prontera,147,190,5 script Last Man Standing 100,{ if ( !.start ) { mes "You can register later after i announce."; mes "Thanks :)"; close; } if ( .start == 2 ) { mes "event is running"; close; } if ( .register_count >= .register_limit ) { mes "this event has reach the maximum player participations"; close; } percentheal 100,100; warp "pvp_n_1-3", 0,0; .register_aid[ .register_count ] = getcharid(3); .register_count+++; end; OnWhisperGlobal: if ( getgmlevel() < 60 ) end; OnMinute00: if ( .start == 2 ) callsub L_resetmap; else if ( .start == 1 ) end; announce "LMS event registration start", 0; .start = 1; sleep2 10000; // registration timer here announce "LMS event registration close", 0; .start = 2; sleep2 3000; mapannounce "pvp_n_1-3", "THIS IS SPARTA !!!!!", 0; if ( .register_count < .register_min ) { announce "not enough participants for LMS event", 0; mapwarp "pvp_n_1-3", .map$, .x, .y; callsub L_resetmap; end; } pvpon "pvp_n_1-3"; end; OnPCDieEvent: OnPCLogoutEvent: if ( .start != 2 || strcharinfo(3) != "pvp_n_1-3" ) end; while ( .register_aid != getcharid(3) && .@i < .register_count ) .@i++; deletearray .register_aid[.@i], 1; .register_count--; warp "SavePoint", 0,0; if ( .register_count > 1 ) end; killmonsterall "pvp_n_1-3"; announce "congratulations ~ the winner of LMS event is "+ rid2name( .register_aid ), 0; getitem .reward_item_id, .reward_item_amount, .register_aid; // winner prize warpchar "SavePoint", 0,0, getcharid( 0, rid2name( .register_aid ) ); callsub L_reset; end; L_resetmap: mapwarp "pvp_n_1-3", .map$, .x, .y; L_reset: .start = 0; deletearray .register_aid; .register_count = 0; pvpoff "pvp_n_1-3"; return; OnInit: getmapxy .map$, .x, .y, 1; .register_min = 2; // minimum amount of players to start this event, or else it auto-abort .register_limit = 100; // maximum amount of players able to participate in this event .reward_item_id = 7248; .reward_item_amount = 30; end; } pvp_n_1-3 mapflag nosave SavePoint pvp_n_1-3 mapflag nowarp pvp_n_1-3 mapflag nowarpto pvp_n_1-3 mapflag noteleport pvp_n_1-3 mapflag nomemo pvp_n_1-3 mapflag nopenalty //pvp_n_1-3 mapflag nobranch pvp_n_1-3 mapflag noicewall pvp_n_1-3 mapflag pvp_noparty pvp_n_1-3 mapflag pvp_noguild