/* Treasure Hunter Script Version 1.0 Created by: Aeromesi - with @commands for ease-of-use! - '@repeathunt' - Allow you to repeat the previous Treasure Hunt setup you made! - '@treasurehunt' - Able to start off by creating Treasure Hunter settings. Able to disable or delete the setup to start configuring new treasure hunter event. (Note: It will be able to tell if created or event is active.) - '@joinhunt' - Allow player to warp to the designated map where event is being held. */ prontera,156,152,4 script Treasure Hunter 4_TREASURE_BOX,{ mes .Tname$; if( $@Treasure_Active ) { mes "Information"; mes "Map event is active: ^FF0000"+$TMapDetails$+"^000000"; mes "Treasure Info:"; mes "1. [^7D26CD"+strmobinfo(1,1346)+"^000000] x (^0000FF"+$NormalTreasureAM+"^000000)."; mes "2. [^7D26CD"+strmobinfo(1,1346)+"^000000] x (^0000FF"+$SpecialTreasureAM+"^000000)."; mes "Special Treasure Chest Reward:: "+getitemname( $TITEM_ID )+" x "+$COIN_AMOUNT+" "; mes "Last Chest Reward: "+getitemname( $LITEM_ID )+" x "+$COIN2_AMOUNT+""; close; } else mes "No Treasure Hunt in-progress"; close; OnInit: .Tname$ = "[^8B3626Treasure Hunter^000000]"; end; } - script TreasureHunt#CMD -,{ OnInit: .treasure_name$ = "[^8B3626Treasure Hunter^000000]"; bindatcmd "treasurehunt",strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnAtTreasureHunt"; bindatcmd "repeathunt",strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnAtRepeatTreasureHunt"; bindatcmd "joinhunt",strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnAtJoinTreasureHunt"; end; OnAtJoinTreasureHunt: if( !$@Treasure_Active ) { dispbottom "No Treasure Hunter Event In-Progress."; end; } else warp $TMapDetails$, 0 ,0; dispbottom "Successfully joined Treasure Hunter Event."; end; OnAtRepeatTreasureHunt: if(getgmlevel() >= 99) { if( $@Treasure_Active ) { dispbottom "Treasure Hunter Event is currently active."; end; } else if($TLast_Setup) { $@Treasure_Active++; donpcevent ("TreasureHunt#CMD::OnCounterReset"); announce "Treasure Hunter Event has been restarted by GM "+strcharinfo(0)+"!",bc_all; sleep2 2500; donpcevent ("TreasureHunt#CMD::OnStartEvent"); end; } else dispbottom "You haven't setup a Treasure Hunter Event before."; end; } else end; OnAtTreasureHunt: if(getgmlevel() >= 99) { mes .treasure_name$; if ($TLast_Setup >= 1 ) { mes "Delete last Setup or Disable Event?"; switch(select("Delete last Setup","Disable Treasure Hunt","Exit")) { case 1: if( $@Treasure_Active ) { mes "Currently the Treasure Hunt is active. Disable or finish the event to delete your setup."; close; } else $TLast_Setup = 0; mes "Previous setup deleted. Proceed using '^ff0000@treasurehunt^000000' to create a new Treasure Hunt Event."; close; case 2: if( $@Treasure_Active ) { mes "Would you like to Disable/Prematurely end Treasure Hunt for whatever reason?"; next; switch(select("Yes please.:No thanks!")) { case 1: mes "You will now warp to the map in order to destroy the invasion that's in-progress."; next; warp $TMapDetails$,0,0; sleep2 4000; $@Treasure_Active = 0; killmonster $TMapDetails$,"All"; sleep2 1000; atcommand "@cleanmap"; announce "Treasure Hunt has been disabled by GM "+strcharinfo(0)+".",bc_map; end; case 2: mes .treasure_name$; mes "Alrighty then!"; close; } } else mes "Treasure Hunt is currently not active."; close; case 3: close; } } else mes "Create Treasure Hunt?"; next; switch(select( "[Event] Treasure Hunt", "Exit")) { case 1: if ($@Treasure_Active) { mes .treasure_name$; mes "Currently there is a Treasure Hunt in session. Please wait until it is over or Disable in the GM options to end the Treasure Hunt Event prematurely."; close; } mes .treasure_name$; mes "Please input the map you want to start the Treasure Hunt Event."; MAP_DETAILS: if ( input( $TMapDetails$, 4, 23 ) ) { dispbottom " Please input a valid map name with length between 4~23"; callsub MAP_DETAILS; end; } if ( getmapusers($TMapDetails$) == -1 ) { dispbottom "Please input a valid mapname."; callsub MAP_DETAILS; end; } mes "Alright, so the map we