// -- Ex Super Novice Job Change Quest // -- Version 1.0 coded by Gennosuke Kouga, vStyleRO 2009~2012 // -- Information leak from iRO // -- Translated by: ??? // -- Ex Super Novice Quest aldeba_in,216,169,4 script Esseray#sp2 86,{ if( Upper == 1 ) { mes "[ Esseray ]"; mes "Well... looks like you've chosen your path in life already."; mes "You will never know the great mediocrity of a lifelong novice."; next; mes "[ Esseray ]"; mes "Alright... Live your life as dangerous as you want."; close; } if( EXSUPNOV_Q > 5 ) { mes "[ Esseray ]"; mes "You! Stronger than before."; mes "I know you can pass the test~"; close; } else if( BaseJob == Job_SuperNovice ) { if( BaseLevel > 98 && JobLevel > 98 ) { if( EXSUPNOV_Q > 0 && EXSUPNOV_Q < 6 ) { mes "[ Esseray ]"; mes "A legend in the Novice world has disappeared to do something in Comodo."; mes "You should find him."; next; mes "[ Esseray ]"; mes "He can guide you to"; mes "the right way.."; close; } mes "[ Esseray ]"; mes "Ohh? Are you one of our novice club?"; mes "You're looking good."; next; mes "[ Esseray ]"; mes "You look full of energy.."; mes "You seem strong enough to endure the test."; next; mes "[ Esseray ]"; mes "I have a better way to be stronger, are you willing you try?"; next; if( select("No, I am okay now.", "I want to be stronger!!") == 1 ) { mes "[ Esseray ]"; mes "If you are satisfied with mediocrity, I can't help you."; mes "Live a normal life then."; close; } mes "[ Esseray ]"; mes "Good!"; mes "A legend in Novice world has disappeared to do something in Comodo."; mes "You should find him."; next; // -- Quest: 5092 has been added. setquest 5092; setquest EXSUPNOV_Q, 1; mes "[ Esseray ]"; mes "He can guide you"; mes "to the right way."; close; } mes "[ Esseray ]"; mes "Hmm? Are you a member of our Novice club?"; mes "You seem to know what's good~"; next; mes "[ Esseray ]"; mes "For now, you can live as you are!"; mes "I'm looking for novices that have maximized their potential."; mes "I am the No.1 member of Captain Tzerero."; close; } else { mes "[ Esseray ]"; mes "You don't know the happiness of a truly normal life!"; mes "You might not know happiness so far!"; mes "You will be happy if you are a member of the Supernovice club"; next; mes "[ Esseray ]"; mes "Living life as a Novice is the best hahahhah!"; close; } } beach_dun2,119,92,4 script Fishing Novice#sp2 567,{ if( checkquest(5092) >= 0 ) { mes "[ Fishing Novice ]"; mes "sh---------!!"; mes "be quiet plz."; mes "You'll scare the fish."; next; select("Hmm... 'scuse me..."); mes "[ Fishing Novice ]"; mes "Aaaaaaak!!"; mes "What are you doing?"; mes "I told you be quiet!"; mes "They're swimmin' away bacause of the noise~"; next; mes "[ Fishing Novice ]"; mes "(-- sh --aking --)"; mes "Who... are you?"; mes "Why are you disrupting my fishing?"; next; select("I have a delivery from Esseray..."); // -- [dist=1] Fishing Novice#sp2 (0): *Hmm* emotion e_hmm; mes "[ Fishing Novice ]"; mes "What? Esseray? Esseray?"; mes "Hmm! I know him..."; mes "Esseray... Esseray... hmm."; next; // -- Sieu Ngu: *...* emotion e_dots,1; // -- [dist=1] Fishing Novice#sp2 (0): *...* emotion e_dots; mes ".................."; next; // -- [dist=1] Fishing Novice#sp2 (0): *!* emotion e_gasp; mes "[ Fishing Novice ]"; mes "Ahhhh ---!! ----- ahhhh ---!!"; mes "Got it! --- got it!"; mes "^0000FFA member of Novice clan in Aldebaran^000000"; mes "Esseray right? Wrong?"; next; if( select("No he isn't", "Yes, right") != 1 ) { mes "[ Fishing Novice ]"; mes "Hu hu~ my sense is still alive...."; next; mes "[ Fishing Novice ]"; mes "So what do you want from me?"; next; mes "- you explain why you're here -"; next; // -- [dist=1] Fishing Novice#sp2 (0): *Hmm* emotion e_hmm; mes "[ Fishing Novice ]"; mes "Hmm... it is an easy and hard question at the same time."; next; mes "- You hear a voice from complaining about somthing. -"; next; // -- [dist=1] Fishing Novice#sp2 (0): *$!