//= Poring Catcher - Auto Event Script //===== By: ================================================================================= //= Washi - www.EarthBound-RO.com //===== Compatible With: ==================================================================== //= Any eAthena Version //===== Description: ======================================================================== //= Single NPC that starts automatically starts every hour. //===== Additional Comments: ================================================================ //= This script is a combenation of the Dice Event by [Mahina] //= and the origonal Poring Catcher Event by [Wild Karrd] //=========================================================================================== //= OnMinute - Change this to the minute you would like this script to load. [ LINE 22 ] //= getitem - Change this to the Item ID of your prize. [ LINE 118 ] //=========================================================================================== //-------------------------------------------------- //eden,24,63,0 warp poringevent 2,2,uro_event01,0,0 //-------------------------------------------------- caspen,213,256,4 script Poring Catcher#evnt2 445,{ mes "This is the Poring Catcher arena."; next; if(getgmlevel() >= 90) { mes "Start event?"; next; menu "Yes",-; clos goto OnEnable;} close; end; OnEnable: mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Catcher : 100 different Porings will be summoned.",0; sleep2 1000; mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Catcher : Only one of these Porings is the correct Poring.",0; sleep2 1000; mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Catcher : The correct Poring is called [ Poring ], all the other Porings have different names.",0; sleep2 1000; mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Catcher : The first one to kill the correct Poring wins!",0; sleep2 1000; mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Catcher : That's that.. Now let's play...",0; sleep2 5000; goto L_Start; end; L_Start: mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Catcher : 5",0; sleep2 1000; mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Catcher : 4",0; sleep2 1000; mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Catcher : 3",0; sleep2 1000; mapannounce "poring_w011","Poring Catcher : 2",0; sleep2 1000; mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Catcher : 1",0; sleep2 1000; mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Catcher : Lets Do This!",0; areamonster "poring_w01",76,108,106,89,"Poring",1002,1,"poringwin::OnMobKilled"; areamonster "poring_w01",76,108,106,89,"Pouring",1002,10,"poringlose::OnMobKilled"; areamonster "poring_w01",76,108,106,89,"Proing",1002,10,"poringlose::OnMobKilled"; areamonster "poring_w01",76,108,106,89,"Poiring",1002,10,"poringlose::OnMobKilled"; areamonster "poring_w01",76,108,106,89,"Poing",1002,10,"poringlose::OnMobKilled"; areamonster "poring_w01",76,108,106,89,"I am not Poring",1002,5,"poringlose::OnMobKilled"; areamonster "poring_w01",76,108,106,89,"Gniriop",1002,1,"poringlose::OnMobKilled"; areamonster "poring_w01",76,108,106,89,"Poring",1113,1,"poringlose::OnMobKilled"; areamonster "poring_w01",76,108,106,89,"Poring",1062,1,"poringlose::OnMobKilled"; areamonster "poring_w01",76,108,106,89,"Poriiing",1002,10,"poringlose::OnMobKilled"; areamonster "poring_w01",76,108,106,89,"PoriNg",1002,10,"poringlose::OnMobKilled"; areamonster "poring_w01",76,108,106,89,"Porong",1002,10,"poringlose::OnMobKilled"; areamonster "poring_w01",76,108,106,89,"P0ring",1002,10,"poringlose::OnMobKilled"; areamonster "poring_w01",76,108,106,89,"Por1ng",1002,10,"poringlose::OnMobKilled"; areamonster "poring_w01",76,108,106,89,"Porng",1002,1,"poringlose::OnMobKilled"; end; } - script poringwin -1,{ OnMobKilled: dispbottom "Poring : Congratulations. You've found the correct poring!"; getitem 7711,3; set $pcatch,$pcatch+1; //warp "eden",62,39; if($pcatch >=1){ killmonster "poring_w01","All"; mapannounce "poring_w01","The event has ended! You will be warped out of the arena in 10 seconds. Better luck next time!",bc_map,0xFF6633; sleep2 10000; set $pcatch,0; areawarp "poring_w01.gat",0,0,1000,1000,"caspen.gat",181,228; } end; } - script poringlose -1,{ OnMobKilled: dispbottom "Poring Catcher : I wasn't the correct Poring.. try again!"; sc_start SC_Stone,10000,0; warp "caspen",181,228; end; } caspen,188,223,5 script Poring Catch::pcatchan 441,{ mes "[Poring Catcher]"; mes "The Poring Catcher Event runs four times daily at the following times:"; mes "^FF000006:00 Server Time"; mes "10:00 Server Time"; mes "14:00 Server Time"; mes "20:00 Server Time^000000"; mes "And the award is 3 Event Ticket if you win. Good luck!"; close; end; OnInit: // disablenpc "poringevent"; hideonnpc "Poring Catcher#evnt2"; end; OnClock2200: OnClock1030: OnClock1530: OnClock2030: announce "Poring Catcher : It's time to play Poring Catcher! Please visit a the Event Room section of Caspen to participate. The event will begin in 60 seconds-- hurry!",0; killmonster "poring_w01","All"; sleep2 10000; npctalk "Poring Catcher : Please await further instruction."; sleep2 10000; npctalk "Poring Catcher : After one minute the portal will close."; sleep2 10000; npctalk "Poring Catcher : Enter the warp portal now if you want to join."; // enablenpc "poringevent"; initnpctimer; end; OnTimer30000: npctalk "Poring Catcher : Last 30 seconds."; sleep2 5000; npctalk "Poring Catcher : Hurry to the portal if you wish to join.."; end; OnTimer50000: npctalk "Poring Catcher : Last 10 seconds."; end; OnTimer55000: npctalk "Poring Catcher : 5."; end; OnTimer56000: npctalk "Poring Catcher : 4."; end; OnTimer57000: npctalk "Poring Catcher : 3."; end; OnTimer58000: npctalk "Poring Catcher : 2."; end; OnTimer59000: npctalk "Poring Catcher : 1."; end; OnTimer60000: npctalk "Poring Catcher : Time's up. The portal will open again at the next session."; end; OnTimer61000: disablenpc "poringevent"; donpcevent "Poring Catcher#evnt2::OnEnable"; stopnpctimer; end; } // -- Mapflags poring_w01 mapflag nowarp poring_w01 mapflag nowarpto poring_w01 mapflag noteleport poring_w01 mapflag nosave poring_w01 mapflag nomemo poring_w01 mapflag nobranch poring_w01 mapflag noloot poring_w01 mapflag noskill poring_w01 mapflag nopenalty