd, uint32 unique_id) { if (SQL_SUCCESS != SQL->Query(sql_handle, "SELECT `unban_time`, `reason` FROM `gepard_block` WHERE `unique_id` = '%u'", unique_id)) { Sql_ShowDebug(sql_handle); gepard_send_info(fd, GEPARD_INFO_BANNED, "Tell administrator about SQL problem."); } else if (SQL_SUCCESS == SQL->NextRow(sql_handle)) { char* data; struct tm unblock_tm; time_t time_unban, time_server; int year, month, day, hour, min, sec; char reason_str[GEPARD_REASON_LENGTH]; char unban_time_str[GEPARD_TIME_STR_LENGTH]; memset((void*)&unblock_tm, 0, sizeof(unblock_tm)); SQL->GetData(sql_handle, 0, &data, NULL); safestrncpy(unban_time_str, data, sizeof(unban_time_str)); sscanf(unban_time_str, "%d-%d-%d %d:%d:%d", &year, &month, &day, &hour, &min, &sec); unblock_tm.tm_year = year - 1900; unblock_tm.tm_mon = month - 1; unblock_tm.tm_mday = day; unblock_tm.tm_hour = hour; unblock_tm.tm_min = min; unblock_tm.tm_sec = sec; time_unban = mktime(&unblock_tm); time(&time_server); if (time_server <= time_unban) { char message_info[200]; SQL->GetData(sql_handle, 1, &data, NULL); safestrncpy(reason_str, data, sizeof(reason_str)); safesnprintf(message_info, sizeof(message_info), "Unique ID has been banned!\r\rDate of unban: %s\r\rUnique id: %u\r\rReason: %s", unban_time_str, unique_id, reason_str); sockt->session[fd]->gepard_info.is_init_ack_received = false; gepard_send_info(fd, GEPARD_INFO_BANNED, message_info); } else if (SQL_ERROR == SQL->Query(sql_handle, "DELETE FROM `gepard_block` WHERE `unique_id` = '%u'", unique_id)) { Sql_ShowDebug(sql_handle); } } SQL->FreeResult(sql_handle); return false; } #include // global sql settings static char global_db_hostname[32] = ""; static uint16 global_db_port = 3306; static char global_db_username[32] = "ragnarok"; static char global_db_password[100] = "ragnarok"; static char global_db_database[32] = "ragnarok"; static char global_codepage[32] = ""; // local sql settings static char ipban_db_hostname[32] = ""; static uint16 ipban_db_port = 0; static char ipban_db_username[32] = ""; static char ipban_db_password[100] = ""; static char ipban_db_database[32] = ""; static char ipban_codepage[32] = ""; static char ipban_table[32] = "ipbanlist"; // globals static struct Sql *sql_handle = NULL; static int cleanup_timer_id = INVALID_TIMER; static bool ipban_inited = false; int ipban_cleanup(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data); // initialize void ipban_init(void) { const char* username; const char* password; const char* hostname; uint16 port; const char* database; const char* codepage; ipban_inited = true; if (!login->config->ipban) return;// ipban disabled if( ipban_db_hostname[0] != '\0' ) {// local settings username = ipban_db_username; password = ipban_db_password; hostname = ipban_db_hostname; port = ipban_db_port; database = ipban_db_database; codepage = ipban_codepage; } else {// global settings username = global_db_username; password = global_db_password; hostname = global_db_hostname; port = global_db_port; database = global_db_database; codepage = global_codepage; } // establish connections sql_handle = SQL->Malloc(); if( SQL_ERROR == SQL->Connect(sql_handle, username, password, hostname, port, database) ) { Sql_ShowDebug(sql_handle); SQL->Free(sql_handle); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if( codepage[0] != '\0' && SQL_ERROR == SQL->SetEncoding(sql_handle, codepage) ) Sql_ShowDebug(sql_handle); if (login->config->ipban_cleanup_interval > 0) { // set up periodic cleanup of connection history and active bans timer->add_func_list(ipban_cleanup, "ipban_cleanup"); cleanup_timer_id = timer->add_interval(timer->gettick()+10, ipban_cleanup, 0, 0, login->config->ipban_cleanup_interval*1000); } else // make sure it gets cleaned up on login-server start regardless of interval-based cleanups ipban_cleanup(0,0,0,0); } // finalize void ipban_final(void) { if (!login->config->ipban) return;// ipban disabled if (login->config->ipban_cleanup_interval > 0) // release data timer->delete(cleanup_timer_id, ipban_cleanup); ipban_cleanup(0,0,0,0); // always clean up on login-server stop // close connections SQL->Free(sql_handle); sql_handle = NULL; } // load configuration options bool ipban_config_read(const char* key, const char* value) { const