@#* emotion e_an; mes "[ Fishing Novice ]"; mes "Esseray! Such a son of a (beep) spoiling my vacation..."; next; mes "[ Fishing Novice ]"; mes "Haaaaa~"; mes "My poor life~"; mes "Ahhh~ so many problems."; next; // -- [dist=1] Fishing Novice#sp2 (0): *?* emotion e_what; mes "[ Fishing Novice ]"; mes "Too ~ hard. Hey little kid!."; mes "what's your name ~ Hekh ?"; next; goto sameresp; } mes "[ Fishing Novice ]"; mes "What?! He isn't?"; mes "Then where is Esseray from?"; next; // -- Sieu Ngu: *...* emotion e_dots,1; // -- [dist=1] Fishing Novice#sp2 (0): *...* emotion e_dots; mes ".... .... .... ...."; next; mes "[ Fishing Novice ]"; mes "What --------!!"; mes "That isn't important, right?"; next; mes "[ Fishing Novice ]"; mes "Then --------!!"; mes "Why did you come here?"; next; mes "- you explain why you're here -"; next; // -- [dist=1] Fishing Novice#sp2 (0): *Hmm* emotion e_hmm; mes "[ Fishing Novice ]"; mes "Hmm... it is an easy and hard question at the same time."; next; mes "- You hear a voice from complaining about somthing. -"; next; // -- [dist=1] Fishing Novice#sp2 (0): *$!@#* emotion e_an; mes "[ Fishing Novice ]"; mes "Esseray! Such a son of a (beep) spoiling my vacation..."; next; mes "[ Fishing Novice ]"; mes "Haaaaa~"; mes "My poor life~"; mes "Ahhh~ so many problems."; next; // -- [dist=1] Fishing Novice#sp2 (0): *?* emotion e_what; mes "[ Fishing Novice ]"; mes "Too ~ hard. Hey little kid!."; mes "what's your name ~ Hekh ?"; next; next; sameresp: select(""+strcharinfo(0)+", how about you?"); mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "My name is Nodor! Nodor."; next; mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes ".... .... ....."; next; mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "Hey! I can see what you are thinking about in your face~"; next; mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "Since my name is Nodor I've been made fun of my whole life."; mes "Condor and Odor..."; mes "Don't try to fool me."; next; // -- Quest: 5092 has been deleted. // -- Quest: 5093 has been added. changequest 5092,5093; mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "Whatever the reason is... you are here!"; mes "Let's get together to go further"; mes "come again after a while~"; next; mes "- Talk to him again. -"; close; } else if( checkquest(5093) >= 0 ) { mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "emmhmm-----!!"; next; mes "- Nodor gives you a suspicious look -"; next; mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "Didn't you know that ^0000FFSuper Novice^000000 was excellent?"; next; mes "- Nodor asks with confidence -"; next; mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "Hey! Super Novice~"; mes "Do you know who I am?"; next; select("What are you talking about?!"); mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "Heh..."; mes "You've got a lot of nerve don't you?"; next; select("... ..... ..."); mes "- This guy is a weirdo -"; next; mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "Hey! Super Novice ~"; mes "I will make you stronger!"; mes "So will you believe what I tell you?"; next; if( select("I won't follow you.", "Why not? kehehe~") != 1 ) { mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "Emmhmm~ Do I sound harsh?"; mes "Hmm, I can't help using such words."; next; mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "Don't sweat it."; mes "It's no problem for me to teach you to be stronger."; next; mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "Great~!"; mes "What is your issue?"; mes "You don't know how to be stronger. Right?"; next; select("Yes, I can't get stronger."); // -- [dist=1] Fishing Novice#sp2 (0): *Hmm* emotion e_hmm; mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "Hhhmmm ~!"; mes "There's a way to do it..."; mes "It is dangerous but I can"; mes "tell you how."; next; mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "I'll only do this on one condition. You do not ask anything and you do everything I tell you!"; mes "How about it?"; mes "You willing to do this?"; next; if( select("No I will not!!", "Let's do this!") != 1 ) { mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "Allll right---------!!"; mes "Your passion will make you stronger."; mes "You calm?"; next; mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "What I want you to do is..."; mes "hunt 1,000 monsters."; next; mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "Do you know what this is for?"; next; // -- Quest: 5093 has been deleted. // -- Quest: 5094/5095/5096/5097 has been added. set .