//Replace this with the existing one { Id: 1191 AegisName: "Alca_Bringer" Name: "Alca Bringer" Type: 4 Buy: 20 Weight: 3000 Atk: 220 Range: 2 Slots: 1 Job: 0x00004082 Upper: 58 Loc: 34 WeaponLv: 3 EquipLv: 75 View: 3 Script: <" bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0; if(readparam(bAgi)>=40) bonus bAspdRate,getrefine(); "> }, { Id: 1930 AegisName: "Green_Whistle" Name: "Green Whistle" Type: 4 Buy: 20 Weight: 600 Atk: 155 Range: 1 Slots: 1 Job: 0x00080000 Gender: 1 Loc: 2 WeaponLv: 3 EquipLv: 70 View: 13 Script: <" bonus2 bSkillUseSP,BA_POEMBRAGI,5+getrefine()/2; bonus2 bSkillUseSP,BA_ASSASSINCROSS,5+getrefine()/2; bonus2 bSkillUseSP,BA_WHISTLE,5+getrefine()/2; bonus2 bSkillUseSP,BA_APPLEIDUN,5+getrefine()/2; bonus2 bSkillUseSP,BA_DISSONANCE,5+getrefine()/2; if(Class==Job_Clown){ bonus2 bCastrate,CG_TAROT,-10+getrefine(); } "> }, //Some of these already exist in real server's itemdb2, and should be replaced //1198, 1489, 1495, 1583, 1671, 2146, 2006, 2397, 2443, 2485, 2543, 2550, 2560, 2596, 2777 //2799, 2843, 4574~4581, 10191, 13068, 13069, 13070, 13062, 13419, 15014, 16016, { Id: 1198 AegisName: "Hairtail" Name: "Hairtail" Type: 4 Weight: 1500 Atk: 165 Range: 1 Job: 0x00004082 Loc: 34 WeaponLv: 2 EquipLv: 50 View: 3 Script: <" bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0; bonus bCritical,10; bonus bCritAtkRate,10; bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Freeze,800; if(BaseLevel>79) bonus bBaseAtk,20 } "> }, { Id: 1489 AegisName: "Spearfish" Name: "Marlin" Type: 4 Buy: 20 Weight: 4000 Atk: 120 Range: 3 Job: 0x00004082 Loc: 34 WeaponLv: 2 EquipLv: 50 View: 5 Script: <" bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0; bonus bHit,5; bonus bFlee2,5; bonus3 bAddEffOnSkill,KN_PIERCE,Eff_Stun,800; bonus3 bAddEffOnSkill,LK_SPIRALPIERCE,Eff_Bleeding,800; if(BaseLevel>79) bonus bBaseAtk,20; "> }, { Id: 13068 AegisName: "Saurel" Name: "Saurel" Type: 4 Buy: 20 Weight: 800 Atk: 140 Range: 1 Job: 0x028F5EEE Loc: 2 WeaponLv: 2 EquipLv: 50 View: 1 Script: <" bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0; autobonus "{ bonus bBaseAtk,25; }",10,7000,BF_WEAPON,"{ specialeffect2 EF_ENHANCE; }"; autobonus "{ bonus bAspdRate,5; }",10,5000,BF_WEAPON,"{ specialeffect2 EF_AGIUP; }"; if(BaseLevel>79) bonus bBaseAtk,10; "> }, { Id: 16016 AegisName: "Tuna" Name: "Tuna" Type: 4 Buy: 0 Weight: 1200 Atk: 140 Range: 1 Job: 0x0004C5B2 Loc: 2 WeaponLv: 2 EquipLv: 50 View: 8 Script: <" bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0; bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Stun,800; bonus3 bAutoSpell,SM_BASH,5,100; if(BaseLevel>79) bonus bBaseAtk,20; "> }, { Id: 2443 AegisName: "Fisher's_Boots" Name: "Fisher's Boots" Type: 5 Buy: 20 Weight: 500 Def: 2 Slots: 1 Loc: 64 EquipLv: 45 Script: <" bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Water,3; "> }, { Id: 2550 AegisName: "Fisher's_Muffler" Name: "Fisher's Muffler" Type: 5 Buy: 20 Weight: 400 Def: 3 Slots: 1 Loc: 4 EquipLv: 45 Script: <" bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Fish,5; "> }, { Id: 1495 AegisName: "Payon_Danchang" Name: "Payon Danchang" Type: 4 Buy: 20 Weight: 1500 Atk: 160 Range: 3 Slots: 1 Job: 0x00004082 Loc: 34 WeaponLv: 3 EquipLv: 80 View: 5 Script: <" if(getskilllv(PA_SACRIFICE) >= 3 || getskilllv(CR_SPEARQUICKEN) >= 3) { bonus3 bAutoSpell,KN_PIERCE,5,50; if(getrefine()>8) { bonus bAspdRate,3; bonus bFlee2,15; } } "> }, { Id: 1583 AegisName: "Cronache_Stella" Name: "Cronache Stella" Type: 