//Removal of Official NPCs - script warpRemove FAKENPC,{ OnInit: disablenpc("xmas_dun1-1"); disablenpc("xmas_dun1-2"); disablenpc("Mr. Claus"); disablenpc("xmas_fild2"); disablenpc("Bulletin Board#23"); end; } //== lutia01: Lutia Coast (lutia01) ============================ lutia01,0,0,0,0 monster Marin 1242,30,5000,0,0 lutia01,0,0,0,0 monster Snow Bunny 2501,50,5000,0,0 lutia01,0,0,0,0 boss_monster Mastermarin 2523,1,300000,300000,0 lutia01,0,0,0,0 monster Garm Baby 1515,3,300000,0,0 lutia01,0,0,0,0 monster Sasquatch 1243,3,300000,0,0 //== lutia02: Northern Lutie (lutia02) ================================ lutia02,0,0,0,0 monster Santa Poring 1062,35,5000,0,0 lutia02,0,0,0,0 monster Santa Poporing 2512,40,5000,0,0 lutia02,0,0,0,0 monster Marin 1242,25,5000,0,0 lutia02,0,0,0,0 monster Snow Bunny 2501,10,10000,0,0 //Remember to comment or remove the old toy factory warps //Lutie Field01->New Lutie Entrance Map xmas_fild01,43,64,0 warp lutia01 1,2,lutia01,277,264 lutia01,283,264,0 warp lutia02 1,12,xmas_fild01,48,64 //lutie~north field xmas,143,313,0 warp lutia03 1,1,lutia02,185,32 xmas,136,332,0 warp lutia04 1,1,lutia02,161,23 lutia02,186,27,0 warp lutia05 1,1,xmas,143,309 lutia02,161,17,0 warp lutia06 1,1,xmas,136,329 lutia02,147,109,0 warp lutia07 1,1,xmas_dun01,206,19 xmas_dun01,206,12,0 warp lutia08 1,1,lutia02,147,105 aldebaran,222,221,4 script Lutia Travel Agent#1 4_F_06,{ mes "[Lutia Travel Agent]"; mes "Hello there! Do you want to visit Lutia? It's great during this time of the year!~"; next; switch(select("Inquire", "Go to Lutia'", "Cancel")) { case 1: mes "[Lutia Travel Agent]"; mes "Lutia's a country far northeast of Hugel. It houses several towns and villages. Its capital city, Kaldheim, is home to The Great Library, the largest library in all of Midgard!"; next; mes "[Lutia Travel Agent]"; mes "It's an amazing land blessed with the beauty of winter, and a year round atmosphere of festivity!"; next; mes "[Lutia Travel Agent]"; mes "I'm stationed here to guide people to Lutia. Ask me at any time, and I'll send you there~"; next; mes "[Lutia Travel Agent]"; mes "There's also travel agents at the port in Alberta and Hugel, in case you're in those towns and wish to visit the land of eternal winters~"; close; case 2: close2; warp "lutia01",43,144; end; case 3: mes "[Lutia Travel Agent]"; mes "If you want to visit Lutia, just let me know!"; close; } } alberta,195,138,3 duplicate(Lutia Travel Agent#1) Lutia Travel Agent#2 4_F_06 hugel,189,113,4 duplicate(Lutia Travel Agent#1) Lutia Travel Agent#3 4_F_06 lutia01,44,149,4 script Sailor#lutia01 4_M_05,{ mes "[Lutia Sailor]"; mes "Do you want to return to Alberta?"; next; switch(select("Yes:Nah")) { case 1: mes "[Lutia Sailor]"; mes "Let's go then."; close2; warp "alberta",192,135; end; case 2: mes "[Lutia Sailor]"; mes "There's much to do around here. Have fun, enjoy yourself."; close; } } //Husky Hat, repeatable lutia02,177,300,4 script Laurie#huskyhat 4_F_KID2,{ setarray .@items, Fur, White_Dyestuffs, Animal's_Skin, Fluff, Resist_Water; setarray .@amount, 30, 10, 75, 40, 1; // Checking weight if ((MaxWeight-Weight) < 200) { mes "[Laurie]"; mes "Your can't carry any more items, go store some stuff!"; close; } else if (checkweight(18891,1) == 0) { mes "[Laurie]"; mes "Your can't carry any more items, go store some stuff!"; close; } mes "[Laurie]"; mes "You look like you're not from around here."; mes "Are ya used to the cold yet?"; next; mes "[Laurie]"; mes "Want a hat to protect your head from the cold?"; next; if (select("I'm not interested:Sure, why not") == 1) { mes "[Laurie]"; mes "Don't come crying to me if you die from hypothermia then!"; close; } if (callfunc("F_CheckItem", .@items, .@amount)) { mes "[Laurie]"; mes "Yay, you got everything I need already!"; next; mes "[Laurie]"; mes "Give me a while to make the hat like mommy showed me."; next; if (select("Wait, nevermind:Okay") == 1) { mes "[Laurie]"; mes "You don't want it anymore!? Why so indecisive!"; close; } mes "[Laurie]"; mes "Okay, I'll start."; next; emotion e_swt2; progressbar "0x00FF00", 30; mes "[Laurie]"; mes "Aaaand..."; next; mes "[Laurie]"; mes "Here, a Husky Hat!"; callfunc("F_DeleteItem", .@items, .@amount); getitem 18891,1; //husky hat emotion e_no1; next; mes "[Laurie]"; mes "See ya later!"; close; } mes "[Laurie]"; mes "If you bring me some materials, I can make you a ^0000FFcute hat resembling a dog^000000."; next; mes "[Laurie]"; mes "Bring me:^0000FF"; callfunc("F_PrintItemList", .@items, .@amount); mes "^000000I will make you a ^0000FFcute hat resembling a dog^000000 then."; next; if (select("No thanks:Sure")==1) { mes "[Laurie]"; mes "When you die of hypothermia, you'll be sorry!"; close; } mes "[Laurie]"; mes "Bring me:^0000FF"; callfunc("F_PrintItemList", .@items, .@amount); close; } //Flavor NPC lutia02,157,299,5 script Villager#lutia02 4_F_05,{ mes "[Villager]"; mes "The snowstorms have gotten fiercer recently..."; mes "We can barely go for a walk nowadays."; close; } lutia02,273,321,4 script Worker#Lu02 4_M_SITDOWN,{ if(LutiaTrain == 35){ //train quest done mes "[Worker]"; mes "I'm so glad the train is working again. I can get back to work soon."; } mes "[Worker]"; mes "The train company hasn't been offering its services for some time now."; next; mes "[Worker]"; mes "Yet I'm still asked to stand around here to do nothing."; close; }