@a, rand(1,4); if( .@a == 1 ) changequest 5093,5094; else if( .@a == 2 ) changequest 5093,5095; else if( .@a == 3 ) changequest 5093,5096; else changequest 5093,5097; mes "[ Nodor ]"; if( .@a == 1 ) mes "You have to know what a ^FF0000Poring^000000 monster is right?"; else if( .@a == 2 ) mes "You have to know what a ^FF0000Lunatic^000000 monster is right?"; else if( .@a == 3 ) mes "You have to know what a ^FF0000Fabre^000000 monster is right?"; else mes "You have to know what a ^FF0000Picky^000000 monster is right?"; next; mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "Hunt 1,000!"; mes "Do not say you can't do this!"; mes "I know that's a lot of monsters but they're so weak!"; next; select("Are you kidding me?"); mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "Huh huh~!"; mes "Rembember no questions!"; mes "Don't come back until you've hunted 1,000."; close; } mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "To be strong is the only way to live!"; mes "Do you want to be a weakling forever?"; next; mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "I will give you a tip."; mes "You can't always be right."; mes "Sometimes you need to check your ego and listen to others."; // -- [dist=unknown] Unknown #58899: *$!@#* emotion e_an; close; } mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "Refusing? Don't you want to be strong?"; mes "I'd love to do nothing too."; mes "Just let me fish if you want to go."; close; } else if( checkquest(5094,HUNTING) == 2 || checkquest(5095,HUNTING) == 2 || checkquest(5096,HUNTING) == 2 || checkquest(5097,HUNTING) == 2 ) { mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "hey-- Nodor"; next; // -- [dist=5.1] Fishing Novice#sp2 (0): *Omg* emotion e_omg; mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "OMG!"; mes "So frightened..let me see?"; next; mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "Have you hunted all 1,000 already?"; next; mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "You are good enough that I thought?"; mes "Anyway, what was the monster that I told you to hunt"; next; switch( select("Poring","Lunatic","Fabre","Picky","Baphomet") ) { case 1: if( checkquest(5094,HUNTING) == 2 ) { // -- Quest: 5094 has been deleted. // -- Quest: 5098 has been added. changequest 5094,5098; // -- [dist=5.1] Fishing Novice#sp2 (0): *Heh* emotion e_heh; mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "keheheheheheh~"; next; mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "You annoyed me so I made you do this task..."; next; mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "Wow! You actually hunted all 1,000?"; mes "I guess I can't question your passion to want to be stronger."; next; mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "Okay! So far so good I will let you know how to overcome your strength deficiencies."; close; } mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "Don't tell a lie!"; mes "I didn't tell you to hunt this"; close; case 2: if( checkquest(5095,HUNTING) == 2 ) { // -- Quest: 5095 has been deleted. // -- Quest: 5098 has been added. changequest 5095,5098; // -- [dist=5.1] Fishing Novice#sp2 (0): *Heh* emotion e_heh; mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "keheheheheheh~"; next; mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "You annoyed me so I made you do this task..."; next; mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "Wow! You actually hunted all 