4 Buy: 20 Weight: 900 Atk: 105 Range: 1 Slots: 2 Job: 0x00410100 Loc: 2 WeaponLv: 3 EquipLv: 90 View: 15 Script: <" if(Class==Job_Star_Gladiator) autobonus "{ bonus2 bHPRegenRate,300,500; }",10+(getrefine()*.1),5000,BF_WEAPON,"{ specialeffect2 EF_HEAL3; }"; "> }, { Id: 2397 AegisName: "Gabanium_Furorem" Name: "Gabanium Furorem" Type: 5 Buy: 10 Weight: 500 Def: 3 Slots: 1 Job: 0x000FDF80 Upper: 2 Loc: 16 EquipLv: 70 Script: <" bonus bMaxHP,150; autobonus "{ bonus bMatk,15; }",50,10000,BF_MAGIC,"{ specialeffect2 EF_REDLINE; }"; "> }, { Id: 1671 AegisName: "Exorcist's_Staff" Name: "Exorcist's Staff" Type: 4 Buy: 20 Weight: 800 Atk: 60 Range: 1 Slots: 1 Job: 0x00808110 Loc: 2 WeaponLv: 3 EquipLv: 90 View: 10 Script: <" bonus bMatkRate,15; if(Class==Job_High_Priest||Class==Job_Soul_Linker||Class==Job_Champion) { bonus2 bIgnoreMdefRate,RC_Undead,getrefine()*2; bonus2 bIgnoreMdefRate,RC_Demon,getrefine()*2; if(getrefine()>8) { bonus2 bSubRace,6,3; bonus2 bSubRace,1,3; } } "> }, { Id: 13419 AegisName: "Holy_Saber" Name: "Holy Saber" Type: 4 Buy: 20 Weight: 800 Atk: 150 Range: 1 Slots: 1 Job: 0x000654E2 Loc: 2 WeaponLv: 3 EquipLv: 70 View: 2 Script: <" bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_Undead,(getrefine()*3); if(getrefine()>8) bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Undead,5; "> }, { Id: 2485 AegisName: "Enchanted_Boots" Name: "Enchanted Boots" Type: 5 Buy: 20 Weight: 500 Def: 2 Slots: 1 Job: 0x03E00001 Loc: 64 EquipLv: 80 Script: <" bonus bMaxHP,(BaseLevel*3); bonus bMaxSP,(JobLevel*1); "> }, { Id: 2560 AegisName: "Ancient_Manteau" Name: "Ancient Manteau" Type: 5 Buy: 20 Weight: 600 Def: 2 Slots: 1 Loc: 4 EquipLv: 90 Script: <" bonus bMaxHPrate,getrefine()/3; "> }, { Id: 2596 AegisName: "Nether_Muffler" Name: "Nether Muffler" Type: 5 Weight: 700 Def: 1 Slots: 1 Loc: 4 EquipLv: 65 Script: <" bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Angel,getrefine(); "> }, { Id: 2799 AegisName: "Feathered_Ring" Name: "Feathered Ring" Type: 5 Buy: 20 Weight: 100 Def: 1 Slots: 1 Loc: 136 EquipLv: 30 Refine: false Script: <" bonus bFlee,3; bonus bFlee2,1; "> }, { Id: 2843 AegisName: "Gold_Trickle" Name: "Golden Bell" Type: 5 Buy: 20 Weight: 150 Slots: 1 Loc: 136 EquipLv: 80 Refine: false Script: <" bonus bMaxSP,20; bonus bCastrate,-3; "> }, { Id: 2854 AegisName: "Alchemy_Glove" Name: "Alchemy Glove" Type: 5 Buy: 20 Weight: 100 Slots: 1 Job: 0x00040420 Loc: 136 EquipLv: 90 Refine: false Script: <" bonus bMdef,1; bonus bDex,1; bonus bInt,2; bonus bLuk,1; bonus2 bMagicAtkEle,Ele_Fire,3; "> }, { Id: 5363 AegisName: "Helm_Of_Abyss" Name: "Helm Of Abyss" Type: 5 Buy: 20 Weight: 1000 Def: 2 Slots: 1 Loc: 256 EquipLv: 70 View: 371 Script: <" bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Boss,5; "> }, { Id: 5475 AegisName: "Dark_Mask" Name: "Dark Mask" Type: 5 Buy: 20 Weight: 100 Def: 1 Loc: 513 EquipLv: 50 Refine: false Script: <" bonus bMdef,2; bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Holy,4; bonus2 bMagicAddEle,Ele_Holy,4; "> }, { Id: 5498 AegisName: "Wondering_Wolf_Helm" Name: "Wandering Wolf Helm" Type: 5 Buy: 20 Weight: 600 Def: 5 Slots: 1 Loc: 768 EquipLv: 50 View: 490 Script: <" bonus bFlee,getrefine(); bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiHuman,5; bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Brute,5; bonus2 bSubRace,RC_DemiHuman,5; "> }, { Id: 15014 AegisName: "Ebony_Armor" Name: "Ebony Armor" Type: 5 Buy: 20 Weight: 4500 Def: 10 Slots: 1 Job: 0x00004082 Upper: 58 Loc: 16 EquipLv: 85 Script: <" bonus bMaxHPrate,5; if(getskilllv(CR_DEVOTION) >= 3) { .