char* signature; nullpo_ret(key); nullpo_ret(value); if( ipban_inited ) return false;// settings can only be changed before init signature = "sql."; if( strncmpi(key, signature, strlen(signature)) == 0 ) { key += strlen(signature); if( strcmpi(key, "db_hostname") == 0 ) safestrncpy(global_db_hostname, value, sizeof(global_db_hostname)); else if( strcmpi(key, "db_port") == 0 ) global_db_port = (uint16)strtoul(value, NULL, 10); else if( strcmpi(key, "db_username") == 0 ) safestrncpy(global_db_username, value, sizeof(global_db_username)); else if( strcmpi(key, "db_password") == 0 ) safestrncpy(global_db_password, value, sizeof(global_db_password)); else if( strcmpi(key, "db_database") == 0 ) safestrncpy(global_db_database, value, sizeof(global_db_database)); else if( strcmpi(key, "codepage") == 0 ) safestrncpy(global_codepage, value, sizeof(global_codepage)); else return false;// not found return true; } signature = "ipban.sql."; if( strncmpi(key, signature, strlen(signature)) == 0 ) { key += strlen(signature); if( strcmpi(key, "db_hostname") == 0 ) safestrncpy(ipban_db_hostname, value, sizeof(ipban_db_hostname)); else if( strcmpi(key, "db_port") == 0 ) ipban_db_port = (uint16)strtoul(value, NULL, 10); else if( strcmpi(key, "db_username") == 0 ) safestrncpy(ipban_db_username, value, sizeof(ipban_db_username)); else if( strcmpi(key, "db_password") == 0 ) safestrncpy(ipban_db_password, value, sizeof(ipban_db_password)); else if( strcmpi(key, "db_database") == 0 ) safestrncpy(ipban_db_database, value, sizeof(ipban_db_database)); else if( strcmpi(key, "codepage") == 0 ) safestrncpy(ipban_codepage, value, sizeof(ipban_codepage)); else if( strcmpi(key, "ipban_table") == 0 ) safestrncpy(ipban_table, value, sizeof(ipban_table)); else return false;// not found return true; } signature = "ipban."; if( strncmpi(key, signature, strlen(signature)) == 0 ) { key += strlen(signature); if( strcmpi(key, "enable") == 0 ) login->config->ipban = (bool)config_switch(value); else if( strcmpi(key, "dynamic_pass_failure_ban") == 0 ) login->config->dynamic_pass_failure_ban = (bool)config_switch(value); else if( strcmpi(key, "dynamic_pass_failure_ban_interval") == 0 ) login->config->dynamic_pass_failure_ban_interval = atoi(value); else if( strcmpi(key, "dynamic_pass_failure_ban_limit") == 0 ) login->config->dynamic_pass_failure_ban_limit = atoi(value); else if( strcmpi(key, "dynamic_pass_failure_ban_duration") == 0 ) login->config->dynamic_pass_failure_ban_duration = atoi(value); else return false;// not found return true; } return false;// not found } // check ip against active bans list bool ipban_check(uint32 ip) { uint8* p = (uint8*)&ip; char* data = NULL; int matches; if (!login->config->ipban) return false;// ipban disabled if( SQL_ERROR == SQL->Query(sql_handle, "SELECT count(*) FROM `%s` WHERE `rtime` > NOW() AND (`list` = '%u.*.*.*' OR `list` = '%u.%u.*.*' OR `list` = '%u.%u.%u.*' OR `list` = '%u.%u.%u.%u')", ipban_table, p[3], p[3], p[2], p[3], p[2], p[1], p[3], p[2], p[1], p[0]) ) { Sql_ShowDebug(sql_handle); // close connection because we can't verify their connectivity. return true; } if( SQL_SUCCESS != SQL->NextRow(sql_handle) ) return false; SQL->GetData(sql_handle, 0, &data, NULL); matches = atoi(data); SQL->FreeResult(sql_handle); return( matches > 0 ); } // log failed attempt void ipban_log(uint32 ip) { unsigned long failures; if (!login->config->ipban) return;// ipban disabled failures = loginlog_failedattempts(ip, login->config->dynamic_pass_failure_ban_interval);// how many times failed account? in one ip. // if over the limit, add a temporary ban entry if (failures >= login->config->dynamic_pass_failure_ban_limit) { uint8* p = (uint8*)&ip; if (SQL_ERROR == SQL->Query(sql_handle, "INSERT INTO `%s`(`list`,`btime`,`rtime`,`reason`) VALUES ('%u.%u.%u.*', NOW() , NOW() + INTERVAL %u MINUTE ,'Password error ban')", ipban_table, p[3], p[2], p[1], login->config->dynamic_pass_failure_ban_duration)) { Sql_ShowDebug(sql_handle); } } } // remove expired bans int ipban_cleanup(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) { if (!login->config->ipban) return 0;// ipban disabled if( SQL_ERROR == SQL->Query(sql_handle, "DELETE FROM `%s` WHERE `rtime` <= NOW()", ipban_table) ) Sql_ShowDebug(sql_handle); return 0; }