1,000?"; mes "I guess I can't question your passion to want to be stronger."; next; mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "Okay! So far so good I will let you know how to overcome your strength deficiencies."; close; } mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "Don't tell a lie!"; mes "I didn't tell you to hunt this"; close; case 3: if( checkquest(5096,HUNTING) == 2 ) { // -- Quest: 5096 has been deleted. // -- Quest: 5098 has been added. changequest 5096,5098; // -- [dist=5.1] Fishing Novice#sp2 (0): *Heh* emotion e_heh; mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "keheheheheheh~"; next; mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "You annoyed me so I made you do this task..."; next; mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "Wow! You actually hunted all 1,000?"; mes "I guess I can't question your passion to want to be stronger."; next; mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "Okay! So far so good I will let you know how to overcome your strength deficiencies."; close; } mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "Don't tell a lie!"; mes "I didn't tell you to hunt this"; close; case 4: if( checkquest(5097,HUNTING) == 2 ) { // -- Quest: 5097 has been deleted. // -- Quest: 5098 has been added. changequest 5097,5098; // -- [dist=5.1] Fishing Novice#sp2 (0): *Heh* emotion e_heh; mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "keheheheheheh~"; next; mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "You annoyed me so I made you do this task..."; next; mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "Wow! You actually hunted all 1,000?"; mes "I guess I can't question your passion to want to be stronger."; next; mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "Okay! So far so good I will let you know how to overcome your strength deficiencies."; close; } mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "Don't tell a lie!"; mes "I didn't tell you to hunt this"; close; case 5: mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "Heheh? Can you seriously hunt Baphomet alone?"; mes "Don't tell a lie!! I might hit you!!"; close; } } else if( checkquest(5094) >= 0 || checkquest(5095) >= 0 || checkquest(5096) >= 0 || checkquest(5097) >= 0 ) { mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"] mes "hey-- Nodor"; next; // -- [dist=1] Fishing Novice#sp2 (0): *Omg* emotion e_omg; mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "OMG --------------!!"; mes "so frightened..let me see?"; next; mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "Hey- Super Novice!"; mes "Didn't I say to hunt 1,000?"; mes "Don't come back until you have."; close; } else if( checkquest(5098) >= 0 ) { set .@b, rand(1,10); if( .@b == 1 ) { // -- [dist=5.1] Fishing Novice#sp2 (0): *Good Game* emotion e_gg; mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "Hhhhhhhhhh~"; next; mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "Oh sorry! Sorry!"; mes "I got a letter from my brother a long time ago, will you read my letter for your information?"; next; if( select("Yes, I will", "No, I won't") != 1 ) { mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "You should read more!"; next; readletter: mes "- Great -"; mes "- He throws a bundled letter at you -"; next; mes "Dear bro. Nodor,"; mes "¬°¬°"; mes "Hey Bro, it's your brother Nudor how have you been? The reason I'm writing this letter is... I need money for food."; mes "You've got so much money so help me out."; next; mes "If you don't... Remember last time you %$&*@*&%$"; mes ""; mes "I'm still in the Schwaltzvalt Republic."; mes "-Nudor"; next; mes "- you have an uneasy feeling from reading this letter -"; next; mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "Hu~u~"; mes "Hmm I only have one brother and he's always asking for money."; mes "It's got to be my fame T_T"; next; mes "- Now you really have an uneasy feeling -"; next; // -- Quest: 5098 has been deleted. // -- Quest: 