@r = getrefine(); if(.@r>=6) bonus bMaxHPrate,2; if(.@r>=8) bonus bMaxHPrate,2; if(.@r>9) bonus bMaxHPrate,2; } "> }, { Id: 4574 AegisName: "General_Daehyon_Card" Name: "General Daehyon Card" Type: 6 Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Loc: 2 Script: <" if((getiteminfo(getequipid(EQI_HAND_R),11)==2)) bonus bBaseAtk,40; "> }, { Id: 4575 AegisName: "Armed_Guard_Soheon_Card" Name: "Armed Guard Soheon Card" Type: 6 Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Loc: 2 Script: <" bonus bBaseAtk,10; if(getiteminfo(getequipid(EQI_HAND_R),11)==1) { if(getrefine()>=6) bonus bAspdRate,1; if(getrefine()>=8) bonus bAspdRate,1; } "> }, { Id: 4509 AegisName: "Gold_Q_Scaraba_Card" Name: "Gold Queen Scaraba Card" Type: 6 Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Loc: 769 Script: <" bonus bInt,3; bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Insect,5; if(getrefine()>=7) bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Insect,5; "> }, { Id: 4510 AegisName: "Miming_Card" Name: "Miming Card" Type: 6 Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Loc: 32 Script: <" bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,20; bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Neutral,5; "> }, { Id: 4511 AegisName: "Little_Fatum_Card" Name: "Little Fatum Card" Type: 6 Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Loc: 2 Script: <" bonus3 bAddEffOnSkill,MG_NAPALMBEAT,Eff_Blind,250; "> }, { Id: 4512 AegisName: "Parus_Card" Name: "Parus Card" Type: 6 Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Loc: 769 Script: <" bonus bInt,2; .@r = getrefine(); if(.@r>=7) bonus bHealPower,3; if(.@r>=9) bonus bHealPower,2; "> }, { Id: 4513 AegisName: "Angra_Mantis_Card" Name: "Angra Mantis Card" Type: 6 Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Loc: 4 Script: <" bonus bCritAtkRate,getrefine(); bonus bFlee2,5; "> }, { Id: 4514 AegisName: "Pom_Spider_Card" Name: "Pom Spider Card" Type: 6 Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Loc: 2 Script: <" bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Undead,20; "> }, { Id: 4576 AegisName: "Gioia_Card" Name: "Gioia Card" Type: 6 Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Loc: 16 Script: <" bonus2 bMagicAtkEle,Ele_Wind,10; bonus bMaxHPrate,-10; "> }, { Id: 4577 AegisName: "Elvira_Card" Name: "Elvira Card" Type: 6 Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Loc: 4 Script: <" bonus2 bMagicAtkEle,Ele_Wind,5; bonus2 bMagicAtkEle,Ele_Ghost,5; bonus bMaxHPrate,-5; "> }, { Id: 4578 AegisName: "Angry_Student_Pyuriel_Card" Name: "Angry Student Pyuriel Card" Type: 6 Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Loc: 2 Script: <" bonus bCritAtkRate,30; bonus2 bSubRace,10,-10; bonus2 bSubRace,11,-10; "> }, { Id: 4579 AegisName: "Warrior_Lola_Card" Name: "Warrior Lola Card" Type: 6 Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Loc: 2 Script: <" if(getiteminfo(getequipid(EQI_HAND_R),11)==8) { bonus bBaseAtk,25; bonus bCritical,5; .@r = getrefine(); if(.