//===== eAthena/rAthena Script ======================================= //= Find the Mushroom (Automatic) //===== By: ================================================== //= Mysterious //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 3.3 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= eAthena / rAthena SVN //===== Description: ========================================= //= Find the Mushroom - random amount of Mushrooms spawns in random maps. //= Players need to find these mushrooms and kill them to gain prizes! //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= 1.0 | First release [Mysterious] //= 1.1 | Players when clicked on NPC, it will show them if the event is currently on, the map it is on, and the Prize that is given [Mysterious] //= 1.2 | Added an Stop and Start function [Mysterious] //= 1.3 | GMs can now Start or Stop the event [Mysterious] //= 1.4 | There is still the OnMinute timer [Mysterious] //= 1.5 | Kept old Input Item ID format -> Now removed the Input Map Format [Mysterious] //= 1.6 | Added a random loop for maps [Mysterious] //= 1.7 | Changed the Start Event layout [Mysterious] //= 1.8 | Mushroom will spawn in a map picked by the npc [Mysterious] //= 1.9 | Added random amount of Mushroms Spawned [Mysterious] //= 2.0 | Added a map announce for the winner, instead of global announce [Mysterious] //= 2.1 | Rewritten format [Mysterious] //= 2.2 | Added description of array in certain areas [Mysterious] //= 2.3 | Fixed Typos [Mysterious] //= 2.4 | Rearranged certain Areas [Mysterious] //= 2.5 | Fixed certain map server errors spit outs [Mysterious] //= 2.6 | Adjusted and made brackets more friendly [Mysterious] //= 2.7 | Fixed item drop issue [Mysterious] //= 2.8 | Fixed event status checked [Mysterious] //= 2.9 | Fixed Credits, Description, Notes [Mysterious] //= 3.0 | Fully Functional with Rewritten script [Mysterious] //= 3.1 | Added more Friendly messages [Mysterious] //= 3.2 | Fixed a Typo :< [Mysterious] //= 3.3 | Made it clear that this script is Automatic and the other is Manual [Mysterious] //============================================================ xxxx,xxx,xxx,x script Find the Mushroom 1084,{ if((.Status ) == 0) { mes "[ Find The Mushroom ]"; mes "There is no event at the moment!"; } else { mes "There are "+.Mushroom+"s left in "+.Map$+" now!"; mes "Find and Kill the mushrooms to gain !"; } close; OnMinute10: set .Spawn,rand(1,10); //How much Mushrooms should we spawn? set $@ran, rand(1,4); //Which map should we spawn Mushrooms in? if ($@ran == 4) set .Map$,"izlude"; if ($@ran == 3) set .Map$,"geffen"; if ($@ran == 2) set .Map$,"morocc"; if ($@ran == 1) set .Map$,"prontera"; killmonster .Map$,"All"; monster .Map$,0,0,"Please don't kill me!",1084,.Spawn,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnMobKilled"; announce "Find the Mushroom : Total of "+.Spawn+" Mushrooms have been Spawned in "+.Map$+"!",0; sleep2 10000; announce "Find the Mushroom : Every single Mushroom you kill will give you !",0; sleep2 10000; end; OnMobKilled: set .Spawn,.Spawn - 1; getitem ID,AMOUNT; //Add the ItemID and Amount you wish to give as a prize. To add more prizes, just add more getitem ID,AMOUNT; if( .Spawn ) announce "[ "+strcharinfo(0)+" ] has killed 1 Mushroom. There are now "+.Spawn+" Mushroom(s) left.",bc_map; else { announce "Find the Mushroom Event has ended. All the Mushrooms have been Killed.",0; set .Status,0; } end; }