5099 has been added. changequest 5098,5099; mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "hey- Super Novice Mr. "+strcharinfo(0)+" next; mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "You can give it to my bro who's up in the airship."; close; } mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"] mes "Tsk*.. Ok.."; next; goto readletter; } mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "Oh! You already came here?"; mes "Didn't you say you have something to handle?"; mes "You have enough passion but..."; mes "you need to learn patience."; close; } else if( checkquest(5099) >= 0 ) { mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "OMG?! Have you visited already?"; next; select("How much money shoud I give?"); mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "Oh you didn't go there yet?"; mes "Give him a little ya~"; next; mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "100,000 zeny is okay~"; mes "1,000,000 zeny is okay~"; mes "10,000,000 zeny is okay~"; close; } else if( checkquest(5100) >= 0 ) { mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "Hey, have you gone there?"; mes "I got another message from my bro."; next; mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "-Bro, someone gave me..."; if( EXSUPNOV_Q_ == 3 ) mes "300,000 zeny"; else if( EXSUPNOV_Q_ == 4 ) mes "1,000,000 zeny"; else mes "100,000 zeny"; mes "you do care about me..."; mes "-Nudor"; next; select("He seemed so hungry..."); mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "by the way.."; if( EXSUPNOV_Q_ == 3 ) mes "300,000 zeny is so little considering my celebrity status don't you think?"; else if( EXSUPNOV_Q_ == 4 ) mes "1,000,000 zeny is so little considering my celebrity status don't you think?"; else mes "100,000 zeny is so little considering my celebrity status don't you think?"; next; select("Eh....."); mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "anyway.."; if( EXSUPNOV_Q_ == 3 ) mes "300,000 zeny...."; else if( EXSUPNOV_Q_ == 4 ) mes "1,000,000 zeny...."; else mes "100,000 zeny...."; mes "don't you think you gave him too little? My reputation is gonna take a hit now."; next; select("Hey..."); mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "Wow, you've got my point already?"; next; mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "I think you are right."; mes "this test is about your ability to open someone else's sympathy."; next; mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "I mean your consuming habbit and your gut.."; mes "hahahahahahahahahaha!"; next; select("Hey, that's not my..."); mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "Hmm?Ah..."; mes "I almost forgot to tell~"; mes "you how to exceed your limit."; mes "Didn't I?"; next; mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "Eh-hem! I was not just killing time after I sent you!!"; next; // -- [dist=1] Fishing Novice#sp2 (0): *Omg* emotion e_omg; mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "What the? --- ah? ---!!"; next; select("??????"); // -- [dist=1] Fishing Novice#sp2 (0): *Sweat* emotion e_swt; mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "Watch out!! A bunch of Golems are running after us!"; mes "We... have to run...!!!"; next; if( select("What?!", "Um?") != 1 ) { // -- Sieu Ngu: *Omg* emotion e_omg,1; mes "- you saw your back -"; mes "- there is nothing on your back... -"; mes "- when you are about to doubt...! -"; next; goto changejob; } // -- Sieu Ngu: *Omg* emotion e_omg,1; mes "- You asked Nodor -"; mes "- once again in your fright -"; next; changejob: if( SkillPoint ) { mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "You've still got some skill points that aren't used up."; mes "I can't make you stronger until you use those points."; close; } // -- You use effect: Unknown #90 specialeffect2 90; // -- You use effect: Unknown #62 specialeffect2 62; // -- You use effect: Unknown #89 specialeffect2 89; // -- Quest: 5100 has been