@r>=9) bonus bBaseAtk,10; } "> }, { Id: 4580 AegisName: "Guardian_Kades_Card" Name: "Guardian Kades Card" Type: 6 Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Loc: 4 Script: <" bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Dark,50; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Holy,-100; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Ghost,-100; "> }, { Id: 4581 AegisName: "Rudo_Card" Name: "Rudo Card" Type: 6 Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Loc: 64 Script: <" autobonus "{ sc_start SC_MOVHASTE_HORSE, 10000, 25; bonus bFlee, 20; heal 0, -25; }", 20, 10000, BF_WEAPON, "{ specialeffect2 EF_WIND; }"; "> }, { Id: 4582 AegisName: "Bungisngis_Card" Name: "Bungisngis Card" Type: 6 Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Loc: 769 Script: <" if(readparam(bVit)>=50) bonus bMaxHPrate,getrefine()/3; else bonus bMaxHPrate,getrefine()/2; "> }, { Id: 4583 AegisName: "Engkanto_Card" Name: "Engkanto Card" Type: 6 Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Loc: 2 Script: <" if(Class==Job_Assassin||Class==Job_Assassin_Cross) { bonus bBaseAtk,25; bonus3 bAddEffOnSkill,AS_SPLASHER,Eff_Bleeding,500; bonus3 bAddEffOnSkill,AS_SPLASHER,Eff_Dpoison,150; } "> }, { Id: 4584 AegisName: "Manananggal_Card" Name: "Manananggal Card" Type: 6 Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Loc: 2 Script: <" bonus bSPGainValue,2; bonus bHPGainValue,5; "> OnUnequipScript: <" heal -100,-10; "> }, { Id: 4585 AegisName: "Mangkukulam_Card" Name: "Mangkukulam Card" Type: 6 Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Loc: 769 Script: <" bonus bSPrecovRate,5; bonus bCastrate,-3; if(getrefine()>=6) bonus bMaxSP,100; "> }, { Id: 4586 AegisName: "Tikbalang_Card" Name: "Tikbalang Card" Type: 6 Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Loc: 4 Script: <" bonus2 bSkillAtk,WZ_VERMILION,25; bonus2 bSkillAtk,MG_THUNDERSTORM,25; bonus2 bSkillAtk,NJ_HUUJIN,25; "> }, { Id: 4587 AegisName: "Tiyanak_Card" Name: "Tiyanak Card" Type: 6 Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Loc: 136 Script: <" bonus2 bCriticalAddRace,RC_Brute,5; bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Brute,1; bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Brute,1; bonus bFlee2,2; "> }, { Id: 4588 AegisName: "Wakwak_Card" Name: "Wakwak Card" Type: 6 Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Loc: 4 Script: <" bonus bBaseAtk,10; bonus bFlee,10; "> }, { Id: 4589 AegisName: "Jejeling_Card" Name: "Jejeling Card" Type: 6 Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Loc: 4 Script: <" bonus bMaxHP,40*readparam(bVit)/5; "> }, { Id: 4590 AegisName: "Bangungot_Card" Name: "Bangungot Card" Type: 6 Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Loc: 16 Script: <" bonus bInt,4; bonus2 bAddEffWhenHit,Eff_Sleep,1000; "> }, { Id: 4591 AegisName: "Bakonawa_Card" Name: "Bakonawa Card" Type: 6 Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Loc: 16 Script: <" bonus bStr,4; bonus2 bAddEffWhenHit,Eff_Bleeding,1000; "> }, { Id: 4592 AegisName: "Buwaya_Card" Name: "Buwaya Card" Type: 6 Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Loc: 16 Script: <" bonus bVit,4; bonus2 bAddEffWhenHit,Eff_Silence,1000; "> }, { Id: 4593 AegisName: "Menblatt_Card" Name: "Menblatt Card" Type: 6 Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Loc: 136 Script: <" bonus2 bCriticalAddRace,RC_Plant,5; bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Plant,1; bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Plant,1; bonus bSPrecovRate,3; "> }, { Id: 4594 AegisName: "Petal_Card" Name: "Petal Card" Type: 6 Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Loc: 136 Script: <" bonus2 bSkillAtk,"NJ_HUUMA",15; bonus2 bSkillAtk,"NJ_KUNAI",15; bonus2 bSkillAtk,"NJ_SYURIKEN",15; "> }, { Id: 4595 AegisName: "Cenere_Card" Name: "Cenere Card" Type: 6 Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Loc: 136 Script: <" bonus2 bSkillAtk,AM_DEMONSTRATION,30; if(Class==Job_Creator) bonus2 bSkillAtk,AM_DEMONSTRATION,20; "> }, { Id: 4596 AegisName: "Antique_Book_Card" Name: "Antique Book Card" Type: 6 Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Loc: 2 Script: <" if(Class==Job_Star_Gladiator||Class==Job_Sage||Class==Job_Professor) { bonus bAspdRate,3; bonus bAtk,getrefine()*3; bonus bMatkRate,getrefine()/5; } "> }, { Id: 4597 AegisName: "Lichtern_Blue_Card" Name: "Lichtern Blue Card" Type: 6 Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Loc: 769 Script: <" bonus2 bMagicAtkEle,Ele_Water,3; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Fire,3; "> }, { Id: 4598 AegisName: "Lichtern_Green_Card" Name: "Lichtern Green Card" Type: 6 Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Loc: 769 Script: <" bonus2 bMagicAtkEle,Ele_Wind,3; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Water,3; "> }, { Id: 4599 AegisName: "Lichtern_Red_Card" Name: "Lichtern Red Card" Type: 6 Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Loc: 769 Script: <" bonus2 bMagicAtkEle,Ele_Fire,3; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Earth,3; "> }, { Id: 4600 AegisName: "Lichtern_Yellow_Card" Name: "Lichtern Yellow Card" Type: 6 Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Loc: 769 Script: <" bonus2 bMagicAtkEle,Ele_Earth,3; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Wind,3; "> }, { Id: 4607 AegisName: "Faithful_Manager_Card" Name: "Faithful Manager Card" Type: 6 Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Loc: 2 Script: <" bonus bMatk,5; if(getiteminfo(getequipid(EQI_HAND_R),11) == 15) { if(getrefine()>=6) bonus bIgnoreMdefRate,1; if(getrefine()>=8) bonus bIgnoreMdefRate,1; } "> }, { Id: 4652 AegisName: "N_Amon_Ra_Card" Name: "Nightmarish Amon Ra Card" Type: 6 Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Loc: 16 Script: <" bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Undead,15; "> }, { Id: 4653 AegisName: "N_Arclouse_Card" Name: "Nightmarish Arclouse Card" Type: 6 Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Loc: 32 Script: <" bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Brute,20; bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Undead,20; if(isequipped(4653)) { bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Brute,5; bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Undead,5; bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_Brute,5; bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_Undead,5; } else if(isequipped(4654)) { bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Brute,5; bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Undead,5; bonus2 bIgnoreMdefRate,RC_Brute,3; bonus2 bIgnoreMdefRate,RC_Undead,3; } "> }, { Id: 4654 AegisName: "N_Mimic_Card" Name: "Nightmarish Mimic Card" Type: 6 Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Loc: 2 Script: <" bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Brute,2; bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Undead,2; "> }, { Id: 4655 AegisName: "N_Minorous_Card" Name: "Nightmarish Minorous Card" Type: 6 Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Loc: 2 Script: <" bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Brute,10; bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Undead,10; "> }, { Id: 4656 AegisName: "N_Mummy_Card" Name: "Nightmarish Mummy Card" Type: 6 Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Loc: 