chose is ^FF0000"+$TMapDetails$+"^000000."; next; mes .treasure_name$; mes "How many of Normal Treasure Chests would you like to spawn?"; next; NORMAL_INPUT: input $NormalTreasureAM; if($NormalTreasureAM == 0) { dispbottom "Sorry, but it's impossible to enter 0 Normal Treasure Chests."; dispbottom "Please reinput Normal Treasure Chests amount."; callsub NORMAL_INPUT; end; } mes .treasure_name$; mes "Alright, Normal Treasure Chest amount will be x ("+$NormalTreasureAM+")."; next; mes .treasure_name$; mes "How many of Special Treasure Chests would you like to spawn?"; SPECIAL_INPUT: input $SpecialTreasureAM; if($SpecialTreasureAM == 0) { dispbottom "Sorry, but it's impossible to enter 0 Special Treasure Chests."; dispbottom "Please reinput Special Treasure Chest's amount."; callsub SPECIAL_INPUT; end; } mes "Alright, Special Treasure Chest amount will be x ("+$SpecialTreasureAM+")."; next; mes .treasure_name$; mes "Now input the item ID for the Special Treasure Chests."; TITEM_ID: input $TITEM_ID; if($TITEM_ID == 0) { dispbottom "Sorry, but it's impossible to enter 0 for Item ID."; dispbottom "Please reinput the total amount of Rewards you'd like players to get per-kill."; callsub TITEM_ID; end; } next; mes .treasure_name$; mes "Now input the item ID for the Lucky Player who finds the last Chest."; LITEM_ID: input $LITEM_ID; if($LITEM_ID == 0) { dispbottom "Sorry, but it's impossible to enter 0 for Item ID."; dispbottom "Please reinput the total amount of Rewards you'd like players to get per-kill."; callsub LITEM_ID; end; } next; mes .treasure_name$; mes "Now input amount of Reward you would like player to receive from Special Treasure Chest:"; ITEM1_AMOUNT: input $COIN_AMOUNT; if($COIN_AMOUNT == 0) { dispbottom "Sorry, but it's impossible to enter 0 for Rewards."; dispbottom "Please reinput the total amount of Rewards you'd like players to get per-kill."; callsub ITEM1_AMOUNT; end; } next; mes .treasure_name$; mes "Now input amount of Reward you would like the lucky player to recieve from finding the Last Treasure Chest:"; ITEM2_AMOUNT: input $COIN2_AMOUNT; if($COIN2_AMOUNT == 0) { dispbottom "Sorry, but it's impossible to enter 0 for Rewards."; dispbottom "Please reinput the total amount of Rewards you'd like the lucky player to get."; callsub ITEM2_AMOUNT; end; } next; mes .treasure_name$; mes "Now activating Treasure Hunter Event."; close2; $TLast_Setup++; $@Treasure_Active++; $SpecialTreasureCount = $SpecialTreasureAM; donpcevent ("TreasureHunt#CMD::OnStartEvent"); end; OnStartEvent: announce "The Special Treasure Chest Event has started on "+$TMapDetails$+" Please type '@joinhunt' to find some Treasure!",bc_all; // Normal Treasure Chest monster $TMapDetails$,0,0,"Treasure Chest",1346,$NormalTreasureAM,("TreasureHunt#CMD::OnKillNormal"); // Special Treasure Chest monster $TMapDetails$,0,0,"Treasure Chest",1346,$SpecialTreasureAM,("TreasureHunt#CMD::OnKillSpecial"); end; OnCounterReset: $SpecialTreasureCount = $SpecialTreasureAM; end; OnKillNormal: announce "You found an empty treasure chest! Keep looking more!",bc_self; sleep2 200; atcommand "@cleanmap"; end; OnKillSpecial: if($SpecialTreasureCount <= 1) { $@Treasure_Active = 0; getitem $LITEM_ID, $COIN_AMOUNT; // $SpecialTreasureCount = $SpecialTreasureAM; killmonster $TMapDetails$,"All"; sleep2 1000; atcommand "@cleanmap"; announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has obtained the Last Treasure Chest! Congratulations!",bc_all; sleep2 2500; announce "The Treasure Hunter Event has ended. Thanks for all who participated! Hope you enjoyed!",bc_all; donpcevent ("CentralCommands#CM::OnCounterReset"); // announce "Poring Event has ended.",bc_all; end; } else $SpecialTreasureCount--; announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has found a Special Treasure Chest! Only "+$SpecialTreasureCount+" are left!",bc_all; getitem $LITEM_ID, $COIN2_AMOUNT; sleep2 200; atcommand "@cleanmap"; // donpcevent ("PoringEvent#sp::OnFinishCheck"); end; case 2: close; } } else end; }