deleted. erasequest 5100; mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "Haha -------------!!"; mes "----- uhhahaha-----!!"; mes "------------- yay--!!"; next; // -- You unequip +4 Unknown #5520 (25) - Up-Mid Helmet // -- You unequip Unknown #15031 (23) - Armor // -- You unequip Novice Shield [1] (21) - Shield // -- You unequip Unknown #13066 [ATK+3%:Scorpion*2] (26) - One-Handed Weapon // -- You unequip Unknown #2571 (24) - Cape // -- You unequip Unknown #2473 (22) - Foot Wear nude; // -- You are now job level 1 callfunc "F_ClearJobVar"; // -- Clears all job variables for the current player if( Upper == 0 ) jobchange Job_Super_Novice_E; if( Upper == 2 ) jobchange Job_Super_Baby_E; set EXSUPNOV_Q, 5; // -- [dist=1.4] Fishing Novice#sp2 (0): *Heh* emotion e_heh; mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "Puhahahahahahahahahahah!!"; mes "Good! You scared yet?"; next; select("... ... ..."); // -- Sieu Ngu: *...* emotion e_dots,1; // -- [dist=1.4] Fishing Novice#sp2 (0): *Sorry* emotion e_sry; mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "Sorry for scaring you!"; mes "I think our duty and mission as novices is to make days joyful."; next; mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "Well then, don't you feel something just changed?"; mes "Feel your body lighter than before..?"; mes "Or more powerful?"; next; select("....? ..? ...?"); // -- Sieu Ngu: *?* emotion e_what,1; mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "Oh--- My--- (tut,tut,tut)!!"; next; // -- [dist=1.4] Fishing Novice#sp2 (0): *Hmm* emotion e_hmm; mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "Mr.Sieu Ngu-"; mes "I didn't mean but"; mes "you are sort of dull.."; mes "don't you feel until now?"; next; if( select("What are you talking about?", "I got it") != 1 ) goto igotit; mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "Eh--- right, you are dull aren't you?"; mes "You already exceeded your limit."; next; mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "You can be more stronger than before."; mes "Wasn't it your dream?"; next; igotit: mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "Ok~!"; mes "Now march to the world and live as a novice and enjoy your free, happy life!"; mes "That's it!"; close; } else if( EXSUPNOV_Q == 5 ) { mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "(Pouting) -------------!!"; mes "Ok so you're finally back."; next; mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "To celebrate this new novice comrade, I've prepared some equipment to give you--"; next; mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "Don't forget to make sure that you have enough ^FF0000inventory^000000 to take these items from me."; mes "And don't say I didn't warn you either."; if( select("Yes, let me check my inventory", "I'm good, show me.") != 1 ) { mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "There are what I used to wear when I was younger,"; mes "but they are still good."; if( EXSUPNOV_Q_ == 3 ) getitem 2522, 1; // -- Undershirt else if( EXSUPNOV_Q_ == 4 ) { getitem 2628, 1; // -- Novice Armlet [1] getitem 2113, 1; // -- Novice Shield [1] getitem 2416, 1; // -- Novice Shoes [1] getitem 5119, 1; // -- Super Novice Hat [1] getitem 2512, 1; // -- Novice Manteau [1] getitem 2340, 1; // -- Novice Breastplate [1] } else getitem 2340, 1; // -- Novice Breastplate [1] next; select("Second-hand stuff, news?"); mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "Give them back to me."; mes "How can you react like that while I offer you my possessions?"; next; mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "I..."; mes "I can't take back what I already gave away."; next; mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "Then I am going to say greetings again."; next; // -- You use effect: Unknown #78 specialeffect2 78; mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "Future of Super Novice "+strcharinfo(0)+" will be blessed with Super Novice Guardian."; set