16 Script: <" bonus2 bAddEffWhenHit,Eff_Sleep,300; "> }, { Id: 4657 AegisName: "N_Ancient_Mummy_Card" Name: "Nightmarish Ancient Mummy Card" Type: 6 Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Loc: 2 Script: <" bonus3 bAddEffOnSkill,WZ_FIREPILLAR,Eff_Bleed,20*getrefine(); bonus3 bAddEffOnSkill,NJ_KOUENKA,Eff_Bleed,20*getrefine(); if(isequipped(4657)) bonus2 bAddEffWhenHit,Eff_Curse,300; "> }, { Id: 4658 AegisName: "N_Verit_Card" Name: "Nightmare Verit Card" Type: 6 Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Loc: 16 Script: <" bonus bMatkRate,3; bonus bCastrate,-3; "> }, { Id: 13062 AegisName: "Ancient_Dagger" Name: "Ancient Dagger" Type: 4 Buy: 20 Weight: 650 Atk: 115 Range: 1 Slots: 2 Job: 0x02820000 Loc: 2 WeaponLv: 4 EquipLv: 85 View: 1 Script: <" bonus bMatkRate,15; bonus bMaxSP,50; bonus bSPrecovRate,5; bonus2 bAddEff2,Eff_Curse,5; bonus3 bAddEff,Eff_Curse,5,ATF_MAGIC|ATF_SKILL|ATF_WEAPON; "> }, { Id: 2465 AegisName: "Dance_Shoes" Name: "Dance Shoes" Type: 5 Buy: 20 Weight: 300 Def: 4 Slots: 1 Job: 0x00080000 Upper: 58 Loc: 64 EquipLv: 85 Script: <" bonus bAgi,2; bonus bFlee,3; bonus bFlee2,1; bonus bAspdRate,1; bonus bMaxHPrate,10; "> }, { Id: 1830 AegisName: "Sura_Rampage" Name: "Rampage" Type: 4 Buy: 20 Weight: 600 Atk: 90 Range: 1 Slots: 3 Job: 0x00008100 Upper: 58 Loc: 2 WeaponLv: 3 EquipLv: 80 View: 12 Script: <" bonus bUseSPrate,-5; bonus bAtk,getrefine()*2; "> }, { Id: 13431 AegisName: "Chrome_Sword" Name: "Chrome Sword" Type: 4 Buy: 20 Weight: 400 Atk: 140 Range: 1 Slots: 1 Job: 0x000654E2 Loc: 2 WeaponLv: 3 EquipLv: 75 View: 2 Script: <" bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0; bonus bAgi,3; bonus bMaxHPrate,3; bonus bUseSPrate,-3; "> }, { Id: 1654 AegisName: "Mental_Stick" Name: "Mental Stick" Type: 4 Buy: 20 Weight: 500 Atk: 40 Range: 1 Slots: 1 Job: 0x00010300 Upper: 58 Loc: 2 WeaponLv: 3 EquipLv: 80 View: 10 Script: <" bonus bMatkRate,15; bonus bInt,3; bonus bCastrate,-5; bonus bDelayrate,-5; .@r = getrefine(); if(.@r>=6) { bonus bDelayrate,5-getrefine(); bonus bCastrate,5-getrefine(); } if(.@r>=9) { bonus bDelayrate,8-getrefine(); bonus bCastrate,8-getrefine(); } if(.@r>9) bonus bMagicSPGainValue,3; "> OnUnequipScript: <" if(getrefine()>=9) heal 0,-150; "> }, { Id: 1985 AegisName: "Rosebine" Name: "Rosevine" Type: 4 Buy: 20 Weight: 1000 Atk: 140 Range: 1 Slots: 1 Job: 0x00080000 Upper: 58 Loc: 2 WeaponLv: 4 EquipLv: 70 View: 14 Script: <" bonus bAgi,3; bonus bFlee,5; bonus bFlee2,5; bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_DPoison,2000; if(getrefine()>=8) { bonus bAgi,2; bonus bDex,2; } "> }, { Id: 2853 AegisName: "Telekinetic_Orb" Name: "Telekinetic Orb" Type: 5 Buy: 20 Weight: 200 Def: 2 Slots: 1 Job: 0x00010204 Loc: 136 EquipLv: 75 Refine: false Script: <" bonus bMdef,1; bonus bInt,1; bonus2 bSkillAtk,MG_NAPALMBEAT,25; bonus2 bSkillAtk,MG_SOULSTRIKE,10; bonus2 bSkillAtk,MG_NAPALMVULCAN,5; "> }, { Id: 18885 AegisName: "Jejecap" Name: "Jejecap" Type: 5 Weight: 500 Def: 3 Slots: 1 Loc: 256 EquipLv: 50 View: 1011 Script: <" bonus bInt,1; bonus bStr,1; bonus bHPrecovRate,5; bonus bSPrecovRate,5; "> }, { Id: 1627 AegisName: "BF_Novice_Staff1" Name: "Valorous Novice Staff" Type: 4 Buy: 20 Atk: 50 Range: 1 Job: 0x00000001 Loc: 2 WeaponLv: 3 EquipLv: 80 Refine: false View: 10 Trade: { nodrop: true notrade: true noselltonpc: true nogstorage: true nomail: true noauction: true } Script: <" bonus bMatkRate,15; bonus bDex,3; bonus