//===== Hourly Points Script ========================================= //===== By: ========================================================== //= GorthexTiger modified by Nibi //===== Current Version: ============================================= //= 1.4.1 //===== Compatible With: ============================================= //= Any eAthena Version //===== Description: ================================================= //= Get Points every successful hours of gameplay, you cannot get //= the points even if you miss a second or a minute. A player will //= get a very big bonus if they played 3 hours consecutively //= or without logging out of the game. If the player is vending //= the script will then stop. //===== Additional Comments: ========================================= //= You can modify the script to your liking. //= The default points is Kafrapoints change it anyway if you like. //= 1.1 = Check Chatting too //= 1.2 = 5 Minute Idle Check & @at/@autotrade check. //= 1.3 = Corrected the current balance line on 12 Hours Consecutive //= 1.4 = Added command to check remaining time and updated idle check. (Skorm) //= 1.4.1 = Modified the msgs to display according to .timer. (Skorm) //==================================================================== - script hourlypoints -1,{ OnPointGet: //Check for idle. while(checkvending() >= 1 || checkchatting() == 1 || checkidle() >= .idle) { if( .@mes$ == "" ) { dispbottom set( .@mes$, "The hourly points event stopped because you were vending, chatting, or idle!" ); set @hourly_points_timer, 0; } sleep2 .delay; } @consecutive_timer++; .@time_string$ = Time2Str( @consecutive_timer * ( .timer / 1000 ) ); dispbottom "You received "+.points+" Kafrapoint(s) by staying ingame for "+.@time_string$+"."; #CASHPOINTS = #CASHPOINTS + .points; dispbottom "Current Balance = "+#CASHPOINTS+" Kafrapoints"; @consecutive_bonus++; //Check for consecutive timer. if(@consecutive_bonus == .cdelay) { @consecutive_bonus = 0; #CASHPOINTS = #CASHPOINTS + .cpoints; dispbottom "You receive a bonus "+.cpoints+" Kafrapoint(s) by playing for "+.@time_string$+" consecutively!!!"; dispbottom "Current Balance = "+#CASHPOINTS+" Kafrapoint(s)"; } OnPCLoginEvent: addtimer .timer,"hourlypoints::OnPointGet"; @hourly_points_timer = gettimetick(2) + ( .timer / 1000 ); end; OnCmdHour: message strcharinfo(0),@hourly_points_timer ? Time2Str( @hourly_points_timer )+" remaining before you get your Hourly Reward(s).":"Something went wrong or you're considered idle at the moment, try relogging!"; end; OnInit: bindatcmd "ctr","hourlypoints::OnCmdHour"; //@ctr to view time till next point. .timer = 1000*60*60; //Timer in milliseconds. ( Default: 1000*60*60 [ = 1 Hour ] ) .cdelay = 3; //Delay before receiving the consecutive bonus. ( Default: 3 [ { ~ 3 Hours } *Using default timer ] ) .cpoints = 10; //Points gained for consecutive time online. ( Default: 10 ) .points = 1; //Normal points gained. ( Default: 1 ) .delay = 1000; //Delay for idle re-check check. ( Default: 1000 [ = 1 Second ] ) .idle = 60*5; //Player is idle after not moving for this many seconds. ( Default: 60*5 [ = 5 Minutes ] ) }