EXSUPNOV_Q, 6; close; } mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "Well, well!"; mes "You know! Have no regrets."; close; } else if( EXSUPNOV_Q > 5 ) { mes "[ Nodor ]"; mes "Don't forget that you are a Novice."; mes "Be a Novice always!"; mes "The aim of life is to have a nice and normal time!"; close; } mes "[ Fishing Novice ]"; mes "Hush!"; mes "Please be quiet because you'll"; mes "scare all the fish away."; close; } airplane,33,47,5 script Nudor#sp2 567,{ if( checkquest(5099) >= 0 ) { mes "[ Nudor ]"; mes "Ahhh~ I have no money to buy any food."; mes "I'm hungry, but I have no idea when my Brother is coming..."; next; select("Hey.. Are you....... Mr. Nudor?"); mes "[ Nudor ]"; mes "Eeeeeh?! Who wants to know?"; mes "Do I know you?"; next; mes "- You explain to Nudor why you have come to see him -"; next; mes "[ Nudor ]"; mes "Aha! You've come to give me some pocket money instead of my bro~"; next; mes "[ Nudor ]"; mes "Wowowow~~ How much did he give you?"; next; mes "- Nudor looks at you with twinkling eyes -"; mes "- holding out his hands. -"; mes "- How much do you wanna give him? -"; next; switch( select("I have no money","Give 100,000 Zeny","Give 300,000 Zeny","Give 1,000,000 Zeny","Give all the money you have") ) { case 1: mes "[ Nudor ]"; mes "(Nudor Crying)"; mes "I hate Nodor---! I hate you too---!"; close2; warp "airplane",70,93; end; case 2: mes "[ Nudor ]"; mes "Lovely~~ Did he give you 100,000 Zeny? That's pretty much!"; next; if( Zeny < 100000 ) { mes "[ Nudor ]"; mes "What? But where is 100,000 Zeny?"; close; } set EXSUPNOV_Q_, 2; // -- 100,000 Zeny Reward Varriable goto givemoney; case 3: mes "[ Nudor ]"; mes "Lovely~~ Did he give you 300,000 Zeny? That's pretty much!"; next; if( Zeny < 300000 ) { mes "[ Nudor ]"; mes "What? But where is 300,000 Zeny?"; close; } set EXSUPNOV_Q_, 3; // -- 300,000 Zeny Reward Varriable goto givemoney; case 4: mes "[ Nudor ]"; mes "Lovely~~ Did he give you 1,000,000 Zeny? That's pretty much!"; next; if( Zeny < 1000000 ) { mes "[ Nudor ]"; mes "What? But where is 1,000,000 Zeny?"; close; } set EXSUPNOV_Q_, 4; // -- 1,000,000 Zeny Reward Varriable goto givemoney; case 5: mes "[ Nudor ]"; mes "Oh..oh my gosh, are you really giving me all the zeny you have? Really?"; next; if( select("Not true", "Give it really") != 1 ) { if( Zeny < 1 ) { mes "[ Nudor ]"; mes "Eh? But you don't have any money? You so poor, huh?"; close; } givemoney: mes "[ Nudor ]"; if( EXSUPNOV_Q_ == 2 ) mes "Woa~!! 100000 Zeny, this helped me so pretty much~ Tehee~"; else if( EXSUPNOV_Q_ == 3 ) mes "Woa~!! 300000 Zeny, this helped me so pretty much~ Tehee~"; else if( EXSUPNOV_Q_ == 4 ) mes "Woa~!! 1000000 Zeny, this helped me so pretty much~ Tehee~"; else mes "Woa~!! "+Zeny+" Zeny, this helped me so pretty much~ Tehee~"; mes "I can't believe it.."; // -- Quest: 5099 has been deleted. // -- Quest: 5100 has been added. changequest 5099,5100; if( EXSUPNOV_Q_ == 2 ) set Zeny, Zeny - 100000; else if( EXSUPNOV_Q_ == 3 ) set Zeny, Zeny - 300000; else if( EXSUPNOV_Q_ == 4 ) set Zeny, Zeny - 1000000; else { if( Zeny < 100000 ) set EXSUPNOV_Q_, 2; else if( Zeny > 300000 && Zeny < 1000000 ) set EX_SUPNOV_Q_, 3; else if( Zeny > 1000000 ) set EXSUPNOV_Q_, 4; set Zeny, 0; } next; mes "[ Nudor ]"; if( sex) mes "Did you know? You really handsome~"; else mes "I need to tell you, you so are really.. really~ pretty beautifully.. isn't it?"; next; mes "[ Nudor ]"; mes "- You feel like you're being tricked -"; mes "- So go back to Nodor -"; close; } mes "[ Nudor ]"; mes "Pshaw! How disappointing!"; close; } } else if( checkquest(5100) >= 0 ) { mes "[ Nudor ]"; mes "Cannot believe that my bro sent me money? Love it~ I want it sometimes..hehehe~"; next; mes "[ Nudor ]"; mes "Ooooops!"; mes ""+strcharinfo(0)+" Hush ---!!"; next; mes "[ Nudor ]"; mes "Don't tell Nodor about this~~"; close; } mes "[ Nudor ]"; mes "Ahhhh.. Have no money to buy food"; mes "I'm Hungry..and don't know when Brother would come.."; close; }