bInt,3; bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_DemiHuman,15; bonus2 bIgnoreMdefRate,RC_DemiHuman,20; "> }, { Id: 1638 AegisName: "BF_Novice_Staff2" Name: "Glorious Novice Wand" Type: 4 Buy: 20 Atk: 40 Range: 1 Job: 0x00000001 Loc: 2 WeaponLv: 4 EquipLv: 80 View: 10 Trade: { nodrop: true notrade: true noselltonpc: true nogstorage: true nomail: true noauction: true } Script: <" bonus bMatkRate,15; bonus bHealPower,10; bonus bDelayrate,-10; if(getrefine()>5) { bonus bUseSPrate,-5; bonus bDelayrate,-5; } if(getrefine()>=8) bonus5 bAutoSpellOnSkill,AL_HEAL,AL_HEAL,10,100,1; if(getrefine()>=9) bonus bHealPower,10; "> }, { Id: 1667 AegisName: "Krieger_Novice_Staff1" Name: "Glorious Novice Battle Staff" Type: 4 Buy: 20 Atk: 50 Range: 1 Job: 0x00000001 Loc: 2 WeaponLv: 4 EquipLv: 80 View: 10 Trade: { nodrop: true notrade: true noselltonpc: true nogstorage: true nomail: true noauction: true } Script: <" bonus bMatkRate,15; bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_DemiHuman,15; bonus2 bIgnoreMdefRate,RC_DemiHuman,25; if(getrefine()>5) { bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_DemiHuman,(getrefine()-5)*2; bonus2 bIgnoreMdefRate,RC_DemiHuman,5+(getrefine()-5)*2; } if(getrefine()>8) { autobonus "{ bonus bMatkRate,5; }",10,10000,BF_MAGIC,"{ specialeffect2 EF_ABSORBSPIRITS; }"; bonus bDelayrate,-5; bonus bMatkRate,5; } "> }, { Id: 2751 AegisName: "Medal_Novice" Name: "Medal of Honor" Type: 5 Buy: 20 Def: 1 Job: 0x00000001 Loc: 136 EquipLv: 70 Refine: false Trade: { nodrop: true notrade: true noselltonpc: true nogstorage: true nomail: true noauction: true } Script: <" bonus2 bAddRace,RC_NonBoss,5; bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Boss,5; bonus bMatkRate,5; bonus bHit,5; bonus bFlee,10; bonus bMaxHP,500; bonus bMaxSP,80; bonus bMdef,3; bonus bCritical,3; bonus bAspdRate,1; bonus3 bAddEff,Eff_Bleeding,100,ATF_SHORT; bonus2 bAddEffWhenHit,Eff_Stone,100; "> }, { Id: 2006 AegisName: "Staff_Of_Light" Name: "Staff Of Light" Type: 4 Buy: 20 Weight: 1900 Atk: 80 Range: 1 Slots: 1 Job: 0x00818314 Loc: 34 WeaponLv: 4 EquipLv: 90 View: 23 Script: <" bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Holy; bonus bMatkRate,15; bonus bInt,6; if(Class==Job_High_Priest||Class==Job_High_Wizard||Class==Job_Soul_Linker||Class==Job_Professor) autobonus "{ bonus2 bIgnoreMdefRate,1,getrefine()*4; bonus2 bIgnoreMdefRate,6,getrefine()*4; }",15,5000,BF_MAGIC,"{ specialeffect2 EF_ABSORBSPIRITS; }"; "> }, { Id: 2691 AegisName: "Dreamstone_Charm" Name: "Dreamstone Charm" Type: 5 Buy: 1 Weight: 100 Slots: 1 Loc: 136 EquipLv: 65 Refine: false Script: <" bonus bHPrecovRate,5; bonus bSPrecovRate,5; bonus bAtkRate,2; bonus bMatkRate,2; "> }, { Id: 13069 AegisName: "Aztoe_Nail" Name: "Aztoe Nail" Type: 4 Buy: 20 Weight: 500 Atk: 125 Range: 1 Job: 0x02860400 Loc: 2 WeaponLv: 4 EquipLv: 95 View: 1 Script: <" bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Wind; bonus bMatkRate,15; .@r = getrefine(); if(.@r>=5) bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Freeze,(getrefine()*200); if(.