- script faq -1,{ OnInit: bindatcmd("faq","faqbind::OnFaq",0,99); end; OnFaq: set @faq$,strtolower(.@atcmd_parameters$[0]); if(@faq$ == "list") { dispbottom "Usage: @faq #"; dispbottom "1=lgp 2=colornick 3=carpet 4=aura 5=multigenderaccount"; dispbottom "6=statusicon"; end; } if(@faq$ == "1" || @faq$ == "lgp" || @faq$ == "rcx") { open "http://google.com/", strcharinfo(0); } else if(@faq$ == "2" || @faq$ == "colornick" || @faq$ == "color" || @faq$ == "nick"){ open "http://google.com/", strcharinfo(0); } else if(@faq$ == "3" || @faq$ == "carpet"){ open "http://google.com/", strcharinfo(0); } else if(@faq$ == "4" || @faq$ == "aura" || @faq$ == "auras"){ open "http://google.com/", strcharinfo(0); } else if(@faq$ == "5" || @faq$ == "multigendaraccount" || @faq$ == "multiacc"){ open "http://google.com/", strcharinfo(0); } else if(@faq$ == "6" || @faq$ == "sif" || @faq$ == "statusicon"){ open "http://google.com/", strcharinfo(0); } else { dispbottom "[Server] : To use @faq, enter a number 0 or greater. For a full list of available faqs, type '@faq list'."; } end; }