@r>=7) bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Freeze,(getrefine()*5); "> }, { Id: 2641 AegisName: "Fashionable_Sack" Name: "Fashion Hip Sack" Type: 5 Buy: 20 Weight: 200 Job: 0x00040420 Loc: 136 EquipLv: 50 Refine: false Script: <" bonus bStr,2; bonus bHPrecovRate,10; "> }, { Id: 12813 AegisName: "Peony_Mommy" Name: "Peony Mommy" Type: 0 Weight: 20 Script: <" sc_start4 SC_ARMORPROPERTY,60000,-3,0,5,0; sc_end SC_ORCISH; sc_end SC_CURSE; "> }, { Id: 12812 AegisName: "Snow_Flip" Name: "Snow Flip" Type: 0 Weight: 20 Script: <" sc_start4 SC_ARMORPROPERTY,60000,5,0,0,-3; sc_end SC_DEC_AGI; sc_end SC_BLIND; "> }, { Id: 12814 AegisName: "Slapping_Herb" Name: "Slapping Herb" Type: 0 Weight: 20 Script: <" sc_start4 SC_ARMORPROPERTY,60000,0,-3,0,5; sc_end SC_ILLUSION; sc_end SC_CONFUSION; sc_end SC_SILENCE; "> }, { Id: 12815 AegisName: "Yggdrasil_Dust" Name: "Yggdrasil Dust" Type: 0 Weight: 20 Script: <" sc_start4 SC_ARMORPROPERTY,60000,0,5,-3,0; sc_end SC_POISON; sc_end SC_DPOISON; "> }, { Id: 2146 AegisName: "Silver_Guard" Name: "Silver Guard" Type: 5 Buy: 20 Weight: 650 Def: 3 Slots: 1 Loc: 32 EquipLv: 65 View: 1 Script: <" bonus2 bSubSize,Size_Small,5; "> }, { Id: 13407 AegisName: "Stone_Sword" Name: "Stone Sword" Type: 4 Buy: 20 Weight: 600 Atk: 100 Range: 1 Job: 0x000654E2 Loc: 2 WeaponLv: 4 EquipLv: 40 View: 2 Script: <" bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Earth; bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Stun,300; bonus3 bAutoSpell,WZ_EARTHSPIKE,3,100; if(!isequipped(4198)) skill WZ_EARTHSPIKE,3; "> }, { Id: 13433 AegisName: "Lightning_Bringer" Name: "Lightning Bringer" Type: 4 Buy: 20 Weight: 500 Atk: 100 Range: 1 Job: 0x000654E2 Loc: 2 WeaponLv: 4 EquipLv: 40 View: 3 Script: <" bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Wind; skill MG_LIGHTNINGBOLT,3; bonus3 bAutoSpell,MG_LIGHTNINGBOLT,3,100; "> }, { Id: 13070 AegisName: "Scarletto_Nail" Name: "Scarletto Nail" Type: 4 Buy: 20 Weight: 500 Atk: 125 Range: 1 Job: 0x02860400 Upper: 62 Loc: 2 WeaponLv: 4 EquipLv: 90 View: 1 Script: <" bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Fire; bonus bMatkRate,15; .@r = getrefine(); if(.@r>=5) bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Stone,(getrefine()*4); if(.@r>=7) bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Stone,(getrefine()*4); "> }, { Id: 2543 AegisName: "Sylphid_Manteau" Name: "Sylphid Manteau" Type: 5 Buy: 20 Weight: 450 Def: 2 Slots: 1 Loc: 4 EquipLv: 50 Script: <" bonus bHPrecovRate,5; bonus bSPrecovRate,5; bonus bFlee,5; bonus bFlee2,1; "> }, { Id: 12734 AegisName: "Luxurious_Rune" Name: "Luxurious Rune" Buy: 0 Weight: 100 }, { Id: 12735 AegisName: "Runstone_Ancient" Name: "Ancient Rune" Buy: 0 Weight: 100 }, { Id: 12736 AegisName: "Mystic_Rune" Name: "Mystic Rune" Buy: 0 Weight: 100 }, { Id: 12737 AegisName: "General_Rune" Name: "General Rune" Buy: 0 Weight: 100 }, { Id: 12738 AegisName: "Rare_Rune" Name: "Rare Rune" Buy: 0 Weight: 100 }, { Id: 12612 AegisName: "Old_Coin_Pocket" Name: "Shabby Coin Bag" Type: 2 Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: <" if(rand(1,4)==1) getitem 6420,10; else getitem 6421,28; "> }, { Id: 12613 AegisName: "High_Coin_Pocket" Name: "Nice Coin Bag" Type: 2 Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: <" if(rand(1,4)==1) getitem 6418,4; else getitem 6419,12; "> }, { Id: 12614 AegisName: "Mid_Coin_Pocket" Name: "Normal Coin Bag" Type: 2 Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: <" if(rand(1,4)==1) getitem 6419,6; else getitem 6420,20; "> }, { Id: 12615 AegisName: "Low_Coin_Pocket" Name: "Poor Coin Bag" Type: 2 Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: <" if(rand(1,4)==1) getitem 6421,14; else getitem 6422,40; "> }, { Id: 12616 AegisName: "Sgrade_Pocket" Name: "Premium Coin Bag" Type: 2 Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: <" if(rand(1,4)==1) getitem 6423,2; else getitem 6418,4; "> },